


[]:内用,分隔开,就组成一个数组,如:$a = [1,"one",'two'] ,$a[0] = 1

$arr = ['one',"two","three"]
notice $arr[0]


$files = ["/puppet/file/f1","/puppet/file/f2"]
file {
        ensure => present,
        mode => 777,


class 类名 {



include 类名 ;执行类

注:类的命名很多类似:class base , class base::linux 这二个是不同类。

class ntp {
        file {
                mode => 644,
                owner => root,
                group => hxw,
class ntp::run {
        service {
                ensure => running,
include ntp,ntp::run

[root@pclient test]# puppet apply 5.pp
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): one
Notice: Compiled catalog for pclient.onepc.com in environment production in 0.17 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/File[/etc/ntp.conf]/group: group changed 'root' to 'hxw'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp::Run/Service[ntpd]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.23 seconds


class ntp {
        file {
                mode => 644,
                owner => root,
                group => root,
class ntp::autorun inherits ntp {
        service {
                ensure => running,
                enable => true,
include ntp::autorun

[root@pclient test]# puppet apply 5.pp
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): one
Notice: Compiled catalog for pclient.onepc.com in environment production in 0.16 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/File[/etc/ntp.conf]/group: group changed 'hxw' to 'root'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp::Autorun/Service[ntpd]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.65 seconds
[root@pclient test]# chkconfig | grep ntpd
ntpd            0:关闭  1:关闭  2:启用  3:启用  4:启用  5:启用  6:关闭

class ntp::autorun inherits ntp

使用 inherits继承类