C# to IL 4 Keywords and Operators(关键字和操作符)

Code that is placed after the return statement never gets executed. In the first program
given below, you will notice that there is a WriteLine function call in C# but is not visible in
our IL code. This is because the compiler is aware that any statements after return is not
executed and hence, it serves no purpose to convert it into IL.

The compiler does not waste time compiling code that will never get executed, instead
generates a warning when it encounters such a situation.

If a constructor is not present in the source code, a constructor with no parameters gets
generated. If a constructor is present, the one with no parameters is eliminated from the
The base class constructor always gets called without any parameters and it gets called
first. The above IL code proves this fact.


We may write a namespace within a namespace, but the compiler converts it all into one
namespace in the IL file. Thus, the two namespaces vijay and mukhi in the C# file get
merged into a single namespace vijay.mukhi in the IL file.

In C#, one namespace can be present within another namespace but, the C# compiler
prefers using only a single namespace, hence the il ouput displays only one namespace.
The .namespace directive in IL is similar in concept to the namespace keyword in C#. The
idea of a namespace originally germinated in IL, and not in programming language such as

We may have two namespaces called mukhi in the C# file, but they become one large
namespace in the IL file and their contents get merged. This facility of merging namespaces
is offered by the C# compiler.
Had the designers deemed it fit, they could have flagged the above program as an error

We will now explain how IL implements passing by reference. Unlike C#, it is very
convenient(方便的) to work with pointers in IL. It has three types of pointers.
When the function abc is called, the variable i is passed to it as a reference parameter. In
IL, the instruction ldloca.s gets called, which places the address of the variable on the
stack. Had the instruction been ldloc instead, the value of the variable would be placed on
the stack.
In the function call, we add the symbol & at the end of the type name to indicate the
address of a variable. & suffixed to a data type indicates the memory location of a variable,
and not the value contained in it.
In the function itself, ldarg.1 is used to place the address of parameter 1 on the stack.
Then, we place the number that we want to initialise it with, on the stack. In the above
example, we have first placed the address of the variable i on the stack, followed by the
value that we want to initialize it with i.e. 10.
The instruction stind places the value that is present on top of the stack i.e. 10 in the
variable whose address is stored as the second item on the stack. In this case, as we have
passed the address of the variable i on the stack, the variable i is assigned the value 10.

The instruction stind is used when an address is given on the stack. It fills up that memory
location with the specified value.
If the word ref is replaced with the word out, IL shows the same output because, in either
case, the address of a variable is being put on the stack. Thus, ref and out are artificial
concepts implemented in C# and have no equivalent representation in IL.
The IL code has no way of knowing whether the original program used ref or out. Thus, on
disassembling this program, we will have no way of differentiating between ref and out as
this information is lost on conversion from C# code into IL code

The next focus is on concatenating(把...连在一起) two strings. The C# compiler does this by converting
them into one string. This occurs due to the compiler's zest to optimise constants. The
value is stored in a local variable and then placed on the stack. Thus, at runtime, the C#
compiler optimises the code as far as possible.

Whenever the compiler deals with variables, it is ignorant of their values at compile time.
The following steps are executed in the above program:
Two variables s and t are converted into the local variables V_0 and V_1 respectively.
The local variable V_0 is assigned the string "hi".
This variable is then pushed onto the stack.
Next, the constant string "bye" is put on the stack.
Thereafter, the + operator is converted into a static function Concat, which belongs to
the String class.
This function concatenates the two strings and creates a new string on the stack.
This concatenated string is stored in the variable V_1.
The concatenated string is finally printed out.

There are two PLUS (+) operators in C#:
One handles strings. This operator gets converted into the function Concat from the
String class in IL.
The other one handles numbers. This operator gets converted to the add instruction
in IL.
Thus, the String class and its functions are built into the C# compiler. We can therefore
conclude that, C# can understand and handle String operations.

Like the + operator, when the == operator is used with strings, the compiler converts it into

the function Equals.
From the above examples, we can deduce that the C# compiler is totally at ease with
strings. The next version will introduce many more of such classes which the compiler
shall understand intuitively

Whenever we cast a variable, like a numeric value to a character value, internally, the
program merely calls the function with the data type of the cast. A cast does not modify the
original variable. What actually happens is that, instead of the WriteLine function being
called with an int, it gets called with a wchar. Thus a cast does not incur(引发) any run-time

The char data type of C# has a size of 16 bytes. It is converted into a wchar on conversion
to IL. The character 'a' gets converted into the ASCII number 97. This is placed on the
stack and the variable V_0 is initialised to this value. Thereafter, the program displays the
value 'a' on the screen.

il cannot understand UNICODE characters or HEXADECIMAL numbers. It prefers plain
and simple decimals. The \u escape sequence is provided as a convenience to C#
programmers, to enhance their productivity.
You may have noticed that, even though the above program has two ret instructions, no
error is generated. The criteria(标准) is that at least one ret instruction should be present.

Variables created on the stack in C# are not given the same names on conversion to IL. So,
the situation where a reserved word of C# could create a problem in IL, does not arise.

In the above program, the local variable @int becomes a field named int and the int
datatype is changed to int32, which is a reserved word in IL. Thereafter, the compiler
writes the fieldname in single inverted commas. On conversion to IL, the @ sign simply
disappears from the name of the variable.

When you see the above code, you will realize why programmers the world over have an
aversion to writing comments. All comments in C# are stripped off when the IL file is
generated. Not a single comment is copied over into the IL code.
The compiler has scant respect for comments, and it throws all of them away. There is little
wonder that programmers consider writing comments as an exercise in futility, and their
frustration is well founded.

The String handling capabilities of C# have been inherited from IL. The escape sequences
like \n have been simply copied over.
The two backslashes (\\) result in a single backslash when displayed.
If a string is prefaced with an @ sign, the special meaning of the escape sequences in the
string is ignored and they are displayed verbatim, as shown in the program above.
If IL had not provided support for string formatting, it would have been vexed with the
predicament of handling most of the modern programming languages.

The next series of programs deals with the pre-processor directives, that are alien to the C#
compiler. Only the pre-processor is capable of comprehending them.
In the above .cs program, the #define directive creates a word called "vijay". The compiler
knows that the #if statement is TRUE and therefore, it ignores the #else statement. Thus,
the IL file that is generated contains only the WriteLine function that has the parameter '1'
and not the one that has the parameter '2'.
This is the power of compile time knowledge. A large amount of the code that is never going
to be used, is simply eliminated by the pre-processor prior to converting it into IL.

We can use as many #undef statements as we like. The compiler knows that the word
'vijay' has been undefined and therefore, it ignores the code in the #if statement.
There is no way the original pre-processor directives can be recovered on re-conversion of
code from IL to C#.

The pre-processor directive #warning in C# is used to display warnings for the benefit of
the programmer who runs the compiler.
The pre-processor directives #line and #error also do not produce any executable output.
They are used merely for providing information.

The concept of inheritance is identical in all programming languages that support it. The
word extends has originated in IL and Java and not in C#.
When we write a.abc(), the compiler decides on the abc function to call based on the
following criteria:
If the class xxx has a function abc, then the call in function vijay will have the prefix
If the class yyy has a function abc, then the call in function vijay will have the prefix
Therefore, the intelligence that decides as to which function abc is to be called, resides in
the compiler and not in the generated IL code.


In the context of the above program, a small explanation would not be out of place for the
benefit of C# neophytes.
We can equate an object a of a base class yyy to a derived class xxx. We have called the
function a.abc(). The question that comes to the fore is: which of the following two versions
of the function abc will be called ?
The function abc present in the base class yyy, to which the calling object belongs.
The function abc present in the class xxx, which is the type that it has been
initialised to.
In other words, is the compile time type significant or the runtime type ?
The base class function has a modifier called virtual implying that the derived classes can
override this function. The derived class, by adding the modifier new, informs the compiler
that, this function abc has nothing to do with the function abc of the derived class. It is to
treat them as separate entities.
First, the this pointer is put on the stack using ldloc.0. Then, inplace of a call instruction
there is a callvirt instead. This is because the function abc is virtual. Other than this,
there exists no difference. The function abc in class yyy is declared virtual and is also
tagged with newslot. This signifies that it is a new virtual function. The word new is placed
in the derived class in C#.
IL also uses a mechanism similar to that of C#, to figure out as to which version of abc is
to be called.


If the base constructor of class xxx is not called, no output is displayed in the output
window. As a rule, we have not included the free constructor code in our IL programs.
In absence of the keywords new or override, the default keyword used is new. In the above
function abc, in class xxx, we have used the override keyword, which implies that this
function abc overrides the function of the base class.
By default, IL calls the virtual function from the class which the object looks like and uses
the compile time type. In this case, it is yyy.
The first change that occurs with override in the derived class is the addition of the word
virtual to the function prototype. This was not supplied earlier with new because a new
function got created altogether which isolated itself from the base class.
The use of override effectively results in the overriding of the base class function. This
makes the function abc a virtual function in the class xxx. In other words, override
becomes virtual whereas, new becomes nothing.
As there is a newslot modifier in the base class and a virtual function of the same name in
the derived class, the derived class gets called.
In a virtual function, the run time type of the object gets preference. The instruction callvirt
resolves this issue at run-time and not at compile time.

Only the code of the function abc in class xxx has been shown above. The rest of the IL
code has been omitted. base.abc() calls the function abc from the base class, i.e. class yyy.
The keyword base is a reference to the object in memory. This keyword of C# is not
understood by IL as it is a compile time issue. Base does not care whether the function is
virtual or not.
Whenever we make a function virtual for the first time, it is a good idea to mark it as
newslot, solely to signify a break from all the functions with the same name present in the

We have created an interface iii with just one function called pqr. Then, the class yyy
implements from interface iii but does not implement function pqr. Instead it adds a
function called abc. In the entrypoint function vijay, function pqr is called off the interface
The reason we get no errors is due to the presence of the override directive. This directive
informs the assembler to redirect any call made to the function pqr off interface iii, to the
class yyy function abc. The assembler is very serious about the override directive. This can
be gauged from the fact that without the implements iii in the definition of class yyy we are
given the following exception:

A destructor gets converted into a function called Finalize. This piece of information is also
laid down in the C# documentation. The Finalize function calls the original from Object.
The text "hi" does not get displayed because the function is called as and when the runtime
decides. All we know is that it gets called at its demise(终止). Thus, whenever the object dies, it
calls Finalize. There is no way of destroying anyone or anything, including .NET objects

In the above code, we’ve diplayed only the yyy class. Even though we have 2 constructors
and 1 destructor, the class yyy only receives the free constructor with no parameters.
Thus, derived classes do not inherit constructors or destructors of the base class.

In C#, we are not allowed to derive a class from certain classes like System.Array. However,
in IL there is no such restriction. Thus, the above code does not generate any error.
We can safely conclude that the C# compiler has added the above restrictions and that IL
is less restrictive. The rules of a language are decided by the compiler at compile time.
For your information, the other classes that we cannot derive from, in C#, are Delegate,
Enum and ValueType.

We are forbidden to have a circular reference in C#. The compiler checks for it and if found,
reports an error. IL, however, does not check for a circular reference because, Microsoft
does not expect all programmers to use pure IL.
Hence, class aa extends bb, class bb extends cc and finally class cc extends aa. This
completes the circular reference. The exception that is thrown at runtime does not give
any indication of a circular reference. Thus, if we had not unravelled this mystery for you
here, the exception would have most probably left you baffled. We do not intend to disclose
the fact that we have understood IL deeply, but there is no harm in giving oneself a pat on
the back, once in a while

Access modifiers, like the keyword internal, are only part of the C# lexicon and have no
relevance in IL. The keyword internal signifies that the particular class can only be
accessed from within the file in which it is present

Thus, by mastering IL, we are in a position to differentiate between the core belongings of .
NET and features existing in the realms of C#.


In C#, there is a rule : the base class has to be more accessible than the derived class. This
rule is not adhered to in IL. Thus even though the base class xxx is private and the derived
class yyy is public, no error is generated in IL.

A function in C# cannot be more accessible than the class within which it resides. The
function vijay is public, whereas the class that it is located in is private. Thus, the class is
more restrictive than the function contained in it. Again, there is no such restriction
imposed in IL.

Without a constructor in xxx, the following exception is thrown:


In the above example, we are creating two objects a and b, that are instances of classes yyy
and xxx respectively. The class xxx is the derived class and yyy is the base class. We can
write a = b but, if we equate a derived class to a base class, an error is generated. Thus, a
cast operator is required.
A cast in C# gets converted to the instruction castclass, followed by the name of the
derived class that the class has to be cast into. If it cannot be casted, the above mentioned
exception will be raised.
In the above code, there is no constructor, and hence, the exception is generated.
Thus, IL has a number of higher level primitives that deal with objects and classes

In the above case, the class xxx does not derive from class yyy anymore. They both extend
from the Object class. Yet, we are allowed to cast the class yyy to class xxx. No error is
generated with a constructor in the class xxx. but on removal of the constructor, an
exception is generated.
IL too has its own strange way of working

The documentation states very clearly that a sealed class cannot be extended or subclassed any further.

In this case, an error was expected but none was generated. We must
remind you that we are working on a beta copy. The next version may generate an error.


An abstract class cannot be used directly. It can only be derived from. The above code
should have generated an error, but it does not.

A constant is an entity that only exists at compile time. It is not visible at run-time. This
proves that the compiler removes all traces of compile time objects. On conversion to IL, all
occurrences of int i in the C# code get replaced by the number 10.


All the constants are evaluated by the compiler and, even though, they may refer to other
constants, they are given absolute values. The IL runtime does not allocate any memory for
literal fields. This falls in the realm of metadata, which we shall explain later.

A literal field represents a constant value. In IL, we are not allowed to access any literal
field. The assembler does not generate any error at the time of assembling, but an
exception is thrown at run time. We expected a compile time error, since we have used a
literal field in the instruction stsfld.

A readonly field cannot be modified. In IL, we have a modifier called initonly which
implements the same concep

The documentation very clearly states that initonly fields can only be changed in the
constructor, but the CLR ( Common Language Runtime) does not strictly check this. Maybe
in the next version, they should guard against such occurrences.
Thus, the entire series of restrictions on readonly have to be enforced by the programming
language that converts the source code to IL. We are not trying to run down IL, but IL
expects someone else to do the error checking in this situation

This example serves as a refresher. The static function pqr is not passed the this pointer
on the stack, whereas, the non-static function abc is passed the this pointer or a reference
to where its variables are stored in memory.
Thus, before the call to function abc, the instruction ldloc.0 pushes the reference of zzz
onto the stack.

The calling convention indicates the order in which the parameters should be pushed onto
the stack. The default sequence in IL is the order in which they were written. Thus, the
number 10 first goes onto the stack, followed by the number 20.
Microsoft implements the reverse order. Thus, first 20 goes on the stack followed by 10. We
cannot reason out this idiosyncrasy.

We have created only one object, which is an instance of the class bb. Instead of two
constructors, one for the base class and one from the derived class, three constructors are
In IL, at first, a call is made to the constructor of bb with no parameters.
Then, on reaching the constructor bb, a call is made to another constructor of the
same class but with a parameter value of 20. this(20) gets converted into an actual
constructor call with one parameter.
Now, we move onto the one constructor of bb. Here, initially a call the one

constructor of aa is made as the base class constructor needs to be called first.
Luckily, the base class constructor of aa does not take us on another wild goose chase.
After it finishes execution, the strings are displayed, and finally, the constructor of bb that
has no parameters, gets called.
Thus, base and this do not exist in IL and are compile time artefacts that get hard coded
into the IL code.

We cannot access a private member from outside the class. Thus, as we have made the
only constructor private in the class bb, we are not allowed to create any object that looks
like class bb. In C#, the same rules apply for the access modifiers also.

Here, the variables i and j are not initialized. Thus, these fields do not get initialized in the
static constructors of class yyy. Before any code in class yyy gets called, these variables are
assigned their default values, which depend upon their data type. In this case, they are
initialised by the constructors of the int and bool classes, since these constructors get
called first.

The ternary operator is glorified if statement compressed into a single line. The variables i
and j in C# become V_0 and V_1 on conversion to IL. We first initialize variable V_0 to 10
and then, place the condition value 20 on the stack.
The instruction bge.s is based on the instructions clt and brfalse.
If the condition is TRUE, bge.s executes a jump to the label IL_0014.
If the condition is FALSE, the program proceeds to the label IL_000f.
Then, the program proceeds to the WriteLine function and prints the appropriate text.
From the resultant IL code, there is no way of deciphering whether the original C# code

had used an if statement or a ?: operator. A large number of operators in C#, such as the
ternary operator, have been borrowed from the C programming language. 

The & operator in C# makes the if statement more complex. It only returns TRUE if both
the conditions are TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. There is no equivalent for the &
operator in IL. Thus, it is implemented in a round about way as follows:
First we use the ldc instruction to place a constant value on the stack.

Next, the instruction stloc initializes variables i and j i.e. V_0 and V_1.
Then, the value of V_0 is placed on the stack.
Thereafter, the condition value 4 is checked.
Then, the condition clt is used to check if the first item on the stack is less than the
second. If it is, as is the case in the above example, then the value 1 (TRUE) is put on
the stack.
The original expression in C# is i >= 4. In IL, a check for < or clt is made.
Then we check for equality i.e. = using ceq and place zero on the stack. This results
in a FALSE.
Then we follow the same rules for j > 1. Here, we use cgt instead of clt. The result of
the cgt operator is TRUE.
This result of TRUE is ANDED with the previous result of FALSE to finally give a
FALSE value.
Note that the AND instruction will return a 1, if and only if, both the conditions are TRUE.
In all other conditions, it will return FALSE.

Operators like the && operator are called short circuit operators as they execute the
second condition only if the first condition is true. We have repeated the same IL code as
earlier, but now the condition is checked by instruction blt.s, a combination of the clt and
brtrue instructions.
If the condition is FALSE, a jump is made to the ret instruction at label IL_0016. Only if
the condition is TRUE, we proceed further and check the second condition. For this, we
use the instruction ble.s that is a combination of cgt and brfalse. If the second condition is
FALSE, we jump to the ret command as before and for TRUE we execute the WriteLine
The && operator executes faster than the & because it only proceeds further if the first
condition results in TRUE. In doing so, the output of the first expression affects the final
The | and || operators also behave in a similar manner.

The ^ sign is called an XOR operator. The XOR is like an OR statement, but there is a
difference: An OR returns TRUE if any of its operands is TRUE, but an XOR will return
TRUE if and only if one of its operands is TRUE and the other one is FALSE. Even if both
operands are TRUE, it will return FALSE. xor is an IL instruction.
The != operator gets converted into the normal set of IL instructions i.e. a comparison is
done and the program branches accordingly

The ! operator in C# converts a TRUE to a FALSE and vice versa. In IL, the instruction
used is ceq. This instruction checks the last two parameters on the stack. If they are the
same, it returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.
Since the variable x is TRUE, it gets initialized to 1. It is thereafter checked for equality
with the value 0. As they are not equal, the final result is 0 or FALSE. This result is put on
the stack. The same logic applies had x been FALSE. 0 would have been put on the stack
and checked for equality with the other 0. Since they match the final answer would be


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