SIGGRAPH 2008 Papers(Updated)


Page maintained by Ke-Sen Huang with lots of help from Tim Rowley. If you have additions or changes, send an e-mail.

Note that when possible I link to the page containing the link to the actual PDF or PS of the preprint. I prefer this as it gives some context to the paper and avoids possible copyright problems with direct linking. Thus you may need to search on the page to find the actual document.


Image Collections & Video

Factoring Repeated Content Within and Among Images
Huamin Wang ( Georgia Institute of Technology), Yonatan Wexler, Eyal Ofek ( Microsoft), Hugues Hoppe ( Microsoft Research)
Finding Paths through the World's Photos
Noah Snavely, Rahul Garg, Steven M. Seitz ( University of Washington), Richard Szeliski ( Microsoft Research)
Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
Michael Rubinstein ( Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)), Ariel Shamir ( The Interdisciplinary Center), Shai Avidan ( Adobe Systems Inc.)
Unwrap Mosaics: A new representation for video editing
Alex Rav-Acha ( Weizmann Institute of Science), Pushmeet Kohli, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Carsten Rother ( Microsoft Research Cambridge)

Computational Photography & Display

Programmable Aperture Photography: Multiplexed Light Field Acquisition
Chia-Kai Liang, Tai-Hsu Lin, Bing-Yi Wong, Chi Liu, Homer Chen ( National Taiwan University)
Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses
Ramesh Raskar, Amit Agrawal, Cyrus Wilson ( Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)), Ashok Veeraraghavan ( University of Maryland at College Park)
Light-Field Transfer: Global Illumination Between Real and Synthetic Objects
Oliver Cossair, Shree Nayar, Ravi Ramamoorthi ( Columbia University)
Towards Passive 6D Reflectance Field Display
Martin Fuchs ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Ramesh Raskar ( Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)), Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)


Clone Attack! Perception of Crowd Variety
Rachel McDonnell, Micheal Larkin, Simon Dobbyn, Steven Collins, Carol O'Sullivan ( Trinity College Dublin)
Real-Time Motion Retargeting to Highly Varied User-Created Morphologies
Chris Hecker, Bernd Raabe, Ryan W. Enslow, John DeWeese ( Maxis/Electronic Arts), Jordan Maynard ( Trion World Network), Kees van Prooijen ( Total Immersion Software)
Animating Oscillatory Motion With Overlap: Wiggly Splines
Michael Kass, John Anderson ( Pixar Animation Studios)
Example-Based Dynamic Skinning in Real-Time
Xiaohan Shi ( Zhejiang University), Kun Zhou, ( Microsoft Research Asia), Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun ( California Institute of Technology), Hujun Bao ( Zhejiang University), Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)

Hair and Realistic Rendering

Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition of Real Hairstyles
Sylvain Paris ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Will Chang, Wojciech Jarosz ( University of California, San Diego), Oleg Kozhushnyan ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Wojciech Matusik ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Matthias Zwicker ( University of California, San Diego), Frédo Durand ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Efficient Multiple Scattering in Hair Using Spherical Harmonics
Jonathan T. Moon, Bruce Walter, Steve Marschner ( Cornell University)
Dual Scattering Approximation for Fast Multiple Scattering in Hair
Arno Zinke ( University of Bonn), Cem Yuksel ( Texas A&M University) Andreas Weber ( University of Bonn), John C. Keyser ( Texas A&M University)
Multidimensional Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Ray Tracing
Toshiya Hachisuka, Wojciech Jarosz ( University of California, San Diego), Richard Peter Weistroffer ( University of Virginia), Kevin Dale ( Harvard University), Greg Humphreys ( University of Virginia), Matthias Zwicker, Henrik Wann Jensen ( University of California, San Diego)

Noisy Collisions

Spline Joints for Multibody Dynamics
Sung-Hee Lee, Demetri Terzopoulos ( University of California, Los Angeles)
Robust Treatment of Simultaneous Collisions
David Harmon, Etienne Vouga ( Columbia University), Rasmus Tamstorf ( Walt Disney Animation Studios), Eitan Grinspun ( Columbia University)
Fast Modal Sounds with Scalable Frequency-Domain Synthesis
Nicolas Bonneel, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos ( REVES/ INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Isabelle Viaud-Delmon ( CNRS-UPMC UMR 7593), Doug L. James ( Cornell University)
Backward Steps in Rigid Body Simulations
Christopher D. Twigg ( Carnegie Mellon University), Doug James ( Cornell University)

Real Time Rendering

Real-Time, All-Frequency Shadows in Dynamic Scenes
Zhao Dong, Thomas Annen ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Tom Mertens, Philippe Bekaert ( Hasselt University, tUL - IBBT, EDM, Belgium), Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Jan Kautz ( University College London, UK)
Interactive Relighting of Dynamic Refractive Objects
Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, ( Microsoft Research Asia), Eric Stollnitz ( Microsoft Research), Jiaoying Shi ( Zhejiang University), Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Real-Time Smoke Rendering Using Compensated Ray Marching ( TR)
Kun Zhou, Zhong Ren, Stephen Lin ( Microsoft Research Asia), Hujun Bao ( Zhejiang University), Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum ( Microsoft Research Asia)
A Meshless Hierarchical Representation for Light Transport
Jaakko Lehtinen ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matthias Zwicker ( University of California, San Diego), Janne Kontkanen ( Helsinki University of Technology), Emmanuel Turquin, Francois Sillion ( INRIA / Grenoble Rhone-Alpes), Timo Aila ( Helsinki University of Technology), ( Grenoble Rhone-Alpes), Frédo Durand ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Faces & Reflectance

Data-driven enhancement of facial attractiveness
Tommer Leyvand, Daniel Cohen-Or, Gideon Dror ( Tel Aviv University), Dani Lischinski ( The Hebrew University),
Face Swapping: Automatic Face Replacement in Photographs
Dmitri Bitouk, Neeraj Kumar, Samreen Dhillon, Peter Belhumeur, Shree Nayar ( Columbia University)
AppProp: All-Pairs Appearance-Space Edit Propagation
Xiaobo An, Fabio Pellacini ( Dartmouth College)
Modeling Anisotropic Surface Reflectance with Example-Based Microfacet Synthesis
Jiaping Wang, Shuang Zhao, Xin Tong ( Microsoft Research Asia), John Snyder ( Microsoft Research), Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)

Tone & Color

Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation
Zeev Farbman, Raanan Fattal, Dani Lischinski ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Richard Szeliski ( Microsoft Research)
Display Adaptive Tone Mapping
Rafal Mantiuk, Scott Daly, Louis Kerofsky ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)
Dynamic Range Independent Image Quality Assessment
Tunc O. Aydin, Rafal Mantiuk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)
Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance
Eugene Hsu ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tom Mertens ( Hasselt University, tUL - IBBT, EDM, Belgium), Sylvain Paris, Shai Avidan ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Frédo Durand ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Jiggly Fluids

Two-way Coupling of Fluids to Rigid and Deformable Solids and Shells
Avi Robinson-Mosher, Tamar Shinar, Gretarsson, J., Jonathan Su, Ron Fedkiw ( Stanford University)
Fast Viscoelastic Behavior with Thin Features
Chris Wojtan, Greg Turk ( Georgia Institute of Technology)
Bubbles Alive
Jeong-Mo Hong, Ho-Young Lee, Jong-Chul Yoon, Chang-Hun Kim ( Korea University)
Porous Flow in Particle-Based Fluid Simulations
Toon Lenaerts ( Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Bart Adams ( Stanford University), Philip Dutré ( Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Wavelet Turbulence for Fluid Simulation
Theodore Kim ( Cornell University), Nils Thürey ( ETH Zurich), Doug James ( Cornell University), Markus Gross ( ETH Zurich)


Larrabee: A Many-Core x86 Architecture for Visual Computing
Larry Seiler, Doug Carmean, Eric Sprangle, Tom Forsyth ( Intel Corporation), Michael Abrash ( RAD Game Tools), Pradeep Dubey, Stephen Junkins, Adam Lake, Jeremy Sugerman, Robert Cavin, Roger Espasa, Ed Grochowski, Toni Juan ( Intel Corporation), Pat Hanrahan ( Stanford University)
BSGP: Bulk-Synchronous GPU Programming
Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou ( Microsoft Research Asia), Baining Guo ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Parallel Poisson Disk Sampling ( TR)
Li-Yi Wei ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Streaming Multigrid for Gradient-Domain Operations on Large Images
Michael Kazhdan ( Johns Hopkins University), Hugues Hoppe ( Microsoft Research)

Perception & Hallucination

A Perceptually Validated Model for Surface Depth Hallucination
Mashhuda Glencross ( The University of Manchester), Gregory J. Ward (Dolby Canada), Caroline Jay, Jun Liu, Francho Melendez, Roger Hubbold ( The University of Manchester)
Perception of Complex Aggregates
Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Kavita Bala, James Ferwerda ( Cornell University)
A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing
Hamilton Chong, Steven Gortler, Todd Zickler ( Harvard University)
Self-Animating Images: Illusory Motion Using Repeated Asymmetric Patterns
Ming-Te Chi, Tong-Yee Lee ( National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan), Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong ( Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Deblurring & Dehazing

Motion Invariant Photography
Anat Levin, Peter Sand, Taeg Sang Cho, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Single Image Dehazing
Raanan Fattal ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
High-Quality Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
Qi Shan, Jiaya Jia ( Chinese University of Hong Kong), Aseem Agarwala ( Adobe Systems, Inc.)
Progressive Inter-scale and intra-scale Non-blind Image Deconvolution
Lu Yuan ( Hong Kong University of Science & Technology), Jian Sun ( Microsoft Research Asia), Long Quan ( Hong Kong University of Science & Technology), Heung-Yeung Shum ( Microsoft Research Asia)


Group Motion Editing
Taesoo Kwon ( Seoul National University), Kang Hoon Lee ( Kwangwoon University), Jehee Lee ( Seoul National University), Shigeo Takahashi ( University of Tokyo)
Continuation Methods for Adapting Simulated Skills
Kangkang Yin, Stelian Coros Philippe Beaudoin, Michiel van de Panne ( The University of British Columbia)
Interactive Simulation of Stylized Human Locomotion
Marco da Silva, Yeuhi Abe, Jovan Popović ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Musculotendon Simulation for Hand Animation
Shinjiro Sueda, Andrew Kaufman, Dinesh K. Pai ( University of British Columbia)

NPR & Deformation

Where Do People Draw Lines?
Forrester Cole, Aleksey Golovinskiy, Alex Limpaecher, Heather Stoddart Barros, Adam Finkelstein, Thomas Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz ( Princeton University)
Structure-aware Halftoning
Wai-Man Pang, Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong ( Chinese University of Hong Kong), Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University), Pheng-Ann Heng ( Chinese University of Hong Kong)
3D Unsharp Masking for Scene Coherent Enhancement
Tobias Ritschel, Kaleigh Smith, Matthias Ihrke, Thorsten Grosch, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)
Real-Time Data-Driven Deformation Using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
Wei-Wen Feng, Byung-Uck Kim, Yizhou Yu ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Painting & Sketching

Diffusion Curves: A Vector Representation for Smooth-Shaded Images
Alexandrina Orzan, Adrien Bousseau ( ARTIS), Holger Winnemoller ( Adobe Systems, Inc.), Pascal Barla, Joelle Thollot ( ARTIS), David Salesin ( Adobe Systems, Inc. / University of Washington)
Real-time Gradient-domain Painting
James McCann, Nancy Pollard ( Carnegie Mellon University)
Feedback Control of Cumuliform Cloud Formation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
Yoshinori Dobashi, Katsutoshi Kusumoto ( Hokkaido University), Tomoyuki Nishita ( University of Tokyo), Tsuyoshi Yamamoto ( Hokkaido University)
Shading-Based Surface Editing
Yotam Gingold Denis Zorin ( New York University)

Procedural, Modeling & Design

Automatic Generation of Tourist Maps
Floraine Grabler ( University of California, Berkeley), Maneesh Agrawala ( University of California, Berkeley), Robert Sumner, Mark Pauly ( ETH Z?ich)
Automated generation of interactive 3D exploded view diagrams
Wilmot Li, ( Adobe Systems, Inc.), Maneesh Agrawala ( University of California, Berkeley), Brian Curless ( University of Washington), David Salesin ( Adobe Systems, Inc. / University of Washington)
Interactive Visual Editing of Grammars for Procedural Architecture
Markus Lipp ( Technische Universitat Wien), Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University), Michael Wimmer ( Technische Universitat Wien)
Interactive Procedural Street Modeling
Guoning Chen, Gregory Esch ( Oregon State University), Peter Wonka ( Arizona State University), Pascal M黮ler ( ETH Z?ich), Eugene Zhang ( Oregon State University),

Shape Analysis

Upright Orientation of Man-Made Objects
Hongbo Fu ( University of British Columbia), Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University), Gideon Dror ( Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo), Alla Sheffer ( University of British Columbia)
Discovering Structural Regularity in 3D Geometry ( Project)
Mark Pauly ( ETH Z?ich), Niloy J. Mitra ( IIT Delhi), Johannes Wallner ( TU Graz), Helmut Pottmann ( TU Vienna), Leonidas Guibas ( Stanford University)
Skeleton Extraction by Mesh Contraction
Oscar Kin-Chung Au, Chiew-Lan Tai ( Hong Kong University of Science & Technology), Hung-Kuo Chu ( National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan), Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University), Tong-Yee Lee ( National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan)
Computing Geometry-aware Handle and Tunnel Loops in 3D Models
Tamal Krishna Dey, Kuiyu Li ( Ohio State University), Jian Sun ( Stanford University), David Cohen-Steiner ( INRIA)


Multiscale Texture Synthesis
Charles Han, Eric Risser, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Eitan Grinspun ( Columbia University)
Inverse Texture Synthesis ( TR)
Li-Yi Wei, Jianwei Han, Kun Zhou ( Microsoft Research Asia), Hujun Bao ( Zhejiang University), Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum ( Microsoft Research Asia)
Lapped Solid Textures: Filling a Model with Anisotropic Textures
Kenshi Takayama, Makoto Okabe, Takashi Ijiri ( The University of Tokyo), Takeo Igarashi ( The University of Tokyo and PRESTO JST)
Anisotropic Noise
Alexander Goldberg, Matthias Zwicker ( University of California, San Diego), Frédo Durand ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Hair, Rods & Cloth

Discrete Elastic Rods
Miklós Bergou ( Columbia University), Max Wardetzky ( Freie Universität Berlin), Stephen Robinson ( Columbia University), Basile Audoly ( CNRS), Eitan Grinspun ( Columbia University)
A Mass Spring Model for Hair Simulation
Andrew Selle, Michael Lentine, Ron Fedkiw ( Stanford University)
Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level
Jonathan Kaldor, Doug James, Steve Marschner ( Cornell University)
Animating Developable Surfaces with Nonconforming Elements
Elliot English, Robert Bridson ( University of British Columbia)

Folding & Unfolding Surfaces

Curved Folding ( Project)
Martin Kilian, Simon Flory ( TU Wien / Evolute), Zhonggui Chen ( TU Wien / Zhejiang University), Niloy J. Mitra ( IIT Delhi), Alla Sheffer ( University of British Columbia), Helmut Pottmann ( TU Vienna)
Freeform surfaces from single curved panels
Helmut Pottmann, Alexander Schiftner, P. Bo, Heinz Schmiedhofer, W. Wang, N. Baldassini ( TU Vienna), Johannes Wallner ( TU Graz)
Conformal Equivalence of Triangle Meshes
Boris Springborn ( Technische Universitat Berlin), Peter Schroder ( California Institute of Technology), Ulrich Pinkall ( Technische Universitat Berlin)
Green Coordinates
Yaron Lipman, David Levin, Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)
Watertight Trimmed NURBS
Thomas W. Sederberg, G. Thomas Finnigan ( Brigham Young University), Xin Li ( University of Science and Technology of China), Hongwei Lin ( Zhejiang University), Heather Ipson ( Brigham Young University)

Shape Acquisition

A System for High-Volume Acquisition and Matching of Fresco Fragments: Reassembling Theran Wall Paintings ( Project)
Benedict Brown, Corey Toler-Franklin ( Princeton University), Diego Nehab ( Microsoft Research), Michael Burns, Andreas Vlachopoulos, Christos Doumas, David Dobkin, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Tim Weyrich ( Princeton University)
4-points Congruent Sets for Robust Surface Registration
Dror Aiger (Ben Gurion University, Israel), Niloy J. Mitra ( IIT Delhi), Daniel Cohen-Or ( Tel Aviv University)
3D-Modeling by Ortho-Image Generation from Image Sequences
Thorsten Thormahlen, Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)
Fluorescent Immersion Range Scanning
Matthias B. Hullin Martin Fuchs ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Ivo Ihrke ( The University of British Columbia/ Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik)

Performance Capture

Data-driven Modeling of Skin and Muscle Deformation
Sang Il Park ( Sejong University), Jessica Hodgins ( Carnegie Mellon University)
Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes
Daniel Vlasic, Ilya Baran ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Wojciech Matusik ( Adobe Systems Inc.), Jovan Popović ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Performance Capture from Sparse Multi-view Video
Edilson de Aguiar, Carsten Stoll ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Christian Theobalt ( Stanford University), Naveed Ahmed, Hans-Peter Seidel ( Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Sebastian Thrun ( Stanford University)
Markerless Garment Capture
Derek Bradley, Tiberiu Popa, Alla Sheffer, Wolfgang Heidrich ( University of British Columbia), Tamy Boubekeur ( TU Berlin)


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