matlab median filter,Median filter

Median Filter


DSP System Toolbox /

Filtering /

Filter Designs

DSP System Toolbox /




The Median Filter block computes the moving median of the input signal

along each channel independently over time. The block uses the sliding window method to

compute the moving median. In this method, a window of specified length moves over each

channel sample by sample, and the block computes the median of the data in the window.

This block performs median filtering on the input data over time. For more details, see




Port_1 — Data input

column vector | row vector | matrix

Data over which the block computes moving median. The block accepts

real-valued or complex-valued multichannel inputs, that is,

m-by-n size inputs, where

m ≥ 1, and n ≥ 1. The block

also accepts variable-size inputs. During simulation, you can change the

size of each input channel. However, the number of channels cannot


Data Types:single | double

Complex Number Support:Yes


Port_1 — Moving median output

column vector | row vector | matrix

The size of the moving median output matches the size of the input.

The block uses the sliding window method to compute the moving median.

For more details, see Algorithms.

Data Types:single | double

Complex Number Support:Yes


Window length — Length of the sliding window

5 (default) | positive scalar integer

Window length specifies the length of the sliding

window in samples.

Simulate using — Type of simulation to run

Code generation (default) | Interpreted execution

Code generation

Simulate model using generated C code. The first time you run

a simulation, Simulink® generates C code for the block. The C code is

reused for subsequent simulations, as long as the model does not

change. This option requires additional startup time but

provides faster simulation speed

than Interpreted


Interpreted execution

Simulate model using the MATLAB®  interpreter. This option shortens startup

time but has slower simulation speed than Code


Block Characteristics

Data Typesdouble | single

Multidimensional SignalsNo

Variable-Size SignalsYes


Sliding Window Method

In the sliding window method, the output for each input sample is the median of the current

sample and the Len - 1 previous samples. Len is the

length of the window in samples. To compute the first Len - 1 outputs,

when the window does not have enough data yet, the algorithm fills the window with zeros. As

an example, to compute the median value when the second input sample comes in, the algorithm

fills the window with Len - 2 zeros. The data vector,

x, is then the two data samples followed by Len -

2 zeros. This object performs median filtering on the input data over time.

Consider an example of computing the moving median of a streaming

input data using the sliding window method. The algorithm uses a window

length of 4. With each input sample that comes in, the window of length

4 moves along the data.


Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation

Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Introduced in R2016b

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### 回答1: Here's an example implementation of the relaxed median filter in MATLAB: ```matlab function filtered_image = relaxed_median_filter(image, size, threshold) % Create a copy of the input image filtered_image = image; % Calculate the radius of the filter window radius = floor(size / 2); % Pad the image with zeros to handle edge cases padded_image = padarray(image, [radius radius], 0); % Iterate over each pixel in the image for i = (radius + 1):(size(image, 1) + radius) for j = (radius + 1):(size(image, 2) + radius) % Extract the window of neighboring pixels window = padded_image(i - radius:i + radius, j - radius:j + radius); % Calculate the median value of the window median = median(window(:)); % Calculate the range of values to consider lower = median - threshold; upper = median + threshold; % Create a boolean mask of the pixels within the range mask = (window >= lower) & (window <= upper); % Calculate the median value of the pixels within the range filtered_image(i - radius, j - radius) = median(window(mask)); end end end ``` This implementation is similar to the Python implementation, but uses the `median` function in MATLAB to calculate the median value of the window. It also pads the input image with zeros to handle edge cases, and uses the `size` function to determine the size of the input image. ### 回答2: 松弛中值滤波是一种去除图像中椒盐噪声的滤波方法。其基本思想是对于每个像素点,将其周围的像素点按照灰度值进行排序,然后选取中间值作为该像素点的新值。与传统的中值滤波不同的是,松弛中值滤波引入了一个松弛因子,允许不符合中值条件的像素点通过滤波。 下面是一个使用Matlab实现松弛中值滤波的代码示例: ```matlab function [filtered_image] = relaxed_median_filter(input_image, window_size, relaxation_factor) [rows, cols] = size(input_image); filtered_image = zeros(rows, cols); half_window = floor(window_size/2); for i = 1:rows for j = 1:cols window = input_image(max(i-half_window,1):min(i+half_window,rows), max(j-half_window,1):min(j+half_window,cols)); window_vector = window(:); sorted_window_vector = sort(window_vector); median_value = sorted_window_vector(floor(length(sorted_window_vector)/2)); distance = abs(input_image(i, j) - median_value); if distance <= relaxation_factor filtered_image(i, j) = input_image(i, j); else filtered_image(i, j) = median_value; end end end end ``` 上述代码定义了一个名为relaxed_median_filter的函数,接受输入图像、窗口大小和松弛因子作为参数,并返回滤波后的图像。在函数内部,使用嵌套的for循环遍历每个像素点,选取其周围窗口内的像素点,并进行排序以找到中间值。然后,根据像素点灰度值与中间值的差距与松弛因子的比较,决定是否将像素点的值更新为中间值。最终得到滤波后的图像。 以上就是一个使用Matlab实现松弛中值滤波的简单代码示例,希望能对你有所帮助。 ### 回答3: 松弛中值滤波器是一种经典的滤波算法,用于去除图像中的椒盐噪声。以下是一个基于Matlab的松弛中值滤波器的代码示例: ```matlab function filteredImage = relaxedMedianFilter(image, windowSize, threshold) % 获取图像的大小 [rows, cols] = size(image); halfWindowSize = floor(windowSize/2); filteredImage = zeros(size(image)); for i = 1+halfWindowSize:rows-halfWindowSize for j = 1+halfWindowSize:cols-halfWindowSize % 获取窗口区域对应的图像块 imageBlock = image(i-halfWindowSize:i+halfWindowSize, j-halfWindowSize:j+halfWindowSize); % 将图像块中的像素值排序,得到中值 sortedValues = sort(imageBlock(:)); medianValue = sortedValues(halfWindowSize+1); % 获取窗口内的极差 range = max(sortedValues) - min(sortedValues); % 判断中值是否在极差范围内 if abs(image(i, j) - medianValue) <= threshold * range % 如果在范围内,则将中值作为滤波后的像素值 filteredImage(i, j) = medianValue; else % 如果不在范围内,则将该像素值保留 filteredImage(i, j) = image(i, j); end end end end ``` 这段代码实现了松弛中值滤波器,它首先在输入图像的每个像素位置上滑动一个窗口,在窗口区域内获取像素块,然后对像素块内像素值进行排序,得到中值。接下来计算窗口内的极差,并与给定的阈值相乘得到一个松弛因子。将当前像素值与中值进行比较,如果在松弛范围内,则将中值作为滤波后的像素值,否则将当前像素值保留。最终输出滤波后的图像。


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