
Inspired by Google DeepMind’s team, Shakir Mohamed, William Isaac, and Implikit’s founder Marie-Therese Png article, Decolonial AI, my experience with Data Science and readings, I’ll try to propose a production strategy that compensates the lack of scalable ethics in Data Science Systems and make it embedded since the beginning of the development, saving the cost of change later.

受Google DeepMind团队Shakir Mohamed,William Isaac和Implikit创始人Marie-Therese Png文章Decolonial AI的启发,我对数据科学和阅读的经验,我将尝试提出一种生产策略,以弥补数据中缺乏可扩展的道德规范自从开发之初就开始使用Science Systems并将其嵌入,从而节省了以后的更改成本。

问题 (The Problem)

The main problem that I’ll approach might be kind of obvious.


Data Science does not implement efficient and scalable Ethical guidelines. At least, yet.

数据科学没有实施有效且可扩展的道德准则。 至少呢。

But, in my opinion, it could be reformulated, as:


Today, Data Science is not Customer Centric.


The reason, I'll detail along the article is:


Implicitly, our work might be motivated by solely on optimizing revenue, costs, human and non-human operational resources under the facade of enriching Customer Experience when we are launching Data-based products.


This is as complicated to say as is it to tackle.


But I'll explain it and argue along this article that with Architectural principles from Software Engineering, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel.


Without losing money (or our jobs, for the sake of productivity).


上下文 (The Context)

We see we live, and it’s pretty clear.


Data Science and Software Engineering novelties are bringing lots of innovations, opportunities, but also reinforcing social inequalities and dishonesty.


For example, thanks to the social network recommendation systems, radical skepticism is becoming almost a needed practice to consume information on the web.


And it shouldn’t be like this, because doing so it’s exhausting, and not everyone is willing to do it.


If some of us do it, we are getting tired, and we are already tired of other consumption cycles, personal problems, and the current international healthcare and political crisis.


Unfortunately, who endorsed this situation, specifically in the information domain?


In my opinion, we, the Data practitioners.


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Possibly, this is you right now.

I agree, it’s not like we made it, but let’s be frank, we've let things get out of control.


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You too.

We are acting like Software Engineers once did in enterprises.


It really costed them to build stable and good practices, but eventually, it paid off. Usually, they are seen as independent workers, with their own practices and ethics. Practices and ethics that actually, we use almost all of them.

建立稳定和良好的实践确实使他们付出了代价,但最终却获得了回报。 通常,他们被视为具有自己的实践和道德准则的独立工人。 实际上,我们几乎都使用了实践和道德规范。

But, this independence does not follow for Data practitioners yet.


We import many practices from Software Engineering, but our dependencies have very different behaviors since we deal with personal data artifacts.


And as I saw from other companies, interviews, talking to friends in the field, the production cycle train of thought ends up being "will it pay-off for the company or for my team?".


The thing about it is that we usually put the customer only in the beginning and at the end of the process.


We should be thinking about them along all of the processes.


For instance, the recent GPT-3, made by an enormous company like OpenAI, and I didn’t see any pieces of evidence of ethical practices in production. The model is too complex, too big to unbiased effectively.

例如,最近由像OpenAI这样的大公司生产的GPT-3,我没有看到任何有关生产中道德规范的证据。 该模型太复杂,太大而无法有效地进行偏置。

Possibly they’ve used explainability techniques in the model, but is this enough?


Could this avoid GPT-3 producing sophisticated fake news?


Can underdeveloped countries fight these effectively? Or will they be subjected to the will of an elite that will do according to their ethics? It is of the interest of countries at war “want” to discover if the news of each other is fake, or will they use fake news to fuel rage upon each other?

欠发达国家可以有效地与之抗争吗? 还是会服从按照道德规范行事的精英人士的意志? 发现“彼此”的消息是否是伪造的,还是它们会利用伪造的消息在彼此之间激怒,是否符合“想要”战争国家的利益?

Can an underdeveloped country make its own GPT-3 model compete with OpenAI?


My point is, that maybe we're not thinking enough about the implications of our models.


And that while we continue to be educated by governments and their laws, we are not maturing the area enough.


Good professional ethics in the field should transcend our local domain problems, and we should start to effectively embed and advocate in our practice ethical concerns.

该领域的良好职业道德应该超越我们当地的问题,我们应该开始有效地将道德 问题纳入和倡导实践。

For starters, just because we use Data from the user or because we talk with them from time to time, it doesn't mean we really care, or that we are thinking about the user, being Customer Centric.


Maybe that's a mixture of Product Centrism and Direct Marketing, but not Customer-Centric.


For me, being Customer Centric it's when the Customer comes to our mind in the whole production cycle, embeds care, wishes success for them, and not because we use them for production.


We should really learn the impact, positive or negative of our work, and not make ethics a rhetorical tool for positive, humane marketing.


我们正在成为技术专家吗? (Are we becoming technocrats?)

And this rhetoric might be endorsed by the predominant technocrat perspective in the field.


While we excessively value the technical side of Data Science, pure Data as our guide, modeling complex Machine Learning models, we are not being serious about our social responsibilities.


Many of us suppose our work is neutral, but as I see it:


Data = People.


And not thinking like this it seems to me to be a backward, especially when we're establishing ethical directives. Ethics starts to look like it's a detail of our system, a marketing tool.

而且我不这样想,这似乎是一种落后,特别是在我们建立道德规范时。 道德开始看起来像是我们系统的一种细节,一种营销工具。

Do you know that Christmas ornament? That one we put in the ending? Looks like what we're making of ethics.

你知道那个圣诞节装饰品吗? 我们把那个放在结尾吗? 看起来像我们在讲道德。

But, shouldn't it be?


I don't think so.


And to showcase the lack of neutrality of our work, how power is under every relationship, I'll try to summarize my point with two subjects commonly seen as neutral in society, that relates very closely in Data Science, both Science and Language.


首先,科学。 (First, Science.)

Like any other institution, is moved by the engine of interests and desires. There are those who make decisions of what is relevant or not, of what gets published or not based on variable criteria.

像任何其他机构一样,它是由利益和欲望的动力所驱动的。 有些人根据可变的标准来决定是否相关,是否发布哪些内容。

Kevin C. Elliott and Daniel J. McKaughan described well at the Philosophy of Science paper “Non-epistemic Values and the Multiple Goals of Science”.

凯文·埃利奥特(Kevin C. Elliott)和丹尼尔·麦考恩(Daniel J. McKaughan)在《科学哲学》论文“非流行性价值观和科学的多重目标”中作了很好的描述。

In summary, they argue that non-epistemic values (those not related to knowledge itself) also direct science growth, not only pure and quality knowledge since they depend on someone to approve the definition of what is “ purity” and “ quality”.


第二,语言。 (Second, language.)

Another example is the mathematical language. If we consider mathematics a language, modeling of phenomena, there is a filter of information as in any other model and group of people who speak it.

另一个例子是数学语言。 如果我们认为数学是一种语言,一种现象的建模,那么就像任何其他模型和说话的人一样,信息过滤器也是如此。

We could ask:


Who usually practice mathematics?


What’s the ratio of black woman and white males in math academia? LGBTQI+?

在学术界,黑人女性和白人男性的比例是多少? LGBTQI +?

Segmenting by country, how is it in the USA? In Brazil? In Venezuela? In Argentina? In China?

按国家细分,在美国如何? 在巴西? 在委内瑞拉? 在阿根廷? 在中国?

Another dimension of language is regional:


What are the proportion of mathematical Portuguese articles in science that have more than 1.000 citations in relation to English?


Is English that “universal”? Or is “dominant”?

英语是“通用”吗? 还是“显性”?

If we assume that English is “universal”, what does that mean for approximately 95% of the Brazillians that doesn't speak it?


Are they inferior? Or they lack opportunity and infrastructure?

他们是自卑的吗? 还是他们缺乏机会和基础设施?

As we question, and question, power structures start to unveil, even for language itself.


In the context of Data Science - sure - the poor, uninformed, minorities in power can produce Data Science.


But what are the odds that they will make their own best practices for their context? Do they have sustainable infrastructure to practice?

但是,他们会根据自己的情况制定最佳实践的可能性有多大? 他们有可实践的可持续基础设施吗?

Or will they follow international guidelines, that probably doesn’t think about them? Implement solutions in their context that might be more damaging than positive in the long run?

还是他们会遵循可能不考虑它们的国际准则? 在他们的环境中实施解决方案,从长远来看可能比积极的解决方案更具破坏性?

For me, it's pretty clear that:


Data Science is far from neutral.


And this should be something we need to act upon if we are serious about it.


If we continue to act and think only based on technical valuation and conception, on pure data, we will inevitably end up excluding others, excluding minorities of our workflow, and producing biased products and experience.


That's why Ethics and Customer-Centric philosophy are heavily important for a sustainable Data Science practice.


For me, this is maintained today because of two factors:


  1. The way the Data practices were built around Operational Research in the context of companies, and how it didn't address the Customer-Centric model;

  2. Because of how we are implementing our system in Agile practice today.


1º原因:“数据科学”有何目的? (1º Reason: “Data Science” for what purpose?)

There is a possibility that we are heirs of problems not solved by another data-based field, Operational Research (OR).


For those who don’t know, since the II World War, Operational Research was the main Data-based technique being used, focused on optimizing resource allocations to win the war.


Maximizing and minimizing resources for some specific goal, or as we might call, the objective function.


The philosophy of optimal production, performance independent of the circumstances, was really attractive then and later in the '60s.


Not a surprise that it became a success. Since then, it became a powerful tool for optimizing cost-benefit relationships in enterprise production until today.

它成功了就不足为奇了。 从那时起,直到今天,它已成为在企业生产中优化成本-收益关系的有力工具。

Usually, an Operational Research model structures itself in three attributes:


  • The decision variables, or the resource variables that we will use for obtaining our objectives;

  • Objective functions, usually a function of the decision variables that we want to minimize or maximize;

  • Restrictions, that will make the contour of the solution space of our problem.


There are companies solutions like ILOG CPLEX from IBM, Gurobi Solvers, these apply specific methods for each kind of problem using Dual-Simplex, Interior Points Methods, and others to obtain the optimal solution in optimal time.

有一些公司的解决方案,例如IBM的ILOG CPLEX,Gurobi Solvers,这些解决方案使用Dual-Simplex,Interior Points方法等针对每种问题应用特定方法,以在最佳时间内获得最佳解决方案。

The OR workflow, extremely simplified, goes like this:


(please OR practitioners, don't kill me)


First, you model the problem. Like we want the optimal share for certain users in a Revenue Sharing model.

首先,您对问题进行建模。 就像我们希望在“收入共享”模型中为某些用户获得最佳份额一样。

Second, specify the decision variables for attaining optimality.


Third, define the restrictions of the model based on enterprise resources.


Write the model in a solver, and press enter :)

将模型写入求解器,然后按Enter :)

In practice, is this easy as it looks?


No, far from easy. It takes time to make an efficient enterprise solution based on MILP ( Mixed-Integer Linear Programming ), but it also depends on the problem. I just needed to summarize so I don’t end up writing a full Epic.

不,绝非易事。 制定基于MILP(混合整数线性规划)的高效企业解决方案需要花费时间,但是这也取决于问题。 我只需要总结一下,这样我就不会写完整的Epic。

And well, I don’t know what you think, but this process certainly is not Customer-Centric for me.


100% Product, Capital, Enterprise Centric.


And this was the core of Operational Research.


But how could we make the modeling process more Customer-Centric?


One solution could be enforcing restrictions that consider human health, age, time spent producing, mental conditions. All of these can be modeled mathematically, we just need to make it part of the development of the solution.

一种解决方案可能是实施限制措施,考虑人类健康,年龄,生产时间,精神状况。 所有这些都可以用数学方式建模,我们只需要使其成为解决方案开发的一部分即可。

When we apply OR to factories, enterprise productivity optimization, we could consider the humans and their necessities for well-being in the restrictions.


But usually, it's not.


In practice, usually Operational Researchers deal with data as pure resources.


And Data Scientists that deal with customers should see data as living behavior.


But not coincidentally, they both end up with the same scope today.


Optimizing, scaling processes, getting the state-of-the-art. But where is the Customer at this process?

优化,扩展流程,获取最新技术。 但是在此过程中客户在哪里?

It seems to me that the way we deal with data today is that if it were only resources, and not behaviors. In the end we're kind of reproducing the Operational Research way of thinking data.

在我看来,我们今天处理数据的方式是,如果它只是资源而不是行为。 最后,我们将重现运营研究的思维数据方式。

We're thinking about speed, optimizing metrics.


We're being agile, but in the wrong sense.


Usually, there are two common misinterpretations of the Agile production model:


1.速度: (1. Speed:)

Agile translates to continuous iteration, evolutionary design, and it does not mean necessarily to produce things fast.


When we think of Data Science as something purely technical, achieving full speed and metrics optimization should be the pinnacle of our art. But as we’ve discussed, it’s not.

当我们将数据科学视为纯粹的技术时,实现全速和指标优化应该是我们艺术的顶峰。 但是,正如我们所讨论的,事实并非如此。

When we join this Agile misinterpretation with seeing Data Science as something purely technical, good professional ethics with customers are usually a "nice to have", when it should be upfront.


2.缺乏长期规划: (2. The absence of long-term planning:)

Iterations, but how small should them be?


What's the scope so that we don't over-engineer or we stop losing track of what does really delivers value with professional ethics?


That might be something that is lacking in today's Engineering practices in Data Science, an Architectural perspective. And might be the secret to reduce the cost of implementing ethical principles in our Data Platform.

从架构的角度来看,这可能是当今数据科学的工程实践中缺少的东西。 并且可能是降低在我们的数据平台中实施道德原则的成本的秘密。

2º原因:我们的敏捷性不那么敏捷 (2º Reason: Our Agile is not that agile)

Since the beginning, Agile and eXtreme Programming philosophies advocated for incremental and continuous development. Solving a problem when it emerges, YAGNI and KISS.

从一开始,敏捷和极限编程理念就倡导渐进和持续的开发。 YAGNI和KISS解决出现的问题。

It's productive, but they might be a problem when a system has no Architectural long-term guidelines.


And in Data Science in particular, we have very few good architecture references.


Don’t we have lot's of Data Pipelines and Machine Learning Processes?


The way I see it, these are operational pipelines, not Architectural projects.


Agile architectures should be built incrementally, with small and complete iterations, to maximize value delivery and maintain close contact with customers.


They call it an evolutionary design, and I think it makes total sense.


A good Software Architect (or Data Architect) should have a horizon of the system in mind as soon as possible because the Architecture will guide him through the constraints of the system.


If we don’t have this, we will postpone invisible problems, that are not usually measurable at the beginning, that will end up showing up with harsh costs.


In our case, we've seen with the latest events how Data-based Platforms influenced social behavior in the Coronavirus Crisis, the latest elections won based on Fake News and automated bots and other consequences.


These invisible problems, are getting big. But even so, until now enterprises don't want or can't approach effectively those problems, because of cost-of-change constraints.

这些无形的问题正在变得越来越大。 但是即使如此,由于变更成本的限制,直到现在,企业还是不希望或无法有效解决这些问题。



解决方案:了解客户,然后围绕他构建系统 (A Solution: Understand the customer, then build the System around him)

A possible solution might be based at the center of a Software Architecture:


The Domain Layer.


For those who already studied the Clean Architecture model of software systems, Hexagonal, Ports and Adapters, etc, know that the most stable part of the system is the domain part of it.


The business rules, that we programmers, Data Scientists follow, are ruled by the customer experience, problems, and desires that define use cases.


The rest of the system is developed around it.


If the Customer is at the center of the system domain, it means that ethics should be in the Domain region of our Architecture also.


That might be the road for a good, sustainable solution in today’s production model.


Because when we delegate Customer Centrism, Ethics as a detail — as Robert Martin says in Clean Architecture — we are making the system less and less dependent on it, and that means we are implicitly saying:

因为当我们委托客户中心主义时,道德作为一个细节,正如罗伯特·马丁(Robert Martin)在“清洁建筑”中所说的那样,我们正在使系统对它的依赖越来越少,这意味着我们暗中说:

This does not matter now, we can delegate.


And this is actually wrong from a professional perspective.


By telling customers we want to make their experience the best with their data, but are not we thinking about them in the process, the social implications of our work, using their information and behavior solely for our own production and profit optimization, we are lying.


If we don’t make Ethics part of the core of our development cycle, we won’t experience really concrete our proposal to the customer. We are just using them for profit, for their data assets, and they benefit somehow while they use our product.

如果我们不将道德规范纳入开发周期的核心,我们将不会真正向客户提出具体的建议。 我们只是将它们用于牟利,获取数据资产,并且在使用我们的产品时会从某种程度上受益。

Somewhere in a close future, it's quite possible that probably someone will brag about the systems build like this and say:


How did they not think about this? I’ll have to fix this mess somehow…

他们怎么没想到呢? 我将不得不以某种方式解决此问题……

New Data usage legislations, regulations will come, and we could be already prepared for it.


This is somehow familiar with what already happened with Software Engineering, in production environment.


When programmers were postponing detecting bugs, implementing tests, building monolithic systems that had a bizarre cost of change if they needed to refactor, fix bugs, concise and scalable implementation of business rules in production.


Until certain point in history, they used to delegate the responsibility, and someone else, who was going to fix it that mess, would feel like this:


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And because of these problems, specially in production environment, Test-Driven Development was formalized and is evangelized until today.


They embedded in their practice professional ethics and anticipation, that if well implemented didn't augmented the software production time.


You don't ship production code without testing.


Those who shameful about their past could say:


We didn’t knew that. It was not a good practice then…

我们不知道。 那不是一个好习惯……

But I think probably you knew somehow, as much as we Data Scientists know.


It's like we fear the speed of the production engine. And I get it, it’s quite scary and big.

就像我们担心生产引擎的速度一样。 而且我知道,它非常可怕而且很大。

It can take your job, salary if you don’t go along with it, if you're not as fast as they think it should be, so you postpone invisible but important things like tests and ethical data usage, feature engineering.


Eventually, this will not hold. It's not sustainable, the same thing is happening again in Data Science, and the consequences are showing up very quickly.

最终,这将不成立。 这是不可持续的,数据科学领域又发生了同样的事情,其后果正在Swift显现。

But, if we embed the ethical logic in the core of the system, the Domain Layer, in our core practices, we enforce ethical values not only in our Data Platform, but in our daily practice.

但是 ,如果在我们的核心实践中将道德逻辑嵌入到系统的核心(领域层)中,我们不仅在我们的数据平台中,而且在我们的日常实践中都践行道德价值观。

And that could be our strategy.


为什么以及如何运作? (Why and how should this work?)

The architectural reason is that, ideally, the core of the system is as abstract as stable.


That means that most of the modules depend on business rules, in our case, all data products depends on the Customer Problem, Use Cases, and Business Rules.


If we include Customer Ethics in this domain, we protect it and make it almost obligatory.


So in summary, all you need to do is to include a Customer Ethics in the Domain Layer. Then, we'll have an Ethical Data Science Platform.

因此,总而言之,您需要做的就是在域层中加入客户道德规范。 然后,我们将有一个道德数据科学平台。

Once you make the Ethics part of the Domain Layer, it’s not a detail anymore, there is no escape, because it will be part of the most stable part of the system.

一旦将Ethics设置为Domain Layer的一部分,就不再是一个细节,也就不会逃脱,因为它将成为系统最稳定的部分。

But how will I unify them?


Create an interface called Ethics, CustomerEthics implements it, and compose with Customer? What else?

创建一个名为Ethics的接口,CustomerEthics实施该接口,并与Customer组成? 还有什么?

You could do that, but I don’t see the need for this yet, maybe it’s a solution I didn’t think about and might be good in the future.


For now, I thought that you need to construct the system thinking about building a culture around the user.


Gather knowledge from the customer, directly and indirectly, understand their pain, and understand how power inequalities might affect them.


Understand the socioeconomic profile of your users, the proportions, and design along with product priorities, making ethics part of the Business Rules.


This should enforce production train of thought to include best ethical practices in the Data system.


Displacing the Data Platform development from 100% technical, functional pure data to 50% technical and 50% user profiling, experience (or something like that), the designing starts to change, and the way the team thinks will start to change also.


Make it in the Domain, and the natural evolution of the system should take care of it, with good Data Architecting and Agile made it right.

在Domain中实现它,并且系统的自然演进应该照顾好它,良好的Data Architect和Agile正确地做到了。

That’s how a Data Science System could start to evolve naturally with Ethics, without having to implement big changes later, you already made them in the first place.


For references and different use cases, there is a good catalog that might help you ideate and define specific strategies based on this architectural approach on the Decolonial AI article.

对于参考和不同的用例,有一个不错的目录,可以帮助您根据Decolonial AI文章中的这种体系结构方法来构思和定义特定策略。

As enterprises domain vary a lot, understanding the possible biases made upon users could be interesting to change the Data culture in your culture also, making Data-Driven philosophy more mature.


Probably uniting with a UX team might be very effective for this, since they are specialists in User Stories, new strategies might come along in your company, since Ethical guidelines will differ from Use Cases to Use Cases.


结论 (Conclusions)

And that’s it, after a long reading, I hope I made some contributions to the discussion, with my point of view of how can we implement an efficient Data Science System without suffering later with Ethical concerns.


The objective is to put Ethics in the Domain Layer of an Architectural perspective of the system and build it around it with responsible Agile development.


Gather with UX researchers, your PM’s and Data fellows to understand the profile of the user, because your tools interact directly with them.


That's why we should


Make Data products Customer-Centric.


Data is unstable because it has a bijective relationship with the Customer, that's why we should invest deeply understanding them.


The more we realize this, I think the more we will mature our practices and how we are seen professionally.


If you agree, disagree, think there are any historical, logical misconceptions on the text, want to contribute somehow, I’ll be glad to discuss, and you can e-mail me in victor.souza@passeidireto.com, or talk with me in my LinkedIn page.


[1] Mohamed, S., Png, M. & Isaac, W. Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence (2020), Philos. Technol.

[1] Mohamed,S.,Png,M.和Isaac,W. Decolonial AI:作为人工智能的社会技术预见的Decolonial理论 (2020年), Philos。 技术。

[2] Kevin C. Elliott and Daniel J. McKaughan, Nonepistemic Values and the Multiple Goals of Science (2014), Philosophy of Science 81:1, 1–21

[2]凯文·埃利奥特(Kevin C. Elliott)和丹尼尔·麦考恩(Daniel J. McKaughan),《非精神价值论和科学的多重目标》 (2014年),《科学哲学》 81:1,1–21

[3] Robert C. Martin, Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design (2017), Prentice Hall

[3] Robert C. Martin,《 清洁建筑:软件结构和设计的工匠指南》 (2017年),Prentice Hall

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-an-ethical-data-science-system-without-losing-money-b5a72015ea8f





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