

template <class T>

class Fifo {


  uint in, out;    //入口和出口的标识符

  uint size;

  T **tab;


  /* Specific constructor */

  Fifo (uint size=maxUrlsBySite);


  /* Destructor */

  ~Fifo ();


  /* give the first object and let it in */

  inline T* read () { return tab[out]; }


  /* read the first obj if exist */

  T *tryRead ();


  /* get the first object */

  T *get ();


  /* get the first object (non totally blocking)

   * return NULL if there is none


  T *tryGet ();


  /* add an object in the Fifo */

  void put (T *obj);


  /* put an obj that has just been get

   * this function must be called only to put back an obj

   *    that has just been tken with get */

  void rePut (T *obj);


  /* how many items are there inside ? */

  int getLength ();


  /* is this fifo empty ? */

  inline bool isEmpty () { return in == out; }



template <class T>

Fifo<T>::Fifo (uint size) {

  tab = new T*[size];

  this->size = size;

  in = 0;

  out = 0;



template <class T>

Fifo<T>::~Fifo () {

  delete [] tab;



template <class T>

T *Fifo<T>::tryRead () {

  if (in == out) {

    return NULL;

  } else {

    return tab[out];




template <class T>

T *Fifo<T>::get () {

  T *tmp;

  assert (in != out);

  tmp = tab[out];

  out = (out + 1) % size;

  return tmp;



template <class T>

T *Fifo<T>::tryGet () {

  T *tmp = NULL;

  if (in != out) {

         // The stack is not empty

         tmp = tab[out];

         out = (out + 1) % size;


  return tmp;



template <class T>

void Fifo<T>::put (T *obj) {

  tab[in] = obj;

  in = (in + 1) % size;

  if (in == out) {

    T **tmp;

    tmp = new T*[2*size];

    for (uint i=out; i<size; i++) {

      tmp[i] = tab[i];


    for (uint i=0; i<in; i++) {

      tmp[i+size] = tab[i];


    in += size;

    size *= 2;

    delete [] tab;

    tab = tmp;




template <class T>

void Fifo<T>::rePut (T *obj) {

  out = (out + size - 1) % size;

  tab[out] = obj;



template <class T>

int Fifo<T>::getLength () {

  return (in + size - out) % size;
