
Python解释器具有许多始终可用的功能。这些函数称为内置函数。例如,print() 函数将给定对象打印到标准输出设备(屏幕)或文本流文件。

在Python 3.6(最新版本)中,有68个内置函数。它们按字母顺序列在下面,并附有简要说明。


Python abs()returns absolute value of a number
Python all()returns true when all elements in iterable is true
Python any()Checks if any Element of an Iterable is True
Python ascii()Returns String Containing Printable Representation
Python bin()converts integer to binary string
Python bool()Converts a Value to Boolean
Python bytearray()returns array of given byte size
Python bytes()returns immutable bytes object
Python callable()Checks if the Object is Callable
Python chr()Returns a Character (a string) from an Integer
Python classmethod()returns class method for given function
Python compile()Returns a Python code object
Python complex()Creates a Complex Number
Python delattr()Deletes Attribute From the Object
Python dict()Creates a Dictionary
Python dir()Tries to Return Attributes of Object
Python divmod()Returns a Tuple of Quotient and Remainder
Python enumerate()Returns an Enumerate Object
Python eval()Runs Python Code Within Program
Python exec()Executes Dynamically Created Program
Python filter()constructs iterator from elements which are true
Python float()returns floating point number from number, string
Python format()returns formatted representation of a value
Python frozenset()returns immutable frozenset object
Python getattr()returns value of named attribute of an object
Python globals()returns dictionary of current global symbol table
Python hasattr()returns whether object has named attribute
Python hash()returns hash value of an object
Python help()Invokes the built-in Help System
Python hex()Converts to Integer to Hexadecimal
Python id()Returns Identify of an Object
Python input()reads and returns a line of string
Python int()returns integer from a number or string
Python isinstance()Checks if a Object is an Instance of Class
Python issubclass()Checks if a Object is Subclass of a Class
Python iter()returns iterator for an object
Python len()Returns Length of an Object
Python list() Functioncreates list in Python
Python locals()Returns dictionary of a current local symbol table
Python map()Applies Function and Returns a List
Python max()returns largest element
Python memoryview()returns memory view of an argument
Python min()returns smallest element
Python next()Retrieves Next Element from Iterator
Python object()Creates a Featureless Object
Python oct()converts integer to octal
Python open()Returns a File object
Python ord()returns Unicode code point for Unicode character
Python pow()returns x to the power of y
Python print()Prints the Given Object
Python property()returns a property attribute
Python range()return sequence of integers between start and stop
Python repr()returns printable representation of an object
Python reversed()returns reversed iterator of a sequence
Python round()rounds a floating point number to ndigits places.
Python set()returns a Python set
Python setattr()sets value of an attribute of object
Python slice()creates a slice object specified by range()
Python sorted()returns sorted list from a given iterable
Python staticmethod()creates static method from a function
Python str()returns informal representation of an object
Python sum()Add items of an Iterable
Python super()Allow you to Refer Parent Class by super
Python tuple() FunctionCreates a Tuple
Python type()Returns Type of an Object
Python vars()Returns __dict__ attribute of a class
Python zip()Returns an Iterator of Tuples
Python __import__()Advanced Function Called by import


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