

Well, well, well… it is Cydia once again.We’ve already mentioned it among the 3rd party app stores, but it’s not just a store… It’s the whole technology. And today we’ll talk about package managers in general and how to get ’em all.

好吧,好吧……再次是Cydia。我们已经在第三方应用商店中提到过它,但它不仅仅是一家商店,而是整个技术。 今天,我们将讨论一般的软件包管理器以及如何获得全部。

目的 (The purpose)

Cydia provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to jailbroken devices using Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) repositories aka “REPOs” to download & install applications unavailable on the official store.Cydia is based on APT, a free software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu, etc. Yes, it was originally created for Linux-ish systems, but it was then ported to iOS by Jay “Saurik” Freeman as part of his Telesphoreo project. What a genius!

Cydia使用高级打包工具(APT)存储库(也称为“ REPO”)为越狱设备提供图形用户界面(GUI),以下载和安装官方商店中不可用的应用程序。Cydia基于APT(与核心兼容的免费软件用户界面)可以在Debian,Ubuntu等上处理软件的安装和删除的库。是的,它最初是为Linux风格的系统创建的,但后来由Jay“ Saurik” Freeman移植到iOS,这是其Telesphoreo项目的一部分。 真是个天才!

Fun fact:Saurik named Cydia after the Latin name for a moth larva that is thought of as a “stereotypical worm in the apple.”

有趣的事实:绍里克(Saurik)用拉丁语“ Cydia”命名了蛾蛾幼虫,该蛾幼虫被认为是“苹果中的定型蠕虫”。

But for regular people (not tech geeks) it’s a lot like the App Store. You can surf around looking for fancy apps or tweaks, download and install them, and you can even purchase some stuff on Cydia as well. Most things are free, but when you’re offering a technologically advanced product, it’s okay to ask for some money for it. And the people proved that to be true: in 2010–11, Cydia had $10 million in annual revenue, 4.5 million weekly users, and (according to Freeman) $250,000 net annual profit.

但是对于普通人(不是技术怪胎)来说,它很像App Store。 您可以在网上寻找精美的应用程序或调整项,下载并安装它们,甚至还可以在Cydia上购买一些东西。 大多数东西都是免费的,但是当您提供技术先进的产品时,可以为此花些钱。 人们证明这是事实:在2010-11年度,Cydia的年收入为1000万美元,每周用户为450万, (根据Freeman)年净利润为25万美元。

这个怎么运作 (How it works)

After the jailbreak, when applications are downloaded directly to the iOS device, they are installed in the same exact “folder” as Apple’s very own applications, the /Applications directory. Besides that, with a Jailbroken device, you can still enjoy the official App Store and its benefits. The only drawback is that some of the official apps, (e.g. banking apps), have in-built jailbreak detection/protection scripts that prevent apps from running on JB gadgets. But this can be easily overturned with the help of another Cydia tweak.

越狱后,将应用程序直接下载到iOS设备时,它们将与Apple自己的应用程序/ Applications目录安装在相同的“文件夹”中。 除此之外,使用越狱设备,您仍然可以享受官方App Store及其好处。 唯一的缺点是某些官方应用程序(例如银行应用程序)具有内置的越狱检测/保护脚本,阻止了应用程序在JB小工具上运行。 但这可以通过另一个Cydia调整轻松地推翻。

替代品以及如何获得它们 (Alternatives & How to get them)

NOTE: You need Cydia installed for any of the following apps to work, so, if you don’t have it yet, please install it before reading further.


This part is dedicated to the real aficionados who need all possible package managers: Cydia, Sileo, Installer, and Zebra working alongside each other.


西利奥 (Sileo)

We’ll start with the most notable alternative called Sileo.Sileo was created by CoolStar & Electra in 2018 when they failed to reach an agreement with Saurik regarding compatibility issues between CoolStar’s JB and Cydia. Installing Sileo is a bit complicated but you’ll have no issues if you follow this guide, so…

我们将从最著名的替代产品Sileo开始.Sileo由CoolStar&Electra于2018年创建,当时他们未能与Saurik就CoolStar的JB和Cydia之间的兼容性问题达成协议。 安装Sileo有点复杂,但是按照本指南进行操作不会有任何问题,因此…

How to get Sileo:


  1. First of all, remove Batchomatic, because if you have it on your device it will cause packages to not install with Sileo.

  2. Step two, add this repo to Cydia or any other package manager you have:


  3. Inside that repository, you can find a package called “Diatrus Installer”. Go ahead and install it.

    在该存储库中,您可以找到一个名为“ Diatrus Installer”的软件包。 继续安装。
  4. Next, you have to run a shell command in order to install Sileo because it doesn’t work on iOS 13. (But everything is possible with JB!) If you don’t have an app for shell commands yet, NewTerm 2 from Cydia (or any other package manager) will do the trick.

    接下来,您必须运行shell命令才能安装Sileo,因为它无法在iOS 13上运行。 (但是JB可以实现所有功能!)如果您还没有shell命令的应用程序,请使用Cydia的NewTerm 2 (或任何其他包管理器)将完成此操作。

  5. Now open NewTerm 2 and type “su”, then press return. This will ask for your root password. If you’ve changed it, type that password and press return. If you haven’t changed it, type “alpine” then press enter. Please note, while you’re typing, you won’t be able to see what you actually type.

    现在打开NewTerm 2并键入“ su”,然后按回车键。 这将要求您输入root密码。 如果已更改,请键入该密码,然后按回车键。 如果尚未更改,请键入“ alpine”,然后按Enter。 请注意,在键入时,您将看不到实际键入的内容。
  6. Wow, we’re almost done! You need to run this command to install Sileo, an APT fork, and something else for the whole thing to work: ‘dpkg -i

    哇,我们快完成了! 您需要运行以下命令来安装Sileo,APT分支以及其他所有东西,以使整个工作正常进行:'dpkg -i



    Note: If an error saying “Cydia Dark failed to install” pops up, please ignore it.

    注意:如果弹出错误提示“ Cydia Dark无法安装”,请忽略它。

  7. Awesome! Sileo is now installed, even though you might not see it yet. And the finishing touch: run uicache to update the icon cache and make Sileo visible.

    太棒了! 现在已安装Sileo,即使您可能尚未看到它。 画龙点睛:运行uicache更新图标缓存并使Sileo可见。

In some cases, after installing Sileo, you may no longer have access to Cydia. But if you still want it, open Sileo and install the Cydia Installer from Diatrus’s repo mentioned above.

在某些情况下,安装Sileo后,您可能不再有权使用Cydia。 但是,如果仍然需要,请打开Sileo并从上述Diatrus的回购中安装Cydia Installer。

安装程序 (Installer)

A very old competitor of Cydia.Installer is a whole different animal developed by The Infini Dev team. Launched in 2007, it has a long history of ups & downs and was originally working with a different system than Cydia, so users weren’t able to just add their favorite Cydia repos.Now, Infini-Dev runs the project under the AppTapp Team name. The first public beta of Installer 5 was released on July 3rd, 2019, and the first official build was launched on January 15th, 2020.

Cydia.Installer的一个非常古老的竞争对手是The Infini Dev团队开发的完全不同的动物。 它于2007年推出,起伏不定,历史悠久,最初使用与Cydia不同的系统,因此用户无法仅添加自己喜欢的Cydia存储库。现在,Infini-Dev在AppTapp团队的领导下运行该项目名称。 Installer 5的首个公开测试版于2019年7月3日发布,并且首次正式发布于2020年1月15日发布。

How to get Installer 5:


  1. Create a Discord account (or use the one you already have) and join this Discord server:

    创建一个Discord帐户(或使用您已有的帐户)并加入此Discord服务器: https : //

  2. Now, go to the #request-role channel on the server and enter this message: “!betarole”

  3. After that, you should get access to the #releases-changelogs channel, where you’ll find all the actual instructions on how to install Installer 5

    之后,您应该可以访问#releases-changelogs频道,在这里您将找到有关如何安装Installer 5的所有实际说明。
  4. Follow the instructions you get and enjoy the beautifully designed package manager


斑马 (Zebra)

Zebra is one of the recent “players” on the scene that was initially released on April 11th, 2019. It’s super user-friendly, has a pretty nice UI & UX, and it only requires two steps (!!!) to install it:


  1. Add this repo to Cydia or any other package manager:


    Add this repo to Cydia or any other package manager:

    将此仓库添加到Cydia或任何其他软件包管理器中: https : //

  2. Install the Zebra (BETA) package from the Zebra repo.


That’s all!


结论 (Conclusion)

Jailbreaking any device is relatively easy now, but navigating through all of the settings, tweaks, tools, and package managers is a hell of a job!So, while working on The, we strive to create a platform that will have the best of both worlds — technologically advanced features and shocking simplicity.Join us and see it yourself.Fall, 2020.




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