学习笔记之1001 Inventions That Changed the World

1001 Inventions That Changed the World: Jack Challoner: 9780764161360: Amazon.com: Books

  • https://www.amazon.com/1001-Inventions-That-Changed-World/dp/0764161369
  • https://book.douban.com/subject/4084287/
  • We take thousands of inventions for granted, using them daily and enjoying their benefits. But how much do we really know about their origins and development? This absorbing new book tells the stories behind the inventions that have changed the world, with details about-- 
    • Convenience items, such as safety pins, toothbrushes, and bifocals
    • Weapons of war, including explosives, gunpowder, and shrapnel shells
    • Industrial advances, such as the steam engine and the power loom for weaving
    • Transportation advances, including the airplane, the diesel engine, the automobile, and the air-inflated rubber tire
    • Electronic marvels, including color television, the microprocessor, the personal computer, the compact disc, and the cell phone
    • Medical advances, from antiseptic surgery to the electron microscope. . . and much more. 
  • Inventors and pioneers of science and technology, including Eli Whitney, James Watt, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Bessemer, Thomas Edison, J.B. Dunlop, the Wright Brothers, Werner von Braun, Jonas Salk, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and many others are also discussed. Fascinating photos and illustrations complement authoritative summaries of each invention, and remarkable quotations from many of the inventors add to this chronicle of human ingenuity that began some 6,000 years ago with the invention of the wheel. Approximately 700 photos and illustrations in color and black and white.
  • 顺着时间线一路读下来,就像在看人类科学技术的发展史,看这些改变人类的伟大发明当初是如何实现的。这些发明并不是凭空冒出来,也都是站在巨人的肩膀上一步步演变发明出来。
  • 看着古代中国的改变世界的发明各式各样,到了近代就只能感慨了。

Bell (c. 3000 B.C.E.)

  • The bell tolls for the ancient Chinese.

Ink (c. 2500 B.C.E.)

  • The Chinese introduce permanent dyes to highlight carved lettering.

Umbrella (c. 2000 B.C.E.)

  • The Chinese invent a collapsible shade.

Pontoon Bridge (c. 1000 B.C.E.)

  • Chinese make a temporary water crossing.

Inoculation (c. 1000 B.C.E.)

  • Chinese monk pioneers smallpox protection.

Kite (c. 1000 B.C.E.)

  • Unknown Chinese establish a long and colorful tradition.

Crossbow (c. 550 B.C.E.)

  • Chinese pioneer the longbow's smaller rival.

Blast Furnace (c. 400 B.C.E.)

  • Chinese smelting begins with bronze.

Stirrup (c. 300 B.C.E.)

  • The Chinese gain an important advantage in mounted warfare.

Moldboard Plow (c. 300 B.C.E.)

  • The Chinese transform a farm implement.

Windmill (c. 200 B.C.E.)

  • China and Persia harness wind power.

Suspension Bridge (c. 100)

  • The Chinese suspend a bridge with chains.

Paper (c. 105)

  • Ts'ai Lun initiates papermaking.

Wheelbarrow (c. 231)

  • Zhuge Liang's invention makes light of moving heavy loads.

Trebuchet (c. 500) 

  • The Chinese invent a rock-hurling machine.

Horse Collar (c. 500) 

  • A Chinese device increases horse powse.

Toilet Paper (c. 589) 

  • The Chinese revolutionize personal hygiene.

Gunpowder (c. 800)

  • The Chinese trigger the race toward firearms.

Banknote (c. 806)

  • The Chinese Tang Dynasty persuades people to accept paper money.

Woodblock Printing (c. 868)

  • A Chinese woodblock-printed masterpiece speaks of an earlier tradition.

Rocket (c. 904)

  • Chinese "fire arrows" herald rocketry.

Canal Lock (c. 984)

  • Qiao Weiyo devises the pound lock.

Lens (c. 984)

  • Ibn aI-Haytham's treatise establishes optical science.

Movable Type (1041) 

  • Bi Sheng advances printing by creating characters on movable clay tablets.

Tower Clock (1094) 

  • Su Song builds a technological marvel.

Chain Drive (1094)

  • Su Song's clock hides a brilliant innovation.

Cannon (c. 1128) 

  • The Chinese develop bronze cannons from primitive bamboo forerunners.

Fireworks (c. 1150)

  • The Chinese invent explosive entertainment.

Arabic Numerals (c. 1202)

  • Fibonacci promotes Hindu-Arabic numbers.

Automaton (c. 1206)

  • AI-Jazari creates the automaton that anticipates today's industrial robots.

Spectacles (c. 1250)

  • Venetians create the first European glasses.

Land Mine (c. 1277) 

  • The Chinese pioneer a concealed weapon.

Musket (c. 1300) 

  • Using gunpowder, Chinese gunsmiths invent a deadly rival for the longbow.

Toothbrush (c. 1498)

  • The Chinese introduce a dental savior.

Microscope (c. 1590)

  • Hans and Sacharias Jensen combine lenses in the first compound microscope.

Newspaper (1605)

  • Carolus publishes the world's earliest printed news.

Telescope (c. 1609)

  • Lippershey develops an instrument for examining the heavens.

Parachute (1783)

  • Lenormand makes the first descent slowed by a fabric canopy.

Gas Lighting (1792)

  • Murdock ignites gas from burning coal as a source of lighting.

Locomotive (1804)

  • Trevithick demonstrates that a steam engine with wheels can pull passenger wagons.

Photography (1826)

  • Niepce uses light-sensitive chemicals to take the first photograph.

Mechanical Computer (1835)

  • Babbage pioneers the computing machine.

Computer Program (1843)

  • Lovelace devises the first computer program.

Typewriter (1843)

  • Thurber patents a practical writing machine.

Morse Code (1844) 

  • Morse and Vail communicate electrically.

Electrical Tram (1874)

  • Field opens up the American suburbs with fast commuting to the center of town.

Telephone (1876)

  • Bell propels communications into the modern era.

Phonograph (1877)

  • Edison unveils a device for recording and replaying sound.

Time Zones (1878)

  • Fleming coordinates timekeeping worldwide.

Steel-girder Skyscraper (1884)

  • Jenney devises a way of building in the sky.

Modern Safety Bicycle (1885)

  • Starley builds a prototype of the modern bicycle.

Motorcycle (1885)

  • Daimler and Maybach add the power of gas combustion to the safety bicycle.

Motorcar (1886)

  • Daimler, Maybach, and Benz introduce the first practical gasoline-engine automobile.

Electric Car Battery (1891)

  • Morrison powers the first electric car.

Powered Airplane (1903)

  • The Wright brothers build the first winged aircraft capable of sustained flight.

Artificial Intelligence (1956) 

  • McCarthy's research makes little progress.

Artificial Satellite (1957)

  • The Soviet Union takes the first important step in the space age.

Artificial Neural Network (1957)

  • Rosenblatt creates the first computer to simulate the human memory.

Industrial Robot (1961)

  • Devol and Engelberger invent a machine to perform tasks for humans.

Space Observatory (1962)

  • NASA launches the first space telescope.

Virtual Reality Headset (1968)

  • Sutherland introduces the world to a wholly simulated alternative world.

Video Game Console (1968)

  • Baer produces the first game console to interact with a television set.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) (1968)

  • Engelbart presents computer processes visually on screen.

Computer Mouse (1968)

  • Engelbart and English hugely improve the computer/user interface.
  • Apple may have made the mouse famous, but Engelbart and English were there first.

Internet (1969)

  • Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) develops the first computer network.

Cellular Mobile Phone (1970)

  • Joel opens up a portable communication system.

Floppy Disk (1971)

  • Noble and IBM develop flexible data storage.

Genetically Modified Organisms (1971)

  • Chakrabarty bypasses an evolutionary process.

Space Station (1971)

  • The Souviets put the first permanently manned craft into space.

E-mail (1971)

  • Tomlinson develops a program allowing communication between computer networks.

Touch Screen (1971)

  • Hurst makes computer interaction easier.

C Programming Language (1972)

  • Ritchie develops a more flexible language.

Personal Computer (1973)

  • Xerox PARC's Alto inspires the home-computing industry.

Word Processor (1978)

  • Rubinstein and Barnaby write the first commercially successful word processing software.

Spreadsheet Program (1978)

  • Bricklin and Frankston speed up data sorting and calculations.

Gene Therapy (1978)

  • Zamecnik halts the replication of certain genetic materials.

Reusable Spacecraft (1981)

  • NASA deploys the first Space Shuttle, designed to make multiple trips from Earth.

Laptop / Notebook Computer (1983)

  • Compaq releases the first commercially successful laptop.

Apple Macintosh (1984)

  • Apple launches the first successful personal computer with a graphical user interface.

Driverless Car (1986)

  • Dickmanns creates a fully automated vehicle.

World Wide Web (1989)

  • Berners-Lee creates the world's first website.

Cable Modem (1990)

  • Yassini connects personal computers to the Internet.

Search Engine (1990)

  • Emtage creates a search tool for the Internet.

Hubble Space Telescope (1990)

  • NASA expands knowledge of the universe.

Digital Cell Phone (1991)

  • GSM establishes an internationally accepted standard cellular network.

Smartphone (1992)

  • IBM invents a computerlike telephone.

Global Positioning System (GPS) (1993)

  • The U.S. Defense Dept. updates navigation.

Java Computing Language (1995)

  • Sun Microsystems boosts the World Wide Web.

USB Connection (1995)

  • USB Implementers Forum provides a standardized interface socket to increase connectivity.

Grid Computing (1995)

  • Computers join together for greater power.

Surface Computing (2006)

  • Microsoft takes the personal computer off the table - to become the table itself.

iPhone (2007)

  • Apple adds capabilities to the cell phone.






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