ICommand 接口


ActiveSurveyControl (SurveyExt)ActiveSurveyControl Class
AddBarriersTool (DataSourcesSMUUI)Tool for adding Barriers to Router.
AddFindResAsBarrierCommand (DataSourcesSMUUI)Add Find Result as Barrier Command.
AddFindResAsStopCommand (DataSourcesSMUUI)Add Find Result as Stop Command.
AddStopsTool (DataSourcesSMUUI)Tool for adding Stops to Router.
AnimationCreateTimeTrackCommand (AnimationUI)Command to create a new time layer track.
ArcMapImportCommand (SurveyDataEx)ArcMapImportDlg Class
AutoLinkSurveyPointsCommand (SurveyExt)AutoLinkSurveyPointsCommand Class
Button (Framework)Button CoType.
CommandHostUse this class to host C++ command implementations in a Toolbar.
ComputationNetworkPropertiesCmd (SurveyExt)ComputationNetworkPropertiesCmd Class
ComputeAllCmd (SurveyExt)ComputeAllCmd Class
ComputeCmd (SurveyExt)ComputeCmd Class
ComputeDependentCmd (SurveyExt)ComputeDependentCmd Class
ComputeSelectionCmd (SurveyExt)ComputeSelectionCmd Class
ConstructionTool (SurveyExt)ConstructionTool Class
Controls3DAnalystContourTool (Controls)Generates the contour that passes through a query point.
Controls3DAnalystSteepestPathTool (Controls)Generates the steepest path down from a point.
ControlsAddDataCommand (Controls)Browses data sets and adds data.
ControlsAlignBottomCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the bottom.
ControlsAlignCenterCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the horizontal center.
ControlsAlignLeftCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the left.
ControlsAlignMiddleCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the vertical center.
ControlsAlignRightCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the right.
ControlsAlignToMarginsCommand (Controls)Toggles whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection.
ControlsAlignTopCommand (Controls)Aligns selected elements to the top.
ControlsArcGISServicesAboutCommand (Controls)Launches a web page about ArcGIS Services.
ControlsArcWebAboutCommand (Controls)Launches a web page about ArcWeb Services.
ControlsArcWebConnectionCommand (Controls)Command to connect to ArcWeb Services.
ControlsArcWebMyAccountCommand (Controls)Launches a web page to manage my ArcWeb Services.
ControlsBringForwardCommand (Controls)Brings the selected element(s) forward.
ControlsBringToFrontCommand (Controls)Brings the selected element(s) to the front.
ControlsClearSelectionCommand (Controls)Unselects the currently selected features in all layers.
ControlsContextHelpCommand (Controls)Provides context sensitive help for toolbar items.
ControlsDistributeHorizontallyCommand (Controls)Distributes selected elements evenly in the vertical direction.
ControlsDistributeVerticallyCommand (Controls)Distributes selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction.
ControlsEditingAttributeCommand (Controls)Shows the feature property editor.
ControlsEditingClearCommand (Controls)Delete the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingCopyCommand (Controls)Copy the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingCutCommand (Controls)Cut the selected element(s).
ControlsEditingEditTool (Controls)Edits features and their geometries.
ControlsEditingPasteCommand (Controls)Paste the clipboard contents into your map.
ControlsEditingSaveCommand (Controls)Saves any pending edits.
ControlsEditingSketchAbsoluteXYCommand (Controls)Adds a point at known location.
ControlsEditingSketchChangeLengthCommand (Controls)Removes the last vertex and preserves the direction of the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchDeflectionCommand (Controls)Constrains the direction of the segment being created relative to the previous segment.
ControlsEditingSketchDeleteCommand (Controls)Deletes the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchDeltaXYCommand (Controls)Adds a point at an offset from the last point.
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionCommand (Controls)Constrains the direction of the segment being created.
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionLengthCommand (Controls)Adds a segment using a direction and length.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishCommand (Controls)Completes the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishPartCommand (Controls)Completes a part of a multi-part geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchFinishSquareCommand (Controls)Squares off and finishes the sketch.
ControlsEditingSketchLengthCommand (Controls)Constrains the length of the segment being created.
ControlsEditingSketchParallelCommand (Controls)Constrains the direction parallel to the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchPerpendicularCommand (Controls)Constrains the direction to be perpendicular to the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchPropertiesCommand (Controls)Shows a dialog for editing properties of the edit sketch geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchReplaceCommand (Controls)Replaces the sketch geometry.
ControlsEditingSketchSegmentDeflectionCommand (Controls)Constrains the direction to a given deflection from the segment.
ControlsEditingSketchStreamingCommand (Controls)Set/unsets stream mode editing.
ControlsEditingSketchTool (Controls)Adds points to the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingSnapEdgeCommand (Controls)Snap to an edge.
ControlsEditingSnapEndpointCommand (Controls)Snap to an endpoint.
ControlsEditingSnapMidpointCommand (Controls)Snap to a midpoint.
ControlsEditingSnappingCommand (Controls)Shows the snapping environment dialog.
ControlsEditingSnapVertexCommand (Controls)Snap to a vertex.
ControlsEditingStartCommand (Controls)Starts an edit session.
ControlsEditingStopCommand (Controls)Stops the edit session.
ControlsEditingTargetToolControl (Controls)Layer in which features you create will be stored.
ControlsEditingTaskToolControl (Controls)Selects the edit task.
ControlsEditingVertexDeleteCommand (Controls)Deletes a vertex from the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingVertexInsertCommand (Controls)Inserts a vertex into the edit sketch.
ControlsEditingVertexMoveCommand (Controls)Moves the vertex to a new location.
ControlsEditingVertexMoveToCommand (Controls)Moves the vertex relative to its current location.
ControlsFlickerRateToolControl (Controls)Controls the rate (in milliseconds) of the layer flicker.
ControlsFullScreenCommand (Controls)The applications active window take up the full screen.

ControlsGenericGetPositionTool (Controls)

Tools that can be used to retrieve the cursor coordinates as the user clicks on the map or globe.
ControlsGlobeFindCommand (Controls)Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers.
ControlsGlobeFixedLineOfSightTool (Controls)Rotates the observer around the target.
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomInCommand (Controls)Zooms in with a fixed scale.
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomOutCommand (Controls)Zooms out with a fixed scale.
ControlsGlobeFlickerCommand (Controls)Reveals layers below the selected layer in the globe by flickering for the specified time duration.
ControlsGlobeFlyTool (Controls)Flies over the globe.
ControlsGlobeFullExtentCommand (Controls)Zooms to full extent of the globe.
ControlsGlobeGoToCommand (Controls)Pans the globe to a specified location.
ControlsGlobeHyperlinkTool (Controls)Hyperlinks to features on a globe, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool (Controls)Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers.
ControlsGlobeKMLNetworkLinkCommand (Controls)Add KML Network Link.
ControlsGlobeLayerListToolControl (Controls)Tool control that displays a layer list for the globe.
ControlsGlobeLookAroundTool (Controls)Rotates the observer to look around.
ControlsGlobeMeasureTool (Controls)Measures features on a globe, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsGlobeNavigateTool (Controls)Navigates the globe.
ControlsGlobeNavigationModeCommand (Controls)Toggles globe and surface navigation modes.
ControlsGlobeNorthCommand (Controls)Orientates the observer to look north.
ControlsGlobeOpenDocCommand (Controls)Opens a globe document.
ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool (Controls)Flies in orbital trajectories over the globe.
ControlsGlobePanDragTool (Controls)Trackball style pan tool.
ControlsGlobePanTool (Controls)Pans the globe.
ControlsGlobeRotateBackCommand (Controls)Rotates globe backward.
ControlsGlobeRotateClockwiseCommand (Controls)Rotate globe in a clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeRotateCounterClockwiseCommand (Controls)Rotate globe in a counter clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeRotateForwardCommand (Controls)Rotates globe forward.
ControlsGlobeSelectFeaturesTool (Controls)Selects features by clicking.
ControlsGlobeSpinClockwiseCommand (Controls)Spins globe in a clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeSpinCounterClockwiseCommand (Controls)Spins globe in a counter Clockwise direction.
ControlsGlobeSpinFasterCommand (Controls)Spins globe faster.
ControlsGlobeSpinSlowerCommand (Controls)Spins globe slower.
ControlsGlobeSpinStopCommand (Controls)Stops globe from spinning.
ControlsGlobeSwipeTool (Controls)Interactively reveals layers on a globe.
ControlsGlobeTargetCenterTool (Controls)Centers view at selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetPanTool (Controls)Pans to selected target.
ControlsGlobeTargetZoomTool (Controls)Zooms to selected target.
ControlsGlobeWalkTool (Controls)Walks on the globe surface.
ControlsGlobeZoomInOutTool (Controls)Dynamically zooms in or out the globle.
ControlsGroupCommand (Controls)Groups the selected elements.
ControlsInkAddInkToSketchCommand (Controls)Adds the current ink sketch to the current edit sketch.
ControlsInkClearInkCommand (Controls)Deletes the current ink sketch.
ControlsInkEraserTool (Controls)Erases ink from a map or layout.
ControlsInkFindInkCommand (Controls)Finds ink which represents a given text string.
ControlsInkFinishSketchCommand (Controls)Converts the current ink sketch to a GraphicElement.
ControlsInkGenericDrawTool (Controls)A generic ink drawing tool.
ControlsInkHighlightTool (Controls)Draws semi-transparent ink on a map or layout.
ControlsInkOptionsCommand (Controls)Displays a dialog allowing you to change ink-related options.
ControlsInkPenTool (Controls)Draws colored ink on a map or layout.
ControlsInkReactivateCommand (Controls)Converts a GraphicElement back into ink.
ControlsInkRecognizeCommand (Controls)Recognizes ink as text and converts it to a TextElement (only available on a TabletPC).
ControlsLayerListToolControl (Controls)Tool control that displays a layer list for the focus map.
ControlsLayerTransparencyCommand (Controls)Command to set the transparency value on a layer.
ControlsMapClearMapRotationCommand (Controls)Set the data frame's rotation to zero.
ControlsMapCreateBookmarkCommand (Controls)Creates a spatial bookmark for the focus map.
ControlsMapDownCommand (Controls)Scrolls the map down.
ControlsMapFindCommand (Controls)Finds features and locations on a map. Launches a modeless dialog to search fields in map layers and to locate addresses and places.
ControlsMapFlickerCommand (Controls)Reveals layers below the selected layer in the map by flickering for the specified time duration.
ControlsMapFullExtentCommand (Controls)Zooms to the full extent of the map.
ControlsMapGoToCommand (Controls)Pans the Map to a specified location.
ControlsMapHyperlinkTool (Controls)Hyperlinks to features on a map, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to.
ControlsMapIdentifyTool (Controls)Identifies features on a map, launches a modeless identify dialog containing the results.
ControlsMapLeftCommand (Controls)Scrolls the map left.
ControlsMapManageBookmarksCommand (Controls)Manages spatial bookmarks for the focus map.
ControlsMapMeasureTool (Controls)Measures features on a map, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar.
ControlsMapPageDownCommand (Controls)Moves the map one page down.
ControlsMapPageLeftCommand (Controls)Moves the map one page left.
ControlsMapPageRightCommand (Controls)Moves the map one page right.
ControlsMapPageUpCommand (Controls)Moves the map one page up.
ControlsMapPanTool (Controls)Pans the map.
ControlsMapRefreshViewCommand (Controls)Refreshes the active view.
ControlsMapRightCommand (Controls)Scrolls the map right.
ControlsMapRoamTool (Controls)Click the mouse left button to start or finish roaming, move the mouse to change roaming direction and speed.
ControlsMapRotateTool (Controls)Rotates the focus data frame.
ControlsMapSwipeTool (Controls)Interactively reveals layers on a map.
ControlsMapUpCommand (Controls)Scrolls the map up.
ControlsMapZoomInFixedCommand (Controls)Zooms in with a fixed scale.
ControlsMapZoomInTool (Controls)Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomOutFixedCommand (Controls)Zooms out with a fixed scale.
ControlsMapZoomOutTool (Controls)Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsMapZoomPanTool (Controls)Drags up/down with left mouse button down to zoom out/in, or with right mouse button down to pan.
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentBackCommand (Controls)Goes backward to previous extent.
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentForwardCommand (Controls)Goes forward to next extent.
ControlsMapZoomToolControl (Controls)Zooms the map by a particular percentage.
ControlsMyPlacesCommand (Controls)Shows my places window.
ControlsNearbyPlacesCommand (Controls)Finds nearby places on a map or globe, launches a modeless dialog to locate points of interest near a location.
ControlsNetworkAnalystClosestFacilityCommand (Controls)Finds the best route between incidents and facilities.
ControlsNetworkAnalystCreateLocationTool (Controls)Create a Network Location.
ControlsNetworkAnalystDirectionsCommand (Controls)Display the Directions Window.
ControlsNetworkAnalystLayerToolControl (Controls)Active Network Dataset Layer.
ControlsNetworkAnalystODCostMatrixCommand (Controls)OD Cost Matrix Analysis.
ControlsNetworkAnalystRouteCommand (Controls)Create a new Route Analysis Layer.
ControlsNetworkAnalystSelectLocationTool (Controls)Select or Move Network Locations.
ControlsNetworkAnalystServiceAreaCommand (Controls)Finds the what can be traversed within a specified cutoff.
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolveCommand (Controls)Run the current analysis.
ControlsNetworkAnalystVehicleRoutingProblemCommand (Controls)Optimizes the route assignment and sequence for a set of orders using a fleet of vehicles.
ControlsNetworkAnalystWindowCommand (Controls)Show/Hide the Network Analyst Window.
ControlsNewCircleTool (Controls)Draws a circle.
ControlsNewCurveTool (Controls)Draws a cubic Bezier curve.
ControlsNewEllipseTool (Controls)Draws an ellipse.
ControlsNewFrameTool (Controls)Creates a new frame element.
ControlsNewFreeHandTool (Controls)Draws a freehand line.
ControlsNewLineTool (Controls)Draws a straight line.
ControlsNewMarkerTool (Controls)Create a new marker graphic element.
ControlsNewPolygonTool (Controls)Draws a polygon.
ControlsNewRectangleTool (Controls)Draws a rectangle.
ControlsNudgeDownCommand (Controls)Moves the selected element(s) down.
ControlsNudgeLeftCommand (Controls)Moves the selected element(s) left.
ControlsNudgeRightCommand (Controls)Moves the selected element(s) right.
ControlsNudgeUpCommand (Controls)Moves the selected element(s) up.
ControlsOpenDocCommand (Controls)Opens an existing map.
ControlsPageFocusNextMapCommand (Controls)Moves the focus to the next data frame.
ControlsPageFocusPreviousMapCommand (Controls)Moves the focus to the previous data frame.
ControlsPageNewMapCommand (Controls)Creates a new data frame.
ControlsPagePanTool (Controls)Pans the map layout by dragging it.
ControlsPageZoom100PercentCommand (Controls)Zooms the map layout to 100% (1:1).
ControlsPageZoomInFixedCommand (Controls)Zooms in on the center of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomInTool (Controls)Zooms in on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsPageZoomOutFixedCommand (Controls)Zooms out on the center of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomOutTool (Controls)Zooms out on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box.
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentBackCommand (Controls)Goes back to previous extent of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentForwardCommand (Controls)Goes forward to the next extent of the map layout.
ControlsPageZoomPageWidthCommand (Controls)Zooms to the width of the page.
ControlsPageZoomToolControl (Controls)Zooms the map layout by a particular percentage.
ControlsPageZoomWholePageCommand (Controls)Zooms to the whole map layout.
ControlsRedoCommand (Controls)Redoes the last operation.
ControlsRotateElementTool (Controls)Rotates the selected text or graphic(s).
ControlsRotateLeftCommand (Controls)Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise.
ControlsRotateRightCommand (Controls)Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise.
ControlsRouteCommand (Controls)ControlsRouting Command
ControlsSaveAsDocCommand (Controls)Saves current map document to a new file.
ControlsSceneExpandFOVCommand (Controls)Expands the field of view.
ControlsSceneFlyTool (Controls)Flies through the scene.
ControlsSceneFullExtentCommand (Controls)Displays the scene at full extent.
ControlsSceneNarrowFOVCommand (Controls)Narrows the field of view.
ControlsSceneNavigateTool (Controls)Navigates the scene.
ControlsSceneOpenDocCommand (Controls)Opens a scene document.
ControlsScenePanTool (Controls)Pans the scene.
ControlsSceneSelectFeaturesTool (Controls)Selects features by clicking.
ControlsSceneSelectGraphicsTool (Controls)Selects graphics by clicking.
ControlsSceneSetObserverTool (Controls)Sets observer position to selected point.
ControlsSceneTargetCenterTool (Controls)Centers view at selected target.
ControlsSceneTargetZoomTool (Controls)Zooms to selected target.
ControlsSceneZoomInOutTool (Controls)Dynamically zooms in and out on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomInTool (Controls)Zooms in on the scene.
ControlsSceneZoomOutTool (Controls)Zooms out on the scene.
ControlsSchematicCreateDiagramCommand (Controls)Generate new Schematic diagram.
ControlsSchematicDecreaseLabelSizeCommand (Controls)Decrease the label size.
ControlsSchematicDecreaseSymbolSizeCommand (Controls)Decrease the symbol size.
ControlsSchematicEditTargetControl (Controls)Select schematic diagram target.
ControlsSchematicIncreaseLabelSizeCommand (Controls)Increase the label size.
ControlsSchematicIncreaseSymbolSizeCommand (Controls)Increase the symbol size.
ControlsSchematicLayoutExecuteCommand (Controls)Perform selected Schematic layout task.
ControlsSchematicLayoutPropertiesCommand (Controls)Show the selected schematic layout properties form.
ControlsSchematicLayoutToolControl (Controls)Select schematic diagram layout.
ControlsSchematicMoveElementTool (Controls)Move the Schematic element.
ControlsSchematicRedoCommand (Controls)Redoes the last operation.
ControlsSchematicRemoveLinkPointsCommand (Controls)Remove the link points.
ControlsSchematicRestoreLabelSizeCommand (Controls)Restore the label size.
ControlsSchematicRestoreSymbolSizeCommand (Controls)Restore the symbol size.
ControlsSchematicSaveAsDiagramCommand (Controls)Save Schematic Diagram as.
ControlsSchematicSaveDiagramCommand (Controls)Save the Schematic Diagram.
ControlsSchematicSelectElementTool (Controls)Select the Schematic element.
ControlsSchematicSelectEndTool (Controls)Define a Schematic end.
ControlsSchematicSelectRootTool (Controls)Define a Schematic root.
ControlsSchematicSquareLinksCommand (Controls)Square the Schematic links.
ControlsSchematicUndoCommand (Controls)Undoes the last operation.
ControlsSchematicUpdateDiagramCommand (Controls)Update a Schematic diagram.
ControlsSelectAllCommand (Controls)Selects all the features in selectable layers.
ControlsSelectByGraphicsCommand (Controls)Selects features that are intersected by the selected graphics.
ControlsSelectFeaturesTool (Controls)Selects features by clicking or dragging a box.
ControlsSelectScreenCommand (Controls)Selects the features currently visible on the screen.
ControlsSelectTool (Controls)Selects, resizes and moves text, graphics and other objects placed on the map.
ControlsSendBackwardCommand (Controls)Sends the selected element(s) backward.
ControlsSendToBackCommand (Controls)Sends the selected element(s) to the back.
ControlsSwitchSelectionCommand (Controls)Makes unselected features selected.
ControlsUndoCommand (Controls)Undoes the last operation.
ControlsUngroupCommand (Controls)Ungroups the selected elements.
ControlsZoomToSelectedCommand (Controls)Zooms to the selected features in all layers.
CoordinateOutOfToleranceCommand (SurveyPkgs)CoordinateOutOfToleranceCommand Class
CreatePointsOnVertexCommand (SurveyPkgs)CreatePointsOnVertexCommand Class
DeleteSurveyObjectCmd (SurveyExt)DeleteSurveyObjectCmd Class
DirectionAngleCorrectionTool (SurveyPkgs)DirectionAngleCorrectionTool Class
EditTool (Editor)Editing tool which edits features.
EnableEditSketchCommand (SurveyExt)EnableEditSketchCommand Class
FC2SDSLinkCmd (SurveyExt)FC2SDSLinkCmd Class
FromFeatureToComputationsCommand (SurveyExt)FromFeatureToComputationsCommand Class
GlobeDeployCommand (ArcGlobe)Command to run the deployment wizard.
GotoComputationsCmd (SurveyExt)GotoComputationsCmd Class
GotoMeasurementsCmd (SurveyExt)GotoMeasurementsCmd Class
GotoPointsCmd (SurveyExt)GotoPointsCmd Class
GxSurveyManagerCmd (SurveyExt)GxSurveyManagerCmd Class
LinkTool (SurveyExt)LinkTool Class
ListViewSubSelMenuItem (SurveyExt)ListViewSubSelMenuItem Class
LockSurveyCmd (SurveyExt)LockSurveyCmd Class
MapViewCommandsMenuItems (ArcMapUI)Map View Commands Menu Items.
MissingCommand (Controls)Missing commands that cannot be created by the ToolbarControl.
MxPickAddressCommand (LocationUI)MxAddressInspectorTool Pick Address command.
MxSurveyManagerCmd (SurveyExt)MxSurveyManagerCmd Class
NavigateFirstRecordCmd (SurveyExt)NavigateFirstRecordCmd Class
NavigateLastRecordCmd (SurveyExt)NavigateLastRecordCmd Class
NavigateNextPageCmd (SurveyExt)NavigateNextPageCmd Class
NavigateNextPageExCmd (SurveyExt)NavigateNextPageExCmd Class
NavigateNextRecordCmd (SurveyExt)NavigateNextRecordCmd Class
NavigatePrevPageCmd (SurveyExt)NavigatePrevPageCmd Class
NavigatePrevPageExCmd (SurveyExt)NavigatePrevPageExCmd Class
NavigatePrevRecordCmd (SurveyExt)NavigatePrevRecordCmd Class
NewAddressLocatorMenuItem (LocationUI)New Address Locator Menu Item.
NewCommand (SurveyExt)NewCommand Class
NewScalarReferenceCmd (SurveyExt)NewScalarReferenceCmd Class
NewSurveyCmd (SurveyExt)NewSurveyCmd Class
NewSurveyDatasetCmd (SurveyExt)NewSurveyDatasetCmd Class
NewSurveyFolderCmd (SurveyExt)NewSurveyFolderCmd Class
OpenTableCommand (ArcMapUI)Global Command that opens the table(s) associated to the current selection in the TOC.
QueryCommand (SurveyExt)QueryCommand Class
RegisterAsVersionedCmd (SurveyExt)RegisterAsVersionedCmd Class
RouterUICommand (DataSourcesSMUUI)Implements Router UI Command.
SelectableLayersCommand (SurveyExt)SelectableLayersCommand Class
ShowComputationLogCmd (SurveyExt)ShowComputationLogCmd Class
ShowDatumPointsCmd (SurveyExt)ShowDatumPointsCmd Class
ShowDetailsMenuItem (SurveyExt)ShowDetailsMenuItem Class
ShowExplorerBtn (SurveyExt)ShowExplorerBtn Class
ShowHideLinksBtn (SurveyExt)ShowHideLinksBtn Class
ShowLinkConflictsCommand (SurveyExt)ShowLinkConflictsCommand Class
ShowListMenuItem (SurveyExt)ShowListMenuItem Class
SurveyDeviceSetupCmd (SurveyExt)SurveyDeviceSetupCmd Class
SurveyEditorPropertiesMenuItem (SurveyExt)SurveyEditorPropertiesMenuItem Class
SurveyEditorToolbarBtn (SurveyExt)SurveyEditorToolbarBtn Class
SurveyEditorToolBarCommand (SurveyExt)SurveyEditorToolBarCommand Class
SurveyNetworkCtrl (SurveyExt)SurveyNetworkCtrl Class
SurveyPointInToleranceCommand (SurveyPkgs)SurveyPointInToleranceCommand Class
SurveyPointMergeTool (SurveyPkgs)SurveyPointMergeTool Class
SurveyPointUpdateCommand (SurveyPkgs)SurveyPointUpdateCommand Class
Tool (Framework)Tool CoType.
ToolControl (Framework)ToolControl CoType.
ToolHostUse this class to host pure C++ tool implementations in a Toolbar.
UndeleteSurveyCmd (SurveyExt)UndeleteSurveyCmd Class
UnlinkCommand (SurveyExt)UnlinkCommand Class
UnlinkTool (SurveyExt)UnlinkTool Class
UpdateCommand (SurveyExt)UpdateCommand Class
UpgradeSurveyDatasetCmd (SurveyExt)UpgradeSurveyDatasetCmd Class


Even if you do not have to write code for all the properties and methods on the ICommand interface to meet the requirements of your command design, you must at least create stub code for all of the properties and methods.

When you implement ICommand to create a custom command, you will find that your class constructor and destructor are called more than once per session.  Commands are constructed once initially to get information about them, like the name, bitmap, etc and then they are destroyed.  When the final, complete construction takes place, the OnCreate method gets called.  OnCreate gets called only once, so you can rely on it to perform initialization of member variables.  You can check for initialized member variables in the class destructor to find out if OnCreate has been called previously.

See Also

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.NET Snippets

Add Editing Commands to ToolbarControl |

.NET Samples

Brushing to create a selection (Code Files: Brushing) | Custom vertex editing commands (Code Files: UsingOutOfBoxVertexCommands) | Displaying MOLE symbology with the GlobeControl (Code Files: MainForm) | Dynamic biking (Code Files: BikingTrackModeCmd DynamicBikingSpeedCmd) | Editing using a custom form (Code Files: EditorForm) | Embedding a dockable MapControl overview window in ArcGlobe (Code Files: MapViewForm) | Feature editing with the control commands (Code Files: FeatureEditing) | Implementing a property page for an ArcGIS Engine application (Code Files: CreateNewDocument frmMain) | Save a layer file in a MapControl application (Code Files: CreateNewDocument frmMain) | Share a command pool between ToolbarControls (Code Files: ShareCommandPool) | Simple dynamic display application (Code Files: CreateNewDocument MainForm) | Synchronized MapControl and PageLayoutControl application (Code Files: frmMain) | Temporal statistics (Code Files: CreateNewDocument MainForm) |

.NET Related Topics

How to create a command or tool to work with the controls | Using the control commands |







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