I worked with an AP engineer yesterday to configure 2 APs, one of the APs didnt get the power at the beginning, the engineer forcely enabled PoE feature on the Switch, then it was powered on and working properly, he told me not to connect any non-PoE device to the cable connected to the AP or the device might be destroied by the current, because generally the Swith will automaticlly detect the device type firstly when it was connected  to confirm if it supports PoE, if not, the Switch will not provide the power to it. But if you forcely enable the PoE feature on the specific Switch port, the port will provide the power to the device weither it supports PoE or not, so it might destroy the device. It is the first time I heared about this, so I checked Wikipedia and some other websites, I listed it as below for the record:

PoE,Power over Ethernet describes any of several standardized or ad-hoc systems which pass electric power along with data on twisted pair Ethernet cabling. This allows a single cable to provide both data connection and electric power to devices such as wireless access pointsIP cameras, and VoIP phones.

PSE,Power sourcing equipment, is a device such as a network Switch that provides (or sources) power on the Ethernet cable. The maximum allowed continuous output power per cable in IEEE 802.3af is 15.40 W. A later specification, IEEE 802.3at, offers 25.50 W.

When the device is a switch, it is commonly called an endspan (although IEEE 802.3af refers to it as endpoint). Otherwise, if it's an intermediary device between a non PoE capable switch and a PoE device, it's called a midspan. An external PoE injector is a midspan device.

PD,Powered Device , is a device powered by a PSE and thus consumes energy. Examples include wireless access points, IP Phones, and IP Cameras.

Many powered devices have an auxiliary power connector for an optional, external, power supply. Depending on the PD design, some, none, or all power can be supplied from the auxiliary port,with the auxiliary port sometimes acting as backup power in case of PoE supplied power failure.

Below is the 802.3af Standards A and B from the power sourcing equipment perspective


Below is copied for the website http://www.groad.net/bbs/thread-9026-1-1.html

POE (Power Over Ethernet)POE 也被称为基于局域网的供电系统(PoL, Powerover LAN ) 或有源以太网 ( Active Ethernet),有时也被简称为以太网供电,指的是在现有的以太网Cat.5布线基础架构不作任何改动的情况下,在为一些基于IP的终端(如IP电话 机、无线局域网接入点AP、网络摄像机等)传输数据信号的同时,还能为此类设备提供直流供电的技术。POE技术能在确保现有结构化布线安全的同时保证现有网络的正常运作,最大限度地降低成本。

市场大众应用--POE 交换机:POE交换机就是除了能提供普通交换机所具有的传输功能,还能给网线的另一端设备提供供电功能。供电+数据传输一体化,不需要另加供电模块或者 POE供电模块为设备供电,一根Cat.5线完成所有工作。

POE交换机是一款专为减少网络阻塞、支持长距离网络供电、实现数据转换POE交换机,它既具 有交换机的基本功能同时支持POE供电。每个POE供电口可以最大提供(IEEE 802.3af规范15.4W、IEEE 802.3at规范30W)的功率,可以为无线AP、IP摄像机、网络远程设备等供电,即插即用,提供了低费用和高性能的网络解决方案。可传送距离可达100m,(非标准Cat.5网线建议控制在70米以内)安装简单,即插即用。非常适合无线覆盖、安防监控等环境使用。


1、POE供电末端跨接法(End-Span)所用线序数据脚:1/2(任意极性),3/6(任意极性 )和4/5(+),7/8(-) 双供电模式。


POE 供电"标准"与"非标准"的使用区别
    标准POE: 依照IEEE802.3af/at规范制定,需要先侦测受电端25K特征电阻,进行握手,握手成功,才供电(36V~57V);否则仅通数据(data)。 
    举例: 将POE供电器插到计算机网卡,可以正常上网,但是不协商直接供电,有较低的几率可能会烧毁设备网卡。






