ganglia gweb customize views

那些视图都是临时创建的, gweb还支持配置自定义视图标签, 方便随时使用.
其实功能和gweb的聚合和比较视图类似, 只是把这些标签化了, 方便随时来使用.
创建视图的规则 : 
Defining views using JSON
Views  are  stored  as  JSON  files  in  the  conf_dir directory.  The  default  for  the
conf_diris  /var/lib/ganglia/conf. You can change that by specifying an alternate
directory in conf.php:
$conf['conf_dir'] = "/var/www/html/conf";

首先要搞清楚配置文件放在哪里 : 
当前的配置如下 : 
[root@db-172-16-3-221 etc]# cd /data01/web/ganglia-web/
[root@db-172-16-3-221 ganglia-web]# less conf.php
# Where to store web-based configuration
$conf['gweb_confdir'] = "/data01/web/ganglia-web";
$conf['views_dir'] = $conf['gweb_confdir'] . '/conf';
$conf['conf_dir'] = $conf['gweb_confdir'] . '/conf';

所以视图的配置文件是存在 /data01/web/ganglia-web/conf目录下的.
然后搞清楚命名规则 : 
文件名为view_?.json, ?表示视图名, 必须唯一.
You can create or edit existing files. The filename for the view must start with
view_and end with .json(as in, view_1.jsonor view_jira_servers.json). It must be
unique. Here is an example definition of a view that will result with a view with
three different graphs:

配置文件样板 : 
  "view_name":"jira",   # 视图名称
  "items":[    # 视图里包含的东西, 配置为列表形式, 如下
    { "hostname":"","graph":"cpu_report"},     # 图表1, 单台主机的单个graph. 在graph.d目录中定义具体内容
    { "hostname":"","graph":"load_report"},    # 图表2, 单台主机的单个graph. 在graph.d目录中定义具体内容
    { "hostname":"","metric":"cpu_aidle"},    # 图表3, 单台主机的单个metric
    { "aggregate_graph":"true",   # 图表4, 聚合视图
      "host_regex":[      # 主机规则表达式列表
      "metric_regex":[    # metric规则表达式列表
      "graph_type":"stack",    # 聚合视图的画图类型, line OR stack. 
      "title":"Location Web Servers load"   # 聚合视图的title
    {....}   # 图表5, .....
  ],  # 列表结束
  "view_type":"standard"   # 视图类型

注意items里面的graph的配置位置在graph.d目录这里 : 
[root@db-172-16-3-221 graph.d]# ll
total 80
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  578 Jan  6  2014 apache_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  186 Jan  6  2014 apache_response_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  426 Jan  6  2014 cpu_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 9065 Jan  6  2014 cpu_report.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  476 Jan  6  2014 load_all_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  590 Jan  6  2014 load_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  680 Jan  6  2014 mem_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 8324 Aug  4 03:04 mem_report.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 4973 Jan  6  2014 metric.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  355 Jan  6  2014 network_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 1616 Jan  6  2014 nfs_v3_client_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000  358 Jan  6  2014 packet_report.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 6392 Jan  6  2014 sample_report.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody 1000 3543 Jan  6  2014 varnish_report.php
举个例子 : 
[root@db-172-16-3-221 graph.d]# cat cpu_report.json 
   "report_name" : "cpu_report",
   "report_type" : "template",
   "title" : "CPU Report",
   "graphite"  : "target=alias(HOST_CLUSTER.cpu_user.sum,'User')&target=alias(HOST_CLUSTER.cpu_nice.sum%2C'Nice')&target=alias(HOST_CLUSTER.cpu_system.sum,'System')&target=alias(HOST_CLUSTER.cpu_wio.sum,'Wait')&target=alias(HOST_CLUSTER.cpu_idle.sum%2C'Idle')&areaMode=stacked&max=100&colorList=3333bb,ffea00,dd0000,ff8a60,e2e2f2"
[root@db-172-16-3-221 graph.d]# cat cpu_report.php

/* Pass in by reference! */
function graph_cpu_report( &$rrdtool_graph ) 
    global $conf,

    if ($conf['strip_domainname']) {
       $hostname = strip_domainname($GLOBALS['hostname']);
    } else {
       $hostname = $GLOBALS['hostname'];

    $title = 'CPU';
    $rrdtool_graph['title'] = $title;
    $rrdtool_graph['upper-limit'] = '100';
    $rrdtool_graph['lower-limit'] = '0';
    $rrdtool_graph['vertical-label'] = 'Percent';
    $rrdtool_graph['height'] += ($size == 'medium') ? 28 : 0;
    $rrdtool_graph['extras'] = ($conf['graphreport_stats'] == true) ? ' --font LEGEND:7' : '';
    $rrdtool_graph['extras']  .= " --rigid";

    if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
        $rrdtool_graph['height'] += ($size == 'medium') ? 16 : 0;
        $rmspace = '\\g';
    } else {
        $rmspace = '';

    $series = '';

    // RB: Perform some formatting/spacing magic.. tinkered to fit
    $eol1 = '';
    $space1 = '';
    $space2 = '';
    if ($size == 'small') {
       $eol1 = '\\l';
       $space1 = ' ';
       $space2 = '         ';
    } else if ($size == 'medium' || $size == 'default') {
       $eol1 = '';
       $space1 = ' ';
       $space2 = '';
    } else if ($size == 'large') {
       $eol1 = '';
       $space1 = '                 ';
       $space2 = '                 ';

    $cpu_nice_def = '';
    $cpu_nice_cdef = '';

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_nice.rrd")) {
        $cpu_nice_def = "DEF:'cpu_nice'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_nice.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE ";
        $cpu_nice_cdef = "CDEF:'ccpu_nice'=cpu_nice,num_nodes,/ ";

    if ($context != "host" ) {
        $series .= "DEF:'num_nodes'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_user.rrd':'num':AVERAGE ";

    $series .= "DEF:'cpu_user'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_user.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "
            . $cpu_nice_def
            . "DEF:'cpu_system'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_system.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE "
            . "DEF:'cpu_idle'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_idle.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_wio.rrd")) {
        $series .= "DEF:'cpu_wio'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_wio.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_steal.rrd")) {
        $series .= "DEF:'cpu_steal'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_steal.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_sintr.rrd")) {
        $series .= "DEF:'cpu_sintr'='${rrd_dir}/cpu_sintr.rrd':'sum':AVERAGE ";

    if ($context != "host" ) {
        $series .= "CDEF:'ccpu_user'=cpu_user,num_nodes,/ "
                . $cpu_nice_cdef
                . "CDEF:'ccpu_system'=cpu_system,num_nodes,/ "
                . "CDEF:'ccpu_idle'=cpu_idle,num_nodes,/ ";

        if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_wio.rrd")) {
            $series .= "CDEF:'ccpu_wio'=cpu_wio,num_nodes,/ ";

        if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_sintr.rrd")) {
            $series .= "CDEF:'ccpu_sintr'=cpu_sintr,num_nodes,/ ";

        if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_steal.rrd")) {
            $series .= "CDEF:'ccpu_steal'=cpu_steal,num_nodes,/ ";

        $plot_prefix ='ccpu';
    } else {
        $plot_prefix ='cpu';

    $series .= "AREA:'${plot_prefix}_user'#${conf['cpu_user_color']}:'User${rmspace}' ";

    if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
        $series .= "CDEF:user_pos=${plot_prefix}_user,0,INF,LIMIT "
                . "VDEF:user_last=user_pos,LAST "
                . "VDEF:user_min=user_pos,MINIMUM "
                . "VDEF:user_avg=user_pos,AVERAGE "
                . "VDEF:user_max=user_pos,MAXIMUM "
                . "GPRINT:'user_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                . "GPRINT:'user_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                . "GPRINT:'user_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                . "GPRINT:'user_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_nice.rrd")) {
        $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_nice'#${conf['cpu_nice_color']}:'Nice${rmspace}' ";

        if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
            $series .= "CDEF:nice_pos=${plot_prefix}_nice,0,INF,LIMIT " 
                    . "VDEF:nice_last=nice_pos,LAST "
                    . "VDEF:nice_min=nice_pos,MINIMUM "
                    . "VDEF:nice_avg=nice_pos,AVERAGE "
                    . "VDEF:nice_max=nice_pos,MAXIMUM "
                    . "GPRINT:'nice_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                    . "GPRINT:'nice_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                    . "GPRINT:'nice_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                    . "GPRINT:'nice_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_system'#${conf['cpu_system_color']}:'System${rmspace}' ";

    if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
        $series .= "CDEF:system_pos=${plot_prefix}_system,0,INF,LIMIT "
                . "VDEF:system_last=system_pos,LAST "
                . "VDEF:system_min=system_pos,MINIMUM "
                . "VDEF:system_avg=system_pos,AVERAGE "
                . "VDEF:system_max=system_pos,MAXIMUM "
                . "GPRINT:'system_last':'${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                . "GPRINT:'system_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                . "GPRINT:'system_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                . "GPRINT:'system_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_wio.rrd")) {
        $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_wio'#${conf['cpu_wio_color']}:'Wait${rmspace}' ";

        if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
                $series .= "CDEF:wio_pos=${plot_prefix}_wio,0,INF,LIMIT "
                        . "VDEF:wio_last=wio_pos,LAST "
                        . "VDEF:wio_min=wio_pos,MINIMUM "
                        . "VDEF:wio_avg=wio_pos,AVERAGE "
                        . "VDEF:wio_max=wio_pos,MAXIMUM "
                        . "GPRINT:'wio_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'wio_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                        . "GPRINT:'wio_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'wio_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_steal.rrd")) {
        $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_steal'#${conf['cpu_steal_color']}:'Steal${rmspace}' ";

        if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
                $series .= "CDEF:steal_pos=${plot_prefix}_steal,0,INF,LIMIT "
                        . "VDEF:steal_last=steal_pos,LAST "
                        . "VDEF:steal_min=steal_pos,MINIMUM "
                        . "VDEF:steal_avg=steal_pos,AVERAGE "
                        . "VDEF:steal_max=steal_pos,MAXIMUM "
                        . "GPRINT:'steal_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'steal_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                        . "GPRINT:'steal_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'steal_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    if (file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_sintr.rrd")) {
        $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_sintr'#${conf['cpu_sintr_color']}:'Sintr${rmspace}' ";

        if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
                $series .= "CDEF:sintr_pos=${plot_prefix}_sintr,0,INF,LIMIT "
                        . "VDEF:sintr_last=sintr_pos,LAST "
                        . "VDEF:sintr_min=sintr_pos,MINIMUM "
                        . "VDEF:sintr_avg=sintr_pos,AVERAGE "
                        . "VDEF:sintr_max=sintr_pos,MAXIMUM "
                        . "GPRINT:'sintr_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'sintr_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                        . "GPRINT:'sintr_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'sintr_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

    $series .= "STACK:'${plot_prefix}_idle'#${conf['cpu_idle_color']}:'Idle${rmspace}' ";

    if ( $conf['graphreport_stats'] ) {
                $series .= "CDEF:idle_pos=${plot_prefix}_idle,0,INF,LIMIT "
                        . "VDEF:idle_last=idle_pos,LAST "
                        . "VDEF:idle_min=idle_pos,MINIMUM "
                        . "VDEF:idle_avg=idle_pos,AVERAGE "
                        . "VDEF:idle_max=idle_pos,MAXIMUM "
                        . "GPRINT:'idle_last':'  ${space1}Now\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'idle_min':'${space1}Min\:%5.1lf%%${eol1}' "
                        . "GPRINT:'idle_avg':'${space2}Avg\:%5.1lf%%' "
                        . "GPRINT:'idle_max':'${space1}Max\:%5.1lf%%\\l' ";

  // If metrics like cpu_user and wio are not present we are likely not collecting them on this
  // host therefore we should not attempt to build anything and will likely end up with a broken
  // image. To avoid that we'll make an empty image
  if ( !file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_wio.rrd") && !file_exists("$rrd_dir/cpu_user.rrd") ) 
    $rrdtool_graph[ 'series' ] = 'HRULE:1#FFCC33:"No matching metrics detected"';   
    $rrdtool_graph[ 'series' ] = $series;

    return $rrdtool_graph;



view配置对应的json文件内支持的语法如下 :

Key: Value

view_name: Name of the view, which must be unique.

view_type: Standard or Regex. Regex view allows you to specify regex to match hosts.

items: An array of hashes describing which metrics should be part of the view.

hostname: Hostname of the host that we want metric/graph displayed.

metric: Name of the metric, such as load_one.

graph: Graph name, such as cpu_report or load_report.  You can use metric or graph keys but not both.

aggregate_graph: If this value exists and is set to true, the item defines an aggregate graph. 
                             This item needs a hash of regular expressions and a description.

warning: (Optional) Adds a vertical yellow line to provide visual cue for a warning state.

critical: (Optional) Adds a vertical red line to provide visual cue for a critical state.

例子 : 
# cd /data01/web/ganglia-web/conf
[root@db-172-16-3-221 conf]# ll
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody   1000   58 Jan  6  2014 view_default.json
[root@db-172-16-3-221 conf]# cat view_default.json 

ganglia gweb customize views - 德哥@Digoal - PostgreSQL research
我们修改一下它的配置 : 

    { "aggregate_graph":"true",
        {"regex":".*"}   # 因为我这里只有一台主机, 所以暂且这样吧
      "title":"Location Web Servers load"

修改后, 立即生效.
ganglia gweb customize views - 德哥@Digoal - PostgreSQL research
[root@db-172-16-3-221 conf]# vi view_digoal.json 
    { "aggregate_graph":"true",
    { "aggregate_graph":"true",

ganglia gweb customize views - 德哥@Digoal - PostgreSQL research
这里同样说明了gmond hostname和metric name的命名规则重要性.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


