
function [normim, height, width, normtform, xdata, ydata] = imnorm(im)


% Implementation of the image normalization part of:

%   1. P. Dong, J.G. Brankov, N.P. Galatsanos, Y. Yang, and F. Davoine,

%      "Digital Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions," IEEE Trans.

%      Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 2140-2150, 2005.

%   2. P. Dong and N.P. Galatsanos, "Affine Transformation Resistant

%      Watermarking Based on Image Normalization," Int. Conf. Image

%      Processing, pp. 489-492, 2002.


% Input:

%   im: input grayscale image


% Output:

%   normim: normalized image of class double

%   height, width: actual size of the input image (without black border)

%   normtform: tform of the normalization

%   xdata, ydata: spatial coordinates of the normalized image


% Copyright (c), Yuan-Liang Tang

% Associate Professor

% Department of Information Management

% Chaoyang University of Technology

% Taichung, Taiwan

% Email:



% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining

% a copy of this software without restriction, subject to the following

% conditions:

% The above copyright notice and this permission notice should be included

% in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.


% Created: 5/2/2007

% Last updated: 3/31/2008


if ~isa(im, 'double')

im = double(im);


[height width] = size(im);    % Size of the original image

% Normalization steps:

% 1. Translation invariance: translate coordinate to the image centroid

[cx cy] = imcentroid(im);

tmat = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; -cx -cy 1];    % Translation matrix

mat = tmat;

tform = maketform('affine', mat);

[imt xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

%showim(imt, 'Translation', xdata, ydata);

% 2. X-direction shearing invariance

[cx cy] = imcentroid(imt);

u03 = immoment(imt, 0, 3, cx, cy);

u12 = immoment(imt, 1, 2, cx, cy);

u21 = immoment(imt, 2, 1, cx, cy);

u30 = immoment(imt, 3, 0, cx, cy);

rts = sort(roots([u03, 3*u12, 3*u21, u30]));

if isreal(rts)     % If all roots are real: choose the median one

beta = rts(2);

else               % Else: choose the real one

for i = 1:3

if isreal(rts(i))

beta = rts(i);





xmat = [1 0 0; beta 1 0; 0 0 1];    % X-shearing matrix

mat = mat*xmat;

tform = maketform('affine', mat);

[imtx xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

%showim(imtx, 'Xshearing', xdata, ydata);

% 3. Y-direction shearing invariance

[cx cy] = imcentroid(imtx);

u11 = immoment(imtx, 1, 1, cx, cy);

u20 = immoment(imtx, 2, 0, cx, cy);

gamma = -u11/u20;

ymat = [1 gamma 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];    % Y-shearing matrix

mat = mat*ymat;

tform = maketform('affine', mat);

[imtxy xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

%showim(imtxy, 'Yshearing', xdata, ydata);

% 4. Anisotropic scaling invariance

% Scale the supported area of the image to the fixed size of [512 512]

[r c] = find(imtxy);

alpha = 512/(max(c)-min(c)+1);

delta = 512/(max(r)-min(r)+1);

smat = [alpha 0 0; 0 delta 0; 0 0 1];    % Scaling matrix

% Ensure u50>0 and u05>0

tmpmat = mat*smat;

tform = maketform('affine', tmpmat);

[imtxys xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

[cx cy] = imcentroid(imtxys);

if immoment(imtxys, 5, 0, cx, cy) < 0

alpha = -alpha;


if immoment(imtxys, 0, 5, cx, cy) < 0

delta = -delta;


smat = [alpha 0 0; 0 delta 0; 0 0 1];    % Scaling matrix

mat = mat*smat;

tform = maketform('affine', mat);

[imtxys xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

%showim(imtxys, 'Scaling', xdata, ydata);

% 5. Rotation invariance

[cx cy] = imcentroid(imtxys);

u30 = immoment(imtxys, 3, 0, cx, cy);

u21 = immoment(imtxys, 2, 1, cx, cy);

u12 = immoment(imtxys, 1, 2, cx, cy);

u03 = immoment(imtxys, 0, 3, cx, cy);

phi = atan2(u30+u12, u03+u21);

rmat = [cos(phi) sin(phi) 0; -sin(phi) cos(phi) 0; 0 0 1];  % Rotation matrix

% Ensure u03+u21>0

tmpmat = mat*rmat;

tform = maketform('affine', tmpmat);

[imtxysr xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, tform, 'XYScale', 1);

[cx cy] = imcentroid(imtxysr);

u03 = immoment(imtxysr, 0, 3, cx, cy);

u21 = immoment(imtxysr, 2, 1, cx, cy);

if u03+u21<0

phi = phi+pi;

rmat = [cos(phi) sin(phi) 0; -sin(phi) cos(phi) 0; 0 0 1];  % Rotation matrix


mat = mat*rmat;

% 6. Perform overall transformation at once

normtform = maketform('affine', mat);

[normim xdata ydata] = imtransform(im, normtform, 'XYScale', 1);

showim(normim, 'Normalized', xdata, ydata);

function [cx, cy] = imcentroid(im)

% Compute image centroid

cx = immoment(im, 1, 0);

cy = immoment(im, 0, 1);

function m = immoment(im, p, q, cx, cy)

% Compute image moment

[y x v] = find(im);

if nargin == 5

x = x - cx;

y = y - cy;


m = sum(x.^p .* y.^q .* v)/sum(v);

function showim(im, ttl, xdata, ydata)

figure, imshow(im, [], 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata), title(ttl);

impixelinfo, axis on, axis([xdata ydata]);





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