mimo matlab,Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)

The use of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) techniques for sending and receiving

multiple data signals simultaneously over the same radio channel by exploiting multipath

propagation that provide potential gains in capacity when using multiple antennas at

both transmitter and receiver ends of a communications system. New techniques, which

account for the extra spatial dimension, have been adopted to realize these gains in new

systems and previously existing systems.

MIMO technology has been adopted in multiple wireless systems, including Wi-Fi, WiMAX,

LTE, and LTE-Advanced.

The Communications Toolbox™ product offers components to model:

OSTBC (orthogonal space-time block coding technique)

MIMO Fading Channels

Spherical Decoding

and demos highlighting the use of these components in applications.

For background material on the subject of MIMO systems, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for MIMO

systems.Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBC)

Model Orthogonal Space Time Block Coding (OSTBC) which is a MIMO technique

offering full spatial diversity gain with extremely simple single-symbol maximum

likelihood decoding as described in [4],

[6], and [8].

In Simulink®, the OSTBC Encoder and OSTBC Combiner blocks, residing in the MIMO block library, implement

the orthogonal space time block coding technique. These two blocks offer a variety

of specific codes (with different rates) for up to 4 transmit and 8 receive antenna

systems. The encoder block is used at the transmitter to map symbols to multiple

antennas while the combiner block is used at the receiver to extract the soft

information per symbol using the received signal and the channel state information.

You access the MIMO library by double clicking the icon in the main Communications Toolbox block library. Alternatively, you can type

commmimo at the MATLAB command line.

The OSTBC technique is an attractive scheme because it can achieve the full

(maximum) spatial diversity order and have symbol-wise maximum-likelihood (ML)

decoding. For more information about the algorithmic details and the specific codes

implemented, see OSTBC

Combining Algorithms on the OSTBC Combiner block help page and OSTBC Encoding Algorithms on the OSTBC Encoder block help page. Similar functionality is available in

MATLAB® by using the comm.OSTBCCombiner and comm.OSTBCEncoder System objects.MIMO Fading Channel

Model a MIMO fading channel using the comm.MIMOChannel

System object™ in MATLAB or the MIMO Fading Channel block in Simulink. Using them you model the fading channel characteristics of MIMO links

with Rayleigh and Rician fading, and use the Kronecker model for the spatial

correlation between the links as described in [1].Spherical Decoding

Model a sphere decoder using the comm.SphereDecoder

System object in MATLAB or the Sphere Decoder block in Simulink. You can use them to find the maximum-likelihood solution for a set of

received symbols over a MIMO channel with any number transmit antennas and receive

antennas.Selected Bibliography for MIMO Systems

[1] C. Oestges and B. Clerckx, MIMO Wireless

Communications: From Real-World Propagation to Space-Time Code

Design, Academic Press, 2007.

[2] George Tsoulos, Ed., "MIMO System

Technology for Wireless Communications", CRC Press, Boca Raton,

FL, 2006.

[3] L. M. Correira, Ed., Mobile Broadband

Multimedia Networks: Techniques, Models and Tools for 4G,

Academic Press, 2006.

[4] M. Jankiraman, "Space-time codes and MIMO

systems", Artech House, Boston, 2004.

[5] G. J. Foschini, M. J. Gans, "On the limits of wireless

communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas",

IEEE Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 6, Mar.

1998, pp. 311-335.

[6] S. M. Alamouti, “A simple transmit diversity

technique for wireless communications,” IEEE Journal on

Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1451–1458,

Oct. 1998.

[7] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank,

“Space–time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance

analysis and code construction,” IEEE Transactions on

Information Theory, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 744–765, Mar.


[8] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank,

“Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs,” IEEE

Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 45, no. 5, pp.

1456–1467, Jul. 1999.

[9] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Technical Specification Group Radio

Access Network, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA), Base

Station (BS) radio transmission and reception, Release 10, 3GPP TS 36.104,

v10.0.0, 2010-09.

[10] 3rd Generation Partnership Project, Technical Specification Group Radio

Access Network, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA), User

Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception, Release 10, 3GPP TS 36.101,

v10.0.0, 2010-10.

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