//dll 动态加载  调用 类 函数小结:


The first problem is that C++ member function names are decorated names (Specifying extern "C" does not help).
The second problem is that C++ language specifications do not allow pointer to member functions to be converted into other types

1.  .def 中,  DCls2_f = ?f@DCls2@@QAEXXZ
    exe中,    DCls2_f* c1 = (DCls2_f*)malloc(sizeof(DCls2_f));


                __asm { MOV ECX, c1 }//vs push this
                FUNC f = GetProcAddress()...


                typedef void (DCls2::*MemFunc)();
                typedef void (*GlbFunc)();
                union uni { MemFunc mf; GlbFunc gf; } u1;
                u1.gf = GetProcAddress()...
                MemFunc mf = u1.mf;

2.  继承接口基类,封装虚函数接口,返回指针调用,即可解决编译链接时错误,再运行时动态绑定虚函数(只要是虚函数就可以用于dll导出了,


            class IBase { virtual void f(); };//also could pure virtual
            class DCls2 : public IBase { virtual void f(); };
            IBase* createIns();//impl: return (IBase*)new DCls2; //will dync bind virtual func addr, 
            //i.g: this->vtbl = _DCls2_vtbl (而_DCls2_vtbl[1] = DCls2::f)


            IBase* c1 = createIns();
            c1->f();//will not link err, because f is virtual 对于虚函数,无实现不会链接出错

3.  将class 包装成对外的C接口吧,做一个wrapper,我觉得还是这样比较好,不会有DLL Hell的问题,毕竟DLL本来就是为C函数服务设计的。