mesh generators


mesh generators


This is a list of public domain and commercial mesh generators (click here for other sources of interest). I have listened only programs for which online information exists. There is also a sectionon papers that review mesh generators.

If you are interested in special programs, the following links might guide you directly to interesting places:

  • A list of public domain, downloadable and university codes:


  • ADMesh (Anthony D. Martin): A program for processing triangulated solid meshes in STL format. Tri> Sur>


  • ANGENER (Vit Dolejsi): 2D triangulation using anisotropic mesh adaptation. Tri>


  • AUTOMESH2D (Shandong University): a fully automatic adaptive quad mesh generator, especially suited for metal forming simulation. Qua>


  • CAMINO (Tao Chen): 3D/2D meshing program using a generalized octree/quadtree approach. Tri> Tet>


  • Cart3D (Michael J. Aftosmis): Pre-processing tools and mesh generator "cubes" for cartesian mesh generation. Sur> Hex>


  • CGAL mesh generation (CGAL): Various packages for triangle and tetrahedral mesh generation. Distributed under a dual license. Tri> Sur> Tet>


  • CGM (Tim Tautges):a code library which provides geometry functionality used for mesh generation and other applications.


  • Chimera Grid Tools (William M. Chan): A software package containing a variety of tools for the Chimera overset grid approach for solving complex configuration problems. 3str>


  • COG 2.0 (Ilja Schmelzer): A grid generation package for 2D an 3D grid generation. An essential part is public domain. It's aim is to create Delaunay grids with few nodes for complex geometries. Tri> Tet>


  • CQMesh (Marcelo Siqueira): AC++ program for generating convex quadrilateral meshes of arbitrary polygonal domains. Qua>


  • CSCMDO (from Bill Jones): A general purpose multi-block three-dimensional volume grid generator which is suitable for Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization. 3str>


  • CUBIT (SANDIA, BYU): a two- and three-dimensional finite element mesh generation tool which is being developed to pursue the goal of robust and unattended mesh generation (quadrilateral and hexahedral element meshes). Qua> Hex>


  • delaundo (Jens-Dominik Müller): A 2-D Delaunay mesh generator delaundo that produces high quality triangular grids. Tri>


  • DelIso (Tamal K. Dey): can mesh an Iso-surface from volume data with Delaunay triangles that have bounded aspect ratio. Sur>


  • Delos (Olivier Stab): An automatic 2D mesh generator for "almost flat surfaces". Tri>


  • DelPSC (Tamal K. Dey): Can produce a quality Delaunay mesh(weighted) for a large class of three dimensional domains. The algorithm guarantees that almost all triangles and tetrahedra have bounded radius-edge ratio except a few ones in the vicinity of small input angles or near the boundary. Sur> Tet>


  • DIAMESH (Alain Rassineux): 2D triangular mesh generation, 3D tet meshing and surface remeshing. Tri> Tet> Sur>


  • Discretizer (Bj鰎n Bergqvist): An interactive mesh creation tool, block-structured meshes for cfd applications. 3str>


  • DistMesh (Per-Olof Perrson): A simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. Tri> Tet>


  • enGrid (enGits): Tetrahedral grid generation with prismatic boundary layers. Tet>


  • femmesh (Medical Physics, UCL): A UNIX/OpenWindows program designed to interactively generate 2D FEM meshes composed of 3-noded triangular elements. Tri>


  • FIST (Martin Held): A robust polygon triangulation code (ear clipping), can handle many kinds of degenerate data. Tri> Qua>Sur>


  • GENIE++ (Bharat Soni): A collection of software packages that GENerate computational grids for Internal-External flow configurations. GENIE++ generates three-dimensional, structured, multi-block grids. 3str>


  • Geompack++ (Barry Joe): A mathematical software package written in standard Fortran 77 for the GEneration Of 2-D and 3-D triangular/tetrahedral finite element Meshes using GEOMetric algorithms. GEOMPACK90, the substantially enhanced successor of GEOMPACK, is a comprehensive software package for finite element mesh generation (triangular, quadrilateral, surface, tetrahedral, hexahedral-dominant). Tri> Qua> Sur> Tet>


  • Globegen (Nash'at Ahmad):An unstructured prismatic grid-generator for creating meshes for the entire globe.


  • GMSH (Jean-Francois Remacle, Christophe Geuzaine): A Delaunay-based mesh generator, generates adapted meshes for lines, surfaces and volumes. Tri> Tet>


  • GNU Triangulated Surface Library (Source forge): Intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. Contains 2D Delaunay and constrained Delaunay triangulation, surface refinement and coarsening and much more. Tri> Sur>


  • GrAL (Guntram Berti):A generic library for grid data structures and algorithms operating on them.


  • GridEx (GEOLAB): An interactive software system developed by GEOLAB of the NASA Langley Research Center for the generation of unstructured meshes. The software integrates native CAD geometry access, multiple unstructured meshing algorithms, and interactive 3D computer graphics through a Graphical User Interface GUI) resulting in a package that is both powerful and easy to use. Sur> Tet> 3str>


  • GRIDGEN (NASA): A software system for the generation of 3D, multiple block, structured grids. GRIDGEN is a visually-oriented, graphics-based interactive code used to decompose a 3D domain into blocks, distribute grid points on curves, initialize and refine grid points on surfaces and initialize volume grid points.




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