Trade Webs - 二分网络投影与对称、同配性


# 查看数据
import pandas as pd
data_trade_total = pd.read_csv('./data/comtrade_trade_data_total_2003.csv')
print(len(data_trade_total))  # 44259


# Special 'exclude_countiries' to be exluded when loading data
472 Africa CAMEU region, nes
899 Areas, nes
471 CACM, nes
129 Caribbean, nes
221 Eastern Europe, nes
97  EU-27
697 Europe EFTA, nes
492 Europe EU, nes
838 Free Zones
473 LAIA, nes
536 Neutral Zone
637 North America and Central America, nes
290 Northern Africa, nes
527 Oceania, nes
577 Other Africa, nes
490 Other Asia, nes
568 Other Europe, nes
636 Rest of America, nes
839 Special Categories
879 Western Asia, nes
0   World


def net_symmetrisation(wtn_file, exclude_countries):
    DG = nx.DiGraph()
    Reporter_pos = 1
    Flow_code_pos = 2
    Partner_pos = 3
    Value_pos = 9
    dic_trade_flows = {}
    hfile = open(wtn_file, 'r')
    header = hfile.readline()
    lines = hfile.readlines()
    for l in lines:
        l_split = l.split(',')
        # the following is to prevent parsing lines without data
        if len(l_split) < 2:
        reporter = int(l_split[Reporter_pos])
        partner = int(l_split[Partner_pos])
        flow_code = int(l_split[Flow_code_pos])
        value = float(l_split[Value_pos])

        if ((reporter in exclude_countries) or (partner in exclude_countries) or \
           (reporter == partner)):

        if flow_code == 1 and value > 0.0:
            # 1=Import, 2=Export
            if (partner, reporter, 2) in dic_trade_flows:
                DG[partner][reporter]['weight'] = (DG[partner][reporter]['weight'] + value) / 2.0
                DG.add_edge(partner, reporter, weight=value)
                dic_trade_flows[(partner, reporter, 1)] = value
        elif flow_code == 2 and value > 0.0:
            # 1=Import, 2=Export
            if (reporter, partner, 1) in dic_trade_flows:
                DG[reporter][partner]['weight'] = (DG[reporter][partner]['weight'] + value) / 2.0
                DG.add_edge(reporter, partner, weight=value)
                dic_trade_flows[( reporter, partner, 2)] = value
            print('trade flow not present\n')
    return DG


# importing the main modules
import networkx as nx

# countries to be excluded
exclude_countries = [472,899,471,129,221,97,697,492,838,473,536,\

# this is the magic command to have the graphic embedded in the notebook
%pylab inline

DG = net_symmetrisation('./data/comtrade_trade_data_total_2003.csv', exclude_countries)
print('number of nodes: ', DG.number_of_nodes())
print('number of edges: ', DG.number_of_edges())

# number of nodes:  232
# number of edges:  27901

Reciprocity 互易性

r = L ↔ L r=\frac{L^\leftrightarrow}{L} r=LL
where L ↔ {L^\leftrightarrow} L is the number of reciprocated links that for a connected network ammounts to 2 L − N ( N − 1 ) 2L-N(N-1) 2LN(N1)

# weighted case
W = 0
W_rep =0
for n in DG.nodes():
    for e in DG.out_edges(n, data=True):
        W += e[2]['weight']
        if DG.has_edge(e[1], e[0]):
            W_rep += min(DG[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'], DG[e[1]][e[0]]['weight'])
print(W, W_rep, W_rep/W)  # 0.07841151578718941

In the weighted case the formula changes in:
r = W ↔ W r=\frac{W^\leftrightarrow}{W} r=WW
where W ↔ = ∑ i ∑ j ≠ i w i j ↔ W^\leftrightarrow=\sum_i\sum_{j\neq i}w^\leftrightarrow_{ij} W=ij=iwij is the sum of the reciprocated weights with w i j ↔ = m i n [ w i j , w j i ] = w j i ↔ w^\leftrightarrow_{ij}=min[w_{ij},w_{ji}]=w^\leftrightarrow_{ji} wij=min[wij,wji]=wji
and W = ∑ i ∑ j ≠ i w i j W=\sum_i\sum_{j\neq i}w_{ij} W=ij=iwij

# weighted case
W = 0
W_rep =0
for n in DG.nodes():
    for e in DG.out_edges(n, data=True):
        W += e[2]['weight']
        if DG.has_edge(e[1], e[0]):
            W_rep += min(DG[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'], DG[e[1]][e[0]]['weight'])
print(W,  W_rep,  W_rep/W)
# 7170872443378.5   5195628162988.0   0.7245461698019161

Assortativity 同配性

  • 同配:节点倾向于连接度节点,网络是度正相关的
  • 异配:节点倾向于连接度节点,网络是度负相关的
  • 中性:节点间的连接与它们自身的度值无关,网络具有不同的度相关性


# average degrees K_nn distribution
for n in DG.nodes():
    degree = 0.0
    count = 0
    for nn in DG.neighbors(n):
        count += 1
        degree = degree +
        temp  = degree / len(list(DG.neighbors(n)))

#plot the histogram    



Pearson相关性系数(Pearson Correlation)是衡量向量相似度的一种方法 。 输出范围为-1+1, 0代表无相关性,负值为负相关,正值为正相关。知识链接

#basic Pearson correlation coefficient for the
r1 = nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(DG)
print(r1)    # -0.33500264363818966

Density and Strength (in and out)

Loading product Networks

data_product = pd.read_csv('./data/comtrade_trade_data_2003_product_09.csv')


for c in commodity_codes:
    dic_product_netowrk[c]=net_symmetrisation("./data/comtrade_trade_data_2003_product_"+ c +".csv", \
DG_aggregate=net_symmetrisation( "./data/comtrade_trade_data_total_2003.csv",exclude_countries)

rescale the weighted ajacency aggregate matrix

w i j t o t = w i j t o t ∑ h k w h k t o t w_{ij}^{tot}=\frac{ w_{ij}^{tot} }{ \sum_{hk}w_{hk}^{tot} } wijtot=hkwhktotwijtot

w_tot = 0
for u,v,d in DG_aggregate.edges(data=True):  # data=True 边带权重值
    w_tot += d['weight']   # 约等于数值1
for u,v,d in DG_aggregate.edges(data=True):
    d['weight'] = d['weight'] / w_tot

rescale the weighted ajacency product matrices

w i j c = w i j c ∑ h k w h k c w_{ij}^c=\frac{w_{ij}^c}{\sum_{hk}w_{hk}^c} wijc=hkwhkcwijc

for c in commodity_codes:
    w_tot = 0.0
    for u,v,d in dic_product_netowrk[c].edges(data=True):
        w_tot += d['weight']
    for u,v,d in dic_product_netowrk[c].edges(data=True):
        d['weight'] = d['weight'] / w_tot

Generate the table with the quantities

   w i j w_{ij} wij D e n s i t y Density Density N S i n / N D i n NS_{in}/ND_{in} NSin/NDin N S o u t / N D o u t NS_{out}/ND_{out} NSout/NDout

# 测试节点数
print(len(DG_aggregate.nodes()))  # 232
DG_aggregate.number_of_nodes()    # 232
density_aggregate = DG_aggregate.number_of_edges() / \
    (DG_aggregate.number_of_nodes() * DG_aggregate.number_of_nodes() - 1.0)
w_agg = []
NS_in = []
NS_out = []
for u,v,d in DG_aggregate.edges(data=True):
for n in DG_aggregate.nodes():
    if DG_aggregate.in_degree(n) > 0:
        NS_in.append(DG_aggregate.in_degree(n, weight='weight') / DG_aggregate.in_degree(n))
    if DG_aggregate.out_degree(n) > 0:
        NS_out.append(DG_aggregate.out_degree(n, weight='weight') / DG_aggregate.out_degree(n))

for c in commodity_codes:
    density_commodity = dic_product_netowrk[c].number_of_edges() / \
    (dic_product_netowrk[c].number_of_nodes() * dic_product_netowrk[c].number_of_nodes() - 1.0)
    w_c = []
    NS_c_in = []
    NS_c_out = []
    for u,v,d in dic_product_netowrk[c].edges(data=True):
    for n in dic_product_netowrk[c].nodes():
        if dic_product_netowrk[c].in_degree(n) > 0:
            NS_c_in.append(dic_product_netowrk[c].in_degree(n, weight='weight') / dic_product_netowrk[c].in_degree(n))
        if dic_product_netowrk[c].out_degree(n) > 0:
            NS_c_out.append(dic_product_netowrk[c].out_degree(n, weight='weight') / dic_product_netowrk[c].out_degree(n))
    print(c, str(round(density_commodity/density_aggregate, 4)) + ' & ' + str(round(mean(w_c)/mean(w_agg), 4)) \
          + ' & ' + str(round(mean(NS_c_in)/mean(NS_in),4)) + ' & ' + str(round(mean(NS_c_out)/mean(NS_out), 4)) )
# output
09 0.3089 & 3.3811 & 2.553 & 2.3906
10 0.1961 & 5.5195 & 5.9919 & 2.5718
27 0.3057 & 3.3575 & 2.6786 & 3.2979
29 0.3103 & 3.3664 & 2.3579 & 1.6286
30 0.3662 & 2.803 & 2.3308 & 1.267
39 0.4926 & 2.0478 & 1.753 & 1.1385
52 0.2864 & 3.5839 & 2.7572 & 2.1254
71 0.2843 & 3.6746 & 1.9479 & 2.6704
72 0.3081 & 3.3315 & 2.5847 & 1.8484
84 0.6195 & 1.6281 & 1.3359 & 1.0259
85 0.5963 & 1.6917 & 1.3518 & 1.0692
87 0.4465 & 2.259 & 1.7488 & 1.1105
90 0.4734 & 2.1492 & 1.5879 & 1.0993
93 0.1414 & 8.4677 & 6.0618 & 4.0279


Revealed Comparative Advantage

  It is necessary to weigh export of a good in relation to how much of the same product is produced worldwide, (i.e. ∑ c ′ M c ′ p \sum_{c^{\prime}} M_{c^{\prime} p} cMcp).
  This must be compared with the importance of the export of single country, which is again a ratio between the total export of c (i.e. ∑ p ′ M c p ′ \sum_{p^{\prime}} M_{c p^{\prime}} pMcp) with respect to the global value of the exports for every country (i.e. ∑ c ′ , p ′ M c ′ p ′ \sum_{c^{\prime},p^{\prime}} M_{c^{\prime} p^{\prime}} c,pMcp).
  We consider country c to be a competitive exporter of product p if its RCA is greater than some threshold value.

R C A c p = M c p ∑ p ′ M c p ′ / ∑ c ′ M c ′ p ∑ c ′ , p ′ M c ′ p ′ RCA_{c p}=\frac{M_{c p}}{\sum_{p^{\prime}} M_{c p^{\prime}}} / \frac{\sum_{c^{\prime}} M_{c^{\prime} p}}{\sum_{c^{\prime}, p^{\prime}} M_{c^{\prime} p^{\prime}}} RCAcp=pMcpMcp/c,pMcpcMcp

def RCA(c, p):
    X_cp = dic_product_netowrk[p].out_degree(c, weight='weight')
    X_c = DG_aggregate.out_degree(c, weight='weight')
    X_p = 0.0
    for n in dic_product_netowrk[p].nodes():
        X_p += dic_product_netowrk[p].out_degree(n, weight='weight')
    X_tot = 0.0
    for n in DG_aggregate.nodes():
        X_tot += DG_aggregate.out_degree(n, weight='weight')
    RCA_cp = (X_cp/X_c) / (X_p/X_tot)
    return RCA_cp

p = '93'
c = 381
print(RCA(c, p))   # 2.104705551640614

Bipartite Network


defining the country-product matrix

       C = M M T C =MM^T C=MMT     P = M T M P=M^TM P=MTM     ( 2.13 ) (2.13) (2.13)

M T M^T MT is the transposed matrix and the square matrices C and P define the country–country network and the product–product network. The element C c c ′ C_{cc^{\prime}} Ccc defines the weight associated to the link between countries c c c and c ′ c^{\prime} c in the country–country network. Analogously P p p ′ P_{pp^{\prime}} Ppp gives the weight of the link between products p p p and p ′ p^{\prime} p in the product product network.
  These weights have an interesting interpretation: if we write explicitly the expression of a generic element of the C C C matrix according to (2.13), we have that C c c ′ = ∑ p M c p M c ′ p C_{c c^{\prime}}=\sum_{p} M_{c p} M_{c^{\prime} p} Ccc=pMcpMcp . Therefore the element C c c ′ C_{cc^{\prime}} Ccc (since M c p M_{cp} Mcp is a binary unweighted matrix) counts the number of products exported by both countries c c c and c ′ c^{\prime} c. In a similar way the the element P p p ′ P_{pp^{\prime}} Ppp counts the number of countries which export both products p p p and p ′ p^{\prime} p.
  The diagonal elements C c c C_{cc} Ccc and P p p P_{pp} Ppp are respectively the number of products exported by the country c c c and the number of exporters of the product p p p.

import numpy as np

num_countries = DG_aggregate.number_of_nodes()
num_products = len(commodity_codes)

# generate array indices
country_index = {}
i = 0
for c in DG_aggregate.nodes():
    country_index[c] = i
    i += 1

M = np.zeros((num_countries, num_products))

for pos_p, p in enumerate(commodity_codes):
    for c in dic_product_netowrk[p].nodes():
        if RCA(c, p) > 1.0:   # 假定阈值为1
            M[country_index[c]][pos_p] = 1.0

C =, M.transpose())  
P =, M)


[[1. 0. 0. ... 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 3. 1. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 3. ... 0. 1. 0.]
 [1. 0. 0. ... 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1. ... 0. 2. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]]
[[83. 27. 28.  4.  6.  6. 29. 31. 20.  1.  3.  3.  5. 12.]
 [27. 59. 19.  4.  4.  8. 27. 18. 19.  5.  3.  7.  3. 12.]
 [28. 19. 71.  4.  2.  7. 20. 16. 14.  3.  4.  4.  1.  9.]
 [ 4.  4.  4. 20.  9.  9.  2.  6.  5.  5.  4.  3.  7.  7.]
 [ 6.  4.  2.  9. 27. 15.  7.  6. 10.  9.  3.  8.  9. 10.]
 [ 6.  8.  7.  9. 15. 37. 10.  7. 15. 10. 10.  8.  9. 11.]
 [29. 27. 20.  2.  7. 10. 69. 19. 18.  4.  5.  7.  5. 14.]
 [31. 18. 16.  6.  6.  7. 19. 57. 10.  4.  3.  4.  6.  9.]
 [20. 19. 14.  5. 10. 15. 18. 10. 56.  7.  7. 12.  2. 15.]
 [ 1.  5.  3.  5.  9. 10.  4.  4.  7. 26. 12.  9.  7.  6.]
 [ 3.  3.  4.  4.  3. 10.  5.  3.  7. 12. 26.  5.  8.  6.]
 [ 3.  7.  4.  3.  8.  8.  7.  4. 12.  9.  5. 27.  5. 11.]
 [ 5.  3.  1.  7.  9.  9.  5.  6.  2.  7.  8.  5. 20.  5.]
 [12. 12.  9.  7. 10. 11. 14.  9. 15.  6.  6. 11.  5. 38.]]

参考-《Data Science & Complex Networks》

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