(二)启动代码分析 01


前面我们编写 LED 流水灯 裸机驱动,需要添加了 启动代码 (杨铸 startup.s) ,也就是初始化把 开发板带到 C 语言环境(也就是 xmain 函数)

 1      ;
 2 ; MDK跑马灯实验
 3 ;
 4     PRESERVE8
 6     ENTRY
 7 start
 8     ; close watchdog
 9     ldr r0, = 0x53000000    ; 将看门狗控制寄存器地址放入r0
10     mov r1, #0
11     str r1, [r0]            ; 设置看门狗控制寄存器的值为0
13     bl initmem                ; 跳转到initmem代码段,初始化内存
15     IMPORT xmain            ; 引入xmain.c中的xmain函数
16     ldr sp, =0x34000000        ; 调用C程序之前先初始化栈指针
17     ldr lr, =endxmain        ; 设置xmain函数的返回地址
18     ldr pc, =xmain            ; 跳转到C程序中的xmain函数的入口处执行
20 endxmain
21     ldr r0, =0x56000010        ; LED的GPIO接口配置寄存器
22     ldr r1, =0x00015400        ; GPIO配置数据
23     str r1, [r0]               ; 设置GPIO
24     ldr r0, =0x56000014     ; LED控制寄存器地址
25     ldr r1, =0x000000e0       ; 全部LED亮
26     str r1,[r0]   
27 loop
28     b loop                    ; 死循环
30 initmem                            ; 内存初始化
31     ldr r0, =0x48000000            ; 加载内存相关寄存器首地址r0
32     ldr r1, =0x48000034            ; 加载内存相关寄存器尾地址到r1
34     adr r2, memdata                ; 将寄存器配置数据地址段首地址加载到r2
35 initmemloop
36     ldr r3, [r2], #4            ; 循环设置存寄存器
37     str r3, [r0], #4
38     teq r0, r1
39     bne initmemloop                ; 循环到最后一个寄存器时退出函数
40       BX lr  
42 memdata
43     DCD    0x22000000         ;BWSCON
44     DCD    0x00000700        ;BANKCON0    
45     DCD    0x00000700        ;BANKCON1    
46     DCD    0x00000700        ;BANKCON2    
47     DCD    0x00000700      ;BANKCON3        
48     DCD    0x00000700        ;BANKCON4    
49     DCD    0x00000700        ;BANKCON5    
50     DCD    0x00018005        ;BANKCON6    
51     DCD    0x00018005        ;BANKCON7    
52     DCD    0x008e07a3        ;REFRESH    
53     DCD    0x000000b1        ;BANKSIZE    
54     DCD    0x00000030        ;MRSRB6    
55     DCD    0x00000030        ;MRSRB7
57     END


 现在我们尝试 用 keil 自身的 s3C2440.s

   1 ;/*****************************************************************************/
   2 ;/* S3C2440.S: Startup file for Samsung S3C440                                */
   3 ;/*****************************************************************************/
   4 ;/* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>                          */ 
   5 ;/*****************************************************************************/
   6 ;/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.                   */
   7 ;/* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Keil Software. All rights reserved.               */
   8 ;/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,       */
   9 ;/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software      */
  10 ;/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */
  11 ;/*****************************************************************************/
  14 ;/*
  15 ; *  The S3C2440.S code is executed after CPU Reset. This file may be 
  16 ; *  translated with the following SET symbols. In uVision these SET 
  17 ; *  symbols are entered under Options - ASM - Define.
  18 ; *
  19 ; *  NO_CLOCK_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Clock 
  20 ; *  (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini 
  21 ; *  file).
  22 ; *
  23 ; *  NO_MC_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Memory 
  24 ; *  Controller (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script 
  25 ; *  .ini file).
  26 ; *
  27 ; *  NO_GP_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize General Ports  
  28 ; *  (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini 
  29 ; *  file).
  30 ; *
  31 ; *  RAM_INTVEC: when set the startup code copies exception vectors 
  32 ; *  from execution address to on-chip RAM.
  33 ; */
  36 ; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
  38 Mode_USR        EQU     0x10
  39 Mode_FIQ        EQU     0x11
  40 Mode_IRQ        EQU     0x12
  41 Mode_SVC        EQU     0x13
  42 Mode_ABT        EQU     0x17
  43 Mode_UND        EQU     0x1B
  44 Mode_SYS        EQU     0x1F
  46 I_Bit           EQU     0x80            ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
  47 F_Bit           EQU     0x40            ; when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled
  50 ;----------------------- Stack and Heap Definitions ----------------------------
  52 ;// <h> Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes)
  53 ;//   <o0> Undefined Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  54 ;//   <o1> Supervisor Mode     <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  55 ;//   <o2> Abort Mode          <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  56 ;//   <o3> Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  57 ;//   <o4> Interrupt Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  58 ;//   <o5> User/System Mode    <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
  59 ;// </h>
  61 UND_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
  62 SVC_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000008
  63 ABT_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
  64 FIQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
  65 IRQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000080
  66 USR_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000400
  68 ISR_Stack_Size  EQU     (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \
  69                          FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)
  71                 AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
  73 Stack_Mem       SPACE   USR_Stack_Size
  74 __initial_sp    SPACE   ISR_Stack_Size
  75 Stack_Top
  78 ;// <h> Heap Configuration
  79 ;//   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF>
  80 ;// </h>
  82 Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000
  84                 AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
  85 __heap_base
  86 Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
  87 __heap_limit
  90 ;----------------------- Memory Definitions ------------------------------------
  92 ; Internal Memory Base Addresses
  93 IRAM_BASE       EQU     0x40000000
  96 ;----------------------- Watchdog Timer Definitions ----------------------------
  98 WT_BASE         EQU     0x53000000      ; Watchdog Timer Base Address
  99 WTCON_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; Watchdog Timer Control Register Offset
 100 WTDAT_OFS       EQU     0x04            ; Watchdog Timer Data Register    Offset
 101 WTCNT_OFS       EQU     0x08            ; Watchdog Timer Count Register   Offset
 103 ;// <e> Watchdog Timer Setup
 104 ;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON)
 105 ;//     <o1.8..15>  Prescaler Value <0-255>
 106 ;//     <o1.5>      Watchdog Timer Enable
 107 ;//     <o1.3..4>   Clock Division Factor
 108 ;//       <0=> 16   <1=> 32  <2=> 64  <3=> 128
 109 ;//     <o1.2>      Interrupt Generation Enable
 110 ;//     <o1.0>      Reset Enable
 111 ;//   </h>
 112 ;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT)
 113 ;//     <o2.0..15>  Count Reload Value <0-65535>
 114 ;//   </h>
 115 ;// </e> Watchdog Timer Setup
 116 WT_SETUP        EQU     1
 117 WTCON_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 118 WTDAT_Val       EQU     0x00008000
 121 ;----------------------- Clock and Power Management Definitions ----------------
 123 CLOCK_BASE      EQU     0x4C000000      ; Clock Base Address
 124 LOCKTIME_OFS    EQU     0x00            ; PLL Lock Time Count Register   Offset
 125 MPLLCON_OFS     EQU     0x04            ; MPLL Configuration Register    Offset
 126 UPLLCON_OFS     EQU     0x08            ; UPLL Configuration Register    Offset
 127 CLKCON_OFS      EQU     0x0C            ; Clock Generator Control Reg    Offset
 128 CLKSLOW_OFS     EQU     0x10            ; Clock Slow Control Register    Offset
 129 CLKDIVN_OFS     EQU     0x14            ; Clock Divider Control Register Offset
 130 CAMDIVN_OFS     EQU     0x18            ; Camera Clock Divider Register  Offset
 132 ;// <e> Clock Setup
 133 ;//   <h> PLL Lock Time Count Register (LOCKTIME)
 134 ;//     <o1.16..31> U_LTIME: UPLL Lock Time Count Value for UCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
 135 ;//     <o1.0..15>  M_LTIME: MPLL Lock Time Count Value for FCLK, HCLK and PCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
 136 ;//   </h>
 137 ;//   <h> MPLL Configuration Register (MPLLCON)
 138 ;//     <i> MPLL = (2 * m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
 139 ;//     <o2.12..19> m: Main Divider m Value <9-256><#-8>
 140 ;//       <i> m = MDIV + 8
 141 ;//     <o2.4..9>   p: Pre-divider p Value <3-64><#-2>
 142 ;//       <i> p = PDIV + 2
 143 ;//     <o2.0..1>   s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
 144 ;//       <i> s = SDIV 
 145 ;//   </h>
 146 ;//   <h> UPLL Configuration Register (UPLLCON)
 147 ;//     <i> UPLL = ( m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
 148 ;//     <o3.12..19> m: Main Divider m Value <8-263><#-8>
 149 ;//       <i> m = MDIV + 8
 150 ;//     <o3.4..9>   p: Pre-divider p Value <2-65><#-2>
 151 ;//       <i> p = PDIV + 2
 152 ;//     <o3.0..1>   s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
 153 ;//       <i> s = SDIV 
 154 ;//   </h>
 155 ;//   <h> Clock Generation Control Register (CLKCON)
 156 ;//     <o4.20>     AC97 Enable
 157 ;//     <o4.19>     Camera Enable
 158 ;//     <o4.18>     SPI Enable
 159 ;//     <o4.17>     IIS Enable
 160 ;//     <o4.16>     IIC Enable
 161 ;//     <o4.15>     ADC + Touch Screen Enable
 162 ;//     <o4.14>     RTC Enable
 163 ;//     <o4.13>     GPIO Enable
 164 ;//     <o4.12>     UART2 Enable
 165 ;//     <o4.11>     UART1 Enable
 166 ;//     <o4.10>     UART0 Enable
 167 ;//     <o4.9>      SDI Enable
 168 ;//     <o4.8>      PWMTIMER Enable
 169 ;//     <o4.7>      USB Device Enable
 170 ;//     <o4.6>      USB Host Enable
 171 ;//     <o4.5>      LCDC Enable
 172 ;//     <o4.4>      NAND FLASH Controller Enable
 173 ;//     <o4.3>      SLEEP Enable
 174 ;//     <o4.2>      IDLE BIT Enable
 175 ;//   </h>
 176 ;//   <h> Clock Slow Control Register (CLKSLOW)
 177 ;//     <o5.7>      UCLK_ON: UCLK ON
 178 ;//     <o5.5>      MPLL_OFF: Turn off PLL
 179 ;//     <o5.4>      SLOW_BIT: Slow Mode Enable
 180 ;//     <o5.0..2>   SLOW_VAL: Slow Clock Divider <0-7>
 181 ;//   </h>
 182 ;//   <h> Clock Divider Control Register (CLKDIVN)
 183 ;//     <o6.3>      DIVN_UPLL: UCLK Select
 184 ;//       <0=> UCLK = UPLL clock
 185 ;//       <1=> UCLK = UPLL clock / 2
 186 ;//     <o6.1..2>   HDIVN: HCLK Select
 187 ;//       <0=> HCLK = FCLK
 188 ;//       <1=> HCLK = FCLK / 2
 189 ;//       <2=> HCLK = FCLK / 4 if HCLK4_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 8
 190 ;//       <3=> HCLK = FCLK / 3 if HCLK3_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 6
 191 ;//     <o6.0>      PDIVN: PCLK Select
 192 ;//       <0=> PCLK = HCLK
 193 ;//       <1=> PCLK = HCLK / 2
 194 ;//   </h>
 195 ;//   <h> Camera Clock Divider Control Register (CAMDIVN)
 196 ;//     <o7.12>     DVS_EN: ARM Core Clock Select
 197 ;//       <0=> ARM core runs at FCLK
 198 ;//       <1=> ARM core runs at HCLK
 199 ;//     <o7.9>      HCLK4_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
 200 ;//       <0=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 4
 201 ;//       <1=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 8
 202 ;//     <o7.8>      HCLK3_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
 203 ;//       <0=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 3
 204 ;//       <1=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 6
 205 ;//     <o7.4>      CAMCLK Select
 206 ;//       <0=> CAMCLK = UPLL
 207 ;//       <1=> CAMCLK = UPLL / CAMCLK_DIV
 208 ;//     <o7.0..3>   CAMCLK_DIV: CAMCLK Divider <0-15>
 209 ;//       <i> Camera Clock = UPLL / (2 * (CAMCLK_DIV + 1))
 210 ;//       <i> Divider is used only if CAMCLK_SEL = 1
 211 ;//   </h>
 212 ;// </e> Clock Setup
 213 CLOCK_SETUP     EQU     0
 214 LOCKTIME_Val    EQU     0x0FFF0FFF
 215 MPLLCON_Val     EQU     0x00043011
 216 UPLLCON_Val     EQU     0x00038021
 217 CLKCON_Val      EQU     0x001FFFF0
 218 CLKSLOW_Val     EQU     0x00000004
 219 CLKDIVN_Val     EQU     0x0000000F
 220 CAMDIVN_Val     EQU     0x00000000
 223 ;----------------------- Memory Controller Definitions -------------------------
 225 MC_BASE         EQU     0x48000000      ; Memory Controller Base Address
 226 BWSCON_OFS      EQU     0x00            ; Bus Width and Wait Status Ctrl Offset
 227 BANKCON0_OFS    EQU     0x04            ; Bank 0 Control Register        Offset
 228 BANKCON1_OFS    EQU     0x08            ; Bank 1 Control Register        Offset
 229 BANKCON2_OFS    EQU     0x0C            ; Bank 2 Control Register        Offset
 230 BANKCON3_OFS    EQU     0x10            ; Bank 3 Control Register        Offset
 231 BANKCON4_OFS    EQU     0x14            ; Bank 4 Control Register        Offset
 232 BANKCON5_OFS    EQU     0x18            ; Bank 5 Control Register        Offset
 233 BANKCON6_OFS    EQU     0x1C            ; Bank 6 Control Register        Offset
 234 BANKCON7_OFS    EQU     0x20            ; Bank 7 Control Register        Offset
 235 REFRESH_OFS     EQU     0x24            ; SDRAM Refresh Control Register Offset
 236 BANKSIZE_OFS    EQU     0x28            ; Flexible Bank Size Register    Offset
 237 MRSRB6_OFS      EQU     0x2C            ; Bank 6 Mode Register           Offset
 238 MRSRB7_OFS      EQU     0x30            ; Bank 7 Mode Register           Offset
 240 ;// <e> Memory Controller Setup
 241 ;//   <h> Bus Width and Wait Control Register (BWSCON)
 242 ;//     <o1.31>     ST7: Use UB/LB for Bank 7
 243 ;//     <o1.30>     WS7: Enable Wait Status for Bank 7
 244 ;//     <o1.28..29> DW7: Data Bus Width for Bank 7
 245 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 246 ;//     <o1.27>     ST6: Use UB/LB for Bank 6
 247 ;//     <o1.26>     WS6: Enable Wait Status for Bank 6
 248 ;//     <o1.24..25> DW6: Data Bus Width for Bank 6
 249 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 250 ;//     <o1.23>     ST5: Use UB/LB for Bank 5
 251 ;//     <o1.22>     WS5: Enable Wait Status for Bank 5
 252 ;//     <o1.20..21> DW5: Data Bus Width for Bank 5
 253 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 254 ;//     <o1.19>     ST4: Use UB/LB for Bank 4
 255 ;//     <o1.18>     WS4: Enable Wait Status for Bank 4
 256 ;//     <o1.16..17> DW4: Data Bus Width for Bank 4
 257 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 258 ;//     <o1.15>     ST3: Use UB/LB for Bank 3
 259 ;//     <o1.14>     WS3: Enable Wait Status for Bank 3
 260 ;//     <o1.12..13> DW3: Data Bus Width for Bank 3
 261 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 262 ;//     <o1.11>     ST2: Use UB/LB for Bank 2
 263 ;//     <o1.10>     WS2: Enable Wait Status for Bank 2
 264 ;//     <o1.8..9>   DW2: Data Bus Width for Bank 2
 265 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 266 ;//     <o1.7>      ST1: Use UB/LB for Bank 1
 267 ;//     <o1.6>      WS1: Enable Wait Status for Bank 1
 268 ;//     <o1.4..5>   DW1: Data Bus Width for Bank 1
 269 ;//       <0=> 8-bit  <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit  <3=> Reserved
 270 ;//     <o1.1..2>   DW0: Indicate Data Bus Width for Bank 0
 271 ;//       <1=> 16-bit  <2=> 32-bit
 272 ;//   </h>
 273 ;//   <h> Bank 0 Control Register (BANKCON0)
 274 ;//     <o2.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 275 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 276 ;//     <o2.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 277 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 278 ;//     <o2.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 279 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 280 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 281 ;//     <o2.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 282 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 283 ;//     <o2.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 284 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 285 ;//     <o2.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 286 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 287 ;//     <o2.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 288 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 289 ;//   </h>
 290 ;//   <h> Bank 1 Control Register (BANKCON1)
 291 ;//     <o3.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 292 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 293 ;//     <o3.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 294 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 295 ;//     <o3.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 296 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 297 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 298 ;//     <o3.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 299 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 300 ;//     <o3.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 301 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 302 ;//     <o3.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 303 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 304 ;//     <o3.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 305 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 306 ;//   </h>
 307 ;//   <h> Bank 2 Control Register (BANKCON2)
 308 ;//     <o4.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 309 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 310 ;//     <o4.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 311 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 312 ;//     <o4.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 313 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 314 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 315 ;//     <o4.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 316 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 317 ;//     <o4.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 318 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 319 ;//     <o4.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 320 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 321 ;//     <o4.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 322 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 323 ;//   </h>
 324 ;//   <h> Bank 3 Control Register (BANKCON3)
 325 ;//     <o5.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 326 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 327 ;//     <o5.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 328 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 329 ;//     <o5.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 330 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 331 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 332 ;//     <o5.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 333 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 334 ;//     <o5.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 335 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 336 ;//     <o5.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 337 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 338 ;//     <o5.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 339 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 340 ;//   </h>
 341 ;//   <h> Bank 4 Control Register (BANKCON4)
 342 ;//     <o6.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 343 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 344 ;//     <o6.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 345 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 346 ;//     <o6.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 347 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 348 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 349 ;//     <o6.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 350 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 351 ;//     <o6.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 352 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 353 ;//     <o6.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 354 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 355 ;//     <o6.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 356 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 357 ;//   </h>
 358 ;//   <h> Bank 5 Control Register (BANKCON5)
 359 ;//     <o7.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 360 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 361 ;//     <o7.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 362 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 363 ;//     <o7.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 364 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 365 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 366 ;//     <o7.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 367 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 368 ;//     <o7.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 369 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 370 ;//     <o7.2..3>   Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
 371 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 372 ;//     <o7.0..1>   PMC: Page Mode Configuration
 373 ;//       <0=> normal (1 data)  <1=> 4 data  <2=> 8 data  <3=> 16 data
 374 ;//   </h>
 375 ;//   <h> Bank 6 Control Register (BANKCON6)
 376 ;//     <o8.15..16> Memory Type Selection
 377 ;//       <0=> ROM or SRAM  <3=> SDRAM
 378 ;//     <o8.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 379 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 380 ;//     <o8.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 381 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 382 ;//     <o8.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 383 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 384 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 385 ;//     <o8.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 386 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 387 ;//     <o8.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 388 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 389 ;//     <o8.2..3>   Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
 390 ;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp, 
 391 ;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
 392 ;//       <i>  For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
 393 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 394 ;//     <o8.0..1>   PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
 395 ;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC, 
 396 ;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
 397 ;//   </h>
 398 ;//   <h> Bank 7 Control Register (BANKCON7)
 399 ;//     <o9.15..16> Memory Type Selection
 400 ;//       <0=> ROM or SRAM  <3=> SDRAM
 401 ;//     <o9.13..14> Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
 402 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 403 ;//     <o9.11..12> Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
 404 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 405 ;//     <o9.8..10>  Tacc: Access Cycle
 406 ;//       <0=>  1 clocks  <1=>  2 clocks  <2=>  3 clocks  <3=>  4 clocks
 407 ;//       <4=>  6 clocks  <5=>  8 clocks  <6=> 10 clocks  <7=> 14 clocks
 408 ;//     <o9.6..7>   Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
 409 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 410 ;//     <o9.4..5>   Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
 411 ;//       <0=> 0 clocks  <1=> 1 clocks  <2=> 2 clocks  <3=> 4 clocks
 412 ;//     <o9.2..3>   Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
 413 ;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp, 
 414 ;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
 415 ;//       <i>  For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
 416 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> 6 clocks
 417 ;//     <o9.0..1>   PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
 418 ;//       <i>  Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC, 
 419 ;//       <i>  if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
 420 ;//   </h>
 421 ;//   <h> SDRAM Refresh Control Register (REFRESH)
 422 ;//     <o10.23>    REFEN: SDRAM Refresh Enable
 423 ;//     <o10.22>    TREFMD: SDRAM Refresh Mode
 424 ;//       <0=> CBR/Auto Refresh  <1=> Self Refresh
 425 ;//     <o10.20..21> Trp: SDRAM RAS Pre-charge Time
 426 ;//       <0=> 2 clocks  <1=> 3 clocks  <2=> 4 clocks  <3=> Reserved
 427 ;//     <o10.18..19> Tsrc: SDRAM Semi Row Cycle Time
 428 ;//       <i> SDRAM Row cycle time: Trc = Tsrc + Trp
 429 ;//       <0=> 4 clocks  <1=> 5 clocks  <2=> 6 clocks  <3=> 7 clocks
 430 ;//     <o10.0..10> Refresh Counter <0-1023>
 431 ;//       <i> Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
 432 ;//   </h>
 433 ;//   <h> Flexible Bank Size Register (BANKSIZE)
 434 ;//     <o11.7>     BURST_EN: ARM Core Burst Operation Enable
 435 ;//     <o11.5>     SCKE_EN: SDRAM Power Down Mode Enable
 436 ;//     <o11.4>     SCLK_EN: SCLK Enabled During SDRAM Access Cycle
 437 ;//       <0=> SCLK is always active  <1=> SCLK is active only during the access
 438 ;//     <o11.0..2>  BK76MAP: BANK6 and BANK7 Memory Map
 439 ;//       <0=> 32MB / 32MB  <1=> 64MB / 64MB  <2=> 128MB / 128MB
 440 ;//       <4=> 2MB / 2MB    <5=> 4MB / 4MB    <6=> 8MB / 8MB      <7=> 16MB / 16MB
 441 ;//     <o11.0..10> Refresh Counter <0-1023>
 442 ;//       <i> Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
 443 ;//   </h>
 444 ;//   <h> SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 6 (MRSRB6)
 445 ;//     <o12.7>     WBL: Write Burst Length
 446 ;//       <0=> Burst (Fixed)
 447 ;//     <o12.7..8>  TM: Test Mode
 448 ;//       <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
 449 ;//     <o12.4..6>  CL: CAS Latency
 450 ;//       <0=> 1 clocks  <1=> 2 clocks  <2=> 3 clocks
 451 ;//     <o12.3>     BT: Burst Type
 452 ;//       <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
 453 ;//     <o12.0..2>  BL: Burst Length
 454 ;//       <0=> 1 (Fixed)
 455 ;//   </h>
 456 ;//   <h> SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 7 (MRSRB7)
 457 ;//     <o13.7>     WBL: Write Burst Length
 458 ;//       <0=> Burst (Fixed)
 459 ;//     <o13.7..8>  TM: Test Mode
 460 ;//       <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
 461 ;//     <o13.4..6>  CL: CAS Latency
 462 ;//       <0=> 1 clocks  <1=> 2 clocks  <2=> 3 clocks
 463 ;//     <o13.3>     BT: Burst Type
 464 ;//       <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
 465 ;//     <o13.0..2>  BL: Burst Length
 466 ;//       <0=> 1 (Fixed)
 467 ;//   </h>
 468 ;// </e> Memory Controller Setup
 469 MC_SETUP        EQU     0
 470 BWSCON_Val      EQU     0x22000000
 471 BANKCON0_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 472 BANKCON1_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 473 BANKCON2_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 474 BANKCON3_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 475 BANKCON4_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 476 BANKCON5_Val    EQU     0x00000700
 477 BANKCON6_Val    EQU     0x00018005
 478 BANKCON7_Val    EQU     0x00018005
 479 REFRESH_Val     EQU     0x008404F3
 480 BANKSIZE_Val    EQU     0x00000032
 481 MRSRB6_Val      EQU     0x00000020
 482 MRSRB7_Val      EQU     0x00000020
 485 ;----------------------- I/O Port Definitions ----------------------------------
 487 GPA_BASE        EQU     0x56000000      ; GPA Base Address
 488 GPB_BASE        EQU     0x56000010      ; GPB Base Address
 489 GPC_BASE        EQU     0x56000020      ; GPC Base Address
 490 GPD_BASE        EQU     0x56000030      ; GPD Base Address
 491 GPE_BASE        EQU     0x56000040      ; GPE Base Address
 492 GPF_BASE        EQU     0x56000050      ; GPF Base Address
 493 GPG_BASE        EQU     0x56000060      ; GPG Base Address
 494 GPH_BASE        EQU     0x56000070      ; GPH Base Address
 495 GPJ_BASE        EQU     0x560000D0      ; GPJ Base Address
 496 GPCON_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; Control Register Offset
 497 GPDAT_OFS       EQU     0x04            ; Data Register Offset
 498 GPUP_OFS        EQU     0x08            ; Pull-up Disable Register Offset
 500 ;// <e> I/O Setup
 501 GP_SETUP        EQU     0
 503 ;//   <e> Port A Settings
 504 ;//     <h> Port A Control Register (GPACON)
 505 ;//         <o1.22>     GPA22     <0=> Output   <1=> nFCE
 506 ;//         <o1.21>     GPA21     <0=> Output   <1=> nRSTOUT
 507 ;//         <o1.20>     GPA20     <0=> Output   <1=> nFRE
 508 ;//         <o1.19>     GPA19     <0=> Output   <1=> nFWE
 509 ;//         <o1.18>     GPA18     <0=> Output   <1=> ALE
 510 ;//         <o1.17>     GPA17     <0=> Output   <1=> CLE
 511 ;//         <o1.16>     GPA16     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[5]
 512 ;//         <o1.15>     GPA15     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[4]
 513 ;//         <o1.14>     GPA14     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[3]
 514 ;//         <o1.13>     GPA13     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[2]
 515 ;//         <o1.12>     GPA12     <0=> Output   <1=> nGCS[1]
 516 ;//         <o1.11>     GPA11     <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR26
 517 ;//         <o1.10>     GPA10     <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR25
 518 ;//         <o1.9>      GPA9      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR24
 519 ;//         <o1.8>      GPA8      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR23
 520 ;//         <o1.7>      GPA7      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR22
 521 ;//         <o1.6>      GPA6      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR21
 522 ;//         <o1.5>      GPA5      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR20
 523 ;//         <o1.4>      GPA4      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR19
 524 ;//         <o1.3>      GPA3      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR18
 525 ;//         <o1.2>      GPA2      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR17
 526 ;//         <o1.1>      GPA1      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR16
 527 ;//         <o1.0>      GPA0      <0=> Output   <1=> ADDR0
 528 ;//     </h>
 529 ;//   </e>
 530 GPA_SETUP       EQU     0
 531 GPACON_Val      EQU     0x000003FF
 533 ;//   <e> Port B Settings
 534 ;//     <h> Port B Control Register (GPBCON)
 535 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPB10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ0 <3=> Reserved
 536 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPB9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK0 <3=> Reserved
 537 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPB8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ1 <3=> Reserved
 538 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPB7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK1 <3=> Reserved
 539 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPB6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBREQ  <3=> Reserved
 540 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPB5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBACK  <3=> Reserved
 541 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPB4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TCLK[0] <3=> Reserved
 542 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPB3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT3   <3=> Reserved
 543 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPB2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT2   <3=> Reserved
 544 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPB1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT1   <3=> Reserved
 545 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPB0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT0   <3=> Reserved
 546 ;//     </h>
 547 ;//     <h> Port B Pull-up Settings Register (GPBUP)
 548 ;//       <o2.10>     GPB10 Pull-up Disable
 549 ;//       <o2.9>      GPB9  Pull-up Disable
 550 ;//       <o2.8>      GPB8  Pull-up Disable
 551 ;//       <o2.7>      GPB7  Pull-up Disable
 552 ;//       <o2.6>      GPB6  Pull-up Disable
 553 ;//       <o2.5>      GPB5  Pull-up Disable
 554 ;//       <o2.4>      GPB4  Pull-up Disable
 555 ;//       <o2.3>      GPB3  Pull-up Disable
 556 ;//       <o2.2>      GPB2  Pull-up Disable
 557 ;//       <o2.1>      GPB1  Pull-up Disable
 558 ;//       <o2.0>      GPB0  Pull-up Disable
 559 ;//     </h>
 560 ;//   </e>
 561 GPB_SETUP       EQU     0
 562 GPBCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 563 GPBUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000 
 565 ;//   <e> Port C Settings
 566 ;//     <h> Port C Control Register (GPCCON)
 567 ;//       <o1.30..31> GPC15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[7]   <3=> Reserved
 568 ;//       <o1.28..29> GPC14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[6]   <3=> Reserved
 569 ;//       <o1.26..27> GPC13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[5]   <3=> Reserved
 570 ;//       <o1.24..25> GPC12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[4]   <3=> Reserved
 571 ;//       <o1.22..23> GPC11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[3]   <3=> Reserved
 572 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPC10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[2]   <3=> Reserved
 573 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPC9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[1]   <3=> Reserved
 574 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPC8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[0]   <3=> Reserved
 575 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPC7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREVB <3=> Reserved
 576 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPC6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREV  <3=> Reserved
 577 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPC5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCOE   <3=> Reserved
 578 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPC4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VM      <3=> I2SSDI
 579 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPC3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VFRAME  <3=> Reserved
 580 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPC2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VLINE   <3=> Reserved
 581 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPC1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VCLK    <3=> Reserved
 582 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPC0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LEND    <3=> Reserved
 583 ;//     </h>
 584 ;//     <h> Port C Pull-up Settings Register (GPCUP)
 585 ;//       <o2.15>     GPC15 Pull-up Disable
 586 ;//       <o2.14>     GPC14 Pull-up Disable
 587 ;//       <o2.13>     GPC13 Pull-up Disable
 588 ;//       <o2.12>     GPC12 Pull-up Disable
 589 ;//       <o2.11>     GPC11 Pull-up Disable
 590 ;//       <o2.10>     GPC10 Pull-up Disable
 591 ;//       <o2.9>      GPC9  Pull-up Disable
 592 ;//       <o2.8>      GPC8  Pull-up Disable
 593 ;//       <o2.7>      GPC7  Pull-up Disable
 594 ;//       <o2.6>      GPC6  Pull-up Disable
 595 ;//       <o2.5>      GPC5  Pull-up Disable
 596 ;//       <o2.4>      GPC4  Pull-up Disable
 597 ;//       <o2.3>      GPC3  Pull-up Disable
 598 ;//       <o2.2>      GPC2  Pull-up Disable
 599 ;//       <o2.1>      GPC1  Pull-up Disable
 600 ;//       <o2.0>      GPC0  Pull-up Disable
 601 ;//     </h>
 602 ;//   </e>
 603 GPC_SETUP       EQU     0
 604 GPCCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 605 GPCUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 607 ;//   <e> Port D Settings
 608 ;//     <h> Port D Control Register (GPDCON)
 609 ;//       <o1.30..31> GPD15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[23]  <3=> nSS0
 610 ;//       <o1.28..29> GPD14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[22]  <3=> nSS1
 611 ;//       <o1.26..27> GPD13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[21]  <3=> Reserved
 612 ;//       <o1.24..25> GPD12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[20]  <3=> Reserved
 613 ;//       <o1.22..23> GPD11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[19]  <3=> Reserved
 614 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPD10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[18]  <3=> SPICLK1
 615 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPD9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[17]  <3=> SPIMOSI1
 616 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPD8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[16]  <3=> SPIMISO1
 617 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPD7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[15]  <3=> Reserved
 618 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPD6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[14]  <3=> Reserved
 619 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPD5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[13]  <3=> Reserved
 620 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPD4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[12]  <3=> Reserved
 621 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPD3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[11]  <3=> Reserved
 622 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPD2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[10]  <3=> Reserved
 623 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPD1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[9]   <3=> Reserved
 624 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPD0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[8]   <3=> Reserved
 625 ;//     </h>
 626 ;//     <h> Port D Pull-up Settings Register (GPDUP)
 627 ;//       <o2.15>     GPD15 Pull-up Disable
 628 ;//       <o2.14>     GPD14 Pull-up Disable
 629 ;//       <o2.13>     GPD13 Pull-up Disable
 630 ;//       <o2.12>     GPD12 Pull-up Disable
 631 ;//       <o2.11>     GPD11 Pull-up Disable
 632 ;//       <o2.10>     GPD10 Pull-up Disable
 633 ;//       <o2.9>      GPD9  Pull-up Disable
 634 ;//       <o2.8>      GPD8  Pull-up Disable
 635 ;//       <o2.7>      GPD7  Pull-up Disable
 636 ;//       <o2.6>      GPD6  Pull-up Disable
 637 ;//       <o2.5>      GPD5  Pull-up Disable
 638 ;//       <o2.4>      GPD4  Pull-up Disable
 639 ;//       <o2.3>      GPD3  Pull-up Disable
 640 ;//       <o2.2>      GPD2  Pull-up Disable
 641 ;//       <o2.1>      GPD1  Pull-up Disable
 642 ;//       <o2.0>      GPD0  Pull-up Disable
 643 ;//     </h>
 644 ;//   </e>
 645 GPD_SETUP       EQU     0
 646 GPDCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 647 GPDUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 649 ;//   <e> Port E Settings
 650 ;//     <h> Port E Control Register (GPECON)
 651 ;//       <o1.30..31> GPE15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSDA  <3=> Reserved
 652 ;//         <i> This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
 653 ;//       <o1.28..29> GPE14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSCL  <3=> Reserved
 654 ;//         <i> This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
 655 ;//       <o1.26..27> GPE13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPICLK0 <3=> Reserved
 656 ;//       <o1.24..25> GPE12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMOSI0 <3=> Reserved
 657 ;//       <o1.22..23> GPE11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMISO0 <3=> Reserved
 658 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPE10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT3  <3=> Reserved
 659 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPE9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT2  <3=> Reserved
 660 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPE8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT1  <3=> Reserved
 661 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPE7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT0  <3=> Reserved
 662 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPE6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCMD   <3=> Reserved
 663 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPE5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCLK   <3=> Reserved
 664 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPE4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDO   <3=> AC_SDATA_OUT
 665 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPE3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDI   <3=> AC_SDATA_IN
 666 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPE2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CDCLK   <3=> AC_nRESET
 667 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPE1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SSCLK <3=> AC_BIT_CLK
 668 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPE0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SLRCK <3=> AC_SYNC
 669 ;//     </h>
 670 ;//     <h> Port E Pull-up Settings Register (GPEUP)
 671 ;//       <o2.13>     GPE13 Pull-up Disable
 672 ;//       <o2.12>     GPE12 Pull-up Disable
 673 ;//       <o2.11>     GPE11 Pull-up Disable
 674 ;//       <o2.10>     GPE10 Pull-up Disable
 675 ;//       <o2.9>      GPE9  Pull-up Disable
 676 ;//       <o2.8>      GPE8  Pull-up Disable
 677 ;//       <o2.7>      GPE7  Pull-up Disable
 678 ;//       <o2.6>      GPE6  Pull-up Disable
 679 ;//       <o2.5>      GPE5  Pull-up Disable
 680 ;//       <o2.4>      GPE4  Pull-up Disable
 681 ;//       <o2.3>      GPE3  Pull-up Disable
 682 ;//       <o2.2>      GPE2  Pull-up Disable
 683 ;//       <o2.1>      GPE1  Pull-up Disable
 684 ;//       <o2.0>      GPE0  Pull-up Disable
 685 ;//     </h>
 686 ;//   </e>
 687 GPE_SETUP       EQU     0
 688 GPECON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 689 GPEUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 691 ;//   <e> Port F Settings
 692 ;//     <h> Port F Control Register (GPFCON)
 693 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPF7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[7] <3=> Reserved
 694 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPF6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[6] <3=> Reserved
 695 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPF5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[5] <3=> Reserved
 696 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPF4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[4] <3=> Reserved
 697 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPF3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[3] <3=> Reserved
 698 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPF2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[2] <3=> Reserved
 699 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPF1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[1] <3=> Reserved
 700 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPF0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[0] <3=> Reserved
 701 ;//     </h>
 702 ;//     <h> Port F Pull-up Settings Register (GPFUP)
 703 ;//       <o2.7>      GPF7  Pull-up Disable
 704 ;//       <o2.6>      GPF6  Pull-up Disable
 705 ;//       <o2.5>      GPF5  Pull-up Disable
 706 ;//       <o2.4>      GPF4  Pull-up Disable
 707 ;//       <o2.3>      GPF3  Pull-up Disable
 708 ;//       <o2.2>      GPF2  Pull-up Disable
 709 ;//       <o2.1>      GPF1  Pull-up Disable
 710 ;//       <o2.0>      GPF0  Pull-up Disable
 711 ;//     </h>
 712 ;//   </e>
 713 GPF_SETUP       EQU     0
 714 GPFCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 715 GPFUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 717 ;//   <e> Port G Settings
 718 ;//     <h> Port G Control Register (GPGCON)
 719 ;//       <o1.30..31> GPG15     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[23] <3=> Reserved
 720 ;//       <o1.28..29> GPG14     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[22] <3=> Reserved
 721 ;//       <o1.26..27> GPG13     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[21] <3=> Reserved
 722 ;//       <o1.24..25> GPG12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[20] <3=> Reserved
 723 ;//       <o1.22..23> GPG11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[19] <3=> TCLK[1]
 724 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPG10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[18] <3=> nCTS1
 725 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPG9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[17] <3=> nRTS1
 726 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPG8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[16] <3=> Reserved
 727 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPG7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[15] <3=> SPICLK1
 728 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPG6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[14] <3=> SPIMOSI1
 729 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPG5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[13] <3=> SPIMISO1
 730 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPG4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[12] <3=> LCD_PWRDN
 731 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPG3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[11] <3=> nSS1
 732 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPG2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[10] <3=> nSS0
 733 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPG1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[9]  <3=> Reserved
 734 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPG0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[8]  <3=> Reserved
 735 ;//     </h>
 736 ;//     <h> Port G Pull-up Settings Register (GPGUP)
 737 ;//       <o2.15>     GPG15 Pull-up Disable
 738 ;//       <o2.14>     GPG14 Pull-up Disable
 739 ;//       <o2.13>     GPG13 Pull-up Disable
 740 ;//       <o2.12>     GPG12 Pull-up Disable
 741 ;//       <o2.11>     GPG11 Pull-up Disable
 742 ;//       <o2.10>     GPG10 Pull-up Disable
 743 ;//       <o2.9>      GPG9  Pull-up Disable
 744 ;//       <o2.8>      GPG8  Pull-up Disable
 745 ;//       <o2.7>      GPG7  Pull-up Disable
 746 ;//       <o2.6>      GPG6  Pull-up Disable
 747 ;//       <o2.5>      GPG5  Pull-up Disable
 748 ;//       <o2.4>      GPG4  Pull-up Disable
 749 ;//       <o2.3>      GPG3  Pull-up Disable
 750 ;//       <o2.2>      GPG2  Pull-up Disable
 751 ;//       <o2.1>      GPG1  Pull-up Disable
 752 ;//       <o2.0>      GPG0  Pull-up Disable
 753 ;//     </h>
 754 ;//   </e>
 755 GPG_SETUP       EQU     0
 756 GPGCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 757 GPGUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 759 ;//   <e> Port H Settings
 760 ;//     <h> Port H Control Register (GPHCON)
 761 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPH10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT1  <3=> Reserved
 762 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPH9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT0  <3=> Reserved
 763 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPH8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> UEXTCLK  <3=> Reserved
 764 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPH7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[2]   <3=> nCTS1
 765 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPH6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[2]   <3=> nRTS1
 766 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPH5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[1]   <3=> Reserved
 767 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPH4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[1]   <3=> Reserved
 768 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPH3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[0]   <3=> Reserved
 769 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPH2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[0]   <3=> Reserved
 770 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPH1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nRTS0    <3=> Reserved
 771 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPH0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nCTS0    <3=> Reserved
 772 ;//     </h>
 773 ;//     <h> Port H Pull-up Settings Register (GPHUP)
 774 ;//       <o2.10>     GPH10 Pull-up Disable
 775 ;//       <o2.9>      GPH9  Pull-up Disable
 776 ;//       <o2.8>      GPH8  Pull-up Disable
 777 ;//       <o2.7>      GPH7  Pull-up Disable
 778 ;//       <o2.6>      GPH6  Pull-up Disable
 779 ;//       <o2.5>      GPH5  Pull-up Disable
 780 ;//       <o2.4>      GPH4  Pull-up Disable
 781 ;//       <o2.3>      GPH3  Pull-up Disable
 782 ;//       <o2.2>      GPH2  Pull-up Disable
 783 ;//       <o2.1>      GPH1  Pull-up Disable
 784 ;//       <o2.0>      GPH0  Pull-up Disable
 785 ;//     </h>
 786 ;//   </e>
 787 GPH_SETUP       EQU     0
 788 GPHCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 789 GPHUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000 
 791 ;//   <e> Port J Settings
 792 ;//     <h> Port J Control Register (GPJCON)
 793 ;//       <o1.24..25> GPJ12     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMRESET   <3=> Reserved
 794 ;//       <o1.22..23> GPJ11     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMCLKOUT  <3=> Reserved
 795 ;//       <o1.20..21> GPJ10     <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMHREF    <3=> Reserved
 796 ;//       <o1.18..19> GPJ9      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMVSYNC   <3=> Reserved
 797 ;//       <o1.16..17> GPJ8      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMPCLK    <3=> Reserved
 798 ;//       <o1.14..15> GPJ7      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[7] <3=> Reserved
 799 ;//       <o1.12..13> GPJ6      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[6] <3=> Reserved
 800 ;//       <o1.10..11> GPJ5      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[5] <3=> Reserved
 801 ;//       <o1.8..9>   GPJ4      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[4] <3=> Reserved
 802 ;//       <o1.6..7>   GPJ3      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[3] <3=> Reserved
 803 ;//       <o1.4..5>   GPJ2      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[2] <3=> Reserved
 804 ;//       <o1.2..3>   GPJ1      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[1] <3=> Reserved
 805 ;//       <o1.0..1>   GPJ0      <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[0] <3=> Reserved
 806 ;//     </h>
 807 ;//     <h> Port J Pull-up Settings Register (GPJUP)
 808 ;//       <o2.12>     GPJ12 Pull-up Disable
 809 ;//       <o2.11>     GPJ11 Pull-up Disable
 810 ;//       <o2.10>     GPJ10 Pull-up Disable
 811 ;//       <o2.9>      GPJ9  Pull-up Disable
 812 ;//       <o2.8>      GPJ8  Pull-up Disable
 813 ;//       <o2.7>      GPJ7  Pull-up Disable
 814 ;//       <o2.6>      GPJ6  Pull-up Disable
 815 ;//       <o2.5>      GPJ5  Pull-up Disable
 816 ;//       <o2.4>      GPJ4  Pull-up Disable
 817 ;//       <o2.3>      GPJ3  Pull-up Disable
 818 ;//       <o2.2>      GPJ2  Pull-up Disable
 819 ;//       <o2.1>      GPJ1  Pull-up Disable
 820 ;//       <o2.0>      GPJ0  Pull-up Disable
 821 ;//     </h>
 822 ;//   </e>
 823 GPJ_SETUP       EQU     0
 824 GPJCON_Val      EQU     0x00000000
 825 GPJUP_Val       EQU     0x00000000
 827 ;// </e> I/O Setup
 830 ;----------------------- CODE --------------------------------------------------
 832                 PRESERVE8
 835 ; Area Definition and Entry Point
 836 ;  Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.
 838                 AREA    RESET, CODE, READONLY
 839                 ARM
 841                 IF      :LNOT::DEF:__EVAL 
 842                 IMPORT  ||Image$$ER_ROM1$$RO$$Length||
 843                 IMPORT  ||Image$$RW_RAM1$$RW$$Length||
 844                 ENDIF
 846 ; Exception Vectors
 847 ;  Mapped to Address 0.
 848 ;  Absolute addressing mode must be used.
 849 ;  Dummy Handlers are implemented as infinite loops which can be modified.
 851 Vectors         LDR     PC, Reset_Addr         
 852                 LDR     PC, Undef_Addr
 853                 LDR     PC, SWI_Addr
 854                 LDR     PC, PAbt_Addr
 855                 LDR     PC, DAbt_Addr
 856                 IF      :DEF:__EVAL
 857                   DCD   0x4000
 858                 ELSE 
 859                   DCD   ||Image$$ER_ROM1$$RO$$Length||+\
 860                         ||Image$$RW_RAM1$$RW$$Length||
 861                 ENDIF
 862                 LDR     PC, IRQ_Addr
 863                 LDR     PC, FIQ_Addr
 865                 IF      :DEF:__RTX
 866                 IMPORT  SWI_Handler
 867                 IMPORT  IRQ_Handler_RTX
 868                 ENDIF
 871 Reset_Addr      DCD     Reset_Handler
 872 Undef_Addr      DCD     Undef_Handler
 873 SWI_Addr        DCD     SWI_Handler
 874 PAbt_Addr       DCD     PAbt_Handler
 875 DAbt_Addr       DCD     DAbt_Handler
 876                 DCD     0                   ; Reserved Address 
 877                 IF      :DEF:__RTX
 878 IRQ_Addr        DCD     IRQ_Handler_RTX
 879                 ELSE
 880 IRQ_Addr        DCD     IRQ_Handler
 881                 ENDIF
 882 FIQ_Addr        DCD     FIQ_Handler
 884 Undef_Handler   B       Undef_Handler
 885                 IF      :DEF:__RTX
 886                 ELSE
 887 SWI_Handler     B       SWI_Handler
 888                 ENDIF
 889 PAbt_Handler    B       PAbt_Handler
 890 DAbt_Handler    B       DAbt_Handler
 891 IRQ_Handler     PROC
 892                 EXPORT  IRQ_Handler               [WEAK]
 893                 B       .
 894                 ENDP
 895 FIQ_Handler     B       FIQ_Handler
 898 ; Reset Handler
 900                 EXPORT  Reset_Handler
 901 Reset_Handler   
 904 ; Watchdog Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------
 906                 IF      WT_SETUP != 0
 907                 LDR     R0, =WT_BASE
 908                 LDR     R1, =WTCON_Val
 909                 LDR     R2, =WTDAT_Val
 910                 STR     R2, [R0, #WTCNT_OFS]
 911                 STR     R2, [R0, #WTDAT_OFS]
 912                 STR     R1, [R0, #WTCON_OFS]
 913                 ENDIF
 916 ; Clock Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------
 918                 IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_CLOCK_SETUP)):LAND:(CLOCK_SETUP != 0)
 919                 LDR     R0, =CLOCK_BASE
 920                 LDR     R1,      =LOCKTIME_Val
 921                 STR     R1, [R0, #LOCKTIME_OFS]
 922                 MOV     R1,      #CLKDIVN_Val  
 923                 STR     R1, [R0, #CLKDIVN_OFS]
 924                 LDR     R1,      =CAMDIVN_Val
 925                 STR     R1, [R0, #CAMDIVN_OFS]
 926                 LDR     R1,      =MPLLCON_Val
 927                 STR     R1, [R0, #MPLLCON_OFS]
 928                 LDR     R1,      =UPLLCON_Val
 929                 STR     R1, [R0, #UPLLCON_OFS]
 930                 MOV     R1,      #CLKSLOW_Val
 931                 STR     R1, [R0, #CLKSLOW_OFS]
 932                 LDR     R1,      =CLKCON_Val
 933                 STR     R1, [R0, #CLKCON_OFS]
 934                 ENDIF
 937 ; Memory Controller Setup ------------------------------------------------------
 939                 IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_MC_SETUP)):LAND:(CLOCK_SETUP != 0)
 940                 LDR     R0, =MC_BASE
 941                 LDR     R1,      =BWSCON_Val
 942                 STR     R1, [R0, #BWSCON_OFS]
 943                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON0_Val
 944                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON0_OFS]
 945                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON1_Val
 946                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON1_OFS]
 947                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON2_Val
 948                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON2_OFS]
 949                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON3_Val
 950                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON3_OFS]
 951                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON4_Val
 952                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON4_OFS]
 953                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON5_Val
 954                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON5_OFS]
 955                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON6_Val
 956                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON6_OFS]
 957                 LDR     R1,      =BANKCON7_Val
 958                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKCON7_OFS]
 959                 LDR     R1,      =REFRESH_Val
 960                 STR     R1, [R0, #REFRESH_OFS]
 961                 MOV     R1,      #BANKSIZE_Val
 962                 STR     R1, [R0, #BANKSIZE_OFS]
 963                 MOV     R1,      #MRSRB6_Val
 964                 STR     R1, [R0, #MRSRB6_OFS]
 965                 MOV     R1,      #MRSRB7_Val
 966                 STR     R1, [R0, #MRSRB7_OFS]
 967                 ENDIF                            
 970 ; I/O Pins Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------
 972                 IF      (:LNOT:(:DEF:NO_GP_SETUP)):LAND:(GP_SETUP != 0)
 974                 IF      GPA_SETUP != 0
 975                 LDR     R0, =GPA_BASE
 976                 LDR     R1, =GPACON_Val
 977                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
 978                 ENDIF
 980                 IF      GPB_SETUP != 0
 981                 LDR     R0, =GPB_BASE
 982                 LDR     R1, =GPBCON_Val
 983                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
 984                 LDR     R1, =GPBUP_Val
 985                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
 986                 ENDIF
 988                 IF      GPC_SETUP != 0
 989                 LDR     R0, =GPC_BASE
 990                 LDR     R1, =GPCCON_Val
 991                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
 992                 LDR     R1, =GPCUP_Val
 993                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
 994                 ENDIF
 996                 IF      GPD_SETUP != 0
 997                 LDR     R0, =GPD_BASE
 998                 LDR     R1, =GPDCON_Val
 999                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1000                 LDR     R1, =GPDUP_Val
1001                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1002                 ENDIF
1004                 IF      GPE_SETUP != 0
1005                 LDR     R0, =GPE_BASE
1006                 LDR     R1, =GPECON_Val
1007                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1008                 LDR     R1, =GPEUP_Val
1009                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1010                 ENDIF
1012                 IF      GPF_SETUP != 0
1013                 LDR     R0, =GPF_BASE
1014                 LDR     R1, =GPFCON_Val
1015                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1016                 LDR     R1, =GPFUP_Val
1017                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1018                 ENDIF
1020                 IF      GPG_SETUP != 0
1021                 LDR     R0, =GPG_BASE
1022                 LDR     R1, =GPGCON_Val
1023                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1024                 LDR     R1, =GPGUP_Val
1025                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1026                 ENDIF
1028                 IF      GPH_SETUP != 0
1029                 LDR     R0, =GPH_BASE
1030                 LDR     R1, =GPHCON_Val
1031                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1032                 LDR     R1, =GPHUP_Val
1033                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1034                 ENDIF
1036                 IF      GPJ_SETUP != 0
1037                 LDR     R0, =GPJ_BASE
1038                 LDR     R1, =GPJCON_Val
1039                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPCON_OFS]
1040                 LDR     R1, =GPJUP_Val
1041                 STR     R1, [R0, #GPUP_OFS]
1042                 ENDIF
1044                 ENDIF
1047 ; Copy Exception Vectors to Internal RAM ---------------------------------------
1049                 IF      :DEF:RAM_INTVEC
1050                 ADR     R8,  Vectors    ; Source
1051                 LDR     R9, =IRAM_BASE  ; Destination
1052                 LDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}    ; Load Vectors 
1053                 STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}    ; Store Vectors 
1054                 LDMIA   R8!, {R0-R7}    ; Load Handler Addresses 
1055                 STMIA   R9!, {R0-R7}    ; Store Handler Addresses
1056                 ENDIF
1059 ; Setup Stack for each mode ----------------------------------------------------
1061                 LDR     R0, =Stack_Top
1063 ;  Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1064                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
1065                 MOV     SP, R0
1066                 SUB     R0, R0, #UND_Stack_Size
1068 ;  Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1069                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
1070                 MOV     SP, R0
1071                 SUB     R0, R0, #ABT_Stack_Size
1073 ;  Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1074                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
1075                 MOV     SP, R0
1076                 SUB     R0, R0, #FIQ_Stack_Size
1078 ;  Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1079                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
1080                 MOV     SP, R0
1081                 SUB     R0, R0, #IRQ_Stack_Size
1083 ;  Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1084                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit
1085                 MOV     SP, R0
1086                 SUB     R0, R0, #SVC_Stack_Size
1088 ;  Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1089                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR
1090                 MOV     SP, R0
1091                 SUB     SL, SP, #USR_Stack_Size
1093 ;  Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer
1094                 MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR
1095                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
1097                 EXPORT __initial_sp
1099                 ELSE
1101                 MOV     SP, R0
1102                 SUB     SL, SP, #USR_Stack_Size
1104                 ENDIF
1107 ; Enter the C code -------------------------------------------------------------
1109                 IMPORT  main
1110                 LDR     R0, =main
1111                 BX      R0
1114                 IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
1116                 EXPORT  __heap_base
1117                 EXPORT  __heap_limit
1119                 ELSE
1120 ; User Initial Stack & Heap
1121                 AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
1123                 IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
1124                 EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
1125 __user_initial_stackheap
1127                 LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
1128                 LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + USR_Stack_Size)
1129                 LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +      Heap_Size)
1130                 LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
1131                 BX      LR
1132                 ENDIF
1135                 END





把__main 改成 mian , 当然 主函数 xmain() 也要改成 main() ,这样就可以了,当然可以仿真,就是不要老用 JLNK 可以直接用软件仿真



成功了,现在我们接下来继续开始 启动代码的讲解!!!!!!LOL



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