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翻译 云服务器数据丢失_云上会发生数据丢失吗?

云服务器数据丢失Although we’re barely a fifth of the way into the century, when they close the books on the 21st century and look back at the technology that changed everything, the cloud is sure to be a top ...

2020-09-08 04:53:12 1535

翻译 特色创新者:Patrick Lincoln

Many dream of making the world a safer, better, more positively interconnected place. 许多人梦想着使世界成为一个更安全,更好,更积极相互联系的地方。 Dr. Patrick Lincoln and his team of experts at SRI International are turning that...

2020-09-06 14:14:37 219

翻译 redis rce漏洞安全_从重新定位到RCE:我从广告到网络安全的旅程

redis rce漏洞安全My decision to attend a bootcamp for cybersecurity was a surprise for many around me. 我决定参加网络安全训练营的决定令我周围的许多人感到惊讶。 My parents didn’t get why I’d give up on a steady high-paying job, espe...

2020-09-06 13:56:24 626

翻译 csrf令牌_是否需要CSRF令牌?

csrf令牌by: Matt McEachern, Posh Co-founder and CTO 作者:Posh联合创始人兼CTO Matt McEachern CSRF, which stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, is a common attack vector for vulnerable web applications with pot...

2020-09-06 13:26:50 1303

翻译 cve查询_CVE年满21岁:如何实现这一里程碑

cve查询The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) turns 21 this year and, just like any 21-year-old, there have been growing pains along the way. There was even a growth spurt. 常见漏洞披露( CVE )今年已满21岁,...

2020-09-06 13:16:28 254

翻译 加密交易-最后! —这是主角的格子烘烤

As if you didn’t know, quantum computers will put an end to our most popular public-key methods. And so NIST has been working on defining a standard for the best method to replace these, and yesterday...

2020-09-06 12:56:28 823

翻译 暴力破解MFA代码的“中间”

As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. 正如他们所说,必要性是发明之母。 In my case, I was tasked with attempting to brute-force a 4-digit multi factor authentication code for a lab from Portswigger Acade...

2020-08-21 08:11:39 1153

翻译 子域名接管_在S3上利用子域接管

子域名接管What Is Sub domain Takeover: When an attacker is able to gain control of a company’s subdomain hosted on a cloud service such as AWS, github etc. because of the DNS entries pointing to that servi...

2020-08-21 08:00:58 892

翻译 为什么我的Wi-Fi网关不足? -

It’s so irritating, right? She’s got a zoom class and the freaking internet is hanging up again!!! It’s not working, you don’t know why it’s not working, who to blame or how to solve it. Maybe just un...

2020-08-21 07:50:18 244

翻译 ctf:xls加密_TryHackMe:匿名游乐场CTF编写

ctf:xls加密In this article, I will be demonstrating my approach to completing the Anonymous Playground Capture The Flag (CTF), a free room available on the TryHackMe platform created by Nameless0ne. I h...

2020-08-21 07:40:15 856

翻译 aes256位加密_AES加密256位

aes256位加密AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is the most widely used symmetric encryption algorithm. AES is used in a wide array of applications that include the encryption of data at rest, and secure ...

2020-08-21 07:18:37 7883

翻译 kubernetes 代理_使用开放策略代理在Kubernetes上保护您的服务

kubernetes 代理In this article, I will introduce the Open Policy Agent, Kubernetes Admission Controller, and how to apply a policy, with step-by-step guidelines. 在本文中,我将逐步介绍开放策略代理,Kubernetes准入控制器以及如何应用策...

2020-08-21 07:07:59 327

翻译 chrome浏览器无法更新_Chrome的新更新将如何改善您的浏览方式

chrome浏览器无法更新Chrome 86 introduces security and performance improvements by way of DoH, mixed forms, domain only URLs, and caching mechanisms. Chrome 86通过DoH,混合表单,仅域URL和缓存机制引入了安全性和性能改进。 Is your go to ...

2020-08-21 06:37:16 712

翻译 Web安全:会话和令牌

Web security has turned into a major topic, it plays an important role in building applications that are secure, and don’t suffer external attacks like XSS. Over the years, web security has evolved dr...

2020-08-21 06:26:54 953

翻译 私人 数据库 服务器 小型_私人基金数据业务应提供更多保护

私人 数据库 服务器 小型 延伸作业 (Stretched Operations)Shrinking revenue and smaller budgets have reduced the margin for error. Risks are more severe. New risks are joining the ones that lurked in the shadows. 收入减...

2020-08-20 18:32:32 194

翻译 炫酷黑客计算机bat_黑客闯入世界上最安全的计算机的6种巧妙方式

炫酷黑客计算机batIn a now-famous scene from the 1999 techno-thriller The Matrix, Laurence Fishburne’s character Morpheus sits in a chair, drenched in sweat, desperately resisting attempts to break into his w...

2020-08-20 18:22:44 1979

翻译 对待骗子_像生产一样对待您的开发环境(几乎)

对待骗子I recently came across a tweet sharing a very strong opinion about the separation of “cloud” accounts to isolate environments. The subject has been highly debated over the years and while there is...

2020-08-20 18:01:57 98

翻译 电信诈骗案诈骗金额怎么计算_诈骗者的目标是COVID-19联系人追踪工作

电信诈骗案诈骗金额怎么计算 重点 (Top highlight)The novel coronavirus dubbed COVID-19 is perhaps the most communicable disease the world has seen in nearly a century. Given the easy transmissibility of the illness, c...

2020-08-20 17:52:01 922

翻译 二本大学有哪些软件开发_大学没有在安全方面培训软件开发人员。 有关系吗

二本大学有哪些软件开发If you want a good job but you aren’t born into the family business, it usually takes at least two things: opportunity and training. And it’s clear that the opportunity part is there in sof...

2020-08-20 17:22:28 126

翻译 线程安全的可见性和原子性_大量临时容器给网络可见性和安全性带来挑战

线程安全的可见性和原子性By Jeff Enters 杰夫·埃恩斯(Jeff Enters) Originally published on July 21, 2020, on Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Enterprise.nxt, publishing insights about the future of technology. 最初于2020年7月21日...

2020-08-20 17:11:44 159

翻译 物联网专业并不好_在广阔的物联网中,“智能”仍然并不意味着安全

物联网专业并不好It’s long past time for the Internet of Things (IoT) to come with a qualifier. A caveat. Because it is demonstrably the Internet of Vulnerable Things. Of sometimes very dangerous things. 物联网(I...

2020-08-20 17:01:30 299

翻译 域服务器的dns:::1_网络101:什么是DNS查询?

域服务器的dns:::1DNS is a topic which is often considered difficult to understand, but the basic thesis of it is actually not hard to grasp if explained correctly — which is the very aim of this article. T...

2020-08-20 16:50:49 459



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