在新加坡做面试官的经历 (Interviewer Experience for UI/UX Designer in Singapore)



  • Brief
  • 1st interview – Filipino (on-site interview)
  • 2nd interview – Chinese (on-site interview)
  • 3rd interview – Filipino (phone interview)
  • 4th interview – Burmese (phone interview)
  • Summary -  must list for UI/UX designer


很快在新加坡已工作两年多, 感觉自己已慢慢完全适应了这边的生活和工作节奏。 最近恰巧有机会作为WEB/UI/UX DESIGNER 的面试官, 感触挺深,所以分享在这里:

一来总结面试过程中的经验教训以此共勉,二来也希望对有意来新加坡工作或有类似兴趣的人一些帮助。之所以采用英文, 是因为现在工作环境所需,所以也希望自己在这方面不断提高。

Time passes quickly, I've been working in Singapore for more than 2 years already, and currently working in an Indian company (90% Indians, few Filipinos, few Pakistanis, few Sir Lankans, few Singaporeans, one British and myself Chinese), though felt tired every workday, but generally still kind of enjoy the life here.  mainly because I always try to live my life to the fullest – work aspect, as I am quite clear where I am going and what’s most important for me, so I treat it not only as a job, but as part of my career, and I never felt myself this professional & skilled in my life before than I did now. Same time, the company recognize my work and give me somewhat bonus, salary increment and other opportunities that I value. And personally I keep learning new things and can see myself growing every day and same time have the pure English environment to improve on it. I know they’re all small steps, but every one values for me in my growing process.

As a creative designer, I had an Indian partner before but she left after several months because of some reasons. The boss etc. asked me to recommend. And I checked with my designer friends in Singapore, but they are all quite content with their current jobs.so the company just recruit someone from market. And recently, there’s some interview going and I was asked to be one of the interviewers. As a designer myself, now I have to step aside to look at the position in a different perspective – as an employer and represent the company. And I have some different experience during it and somewhat changed few of my previous point of views regarding how to ace an interview and what the company's looking for from a web/UI/UX designer. So just want to record here for my own memory. And would be very happy if it’s happen to be little help for some of you guys. So here we go with the stories:

1st interview – Filipino (on-site interview)

Applicant - Filipino with 8+ years as Web Developer / Web and Graphic Designer

CV wise - he had 2 pages well-designed PDF resume with all key info as:

Name & photo & job objective & address etc. & contact info & personal brief (though the brief failed to impress me as it is too generic but without any selling points);

Work experience with name & duration & title & key responsibilities (known from here he got 3+ years’ experience in Singapore & the other 5 in Philippines, mostly in front-end & technical support part. but I also notice he put detailed address for everyone here but actually really important is just city & country of the experience);

Education with university & high & elementary school (he put it like completed year & name & detailed address, I am not sure he put it for resume design consideration or what, but detailed address is really not important. and web design happen to be a field related experience matters more than education. so except it’s something really important. don't need to put a section special for it. Actually with his experience, a full section with high & elementary school details doesn’t help  at all, or conversely, kind left a not that good impression on me.)

Computer & language skills level part (he did a nice job here by using some chart to picture me a clear idea of all skills he has & the level of each)

Portfolio wise – he had online portfolio with some good quality pieces. (But don’t know why he didn’t share the URL in his resume)

As a whole, I had a good impression on him prior the interview. Then the day came, as my first time to be an interviewer, I felt kind of worried how I can do it properly. Then he came, HR asked me to take it directly. I politely welcome him and asked him to seat for a while. Later go in and start the interview with director. He shake hands with director but not with me. Then I know I might do it wrong here. As for the first time, I just want a casual small chart regarding design related with him and don’t want it to be too formal, so I didn’t take anything with me. But seems like it’s unprofessional. For the whole process, the director take most charge of it. He answered all politely. And I asked some technical questions every now then but didn’t get that serious answers. I kind have the feeling he treat us differently. But fine, the interview goes well. He’s quite confident before we come to the portfolio part: he’s asked to present & introduce us 2/3 designs he’s most proud of. He feels little bit anxious here and quite blur about what he did in the projects. And instead of taking from the online portfolio site, he presented us one live project through his mobile & one intranet project on laptop. But both are not that design good comparing to the online ones.

Few lessons & tips learnt here:

Concise & well-designed resume aces for a web/UI/UX designer job;

To impress the interviewer in this 2 pages content, put the one works but not unnecessary info just for page style, design values, but still content is the essence;

Make the personal brief works – to sell your key points in a few lines. Otherwise drop it;

For a technical job, sell your related work/project experience prior education. Only put the one helps for education wise.

If you have a portfolio or any successful online products, put in the resume and make it as obvious as possible, then tell your responsibilities/how you achieved it and the thoughts behind it clearly in the interview;

Being polite and professional to all the interviewers,it’s a good personality, also because everyone values;

And to myself - If you are in a role, be professional and act like it.

2nd interview – Chinese (on-site interview)

Applicant - Chinese with 5.5+ years as Web/Multimedia Designer/Developer

CV wise - he had 3 pages job-street template resume with all key info as:

Name & photo & work pass info & contact info & personal brief & portfolio (he did a nice job here to put his portfolio at top front. no matter the site itself is from template or what (he honestly put it, that’s good.), it’s a well-designed portfolio site with some very good quality designs presented. and he also successfully sell himself in a few lines brief by telling his related education background and work experience, though it will be better if he told he has design related master degree here. Meanwhile he made few mistakes also by missing job objective & putting his work pass here. As without objective, I can’t know his specific job interest and like he’s ok with anything. But that shouldn’t be in someone with year’s related education & work experience like him. One more thing is putting work pass here somewhat gave me an impression he’s not confident with himself. But doesn’t matter, just small things, as a whole, he impressed me a lot and I prefer him this point of time.);

Work experience with name & duration & title & key responsibilities (job experience are all good, just lack info for related project experience, but it’s ok, he may share with us during the interview);

Education with bachelor & master details (related further education aced here)

Computer & language skills info (known from here, he’s better at design & graphic comparing to front-end & coding part, and he knows some Japanese, that’s also one selling point and will play a better role if it happens to be a Japanese company.)

Portfolio wise – he had online portfolio site with some very good quality pieces. (And he aced by putting the link forefront.)

Then comes the interview. With all his background and experience, and also as a Chinese myself, I prefer this guy frankly, but I didn’t act unprofessional. I shake hands and welcome him while met, and as normal, ask him to seat for a while first. Later enter the room with director but take the resume & computer with me this time. The interview started normally. Director opened it by asking him a self-introduction. I was shocked that he opened it here with speaking ill of his current company in front of the other one that could be his future employer. But worse, director asked something here, he continued by somewhat angrily complaining his boss for all the problems. Somehow I still hope bringing out his good background & work experience & good portfolio can be a plus for him. And I can as I took most of the further technical part interview. Asked questions like: share with me your creative process. What industry sites/blogs do you read regularly? How you stay on top of current design trends? Tell me about 1/2 of your favourite project and your responsibilities in it and design thoughts behind it. What skills and technologies you want to improve or learn the most? Etc. Though there’s no absolutely right answer for it. But I do have some suggestions here:

Share with me your creative process.

He act little bit anxious here, and didn’t come to the point.

Actually, you can take 2 approaches here either by starting with one of your project then tell further details around it or generally tell how you normally do: like clarifications you need or design URS you require from clients before starting a new project (you can also add here, you will confirm different things depending on different type of projects like for website, mobile etc.) – then with all the inputs, you can work out wireframes to quickly check the essence like layout & content with client at an early time – after wireframes ’confirmed, you’ll use the right visual language to fulfil the specific URS like make the IA clearer. – Then convert it to responsive prototype that has a good cross-browser compatibilities and work in all devices through mobile to desktop computer. (And you can share more details if the interviewer asks more specific questions.)

What industry sites/blogs do you read regularly?

He said no.

This is the question that can reflect if you really like the industry and passionate about it or not. So better tell some sites you visit daily or some blogs you like the most. And the answers expected here are definitely not Facebook, twitter or any other SNS sites.

How you stay on top of current design trends?

He said normally he’ll check from some Chinese websites and know from some of his Chinese friends.

Not bad. But somewhat indicate you still didn’t fully adapt yourself to local life through years’ time. And the design trends in Singapore sometimes can be very different from those in china as with different background and culture.
So better way is to tell you like web design related, and have the habit to browse technique sites & blogs every day so you are quite familiar with what’s on right now. And you have some local designer friends too or the best you are in some kind of community where you can discuss and share your thoughts with like-minded people. But you have you own concept regarding design, so though you know the latest trends very well, but you normally will analyse it first before take the ones work for you.

Tell me about 1/2 of your favourite project and your responsibilities in it and design thoughts after it.

He looks more nervous here, and started wandering there. Then I reminded him to take examples from his online portfolio then guide us his process around it (as the portfolio impressed me a lot before). He did but failed to depict depict what the target user is for and clearly convey the design considerations behind it.

Actually, as a designer, this is the best chance to convince the interviewer you are the one. so be confident and to sparkle, believe whatever you have currently are the best, clearly and happily to share the project background, clients 'problems faced and what user centric considerations you have or whatever other design language you take to properly solve those problems then what you have done for it and finally what you achieved. The best, you can even share the good feedbacks or testimonials client gave for what you’ve done. And normally, interviewer who asked this question have some sort of background in it. And he’ll explore further for the ones he interested. So you can take the chance to have a nice like-minded talk with him. No matter what, he’ll be happy and has a deep impression of you.

What skills and technologies you want to improve or learn the most?

He said java.

That’s all good, but everyone knows jack of all trades. So will be better if the answer is more related techniques. Like for him, he’s more in design & graphic aspects and don't have much experience in front-end & coding part, so a plus will be keen to learn converting the design to responsive HTML prototype by HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery etc. as only you know basis of both graphic design & coding part, then you understand the feasibilities and know what works the most.

As o whole, I still think he’s all good in graphic& UI design part though he don’t have much experience in front-end coding & mobile UI/UX design. But somehow director doesn't like him saying he got some attitude problems, and he know little about front-end coding so there’s a big gap in between.

Few lessons & tips learnt here:

Never speak ill of your previous company, same as your previous boss. If you are really not right for each other, just leave and change to the other one you prefer ASAP;

Send one more well-formatted word & PDF resume though the company already downloaded one from job sites if you are really interested in the position as the job site one’s best viewed online but not that good after export to word;

Put job objective forefront and be firm with it. It’s ok to keep the position open for a newly graduate, but for a person with year’s related background & experience, knowing what you are going for is really important.

Not necessary to put work pass info forefront, as being a passionate talent, you need to have the confidence that you can ace the interviewer by your related background, technical skills & years of experience. Then what you require further is just normal. Don’t have any fear, just believe there’s a lot of places for talent to pursuit his goals. So work pass shouldn’t be a restriction.

To convince your audience and sell yourself out, you need to be very confident but not nervous, just believe you are the right one and what you have is the best. Happily and politely present whatever wanted and tell the best you provided there.

We Chinese taught to be modest while growing up. But sometimes it doesn't work in a foreign world as western culture encourages hero and tend to show themselves in a direct way. So if you act too modest, sometimes they’ll think that’s the truth. It’s really not you wanted. So shine at the right time and tell them you are the best.

Though tech-smart people are normally not that conversable. But as web designer, good communication skills are key. So well-spoken and clearly selling the design ideas and not only know how but also clear about why is quite critical here.

We all know web design’s a rapidly changing world. So choose the one you like, and like the one you’ve chosen.  If there’s new skills needed that you happen to lack of. Don’t be afraid, just be modest and tell you are passionate to learn whatever matters. And you are good at it through years of practicing.

A saying goes: while in Rome do as the Romans do. So while keeping your own culture and believe, better try to be localized and think in a local way.

To be continued…..






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