私人 数据库 服务器 小型_私人基金数据业务应提供更多保护

私人 数据库 服务器 小型

延伸作业 (Stretched Operations)

Shrinking revenue and smaller budgets have reduced the margin for error. Risks are more severe. New risks are joining the ones that lurked in the shadows.

收入减少和预算减少,降低了错误的余地。 风险更加严重。 新的风险正在潜伏在阴影中。

The time it takes to double-check numbers and make sure data operations are running smoothly is no longer a luxury. Fund administrators serving alternative investment funds, private equity, and venture capital are being stretched.

仔细检查数字并确保数据操作平稳运行所花费的时间不再是奢侈的事情。 服务另类投资基金,私募股权和风险投资的基金管理人正在紧张。

Exacerbating this are limited partners who are incredibly vigilant in checking investment reporting and statements.


Instead of relying on legacy systems that are dangerously susceptible to human error, this is the time to transition to an integrated platform that consolidates key data, automates processes with machine learning and adds clarity to data operations.


运营是值得的投资 (Operations Are A Worthy Investment)

Moving away from point-to-point legacy systems to automated processes increases the speed of operations. And, it mitigates the risk of mistakes. Think about trying to say something fast and efficiently to a large group of people through a game of telephone.

从点对点的遗留系统转移到自动化流程可以提高操作速度。 并且,它减少了出错的风险。 考虑尝试通过电话游戏对一大群人快速有效地说些什么。

The message gets garbled by the time it gets to its destination. So, moving to an integrated platform is like replacing the game of telephone with smooth, simultaneous communications. Get everyone on the same page.

邮件到达目的地时会变得乱码。 因此,迁移到集成平台就像用流畅,同步的通讯取代电话游戏。 让所有人都在同一页面上。

Accuracy counts. It’s important to ensure your systems for managing data and fund operations are rock solid. Investing in good technology designed to improve operational productivity makes the business’ odds of running smoothly better. It will strengthen the business for what’s next when we’ve emerged from the crisis.

准确性至关重要。 确保您用于管理数据和资金运作的系统至关重要。 投资于旨在提高运营生产率的先进技术 ,可以使企业顺利运营的几率更高。 当我们摆脱危机后,它将为下一步的业务发展提供强大的支持。

For many employees, remote work may end up being permanent. The accommodations being made now are becoming the norm. It’s crucial that the business’ operational systems sustain that transition as well. The move to automation can largely eliminate the risk of human error.

对于许多员工而言,远程工作最终可能是永久的。 现在的住宿正在成为常态。 业务运营系统也必须维持这种过渡,这一点至关重要。 转向自动化可以大大消除人为错误的风险。

It can improve accuracy. However, that’s only true so long as there are checks along the way. Automation can also spread and multiply human errors if it’s not done right. Just look at Excel Macros, and cut and paste.

它可以提高准确性。 但是,只有在进行检查的过程中,这才是正确的。 如果操作不当,自动化也可以传播和增加人为错误。 只需查看Excel宏,然后剪切并粘贴即可。

The goal is to remove human error from the data management equation. But, that does not equate replacing employees with automation. In fact, it’s a matter of putting energy where it’s needed, and in a way that’s simple.

目的是从数据管理方程式中消除人为错误。 但是,这并不等于用自动化代替员工。 实际上,这是将能源放在需要的地方,而且方法很简单。

两全其美的 (The Best of Both Worlds)

Get more simplicity out of complex internal systems. A fund can do it through automation. That’s even more important when employees’ efforts and the company budget needs to be aimed at keeping good investors calm.

从复杂的内部系统中获得更多的简化。 基金可以通过自动化来做到这一点。 当员工的努力和公司预算的目标是使优秀的投资者保持冷静时,这一点尤为重要。

In a crisis, human empathy is in high demand. If your team’s focus is on untangling accounting puzzles, their attention is not on the investor.

在危机中,人们对同情心的要求很高。 如果您的团队将重点放在解决难题上,那么他们的注意力就不会放在投资者身上。

You’re responding to clients’ demands and getting more data online. You’re adding clarity. However, that also means clients need assistance adjusting to receiving services online. And, the volume of customer questions will only be amplified by the transition. Human connection is a vital tool.

您正在响应客户的需求并在线获取更多数据。 您正在增加清晰度。 但是,这也意味着客户需要调整在线接收服务的帮助。 而且,客户问题的数量只会因过渡而扩大。 人际关系是至关重要的工具。

Moving the management of business operations to an integrated platform frees up employees. It allows them to support customers in more personal, empathetic ways.

将业务运营管理转移到集成平台可以释放员工。 它使他们能够以更加个性化,富有同情心的方式为客户提供支持。

We’ve all found ourselves pounding “0” on our phone keypads in frustration to get past automated answering systems. Really, we want to speak with a human. In moments of crisis, people expect urgency, accuracy and empathy. They want to see clearly what is going on.

我们都发现自己沮丧地在电话键盘上打“ 0”,以摆脱自动应答系统。 真的,我们想和人说话。 在危机时刻,人们期望紧迫性,准确性和同理心。 他们想清楚地了解发生了什么。

Implementing modern private fund data operations can deliver both. Automation means smarter, faster and more accurate data operations. Employees are freed up to engage with customers.

实施现代私人基金数据业务可以同时实现这两个目标。 自动化意味着更智能,更快和更准确的数据操作。 员工可以自由地与客户互动。

数字不一定意味着复杂 (Digital Doesn’t Have to Mean Complex)

In a time when doubts are all around, business leaders still have a window to invest in security. That also means technological investments should be well researched. They should be checked ahead of time. Make sure they serve to improve the success of operations.

在充满疑问的时代, 企业领导者仍然有一个投资安全性的窗口。 这也意味着应该对技术投资进行深入研究。 应该提前检查它们。 确保它们有助于提高操作的成功率。

It’s essential that any integrated approach a fund goes after should first try to be more intuitive and easier to learn.


Funds need to integrate information from different places. And, they need to do it across the organization. So, funds have the general ledger. They have reporting systems, human resources systems, and market intelligence systems. None of these talk to each other. Really, they need to figure out a data integration strategy.

资金需要整合来自不同地方的信息。 而且,他们需要在整个组织中做到这一点。 因此,资金具有总账。 他们有报告系统,人力资源系统和市场情报系统。 这些都没有互相交谈。 确实,他们需要找出一种数据集成策略。

Before funds can ponder dashboards for people outside the fund, they need to consider internal interoperability. They need to consider ease of use. To move in this direction, they need to try to implement newer cloud-based solutions that will enable them to assemble data across the organization.

在基金可以为基金以外的人考虑仪表板之前,他们需要考虑内部的互操作性。 他们需要考虑易用性。 为了朝这个方向发展,他们需要尝试实施更新的基于云的解决方案,这将使他们能够在整个组织中组装数据。

船上的所有人 (Everyone On Board)

A good way to measure the success of new private fund data operations is how many employees are using it after integration. So, make data easy to get to, and easier to use by more people. That can help crack down on internal bottlenecks. Those jams can crop up when only a few people have a sincere understanding of how the system works. That limits progress.

衡量新的私募基金数据业务成功与否的一个好方法是整合后有多少员工在使用它。 因此,使数据易于访问,并易于被更多人使用。 这可以帮助消除内部瓶颈 。 当只有很少的人对系统的工作原理有真正的了解时,这些麻烦就会加剧。 那限制了进度。

Limited partners are focusing on capital statements. In fact, they’re relentless. But switching to an integrated platform can guarantee that statements will be error-free.

有限合伙人专注于资本声明。 实际上,它们是无情的。 但是切换到集成平台可以保证语句不会出错。

By taking advantage of the opportunities for technological wins, and investing in data smarts and fund operations, business leaders are aiming their businesses to emerge from this crisis stronger than before.

通过利用获得技术胜利的机会 ,并投资于数据智能和基金运营,商业领袖们的目标是使他们的业务比以往更强大地摆脱危机

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Kevin Walkup

Private Fund Data Operations Should Provide More Protection was originally published on ReadWrite on July 16, 2020 by Kevin Walkup.

私人基金数据运营应提供更多保护 最初 Kevin Walkup 于2020年7月16日 发布在 ReadWrite

翻译自: https://medium.com/readwrite/private-fund-data-operations-should-provide-more-protection-15dc5342242b

私人 数据库 服务器 小型

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