matlab的preview,Preview of live video data


Preview of live video data




himage = preview(...)


preview(obj) creates a Video Preview window that

displays live video data for video input object obj. The window also

displays the timestamp and video resolution of each frame, the current frame rate, and the

current status of obj. The Video Preview window displays the video data

at 100% magnification. The size of the preview image is determined by the value of the video

input object ROIPosition property.

Components of a Video Preview Window


The Video Preview window remains active until it is either stopped

using stoppreview or closed using closepreview.

If you delete the object, by calling delete(obj),

the Video Preview window stops previewing and closes automatically.

preview(obj,himage) displays

live video data for video input object obj in the

image object specified by the handle himage. preview scales

the image data to fill the entire area of the image object but does

not modify the values of any image object properties. Use this syntax

to preview video data in a custom GUI of your own design (see Examples).

himage = preview(...) returns himage,

a handle to the image object containing the previewed data. To obtain

a handle to the figure window containing the image object, use the ancestor function.

For more information about using image objects, see image.

See the Custom Update Function section for more information about

the image object returned.


The behavior of the Video Preview window depends on the video

input object's current state and trigger configuration.

Object StatePreview

Window BehaviorRunning=offDisplays a live view of the image being acquired from

the device, for all trigger types. The image is updated to reflect

changes made to configurations of object properties. (The FrameGrabInterval property

is ignored until a trigger occurs.)

Running=onIf TriggerType is set to immediate or manual,

the Video Preview window continues to update the image displayed.

If TriggerType is

set to hardware, the Video Preview window stops

updating the image displayed until a trigger occurs.

Logging=onVideo Preview window might drop some data frames, but

this will not affect the frames logged to memory or disk.


The Image Acquisition Toolbox™ Preview window and

the Preview window that is built into the Image Acquisition Tool support the display of up

to 16-bit image data. The Preview window was designed to only show 8-bit data, but many

cameras return 10-, 12-, 14-, or 16-bit data. The Preview window display supports these

higher bit-depth cameras. However, larger bit data is scaled to 8-bit for the purpose of

displaying previewed data. To capture the image data in the Preview window in its full bit

depth for grayscale images, set the PreviewFullBitDepth property to


Custom Update Function

preview creates application-defined data

for the image object, himage, assigning it the

name 'UpdatePreviewWindowFcn' and setting its value

to an empty array ([]). You can configure the value

of the 'UpdatePreviewWindowFcn' application data

and retrieve its value using the MATLAB® setappdata and getappdata functions,


The 'UpdatePreviewWindowFcn' will not necessarily

be called for every frame that is acquired. If a new frame is acquired

and the 'UpdatePreviewWindowFcn' for the previous

frame has not yet finished executing, no update will be generated

for the new frame. If you need to execute a function for every acquired

frame, use the FramesAcquiredFcn instead.

You can use this function to define custom processing of the

previewed image data. When preview invokes the

function handle you specify, it passes three arguments to your function:

obj — The video input object

being previewed

event — An event structure

containing image frame information. For more information, see below.

himage — A handle to the

image object that is being updated

The event structure contains the following fields:

FieldDescriptionDataCurrent image frame specified as an H-by-W-by-B matrix

where H and W are the image height and width, respectively, as specified

in the ROIPosition property, and B is the number

of color bands, as specified in the NumberOfBands property.

ResolutionCharacter vector specifying current image width and height,

as defined by the ROIPosition property.

StatusCharacter vector describing the current acquisition status

of the video input object.

TimestampCharacter vector specifying the timestamp associated

with the current image frame.

FrameRateCharacter vector specifying the current frame rate of the video input

object in frames per second.


Create a customized GUI.

figure('Name', 'My Custom Preview Window');

uicontrol('String', 'Close', 'Callback', 'close(gcf)');

Create an image object for previewing.

vidRes = obj.VideoResolution;

nBands = obj.NumberOfBands;

hImage = image( zeros(vidRes(2), vidRes(1), nBands) );

preview(obj, hImage);

For more information on customized GUIs, see Previewing Data in Custom GUIs.

Introduced before R2006a





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