各种感谢的方式||Thank you note

来源于 http://www.soulmateoracle.com/advice/thanks.html

Here are just a fraction of the many notes of appreciaton we have received from our readers...

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to reply to my problem in such a prompt manner. You both really opened my eyes. I have read what you wrote over and over and it all makes so much sense. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

I want to thank you so much for the help and advice you have shared with me in the past. I contacted you last January about an issue I was having. Based on the advice you gave me, I thought long and hard and made the decision that was necessary for me to be happy in my life. It has been difficult, but I am now experiencing not only a new freedom, but happiness at making a decision that I knew I needed to make the whole time. It was just really great to have some validation!

I just wanted to write a thank you note to say without your help, books and website. I would not be where I am today. I'm still working on issues, but at least they are not taking control of my life. I'm very much in love with my girlfriend and we are moving forward together.

Thank you!! You have given me much to think about.

Thank you so much for responding so quickly. It really helped me.

I would just like to say "THANK YOU" for a VERY quick response. I didn't expect it SO quick. You have given me/us some good advise and believe me, it is greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks Again!!!!

I do thank you with all my heart for sharing such wonderful words with me. I am taking your thoughts into consideration. It's great to receive a neutral point of view for a change. Thank you again

I just wanted to say Thank you very much for the advice and wisdom you shared with me. It really did help me to accept the process and keep myself honest and nurtured regardless of what was going on.

Your service has been of incomparable value and I wanted to let you know that thousands of miles away from you, on a tiny island in New Zealand, a couple (and our daughter) are living much more honestly and lovingly than we could have done without your assistance!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I will be a regular visitor to your website and the latest book is on my wish-list for my birthday!

Thank you so much for all of that awesome advice. Most people would just give me a sentence or two and leave it as that. You really opened my eyes and showed me the things that I really need to think about most.

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate the advice you have given me. It will help us through our journey together. Hope you and yours have a happy Valentines.

You have been very kind and helpful in this "darkest" time of my life. I appreciate this kindness tremendously! Thank you again for sharing all of your ideas. They have really helped me.

Thank you for responding so promptly. I can tell you that I honestly was not expecting a response, as is the case with most sites, but yours is obviously different. The response you gave me was so detailed and thoughtful. Thanks again.

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me. I really appreciate it and I will definately look into the sites and books that you recommended.

You have really helped me before and I think I need it again. Thanks again for your time.

Thanks a lot for your help. :)

I would like to thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. Your input means a lot. Thank you!

I'm extremely grateful for you answering my e-mail and my question so promptly.

I'm very grateful for the advice. Thanks for your advice, and to mention that I'm looking forward to reading your book, is an understatement. Thanks again, John, for everthing.

Thank you very much for the resonse. It is greatly appreciated. You are right. Thank you for all of your help.

Thank you for your advice you got back to me so so so fast. Thanks this made me feel great. It was a small grain of sand in a whole world of vast mountains, forests, and beaches. Thank for listening God Bless.

A little less than a month ago you gave me advice on how to handle my feelings for my partner, by making me look at the situation from a different perspective. I did and I applied my own advice on myself, it helped me a lot (although it was very hard at times), thank you very much.

Thank you very much your the advice. It's very nice of you to take the time to answer my question so fully. I will be in touch if I decide to seek some form of help in this matter.

I thank you for your prompt response and totally agree with your advice.

Thank you again. All the best for you and your family.

Thanks for helping me....

Thank you for the advice, I spoke with my girlfriend, and she agreed. We have spoken about it now, and it is slowly getting better.

Thank you for your kind and supportive words, I really do appreciate them. I agree wholeheartedly with you on the problems with communication.

I have taken into consideration what you have said, you are very right. I've let people talk and say what they want, I'm moving on from there. Thank you very much for your assistance. If I ever need more help, I will contact you again.

Thanks for the help ;) I really appreciate it. I do agree with what you said about reacting... I just want to thank you for taking the time out to give me some respected guidance about my relationship =)

Thanks again for your kind response and for being there!

I purchased your online book and find it fascinating. Particularly, there is a statement in there that says something like "Love always brings past unresolved issues to the forefront." Again, thanks for the help. I wish you were available in person, as it would be great to find a couple's counselor locally here.

Thank you for the insight.

Thank you so much for your advice.

I can't even begin to tell you how much your email has helped me. It has already helped that inner anxiety that I have and realize that I need to work on that. As soon as I type you this email I am going to download the ebook and look into your book Relationship Tools for Positive Change. I can't thank you enough for your speedy response and all of the personalized information. I'm so impressed and I'm going to tell all of my friends about your website.

Thanks for the help!! It seems like the right way to deal with it, now let's just hope I carry through!!

Wow! John, I never really expected you to answer my question, but I'm glad you did. THANK YOU!!! A lot of sites, you submit questions and they may not answer. I think your site is GREAT. I've forwarded to my friends who are dealing with relationship issues.

I appreciate the chance to gain a little insight from you. Isn't cybersapce wonderful?

Wow, you're reading me like a book. You're really helped me, thanks a lot. Now, just gotta get some rest and start the morning in a new way.

Wow! John, I guess when you said that you were not going to give me some sugar coated piece of fluff you truely meant that. At first I was somewhat offended at what you had said. Then I did some thinking this afternoon and decided to try and figure out if there was any truth to what your assumptions were. Thanks!

It is so good to know that there are people as generous as you with their time to answer personally questions that others ponder on alone for so long. I didn't know you replied to each email. You've made me consider my options and I'm really grateful for your time and original thoughts. Sometimes people are blinded at consequence to themselves and however hard it is they have to look facts in the eye. Thanks.

Thank you very much for the reassurance. I completely agree with you. I will discuss your answer with my partner. Thanks again.

Thank you for your sound advice. I can't believe you answer e-mails personally. You are very generous. I'd been looking for someone impartial to talk to for months but nobody answers you when you write. That's why I was so surprised. I stumbled across your site at 2 am this morning when I was really at my wits end.

Thank you so much for your words of advice. I am going to try "self-love," and if I do need more help, I will set up a phone session. Thanks again for taking the time to listen. May God bless you and your work.

I want you to know that I really appreciate your advice. It was comforting to know that I'm not alone, and that other couples go through the same stuff. Thank you so much.

Thanks so much for you advice, it helped me see some things in a new light.

Thanks very much for your reply and words, as you likely know this is a very important thing to me! I have checked out a number of sites regarding relationships and your advice sounds the most loving. I looked into a couple of 'guys' sites that advocate what seems more like games and psychological warfare then attempts to build love and companionship in a hard time. I think I'll look into your writings! Thanks again, John and take care.

I just wanted to say thank you for your advice, both in the quality and speed you replied. What you said really made sense to me and it was kind of what I was thinking already. It really helped reiterate some of my feelings I wasn't quite sure about and how to handle them. I really appreciated your advice and also found your website to be helpful and entertaining :) You guys are doing a great thing. Thanks again.

Thank you again for the great advice (I included my original email and your response at the end of this email). I also downloaded "Relationship Tools for Positive Change" and am enjoying that also.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the encouragement and confidence boost. Now I do believe that our beautiful feelings will grow from strength to strength and to help things along, we will be guided by the books you recoomnend.

God bless you, John. Keep up the great work!

I will definately buy your book. Again thank you so much for your help.

Thank you for your quick response! I am trying to work through the self-esteem issues I have using positive meditation and personal affirmations. It is definitely a slow and bumpy road:) I will look into purchasing the book "Relationship Tools for Positive Change" and hopefully we can find a way to resolve our issues. Again thank you.

Thank you for your incredibly quick reply. I appreciate the insight that you have already given. I hope that you can give me more... I will check my mail frequently looking for your reply. I feel very alone now and reading your reply helped a great deal. I am considering professional counselling to try and help me deal with my own feelings - do you think I need to take that step?

Thank you for your advice. I will try it.

Thank you! And thank you for replying so quickly. I am going to take your advice and go see a counsellor, but it really helps just knowing that there is something I can work on to turn things around.

Thanx so much John, I really appreciate your advice. I'll give it a try. God Bless and Regards.

Thank's for the advice it's appreciated!

Thanks a lot. I know what you mean... I really appreciate your help.

I recieved your e-mail and I want to thank you so much. I really appreciated your fast reply. Thank you again you are an angel.

Thank you very much for your reply. It was a God's blessing, first because it came so quickly, since I'm feeling very bad tonight and I was in very big need of your reply. Also because your reply had all that I needed so badly: empathy for my feelings, validation for my opinions and a challenge for my part of the responsibility.

I agree with all that you said, totally. God bless you for your wonderful reply. Again, thank you very very much !!!

Thank you for what you said, you were right

Thank you for the advice John. I agree with your thoughts on this matter.

Thank you very much. Your advice and insight is very much appreciated.

Thank you very much for your advice and help. It is greatly appreciated. This "new guy" definetely brings out the best in me and I truly believe that he was brought into my life by God. Thanks again.

Thank you! I will try and I will let you know! Thank you for trying to help.

Thank you soo much.

You were exactly right in pegging me as a "giver" type personality. Your advice has been helpful.

Thank you for your quick reply. We have discussed the sex problem and she agrees to try for something better.

Thank you ... You have helped me out alot :)

Thank you for your sincere and quick response.

Thank you very much for your advice.

Thank you for the advice. I am going to get those books and am very serious about this relationship and I do have alot to undo.

Thank you for your advice!!! I really appreciate it.

Thanks again for the help and encouragement.

Thank you. You have shared some very powerful and insightful words of advice with me. Thank you so much for taking time to listen to my problem and for your help. May God bless you :)

Thank you SO much for answering my letter, i feel like my worries have been highly respected by your response. I cannot thank you enough. It was a pleasure to read your advice, and I will check out the reading you suggested to me. Thank you very, very much.

Thanks! thanks! thank you so much!!! I really appreciated your advice... Well, I'll browse the said sites... Thanks!! More power....

Thank you for your response. I have already started to do some of the things you have mentioned. And it has seemed to make thing a little better I have let her know I am changing for myself not her... I look forward to discussing this with you. Thank you for listening and taking the time to read this.

Thank you very much for your guidance. Now, I have truly understood my state of mind and what I was thinking of. I feel very much enlightened. Thank you again for clearing my doubts.

Thank you for the quick response. Your information was very detail and knowledgeable.

Thanks for much for the prompt reply. Yes, your message does makes sense and I understand (and agree) about being self-cared for and not being needy. Thanks, again, for your advice on this topic!

Hi Dr. Grey, Thank you so much for asuch a quick response. I will let you know what happens. How much is a phone counseling session?

Thanks for the advice!!!!!

It really helps to have someone to talk to other then my divorced parents. Thanks again Mr. Grey.

Thanks for the ear? :) How much do I owe you?

Yes, I think you are right on. Thanks for the help. God bless,

Thank you kindly for your informative response. I appreciate your encouragement and advice. I feel honored to be corresponding with you. Please advise me which is the best way to correspond with you in the future, should your schedule permit.

Thank you for your advice. Your words have given me the courage to do what I needed to do. Thank you so much once again, my life is changed for the better.

Thanks alot, your help was greatly appreciated

I really would like to thank you for answering so quickly, I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for those wonderful words of wisdom and kindness.

Thank you so much for you advice and guidance.

You are the MAN! Thank you so much, that makes so much sense it's crazy. Your words are very insightful, I will heed them! Thanks again!






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