uvalive 7331 Hovering Hornet 半平面交+概率期望



  1 #include<cstdio>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<algorithm>
  4 #include<iostream>
  5 #include<cstdlib>
  6 #include<string>
  7 #include<cmath>
  8 #include<vector>
  9 using namespace std;
 10 const int maxn=1e5+7;
 11 const double eps=1e-8;
 12 const double pi=acos(-1);
 14 double dcmp(double x)
 15 {
 16     if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0;
 17     else return x < 0 ? -1 : 1;
 18 }
 20 struct Point
 21 {
 22     double x, y;
 23     Point(double x=0, double y=0):x(x),y(y) { }
 24 };
 26 typedef Point Vector;
 28 Vector operator + (const Point& A, const Point& B)
 29 {
 30     return Vector(A.x+B.x, A.y+B.y);
 31 }
 33 Vector operator - (const Point& A, const Point& B)
 34 {
 35     return Vector(A.x-B.x, A.y-B.y);
 36 }
 38 Vector operator * (const Point& A, double v)
 39 {
 40     return Vector(A.x*v, A.y*v);
 41 }
 43 Vector operator / (const Point& A, double v)
 44 {
 45     return Vector(A.x/v, A.y/v);
 46 }
 48 double Cross(const Vector& A, const Vector& B)
 49 {
 50     return A.x*B.y - A.y*B.x;
 51 }
 53 double Dot(const Vector& A, const Vector& B)
 54 {
 55     return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y;
 56 }
 58 double Length(const Vector& A)
 59 {
 60     return sqrt(Dot(A,A));
 61 }
 63 Vector Rotate(Vector A,double rad)
 64 {
 65     return Vector(A.x*cos(rad)-A.y*sin(rad),A.x*sin(rad)+A.y*cos(rad));
 66 }
 68 bool operator < (const Point& p1, const Point& p2)
 69 {
 70     return p1.x < p2.x || (p1.x == p2.x && p1.y < p2.y);
 71 }
 73 bool operator == (const Point& p1, const Point& p2)
 74 {
 75     return p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y;
 76 }
 78 Vector Normal(Vector A)
 79 {
 80     double L=Length(A);
 81     return Vector(-A.y/L,A.x/L);
 82 }
 83 struct Line
 84 {
 85     Point P;
 86     Vector v;
 87     double ang;
 88     Line() {}
 89     Line(Point P, Vector v):P(P),v(v)
 90     {
 91         ang = atan2(v.y, v.x);
 92     }
 93     bool operator < (const Line& L) const
 94     {
 95         return ang < L.ang;
 96     }
 97 };
 99 bool OnLeft(const Line& L, const Point& p)
100 {
101     return Cross(L.v, p-L.P) > 0;
102 }
105 Point GetLineIntersection(const Line& a, const Line& b)
106 {
107     Vector u = a.P-b.P;
108     double t = Cross(b.v, u) / Cross(a.v, b.v);
109     return a.P+a.v*t;
110 }
112 const double INF = 1e8;
114 Point ansPoly[maxn];
115 int HalfplaneIntersection(vector<Line> L)     //L为切割平面的直线集合,求半平面交,返回点的个数,点存在anspoly数组中
116 {
117     int n = L.size();
118     sort(L.begin(), L.end()); // 按极角排序
119     int first, last;         // 双端队列的第一个元素和最后一个元素的下标
120     vector<Point> p(n);      // p[i]为q[i]和q[i+1]的交点
121     vector<Line> q(n);       //
122     q[first=last=0] = L[0];  //
123     for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
124     {
125         while(first < last && !OnLeft(L[i], p[last-1])) last--;
126         while(first < last && !OnLeft(L[i], p[first])) first++;
127         q[++last] = L[i];
128         if(fabs(Cross(q[last].v, q[last-1].v)) < eps)   //
129         {
130             last--;
131             if(OnLeft(q[last], L[i].P)) q[last] = L[i];
132         }
133         if(first < last) p[last-1] = GetLineIntersection(q[last-1], q[last]);
134     }
135     while(first < last && !OnLeft(q[first], p[last-1])) last--; //
136     if(last - first <= 1) return 0; //
137     p[last] = GetLineIntersection(q[last], q[first]); //
138     // 从deque复制到输出中
139     int index=0;
140     for(int i = first; i <= last; i++) ansPoly[index++]=p[i];
141     return index;
142 }
144 double PolygonArea(int n,Point *p)
145 {
146     double area=0;
147     for(int i=1; i<n-1; i++)
148         area+=Cross(p[i]-p[0],p[i+1]-p[0]);
149     return area/2;
150 }
151 // vector<Line>  vec;
152 //        vec.push_back(Line(Point(0,0),Point(1,0)));
153 //        vec.push_back(Line(Point(10000,0),Point(0,1)));
154 //        vec.push_back(Line(Point(10000,10000),Point(-1,0)));
155 //        vec.push_back(Line(Point(0,10000),Point(0,-1)));
156 //        Vector v=(p[1]-p[0]);
157 //        vec.push_back(Line((p[1]+p[0])*0.5,Normal(v)));
158 //        v=(p[2]-p[0]);
159 //        vec.push_back(Line((p[2]+p[0])*0.5,Normal(v)));
160 //        int m=HalfplaneIntersection(vec);
161 //        double ans=PolygonArea(m,ansPoly);
162 //        printf("%.3f\n",ans/(1.0*10000*10000));
163 Point p[5];
164 void CC(Point *p)
165 {
166     for(int i=0; i<maxn; i++)
167     {
168         p[i].x=0;
169         p[i].y=0;
170     }
171 }
172 int main()
173 {
174 //  freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
175     double a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6;
176     a5=(5.0*5*4)/(5*5*5-1);
177     a2=0;
178     while(cin>>p[0].x>>p[0].y>>p[1].x>>p[1].y>>p[2].x>>p[2].y>>p[3].x>>p[3].y)
179     {
180         CC(ansPoly);
181         vector<Line>vec;
182         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[0].x,p[0].y),Point(p[1].x-p[0].x,p[1].y-p[0].y)));
183         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[1].x,p[1].y),Point(p[2].x-p[1].x,p[2].y-p[1].y)));
184         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[2].x,p[2].y),Point(p[3].x-p[2].x,p[3].y-p[2].y)));
185         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[3].x,p[3].y),Point(p[0].x-p[3].x,p[0].y-p[3].y)));
186         vec.push_back(Line(Point(-0.5,-0.5),Point(-1,0)));
187         int sou_num=HalfplaneIntersection(vec);
188         a1=PolygonArea(sou_num,ansPoly);
189 //        cout<<"a1:"<<a1<<endl;
190 //        cout<<"sou_num:"<<sou_num<<endl;
191 //        CC(ansPoly);
192         vec.clear();
193         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[0].x,p[0].y),Point(p[1].x-p[0].x,p[1].y-p[0].y)));
194         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[1].x,p[1].y),Point(p[2].x-p[1].x,p[2].y-p[1].y)));
195         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[2].x,p[2].y),Point(p[3].x-p[2].x,p[3].y-p[2].y)));
196         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[3].x,p[3].y),Point(p[0].x-p[3].x,p[0].y-p[3].y)));
197         vec.push_back(Line(Point(-0.5,-0.5),Point(0,1)));
198         int west_num=HalfplaneIntersection(vec);
199 //        cout<<ansPoly[3].y<<endl;
200         a4=PolygonArea(west_num,ansPoly);
201 //        cout<<"a4:"<<a4<<endl;
202 //        cout<<"west_num:"<<west_num<<endl;
203         CC(ansPoly);
204         vec.clear();
205         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[0].x,p[0].y),Point(p[1].x-p[0].x,p[1].y-p[0].y)));
206         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[1].x,p[1].y),Point(p[2].x-p[1].x,p[2].y-p[1].y)));
207         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[2].x,p[2].y),Point(p[3].x-p[2].x,p[3].y-p[2].y)));
208         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[3].x,p[3].y),Point(p[0].x-p[3].x,p[0].y-p[3].y)));
209         vec.push_back(Line(Point(-0.5,0.5),Point(1,0)));
210         int nor_num=HalfplaneIntersection(vec);
211         a6=PolygonArea(nor_num,ansPoly);
212 //        cout<<"a6:"<<a6<<endl;
213 //        cout<<"nor_num:"<<nor_num<<endl;
214         CC(ansPoly);
215         vec.clear();
216         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[0].x,p[0].y),Point(p[1].x-p[0].x,p[1].y-p[0].y)));
217         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[1].x,p[1].y),Point(p[2].x-p[1].x,p[2].y-p[1].y)));
218         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[2].x,p[2].y),Point(p[3].x-p[2].x,p[3].y-p[2].y)));
219         vec.push_back(Line(Point(p[3].x,p[3].y),Point(p[0].x-p[3].x,p[0].y-p[3].y)));
220         vec.push_back(Line(Point(0.5,0.5),Point(0,-1)));
221         int east_num=HalfplaneIntersection(vec);
222         a3=PolygonArea(east_num,ansPoly);
223 //        cout<<"a3:"<<a3<<endl;
224 //        cout<<"east_num:"<<east_num<<endl;
225         long double ans1,ans2,ans3,ans4,ans5,ans6;
226         double ans;
227 //        anss=(5.0*a1)/(5*5*5-1)+2*(5.0*a2)/(5*5*5-1)+3*(5.0*a3)/(5*5*5-1)+4*(5.0*a4)/(5*5*5-1)+a5*5.0+6*(5.0*a6)/(5*5*5-1);
228         ans1=(5.0*a1)/(5*5*5-1);
229 //        cout<<"ans1:"<<ans1<<endl;
230         ans2=(5.0*a2)/(5*5*5-1);
231 //        cout<<"ans2:"<<ans2<<endl;
232         ans3=3*(5.0*a3)/(5*5*5-1);
233 //        cout<<"ans3:"<<ans3<<endl;
234         ans4=4*(5.0*a4)/(5*5*5-1);
235 //        cout<<"ans4:"<<ans4<<endl;
236         ans5=5*a5;
237 //        cout<<"ans5:"<<ans5<<endl;
238         ans6=6*(5.0*a6)/(5*5*5-1);
239 //        cout<<"ans6:"<<ans6<<endl;
240         ans=ans1+ans2+ans3+ans4+ans5+ans6;
241         printf("%.10lf\n",ans);
242     }
243     return 0;
244 }
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Based on the following story, continue the story by writing two paragraphs, paragraph 1 beginning with "A few weeks later, I went to the farm again. " and paragraph 2 beginning with "I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared."respectively with 150 words. I was invited to a cookout on an old friend's farm in western Washington. I parked my car outside the farm and walked past a milking house which had apparently not been used in many years.A noise at a window caught my attention,so I entered it. It was a hummingbird,desperately trying to escape. She was covered in spider-webs and was barely able to move her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I looked around to see how she had gotten in. The broken window glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece of cloth into the hole and took her outside,closing the door securely behind me. When I opened my hand, the bird did not fly away; she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed the sticky spider-webs that covered her head and wings. Still, she made no attempt to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling against the window too long and was too tired? Or too thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path toward my car where I kept a water bottle, she began to move. I stopped, and she soon took wing but did not immediately fly away. Hovering,she approached within six inches of my face. For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight. During the cookout, I told my hosts about the hummingbird incident. They promised to fix the window. As I was departing, my friends walked me to my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering. She turned from person to person until she came to me. She again looked directly into my eyes, then let out a squeaking call and was gone. For a moment, all were speechless. Then someone said, “She must have come to say good-bye.”




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