设备准备:一个ASUS Xtion;一个Kinect for Xbox360;
/** Fills up an array of @ref DeviceInfo objects with devices that are available. @param [in,out] deviceInfoList An array to be filled with devices. */ static void enumerateDevices(Array<DeviceInfo>* deviceInfoList) { OniDeviceInfo* m_pDeviceInfos; int m_deviceInfoCount; oniGetDeviceList(&m_pDeviceInfos, &m_deviceInfoCount); deviceInfoList->_setData((DeviceInfo*)m_pDeviceInfos, m_deviceInfoCount, true); oniReleaseDeviceList(m_pDeviceInfos); }
英语学的不好,大概的意思是将可使用的divices设备信息保存到Array<DeviceInfo>* deviceInfoList中吧~通过看oniGetDeviceList函数:
/** * Get the list of currently connected device. * Each device is represented by its OniDeviceInfo. * pDevices will be allocated inside. */ ONI_C_API OniStatus oniGetDeviceList(OniDeviceInfo** pDevices, int* pNumDevices);
通过Array<DeviceInfo>* deviceInfoList,我们就可以得到DeviceInfo信息操作Device了,其中DeviceInfo包括设备Uri,供应商名,供应商ID,设备Id,设备名:
class DeviceInfo : private OniDeviceInfo { public: /** Returns the device URI. URI can be used by @ref Device::open to open a specific device. The URI string format is determined by the driver. */ const char* getUri() const { return uri; } /** Returns a the vendor name for this device. */ const char* getVendor() const { return vendor; } /** Returns the device name for this device. */ const char* getName() const { return name; } /** Returns the USB VID code for this device. */ uint16_t getUsbVendorId() const { return usbVendorId; } /** Returns the USB PID code for this device. */ uint16_t getUsbProductId() const { return usbProductId; } friend class Device; friend class OpenNI; };
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // 初始化OpenNI OpenNI::initialize(); // 获取设备信息 Array<DeviceInfo> aDeviceList; OpenNI::enumerateDevices( &aDeviceList ); // output information //vector<CDevice> vDevices; cout << "电脑上连接着 " << aDeviceList.getSize() << " 个体感设备." << endl; for( int i = 0; i < aDeviceList.getSize(); ++ i ) { cout << "设备 " << i << endl; const DeviceInfo& rDevInfo = aDeviceList[i]; cout << "设备名: " << rDevInfo.getName() << endl; cout << "设备Id: " << rDevInfo.getUsbProductId() << endl; cout << "供应商名: "<< rDevInfo.getVendor() << endl; cout << "供应商Id: " << rDevInfo.getUsbVendorId() << endl; cout << "设备URI: " << rDevInfo.getUri() << endl; } system("pause"); // 编译运行之后可以 OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
// MoreDevice.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // #include "stdafx.h" // 标准库头文件 #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> // OpenCV头文件 #include <opencv2\core\core.hpp> #include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2\imgproc\imgproc.hpp> // OpenNI头文件 #include <OpenNI.h> // namespace using namespace std; using namespace openni; class CDevice{ public: const char* devicename; Device* pDevice; VideoStream* pDepthStream; CDevice( int idx, const char* uri, const char* deviceName) { devicename = deviceName; // 创建Device pDevice = new Device(); // 打开指定Uri设备 pDevice->open( uri ); // 创建深度数据量 pDepthStream = new VideoStream(); pDepthStream->create( *pDevice, SENSOR_DEPTH ); // 创建OpenCV窗口 cv::namedWindow( deviceName, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // 开始 pDepthStream->start(); } }; int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // 初始化OpenNI OpenNI::initialize(); // 获取设备信息 Array<DeviceInfo> aDeviceList; OpenNI::enumerateDevices( &aDeviceList ); // 将每个设备信息用CDevice类封装 vector<CDevice> vDevices; cout << "电脑上连接着 " << aDeviceList.getSize() << " 个体感设备." << endl; for( int i = 0; i < aDeviceList.getSize(); ++ i ) { cout << "设备 " << i << endl; const DeviceInfo& rDevInfo = aDeviceList[i]; cout << "设备名: " << rDevInfo.getName() << endl; cout << "设备Id: " << rDevInfo.getUsbProductId() << endl; cout << "供应商名: "<< rDevInfo.getVendor() << endl; cout << "供应商Id: " << rDevInfo.getUsbVendorId() << endl; cout << "设备URI: " << rDevInfo.getUri() << endl; // 封装类初始化,传入设备名和设备Uri CDevice mDev(i, aDeviceList[i].getUri(), aDeviceList[i].getName()); vDevices.push_back( mDev ); } while( true ) { for( vector<CDevice>::iterator itDev = vDevices.begin(); itDev != vDevices.end(); ++ itDev ) { // 获取深度图像帧 VideoFrameRef vfFrame; itDev->pDepthStream->readFrame( &vfFrame ); // 转换成 OpenCV 格式 const cv::Mat mImageDepth( vfFrame.getHeight(), vfFrame.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, const_cast<void*>( vfFrame.getData() ) ); // 从 [0,Max] 转为 [0,255] cv::Mat mScaledDepth; mImageDepth.convertTo( mScaledDepth, CV_8U, 255.0 / itDev->pDepthStream->getMaxPixelValue() ); // 显示图像 cv::imshow( itDev->devicename, mScaledDepth ); vfFrame.release(); } // 退出键 if( cv::waitKey( 1 ) == 'q' ) break; } // 停止时的操作 for( vector<CDevice>::iterator itDev = vDevices.begin(); itDev != vDevices.end(); ++ itDev ) { itDev->pDepthStream->stop(); itDev->pDepthStream->destroy(); delete itDev->pDepthStream; itDev->pDevice->close(); delete itDev->pDevice; } OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
代码挺简单的,我自己碰到的问题主要是xtion和kinect驱动共存的问题,剩下的就好解决了。最后说明的是:根据自己的感觉写代码,没做封装、优化、重构,完全是面向过程,而且肯定还存在细节的问题,会在后面进一步优化的。 写的粗糙,欢迎指正批评~~~