
本帖最后由 ntwuhui 于 2013-9-27 00:46 编辑


QQ图片20130920080305.jpg (31.53 KB, 下载次数: 193)

2013-9-20 08:04 上传

These tools are designed to help you create a bootable SD card for the Lego EV3. This card can then be used to run Java/leJOS programs on the device. The SD card image is based on the standard Lego firmware but has been enhanced to provide the following:


1. The Lego device access Kernel modules are loaded without having the Lego VM running.

2. The WiFi stack is loaded to allow connection to the EV3 via a supported USB WiFi adaptor. This allows you to connect to the EV3 via Telnet, SSH and NFS and makes program development very simple.

3. Driver modules for Atheros ATH9K and Realtex 8192cu based devices are included and will be loaded automatically based on the detected WiFi chipset. The EV3 has been tested using the NetGear WNA1100 and EDIMAX EW-7811Un adaptors, but others may work if they use the same chipsets.

4. Installs the Oracle Java SE Embedded JVM, JNA and leJOS classes so you are ready to run Java programs on the EV3.

5. Includes shutdown scripts to power off the device when Linux is shutdown

So what do you need?

1. A micro SD card 2Gb or more in size.

2. A WiFi dongle that is supported by the EV3. At the moment the only devices used are the NetGear WNA1100 and EDIMAX EW-7811Un. But hopefully this list will be expanded.

3. A PC running Linux (the tools were created/tested on Ubuntu 12.10) to create the SD card and to use for program development. This can be a Windows system with Linux running under VirtualBox.

4. A WiFi Network and details of the SSID and PSK etc. needed to connect to it.

5. A download of the Oracle Java SE Embedded JVM.

6. A Telnet or ssh program to connect to the EV3

7. Optionally an NFS server to allow you to easily run programs developed on your PC.



2.用于EV3的WIFI适配器。目前唯一能够使用的是NetGear WNA1100 和 EDIMAX EW-7811Un。不过希望这个支持清单能够得到扩展。

3. 一台运行Linux的PC机(这个工具在Ubuntu12.10下创建并测试通过)以便创建SD卡以及开发平台。也可以在运行windows的系统下(通过虚拟机软件VirtualBox运行Linux)实现。

4. 一个能了解到SSID以及PSD等详细信息的WIFI网络。(用于连接)

5. 下载Java SE Embedded JVM

6. 一个用于与EV3相连的Telnet或ssh程序

7. 一台NFS服务器用于更简便的运行开发平台(PS:个人觉得可以先忽略这一块)

Getting started.

1. Download the latest leJOS creation tools (file lejosimage.bz2) from:


2.Linux终端下展开:tar xfj lejosimage.bz2,这一步可以得到一个名为lejosimage的文件夹(内含创建工具)



ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant# Persnetwork={ssid="legolan"



pairwise=CCMP TKIP



Which basically defines a network that has an SSID of “legolan” and uses WPA2 authentication. You can find more details of the various settings and configuration options here:


Ok now we are ready to create the image. First off we need to format the card. basically we are creating two partitions one DOS, the second Linux. To format the card hook up an SD card reader and use the command:



This will prompt you for sudo access as required. Take care when specifying the device to format, you could end up formatting your hard disk!


Once you have a formatted card we can create the image. First remove and re-insert the card. On most Linux systems the system will automatically mount the two partitions (called LMS2012 and LMS2012_EXT), if they are not mounted automatically you will need to mount them before continuing. Make a note of the location that that card has been mounted (on Ubuntu this will be /media//), then issue the command:


Where is the location that the SD card is mounted and is name of the file you downloaded previously. On my system the command line would be:


./update_sdcard.sh /media/andy ejre-7u21-fcs-b11-linux-arm-sflt-headless-04_apr_2013.tar.gz

The script will then go ahead and create the boot image.


Once complete eject the SD card using the eject option in the Linux file browser and remove it from the reader. Make sure the EV3 is powered off and then insert the card into the EV3 SD card slot. Press the enter button to boot the EV3. As the system boots it will turn on the Red LEDs when these turn off the EV3 will be ready to use. Shortly after the red light turns off the LCD screen will display the leJOS logo. Just below this you should see the IP address assigned to the EV3. If you do not see an IP address displayed then something has gone wrong with the WiFi setup, check that you have correctly configured the wpa_supplicant.conf and that you are using a supported WiFi device. If necessary re-run the update_sdcard.sh command to recreate the image.


然后LCD屏幕上会显示leJOS logo.在此之后可以看到分配给EV3的IP地址。如果不显示这些,仔细检查配置文件wpa_supplicant.conf。必要时重新使用update_sdcard脚本重新创建SD卡镜像。

Once the EV3 has booted you should be able to connect to the displayed IP address using either ssh or telnet. Login as root with no password. Once connected you can now check that it is possible to run leJOS based Java programs. cd to the the /home/root/lejos/samples directory and type:

一切OK后,可以使用ssh或者telnet登陆EV3(telnet ip地址),登陆账户名root,密码为空。连上后就可以cd进入/home/root/lejos/samples并运行

jrun EV3HelloWorld

After a short while the program should play some sounds, light up the EV3 LEDs and display a message on the EV3 display.


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