

From Project Management to Programmer/Developer


Mostly people progress in their lives up the ladder. I am a bit on the other side of the coin but not for worst. Only for better.

人们大多在生活中进步。 我在硬币的另一边,但不是最坏的情况。 只是为了更好。

A little info about me -mid thirties, asian, tech studies, works in Project Management, currently jobless because of family reasons and frustrated of Covid. Believe that books are ones best friends and knowledge is ones best tool. And as Steve Jobs stole my motto — Time is the most precious resource we have, I am constantly looking at developing myself. Oh and ofcourse I was kidding about Steve Jobs :D

关于我的一些信息-三十多岁,亚洲人,技术研究人员,在项目管理部门工作,由于家庭原因目前失业,并且对Covid感到沮丧。 相信书是最好的朋友,知识是最好的工具。 正如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)窃取我的座右铭一样,时间是我们拥有的最宝贵的资源,我一直在寻求自我发展。 哦,当然,我在开玩笑史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs):D

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Idolise this man!

Covid gave me such a lengthy opportunity that I had enough time to do all the procrastinating in the world about me, my life, my work and my future for months. Yes, that is one great skill that I am proud of :D But I finally came down to two things that I need to do like yesterday — my PMP certificate and my CSM certificate. I spent days planning and planning and well just planning both and decided, its Java Programming that I want to learn.

Covid给了我一个很长的机会,以至于我有足够的时间来做关于我,我的生活,我的工作和我的未来的所有拖延。 是的,这是我引以为傲的一项伟大技能:D但是,我终于归结为昨天需要做的两件事-我的PMP证书和我的CSM证书。 我花了几天的时间进行计划和规划,然后才计划并决定了我想学习的Java编程。

I have always been good in programming, I did my bachelors in Information Technology and did good amount of programming there to know I had it in me but over the years, in quest of climbing up the ladder of the corporate world, somehow I never stuck to my capability of being a programmer/coder/developer. Its been 10 years of jumping one job to another until I reached the level of a Senior Project Manager. Just before the pandemic I quit my job and wanted to take a break but family issues rose and I just didnt go back. Its been more than a year now that I have helped a co worker or made sure my team has been performing their best happily. Nonetheless, I decided to give programming a shot now.

我一直擅长编程,我在信息技术专业取得了学士学位,并且在那里做了大量的编程工作,以了解自己内心对此有所了解,但是多年来,为了攀登企业界的阶梯,我一直不知所措成为一名程序员/编码员/开发人员的能力。 在我担任高级项目经理之前,从一份工作转移到另一份工作已有10年了。 在大流行之前,我辞了工作,想休息一下,但是家庭问题上升了,我没有回去。 现在已经有一年多的时间,我已经帮助一位同事或确保我的团队一直表现最好。 尽管如此,我还是决定立即进行编程。

If you ask a techie about which programming language is currently trending, the answer more or less will be Python and for good reasons. Its like the hot trend of vegetable juice in the world of weight loss(yes, I have started vegetable juices and they are yum!) but deep down I am sure everyone will agree that Java is everyone’s favorite — exactly like a balanced diet is for a healthy weight loss(yes, I am trying that too). So, I decided to go for a balanced diet, I am in for the long haul, well, atleast for now.

如果您向技术人员询问当前趋势是哪种编程语言,那么出于充分的理由,答案或多或少将是Python。 就像减肥世界中蔬菜汁的热门趋势一样(是的,我已经开始使用蔬菜汁了,它们很美味!),但从深层次来说,我相信每个人都会同意Java是每个人的最爱-就像均衡饮食对于健康的减肥(是的,我也正在尝试)。 所以,我决定要均衡饮食,现在我至少要长期坚持下去。

After so many years, its kind of confusing to start all over again but I can feel the same excitement. To be able to create something tangible that i can look at and marvel at my own capabilities is highly reassuring. This is what attracts me to software development — to be able to create something that can help someone or the other in some or the other way. That someone can be me to start with :)

经历了这么多年,重新开始似乎有点困惑,但我可以感受到同样的兴奋。 能够创造出我可以看得到并惊叹于自己的能力的东西是非常令人放心的。 这就是吸引我从事软件开发的原因-能够创建可以以某种方式帮助某人或另一方的东西。 有人可以成为我的开始:)

For all the non-techie people wanting to get into softwares, its difficult to even comprehend of the vast galaxy of softwares. Its more difficult to keep a track of how to learn what. Rarely does an online tutorial or a website give you a picture as a whole. Tutorials are plain tutorials and each one starting with “Hello World” or was it just from a decade old, I dont know but I am about to find out. :) I am a regular on Twitter and have joined the development community to gather information to make my life and journey easier. I constantly read posts and follow techies and profiles like #100daysofcode with hope that something will land in my plate which will be helpful to me and most of the times it is. One good tip that I have always followed is to journal the information I gather and that is what I am going to do here.

对于所有想要使用软件的非技术人员来说,很难理解巨大的软件星系。 跟踪学习方法比较困难。 很少有在线教程或网站为您提供整体图片。 教程是简单的教程,每个教程都是从“ Hello World”开始的,或者仅仅是从十年前开始的,我不知道,但是我将要找出答案。 :)我是Twitter上的常客,已经加入开发社区来收集信息,使我的生活和旅途更加轻松。 我经常阅读文章,并关注#100daysofcode之类的技术人员和资料,希望某些东西会落在我的盘子上,这对我和大部分时间都是有帮助的。 我一直遵循的一个很好的技巧是记录我收集的信息,这就是我将要在这里做的事情。

But it all starts with knowing what you want to do and how to gather information regarding the same.


I am passionate of smartphones and mobile apps(have managed so many projects on those) and I know that data collected over a period of time has this immense potential of forecasting problems that can be handled in much better ways in advance.


My journey is going to start with Java, SQL, Python.


Java — I want my basics clear and Java is kind of the basic for all those development languages of the same stream.

Java —我希望我的基础知识清楚,Java是所有相同流的所有开发语言的基础。

SQL — have prior experience in SQL and I want to learn a database language to a higher proficiency.


Python — because I am quite interested in Data Science


This is my near future goal that will then expand into mobile apps. Lets see how my journey unfolds. Wish me luck!

这是我近期的目标,然后将其扩展到移动应用程序中。 让我们看看我的旅程如何发展。 祝我好运!

翻译自: https://medium.com/@meenakshivarma/from-project-management-to-programmer-developer-252a6bf7a2c0






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