




     迄今为止,我比较得意的技术有设计模式、ASP.NET、CLR、WPF、SharpDevelop研究。我会在未来一段时间把《被遗忘得设计模式》和《WPF SDK深入研究》写完,翻译完那本《MSIL》,做好《博客园精华集》的组织协调出版工作。最后,全身心的投入编译原理和SharpDevelop的研究之中。


     I am active in the Blog community, http://jax.cnblogs.com/, to popularize WPF, .NET CLR, Design Pattern, and SharpDevelop. I specialize in .NET development and research, and my occupation is ASP.NET Software Engineer.

     This is my first time to apply for MVP.

     I started my Blog in October 2006. I had read many technique books about .NET before that, and had 5 years of experience in .NET development. As my technique grows, I begin to record these experiences and notes on my Blog, and share them with other programmers, which can help them reduce the difficulty in the technique ways.

     Afterward, I joined the CodeProject, an open source community. While reading other’s good project, I had an idea to write an Online Game Hall Platform in C#. After one and a half months, I finished this project, nearly 9,000 code lines. I published this project in both CSDN forum and my Blog, attached with the diary during the development. There are at least 1,000 people having downloaded this project and given me good feedbacks. I shared pleasure with all the people who were interested in .NET.

     2007 was a harvest year for me, because my technique has been greatly improved. I discussed Design Patterns with my colleagues for 2 months, arranged and published the discussion results, as a series of articles in my Blog, in the form of C#. I tried my best to use the simplest language to introduce these techniques to the readers. Since this theme is suitable for the newer and intermediate programmer, my Blog visit count is growing in a linear speed.

     From April 2007, I begun to read a famous book Programming Windows Presentation Foundation,and translated this book into Chinese in my Blog. This task has not been finished until recently. I popularized the basic WPF technique to the .NET programmers who were poor at English. Especially to the people who studied Silverlight, it’s a very good book to introduce the foundation. This series of articles have achieved great success, and the visit count reaches a new height: 10,000 at least.

     From May to June 2007, I studied a book CLR via C# written by Jeffrey Richter, page by page. During my reading, I kept on writing book reports in my Blog, and finally formed a series including 18 articles. This action gained good feedbacks in the Blog community. Only the index page of this series had 2,000 visit counts, which is still growing now. This series of book reports are helpful to the newer and intermediate programmers. They can not only help readers know how and why to code in .NET, but also act as a good guide for the programmers and help them achieve success at half effort as before.

     In July 2007, I began to study SharpDevelop, which is an open source IDE project. It has the same function as Visual Studio, written completely in C# at all. But this project is not popular in China, because of its 300,000 code lines and abstruse knowledge background, such as Attribute programming and Lexicon Analysis. However, I thought it brought us a new way to study IDE, and a good infrastructure with flexibility, and so on. Through 2 months of study and deep thinking, I published a series of articles to introduce this outstanding project in my Blog to all the .NET programmers, especially the high-level Architecture, and convince them that C# can also write good-performance software such as IDE. From this notion, I will continue to popularize SharpDevelop in the Blog community, in China, help uncover the veil of IDE programming, get more and more people involved in it, and make .NET more and more popular.

     In 2008, I have learned WF. WCF and Ajax one by one, and applied some of them in my project in the company, and published the experience in my Blog. Recently, I signed up a publishing company, and now I’m preparing to write a new book to introduce WPF, based on nearly 400 samples. In this book, I will specify each example and give a .NET3.5 version. In my schedule, this book includes 25 chapters, 30 pages per chapter on average. Before printing, I will publish every draft chapter in my Blog. This will popularize WPF techniques to the greatest extent. In my finished chapters, some examples refer to deep-depth techniques, which have not occurred yet in other books, which make this book suitable for the newer, intermediate and expert.

     All these above is a brief introduction of my experiences during the past 4 years and the efforts I have made in popularizing .NET techniques. When spreading the knowledge, I also improve myself. This is the reason why I can insist on all along. Whether I can get MVP this time, I will continue to devote myself to the Blog community, because behind myself, there are still a lot of fan readers, waiting for my new technique articles, whom I am responsible for. Of course, gaining MVP can help me spread .NET techniques more easily, attract more potential readers, and it is also great encouragement to me.  

     In the year of 2008, as .NET3.5 and Silverlight were released, WPF syntax has an enormous update, so the old samples were not available and the old book base on .NET3.0 or more earlier version were not suitable for the newer, even for the high-level programmer. It’s necessary to introduce the new update in the latest version of WPF, and give the old samples an upgrade as soon as possible. So, during these three months, I pursue this goal: to write a new book based on .NET3.5, to introduce WPF by over 400 samples. I had published some chapters in my Blog, to view the feedback from the Blog community users. I find there are a great number of readers who are interested in my technique articles. Thousands of people have visited my Blog and proposed corresponding suggestions, including encouragement. So I decide to continue this subject until I have finished all the 400 samples, and finally publish in a book. I have contacted TuringBook publishing company and I’m now preparing to finish this task by October 2008.  

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