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Espresso备忘单是您在开发过程中可以使用的快速参考。 这个备忘单包含大多数可用的Matchers,ViewActions和ViewAsertions。
让我们先来看看Matchers 都有哪些API可供我们使用。
BoundedMatcher<T, S extends T>    Some matcher sugar that lets you create a matcher for a given type but only process items of a specific subtype of that matcher.
CursorMatchers    A collection of Hamcrest matchers that matches a data row in a Cursor.
CursorMatchers.CursorMatcher    A Matcher that matches Cursors based on values in their columns.
LayoutMatchers    A collection of hamcrest matches to detect typical layout issues.
PreferenceMatchers    A collection of hamcrest matchers that match Preferences.
RootMatchers    A collection of matchers for Root objects.
ViewMatchers    A collection of hamcrest matchers that match Views.
ViewMatchers.Visibility    Enumerates the possible list of values for View.getVisibility().



public final class ErrorTextMatchers {

   * Returns a matcher that matches {@link TextView}s based on text property value.
   * @param stringMatcher {@link Matcher} of {@link String} with text to match
  public static Matcher<View> withErrorText(final Matcher<String> stringMatcher) {

    return new BoundedMatcher<View, TextView>(TextView.class) {

      public void describeTo(final Description description) {
        description.appendText("with error text: ");

      public boolean matchesSafely(final TextView textView) {
        return stringMatcher.matches(textView.getError().toString());

实现的主要细节如下。 我们通过从withErrorText()返回一个BoundedMatcher来确保匹配器只匹配TextView类的子类。 这使得很容易在BoundedMatcher.matchesSafely()中实现匹配逻辑本身:只需从TextView中获取getError()方法并将其送入下一个匹配器。 最后,我们有一个简单的describeTo()方法的实现,它只用于生成调试输出到控制台。



   * Returns a matcher that matches a {@link String} value at a given column index
   * in a {@link Cursor}s data row.
   * <br>
   * @param columnIndex int column index
   * @param value a {@link String} value to match
  public static CursorMatcher withRowString(int columnIndex, String value) {
    return withRowString(columnIndex, is(value));


    CursorMatchers.withRowString("job_title", is("Barista"))

LayoutMatchers hamcrest的集合匹配以检测典型的布局问题。
例如匹配具有椭圆形文本的TextView元素。 如果文本太长,无法适应TextView,
它可以是椭圆形(’Too long’显示为’Too l …’或’… long’)或切断(’Too
long“显示为”Too l“)。 虽然在某些情况下可以接受,但通常表示不好的用户体验。

PreferenceMatchers hamcrest匹配器来匹配一组偏好。



withSummary(final int resourceId)
withSummaryText(String summary)
withSummaryText(final Matcher<String> summaryMatcher)
withTitle(final int resourceId)
withTitleText(String title)
withTitleText(final Matcher<String> titleMatcher)

RootMatchers Root对象的匹配器集合。



Public methods
static Matcher    isDialog()Matches Roots that are dialogs (i.e.)
static Matcher    isFocusable()Matches Roots that can take window focus.
static Matcher    isPlatformPopup()Matches Roots that are popups - like autocomplete suggestions or the actionbar spinner.
static Matcher    isTouchable()Matches Roots that can receive touch events.
static Matcher    withDecorView(Matcher decorViewMatcher)Matches Roots with decor views that match the given view matcher.

ViewMatchers 最重要也是应用最广的匹配器,通过一个或者多个来定位层级里面的控件。

Public methods
static void    assertThat(String message, T actual, Matcher matcher) A replacement for MatcherAssert.assertThat that renders View objects nicely.
static void    assertThat(T actual, Matcher matcher) A replacement for MatcherAssert.assertThat that renders View objects nicely.
static Matcher    hasContentDescription() Returns an Matcher that matches Views with any content description.
static Matcher    hasDescendant(Matcher descendantMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on the presence of a descendant in its view hierarchy.
static Matcher    hasErrorText(String expectedError) Returns a matcher that matches EditText based on edit text error string value.
static Matcher    hasErrorText(Matcher stringMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches EditText based on edit text error string value.
static Matcher    hasFocus() Returns a matcher that matches Views currently have focus.
static Matcher    hasImeAction(int imeAction) Returns a matcher that matches views that support input methods (e.g.
static Matcher    hasImeAction(Matcher imeActionMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches views that support input methods (e.g.
static Matcher    hasLinks() Returns a matcher that matches TextViews that have links.
static Matcher    hasSibling(Matcher siblingMatcher) Returns an Matcher that matches Views based on their siblings.
static Matcher    isAssignableFrom(Class<? extends View> clazz) Returns a matcher that matches Views which are an instance of or subclass of the provided class.
static Matcher    isChecked() Returns a matcher that accepts if and only if the view is a CompoundButton (or subtype of) and is in checked state.
static Matcher    isClickable() Returns a matcher that matches Views that are clickable.
static Matcher    isCompletelyDisplayed() Returns a matcher which only accepts a view whose height and width fit perfectly within the currently displayed region of this view.
static Matcher    isDescendantOfA(Matcher ancestorMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on the given ancestor type.
static Matcher    isDisplayed() Returns a matcher that matches Views that are currently displayed on the screen to the user.
static Matcher    isDisplayingAtLeast(int areaPercentage) Returns a matcher which accepts a view so long as a given percentage of that view’s area is not obscured by any other view and is thus visible to the user.
static Matcher    isEnabled() Returns a matcher that matches Views that are enabled.
static Matcher    isFocusable() Returns a matcher that matches Views that are focusable.
static Matcher    isJavascriptEnabled() Returns a matcher that matches WebView if they are evaluating Javascript.
static Matcher    isNotChecked() Returns a matcher that accepts if and only if the view is a CompoundButton (or subtype of) and is not in checked state.
static Matcher    isRoot() Returns a matcher that matches root View.
static Matcher    isSelected() Returns a matcher that matches Views that are selected.
static Matcher    supportsInputMethods() Returns a matcher that matches views that support input methods.
static Matcher    withChild(Matcher childMatcher) A matcher that returns true if and only if the view’s child is accepted by the provided matcher.
static Matcher    withClassName(Matcher classNameMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views with class name matching the given matcher.
static Matcher    withContentDescription(int resourceId) Returns a Matcher that matches Views based on content description property value.
static Matcher    withContentDescription(String text) Returns an Matcher that matches Views based on content description property value.
static Matcher    withContentDescription(Matcher<? extends CharSequence> charSequenceMatcher) Returns an Matcher that matches Views based on content description property value.
static Matcher    withEffectiveVisibility(ViewMatchers.Visibility visibility) Returns a matcher that matches Views that have “effective” visibility set to the given value.
static Matcher    withHint(Matcher stringMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches TextViews based on hint property value.
static Matcher    withHint(int resourceId) Returns a matcher that matches a descendant of TextView that is displaying the hint associated with the given resource id.
static Matcher    withHint(String hintText) Returns a matcher that matches TextView based on it’s hint property value.
static Matcher    withId(Matcher integerMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on resource ids.
static Matcher    withId(int id) Same as withId(is(int)), but attempts to look up resource name of the given id and use an style description with describeTo.
static Matcher    withInputType(int inputType) Returns a matcher that matches InputType.
static Matcher    withParent(Matcher parentMatcher) A matcher that accepts a view if and only if the view’s parent is accepted by the provided matcher.
static Matcher    withResourceName(String name) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on resource id names, (for instance, channel_avatar).
static Matcher    withResourceName(Matcher stringMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on resource id names, (for instance, channel_avatar).
static Matcher    withSpinnerText(int resourceId) Returns a matcher that matches a descendant of Spinner that is displaying the string of the selected item associated with the given resource id.
static Matcher    withSpinnerText(String text) Returns a matcher that matches Spinner based on it’s selected item’s toString value.
static Matcher    withSpinnerText(Matcher stringMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Spinners based on toString value of the selected item.
static Matcher    withTagKey(int key) Returns a matcher that matches View based on tag keys.
static Matcher    withTagKey(int key, Matcher objectMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on tag keys.
static Matcher    withTagValue(Matcher tagValueMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches Views based on tag property values.
static Matcher    withText(Matcher stringMatcher) Returns a matcher that matches TextViews based on text property value.
static Matcher    withText(String text) Returns a matcher that matches TextView based on its text property value.
static Matcher    withText(int resourceId) Returns a matcher that matches a descendant of TextView that is displaying the string associated with the given resource id.

ok 这次主要介绍Matchers的API 更多的内容 大家还是要查看官方API去学习。





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