

No one, VC or angel, has invested in more of the top startups than Ron Conway. He knows what happened in every deal in the Valley, half the time because he arranged it.

谈到硅谷中谁投资了最多顶尖的初创公司,我相信无论是在创投界还是天使投资届,都无有出Ron Conway其右的。他非常清楚在硅谷进行的每一宗交易,因为这些交易往往都是经他手来安排的。

And yet he's a super nice guy. In fact, nice is not the word. Ronco is good. I know of zero instances in which he has behaved badly. It's hard even to imagine.

事实上Ron Conway是个好人。事实上,我这里不应该用好人这个词,应该说Ron Conway是个善良的人!到现在为止我还没有听过有任何关于Row Conway有做过什么坏事的消息,其实我现在就算仅仅去想像他会做坏事都会让我觉得自己在犯罪。

When I first came to Silicon Valley I thought "How lucky that someone so powerful is so benevolent." But gradually I realized it wasn't luck. It was by being benevolent that Ronco became so powerful. All the deals he gets to invest in come to him through referrals. Google did. Facebook did. Twitter was a referral from Evan Williams himself. And the reason so many people refer deals to him is that he's proven himself to be a good guy.

当我刚出道来到硅谷闯江湖的时候我当时就在想“Ronco这样一个如此仁慈善良的人能在硅谷这龙蛇混杂的大江湖中获得如此高的成就和权力靠的肯定是运气无疑了!“。但慢慢的我发觉我错了,其实不是运气成就了善良的Ronco,而正是他自己善良的秉性成就了Ronco自己。所有他进行的投资其实都不用自己去找的,而都是因为别人知道他的善良,不会伤害到创业者的利益而主动找上门来推荐给他的,Google是这样,FaceBook是这样,而Twitter的投资更是来自与创始人之一的Evan Williams自身的推荐。所以有这么多人向Royco推荐这么多的顶尖初创公司进行投资完全是因为他已经用自己的行为向事件证明了自己是一个善良的人!

Good does not mean being a pushover. I would not want to face an angry Ronco. But if Ron's angry at you, it's because you did something wrong. Ron is so old school he's Old Testament. He will smite you in his just wrath, but there's no malice in it.


In almost every domain there are advantages to seeming good. It makes people trust you. But actually being good is an expensive way to seem good. To an amoral person it might seem to be overkill.


In some fields it might be, but apparently not in the startup world. Though plenty of investors are jerks, there is a clear trend among them: the most successful investors are also the most upstanding. [1]


It was not always this way. I would not feel confident saying that about investors twenty years ago.


What changed? The startup world became more transparent and more unpredictable. Both make it harder to seem good without actually being good.


It's obvious why transparency has that effect. When an investor maltreats a founder now, it gets out. Maybe not all the way to the press, but other founders hear about it, and that means that investor starts to lose deals. [2]


The effect of unpredictability is more subtle. It increases the work of being inconsistent. If you're going to be two-faced, you have to know who you should be nice to and who you can get away with being nasty to. In the startup world, things change so rapidly that you can't tell. The random college kid you talk to today might in a couple years be the CEO of the hottest startup in the Valley. If you can't tell who to be nice to, you have to be nice to everyone. And probably the only people who can manage that are the people who are genuinely good.


In a sufficiently connected and unpredictable world, you can't seem good without being good.


As often happens, Ron discovered how to be the investor of the future by accident. He didn't foresee the future of startup investing, realize it would pay to be upstanding, and force himself to behave that way. It would feel unnatural to him to behave any other way. He was already living in the future.

Ron在无意中发现了如何成为一个未来成功投资人的公式,不过这种事情也时有发生了。重要的是他其实并不是因为预测了创投行业的未来的趋势,曾经意识到善良正直才是投资人的未来才强迫自己变得善良起来的。因为善良正直是他自己与生俱来的秉性,根本无需伪装。反而是如果它违反了它自己善良正直的本性会是一个很不自然的事情了。所以可以说他已经是一个 活在未来的人了。

Fortunately that future is not limited to the startup world. The startup world is more transparent and unpredictable than most, but almost everywhere the trend is in that direction.




[1] I'm not saying that if you sort investors by benevolence you've also sorted them by returns, but rather that if you do a scatterplot with benevolence on the x axis and returns on the y, you'd see a clear upward trend.

[1] 我的意思并不是说你把善良正直的人筛选出来你就同时可以把你的回报给筛选出来,只是说如果你以在一个散点图中以善良正直为x轴坐标,以回报为y坐标,你就会很明显的看到该趋势。

[2] Y Combinator in particular, because it aggregates data from so many startups, has a pretty comprehensive view of investor behavior.

[2] 就以Y Combinator孵化公司为例,因为其拥有着大量初创公司的信息,所以就掌握着投资人行为的一个非常综合的信息

Thanks to Sam Altman and Jessica Livingston for reading drafts of this.

感谢Sam Altman和Jesica Livingston帮忙审阅本文的初稿。


Paul Graham的博客原文:http://www.paulgraham.com/ronco.html
