bool EarthManipulator::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa) { bool handled = false; // first order of business: make sure the CSN is established. if ( !established() ) return false; // make sure the camera projection is up to date: osg::View* view = aa.asView(); updateProjection( view->getCamera() ); double time_s_now = osg::Timer::instance()->time_s(); if ( ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::FRAME ) { _time_s_last_frame = _time_s_now; _time_s_now = time_s_now; _delta_t = _time_s_now - _time_s_last_frame; if ( _node.valid() ) { if ( _pendingViewpoint.isSet() ) { setViewpoint( _pendingViewpoint.get(), ); _pendingViewpoint.unset(); aa.requestRedraw(); } else if ( isSettingViewpoint() && !isTethering() ) { if ( _frameCount < 2 ) _setVPStartTime->set(_time_s_now, Units::SECONDS); setViewpointFrame( time_s_now ); } if (_thrown) { double decayFactor = 1.0 - _settings->getThrowDecayRate(); _throw_dx = osg::absolute(_throw_dx) > osg::absolute(_dx * 0.01) ? _throw_dx * decayFactor : 0.0; _throw_dy = osg::absolute(_throw_dy) > osg::absolute(_dy * 0.01) ? _throw_dy * decayFactor : 0.0; if (_throw_dx == 0.0 && _throw_dy == 0.0) _thrown = false; else handleMovementAction(_last_action._type, _throw_dx, _throw_dy, aa.asView()); } aa.requestContinuousUpdate( isSettingViewpoint() || _thrown ); if ( _continuous ) { handleContinuousAction( _last_action, aa.asView() ); aa.requestRedraw(); } else { _continuous_dx = 0.0; _continuous_dy = 0.0; } if ( _task.valid() && _task->_type != TASK_NONE ) { bool stillRunning = serviceTask(); if ( stillRunning ) { aa.requestContinuousUpdate( true ); } else { // turn off the continuous, but we still need one last redraw // to process the final state. aa.requestContinuousUpdate( false ); aa.requestRedraw(); } } } _frameCount++; return false; } // the camera manipulator runs last after any other event handlers. So bail out // if the incoming event has already been handled by another handler. if ( ea.getHandled() ) { return false; } // form the current Action based on the event type: Action action = ACTION_NULL; // if tethering is active, check to see whether the incoming event // will break the tether. if ( isTethering() ) { const ActionTypeVector& atv = _settings->getBreakTetherActions(); if ( atv.size() > 0 ) { const Action& action = _settings->getAction( ea.getEventType(), ea.getButtonMask(), ea.getModKeyMask() ); if ( std::find(atv.begin(), atv.end(), action._type) != atv.end() ) { clearViewpoint(); } } } if ( ea.isMultiTouchEvent() ) { // not a mouse event; clear the mouse queue. resetMouse( aa, false ); // queue up a touch event set and figure out the current state: addTouchEvents(ea); TouchEvents te; if ( parseTouchEvents(te) ) { for( TouchEvents::iterator i = te.begin(); i != te.end(); ++i ) { action = _settings->getAction(i->_eventType, i->_mbmask, 0); if (action._type != ACTION_NULL) { _last_event = i->_eventType; // here we adjust for action scale, global sensitivy double dx = i->_dx, dy = i->_dy; dx *= _settings->getMouseSensitivity(); dy *= _settings->getMouseSensitivity(); applyOptionsToDeltas( action, dx, dy ); _dx = dx; _dy = dy; if (action._type == ACTION_GOTO) handlePointAction(action, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), view); else handleMovementAction(action._type, dx, dy, view); aa.requestRedraw(); } } handled = true; } else { // The only multitouch event we want passed on if not handled is a release handled = ea.getEventType() != osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE; // if a new push occurs we want to reset the dx/dy values to stop/prevent throwing if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH) _dx = _dy = 0.0; } } if ( !handled ) { // not a touch event; clear the touch queue. //_touchPointQueue.clear(); switch( ea.getEventType() ) { case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH: resetMouse( aa ); addMouseEvent( ea ); _mouse_down_event = &ea; aa.requestRedraw(); handled = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RELEASE: if ( _continuous ) { // bail out of continuous mode if necessary: _continuous = false; aa.requestContinuousUpdate( false ); } else { action = _last_action; _throw_dx = fabs(_dx) > 0.01 ? _dx : 0.0; _throw_dy = fabs(_dy) > 0.01 ? _dy : 0.0; if (_settings->getThrowingEnabled() && ( time_s_now - _time_s_last_event < 0.05 ) && (_throw_dx != 0.0 || _throw_dy != 0.0)) { _thrown = true; aa.requestRedraw(); aa.requestContinuousUpdate( true ); } else if ( isMouseClick( &ea ) ) { addMouseEvent( ea ); if ( _mouse_down_event ) { action = _settings->getAction( EVENT_MOUSE_CLICK, _mouse_down_event->getButtonMask(), _mouse_down_event->getModKeyMask() ); if ( handlePointAction( action, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), aa.asView() )) aa.requestRedraw(); } resetMouse( aa ); } else { resetMouse( aa ); addMouseEvent( ea ); } } handled = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DOUBLECLICK: // bail out of continuous mode if necessary: _continuous = false; addMouseEvent( ea ); if (_mouse_down_event) { action = _settings->getAction( ea.getEventType(), _mouse_down_event->getButtonMask(), _mouse_down_event->getModKeyMask() ); if ( handlePointAction( action, ea.getX(), ea.getY(), aa.asView() ) ) aa.requestRedraw(); resetMouse( aa ); handled = true; } break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MOVE: // MOVE not currently bindable //NOP break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG: { action = _settings->getAction( ea.getEventType(), ea.getButtonMask(), ea.getModKeyMask() ); addMouseEvent( ea ); bool wasContinuous = _continuous; _continuous = action.getBoolOption(OPTION_CONTINUOUS, false); if ( handleMouseAction( action, aa.asView() ) ) aa.requestRedraw(); if ( _continuous && !wasContinuous ) _last_continuous_action_time = time_s_now; //_time_s_now; aa.requestContinuousUpdate(_continuous); _thrown = false; handled = true; } break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN: if ( ea.getKey() < osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Shift_L ) { resetMouse( aa ); action = _settings->getAction( ea.getEventType(), ea.getKey(), ea.getModKeyMask() ); if ( handleKeyboardAction( action ) ) aa.requestRedraw(); handled = true; } break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP: resetMouse( aa ); _task->_type = TASK_NONE; handled = true; break; case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::SCROLL: resetMouse( aa ); addMouseEvent( ea ); action = _settings->getAction( ea.getEventType(), ea.getScrollingMotion(), ea.getModKeyMask() ); if ( handleScrollAction( action, action.getDoubleOption(OPTION_DURATION, 0.2) ) ) aa.requestRedraw(); handled = true; break; default: break; } } // if a new task was started, request continuous updates. if ( _task.valid() && _task->_type != TASK_NONE ) { aa.requestContinuousUpdate( true ); } if ( handled && action._type != ACTION_NULL ) { _last_action = action; _time_s_last_event = time_s_now; } return handled; }
else if ( isSettingViewpoint() && !isTethering() ) { if ( _frameCount < 2 ) _setVPStartTime->set(_time_s_now, Units::SECONDS); setViewpointFrame( time_s_now ); }
// returns "t" [0..1], the interpolation coefficient. double CVRECameraManipulator::setViewpointFrame(double time_s) { if ( !_setVPStartTime.isSet() ) { _setVPStartTime->set( time_s, Units::SECONDS ); return 0.0; } else { // Start point is the current manipulator center: osg::Vec3d startWorld; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> startNode; if ( _setVP0->getNode(startNode) ) startWorld = computeWorld(startNode); else _setVP0->focalPoint()->transform( _srs.get() ).toWorld(startWorld); // End point is the world coordinates of the target viewpoint: osg::Vec3d endWorld; osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> endNode; if ( _setVP1->getNode(endNode) ) endWorld = computeWorld(endNode); else _setVP1->focalPoint()->transform( _srs.get() ).toWorld(endWorld); // Remaining time is the full duration minus the time since initiation: double elapsed = time_s - _setVPStartTime->as(Units::SECONDS); double t = std::min(1.0, elapsed /; double tp = t; if ( _setVPArcHeight > 0.0 ) { if ( tp <= 0.5 ) { double t2 = 2.0*tp; tp = 0.5*t2; } else { double t2 = 2.0*(tp-0.5); tp = 0.5+(0.5*t2); } // the more smoothsteps you do, the more pronounced the fade-in/out effect tp = smoothStepInterp( tp ); } else if ( t > 0.0 ) { tp = smoothStepInterp( tp ); } osg::Vec3d newCenter = _srs->isGeographic() ? nlerp(startWorld, endWorld, tp) : lerp(startWorld, endWorld, tp); // Calculate the delta-heading, and make sure we are going in the shortest direction: Angle d_azim = _setVP1->heading().get() - _setVP0->heading().get(); if ( > osg::PI ) d_azim = d_azim - Angle(2.0*osg::PI, Units::RADIANS); else if ( < -osg::PI ) d_azim = d_azim + Angle(2.0*osg::PI, Units::RADIANS); double newAzim = _setVP0->heading()->as(Units::RADIANS) + tp*; // Calculate the new pitch: Angle d_pitch = _setVP1->pitch().get() - _setVP0->pitch().get(); double newPitch = _setVP0->pitch()->as(Units::RADIANS) + tp*; // Calculate the new range: Distance d_range = _setVP1->range().get() - _setVP0->range().get(); double newRange = _setVP0->range()->as(Units::METERS) +*tp + sin(osg::PI*tp)*_setVPArcHeight; // Calculate the offsets osg::Vec3d offset0 = _setVP0->positionOffset().getOrUse(osg::Vec3d(0,0,0)); osg::Vec3d offset1 = _setVP1->positionOffset().getOrUse(osg::Vec3d(0,0,0)); osg::Vec3d newOffset = offset0 + (offset1-offset0)*tp; // Activate. setLookAt( newCenter, newAzim, newPitch, newRange, newOffset ); // interpolate tether rotation: _tetherRotation.slerp(tp, _tetherRotationVP0, _tetherRotationVP1); // At t=1 the transition is complete. if ( t >= 1.0 ) { _setVP0.unset(); // If this was a transition into a tether, keep the endpoint around so we can // continue tracking it. if ( !isTethering() ) { _setVP1.unset(); } } return tp; } }
注意:_setVPArcHeight 是弧顶高(初始和结束两点之间如果,有一个是最高点则,弧顶高为0)
我不喜欢,因为最后会出现镜头跳变,我要将cos的方式改成抛物线的方式。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
double elapsed = time_s - _setVPStartTime->as(Units::SECONDS); double t = std::min(1.0, elapsed /;
elapsed 是间隔时间
t = tp 是间隔系数
经过tp = smoothStepInterp( tp );变成了cos的
tp = tp;直接赋值
double GY_CameraFocal_Time_RatioTurningpoint = 0.2; //[0.0, 1.0] double GY_CameraFocal_Distance_RatioTurningpoint = 0.8; //[0.0, 1.0] double GY_SpeedUp_SpeedDown(double timeRatio) { //输入的是时间比例系数,返回的是距离比例系数;将整个过程分为两个阶段:1.加速阶段,2.减速阶段 /* //设计整条路径条件是: 一个飞机以初速度speed1向前飞行,并以acceleration1加速度加速飞行,飞行了time1秒;共飞行了distance1米; 然后飞机开始降落,以acceleration2减速度,减速滑行,滑行了time2秒,滑行了distance2米并停下。 已知:time1,time2,distance1,distance2 求:1.初始速度speed1 2.第一段加速度acceleration1 3.第二段加速度acceleration2 最终求:在经过x时间后,当前位置position? 已知公式分析: 1. speed1 * time1 + acceleration1 * time1 * time1 / 2.0 = distance1 //第一段飞行过程 2. speed1 + acceleration1 * time1 + acceleration2 * time2 = 0 //整个过程最后速度为0 3. (speed1 + acceleration1 * time1)* time2 + acceleration2 * time2 * time2 / 2.0 = distance2 //第二段飞行过程 化简公式: 1.sp1*t1 + t1*t1*a1/2 = d1 2.t2*sp1/2.0 + t1*t2*a1/2.0 = d2 解: sp1 = (d1 - d2)/(t1 - t2/2.0) a1 = (d2*t1 - d1*t2/2.0)/(t1 - t2/2.0) a2 = (d1 - d2 + d2*t1*t1 - d1*t1*t2)/(t2*t2/2.0 - t1*t2) 第一段加速导致计算过于复杂,导致,有可能出现初始速度为负数的情况; 直接第一段使用匀速运动,第二段减速 则出现公式: 1.sp1 = d1/time1 2.d2 = sp1 *time2 + a2*time2*time2/2 到处 a2 = 2*(d2 - sp1*t2)/(t2*t2) 但是条件末速度为0,则不会被满足 */ double distanceRatio = timeRatio; double time1 = osg::clampBetween(GY_CameraFocal_Time_RatioTurningpoint, 0.0, 1.0); double time2 = 1.0 - time1; double distance1 = osg::clampBetween(GY_CameraFocal_Distance_RatioTurningpoint, 0.0, 1.0); double distance2 = 1.0 - distance1; double speedAtBegin = 0; //double acceleration1 = 0; double acceleration2 = 0; if (time1 != 0) { speedAtBegin = distance1 / time1; } if (time2 != 0) { //a2 = 2*(d2 - sp1*t2)/(t2*t2) acceleration2 = 2 * (distance2 - speedAtBegin*time2) / (time2*time2); } if (timeRatio < time1)//加速阶段从0加速到(规定时间1内到达距离1) { distanceRatio = timeRatio * speedAtBegin; } else//减速阶段从某速度(前一阶段的最后速度) { double usetime = timeRatio - time1; //d2 = sp1 *time2 + a2*time2*time2/2 distanceRatio = distance1 + speedAtBegin*usetime + acceleration2*usetime*usetime /2.0; } return distanceRatio;//距离系数【0到1】 }
double GY_testGaosi(double timeRatio) { double distanceRatio = timeRatio; //s/2 = a*t*t*t/4 前一半 s // s = a*t*t/2; a = 2*s/t*t double ac = 1 / 0.25; // if (timeRatio < 0.5) { distanceRatio = ac*timeRatio*timeRatio / 2.0; } else { double ftp = 1.0 - timeRatio; distanceRatio = ac*ftp*ftp / 2.0; distanceRatio = 1.0 - distanceRatio; } return distanceRatio; }
double smoothStepInterp( double t ) { return (t*t)*(3.0-2.0*t); } 0.000000:::0.000000 0.010000:::0.000298 0.020000:::0.001184 0.030000:::0.002646 0.040000:::0.004672 0.050000:::0.007250 0.060000:::0.010368 0.070000:::0.014014 0.080000:::0.018176 0.090000:::0.022842 0.100000:::0.028000 0.110000:::0.033638 0.120000:::0.039744 0.130000:::0.046306 0.140000:::0.053312 0.150000:::0.060750 0.160000:::0.068608 0.170000:::0.076874 0.180000:::0.085536 0.190000:::0.094582 0.200000:::0.104000 0.210000:::0.113778 0.220000:::0.123904 0.230000:::0.134366 0.240000:::0.145152 0.250000:::0.156250 0.260000:::0.167648 0.270000:::0.179334 0.280000:::0.191296 0.290000:::0.203522 0.300000:::0.216000 0.310000:::0.228718 0.320000:::0.241664 0.330000:::0.254826 0.340000:::0.268192 0.350000:::0.281750 0.360000:::0.295488 0.370000:::0.309394 0.380000:::0.323456 0.390000:::0.337662 0.400000:::0.352000 0.410000:::0.366458 0.420000:::0.381024 0.430000:::0.395686 0.440000:::0.410432 0.450000:::0.425250 0.460000:::0.440128 0.470000:::0.455054 0.480000:::0.470016 0.490000:::0.485002 0.500000:::0.500000 0.510000:::0.514998 0.520000:::0.529984 0.530000:::0.544946 0.540000:::0.559872 0.550000:::0.574750 0.560000:::0.589568 0.570000:::0.604314 0.580000:::0.618976 0.590000:::0.633542 0.600000:::0.648000 0.610000:::0.662338 0.620000:::0.676544 0.630000:::0.690606 0.640000:::0.704512 0.650000:::0.718250 0.660000:::0.731808 0.670000:::0.745174 0.680000:::0.758336 0.690000:::0.771282 0.700000:::0.784000 0.710000:::0.796478 0.720000:::0.808704 0.730000:::0.820666 0.740000:::0.832352 0.750000:::0.843750 0.760000:::0.854848 0.770000:::0.865634 0.780000:::0.876096 0.790000:::0.886222 0.800000:::0.896000 0.810000:::0.905418 0.820000:::0.914464 0.830000:::0.923126 0.840000:::0.931392 0.850000:::0.939250 0.860000:::0.946688 0.870000:::0.953694 0.880000:::0.960256 0.890000:::0.966362 0.900000:::0.972000 0.910000:::0.977158 0.920000:::0.981824 0.930000:::0.985986 0.940000:::0.989632 0.950000:::0.992750 0.960000:::0.995328 0.970000:::0.997354 0.980000:::0.998816 0.990000:::0.999702
GY_testGaos 0.000000:::0.000000 0.010000:::0.000200 0.020000:::0.000800 0.030000:::0.001800 0.040000:::0.003200 0.050000:::0.005000 0.060000:::0.007200 0.070000:::0.009800 0.080000:::0.012800 0.090000:::0.016200 0.100000:::0.020000 0.110000:::0.024200 0.120000:::0.028800 0.130000:::0.033800 0.140000:::0.039200 0.150000:::0.045000 0.160000:::0.051200 0.170000:::0.057800 0.180000:::0.064800 0.190000:::0.072200 0.200000:::0.080000 0.210000:::0.088200 0.220000:::0.096800 0.230000:::0.105800 0.240000:::0.115200 0.250000:::0.125000 0.260000:::0.135200 0.270000:::0.145800 0.280000:::0.156800 0.290000:::0.168200 0.300000:::0.180000 0.310000:::0.192200 0.320000:::0.204800 0.330000:::0.217800 0.340000:::0.231200 0.350000:::0.245000 0.360000:::0.259200 0.370000:::0.273800 0.380000:::0.288800 0.390000:::0.304200 0.400000:::0.320000 0.410000:::0.336200 0.420000:::0.352800 0.430000:::0.369800 0.440000:::0.387200 0.450000:::0.405000 0.460000:::0.423200 0.470000:::0.441800 0.480000:::0.460800 0.490000:::0.480200 0.500000:::0.500000 0.510000:::0.519800 0.520000:::0.539200 0.530000:::0.558200 0.540000:::0.576800 0.550000:::0.595000 0.560000:::0.612800 0.570000:::0.630200 0.580000:::0.647200 0.590000:::0.663800 0.600000:::0.680000 0.610000:::0.695800 0.620000:::0.711200 0.630000:::0.726200 0.640000:::0.740800 0.650000:::0.755000 0.660000:::0.768800 0.670000:::0.782200 0.680000:::0.795200 0.690000:::0.807800 0.700000:::0.820000 0.710000:::0.831800 0.720000:::0.843200 0.730000:::0.854200 0.740000:::0.864800 0.750000:::0.875000 0.760000:::0.884800 0.770000:::0.894200 0.780000:::0.903200 0.790000:::0.911800 0.800000:::0.920000 0.810000:::0.927800 0.820000:::0.935200 0.830000:::0.942200 0.840000:::0.948800 0.850000:::0.955000 0.860000:::0.960800 0.870000:::0.966200 0.880000:::0.971200 0.890000:::0.975800 0.900000:::0.980000 0.910000:::0.983800 0.920000:::0.987200 0.930000:::0.990200 0.940000:::0.992800 0.950000:::0.995000 0.960000:::0.996800 0.970000:::0.998200 0.980000:::0.999200 0.990000:::0.999800
没办法,只能近似了,自己编了一个急动度与距离的表达式:s = a*t*t*t/8
//blind add by gaoyuan -_-!! double GY_testdong(double timeRatio) { double distanceRatio = timeRatio; //s = a*t*t*t/8 前一半 a = 8*s/t*t*t double ac = 8 * 0.5 / (0.5*0.5*0.5); // if (timeRatio < 0.5) { distanceRatio = ac*timeRatio*timeRatio*timeRatio / 8.0; } else { double ftp = 1.0 - timeRatio; distanceRatio = ac*ftp*ftp*ftp / 8.0; distanceRatio = 1.0 - distanceRatio; } return distanceRatio; }
0.000000:::0.000000 0.010000:::0.000004 0.020000:::0.000032 0.030000:::0.000108 0.040000:::0.000256 0.050000:::0.000500 0.060000:::0.000864 0.070000:::0.001372 0.080000:::0.002048 0.090000:::0.002916 0.100000:::0.004000 0.110000:::0.005324 0.120000:::0.006912 0.130000:::0.008788 0.140000:::0.010976 0.150000:::0.013500 0.160000:::0.016384 0.170000:::0.019652 0.180000:::0.023328 0.190000:::0.027436 0.200000:::0.032000 0.210000:::0.037044 0.220000:::0.042592 0.230000:::0.048668 0.240000:::0.055296 0.250000:::0.062500 0.260000:::0.070304 0.270000:::0.078732 0.280000:::0.087808 0.290000:::0.097556 0.300000:::0.108000 0.310000:::0.119164 0.320000:::0.131072 0.330000:::0.143748 0.340000:::0.157216 0.350000:::0.171500 0.360000:::0.186624 0.370000:::0.202612 0.380000:::0.219488 0.390000:::0.237276 0.400000:::0.256000 0.410000:::0.275684 0.420000:::0.296352 0.430000:::0.318028 0.440000:::0.340736 0.450000:::0.364500 0.460000:::0.389344 0.470000:::0.415292 0.480000:::0.442368 0.490000:::0.470596 0.500000:::0.500000 0.510000:::0.529404 0.520000:::0.557632 0.530000:::0.584708 0.540000:::0.610656 0.550000:::0.635500 0.560000:::0.659264 0.570000:::0.681972 0.580000:::0.703648 0.590000:::0.724316 0.600000:::0.744000 0.610000:::0.762724 0.620000:::0.780512 0.630000:::0.797388 0.640000:::0.813376 0.650000:::0.828500 0.660000:::0.842784 0.670000:::0.856252 0.680000:::0.868928 0.690000:::0.880836 0.700000:::0.892000 0.710000:::0.902444 0.720000:::0.912192 0.730000:::0.921268 0.740000:::0.929696 0.750000:::0.937500 0.760000:::0.944704 0.770000:::0.951332 0.780000:::0.957408 0.790000:::0.962956 0.800000:::0.968000 0.810000:::0.972564 0.820000:::0.976672 0.830000:::0.980348 0.840000:::0.983616 0.850000:::0.986500 0.860000:::0.989024 0.870000:::0.991212 0.880000:::0.993088 0.890000:::0.994676 0.900000:::0.996000 0.910000:::0.997084 0.920000:::0.997952 0.930000:::0.998628 0.940000:::0.999136 0.950000:::0.999500 0.960000:::0.999744 0.970000:::0.999892 0.980000:::0.999968 0.990000:::0.999996
时间基数 原路程基数 新二阶基数 新三阶基数 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.02 0.001184 0.000800 0.000032 0.04 0.004672 0.003200 0.000256 0.06 0.010368 0.007200 0.000864 0.08 0.018176 0.012800 0.002048 0.10 0.028000 0.02 0.004000 0.12 0.039744 0.028800 0.006912 0.14 0.053312 0.039200 0.010976 0.16 0.068608 0.051200 0.016384 0.18 0.085536 0.064800 0.023328 0.20 0.104000 0.08 0.032000 0.22 0.123904 0.096800 0.042592 0.24 0.145152 0.115200 0.055296 0.26 0.167648 0.135200 0.070304 0.28 0.191296 0.156800 0.087808 0.30 0.216000 0.18 0.108000 0.32 0.241664 0.204800 0.131072 0.34 0.268192 0.231200 0.157216 0.36 0.295488 0.259200 0.186624 0.38 0.323456 0.288800 0.219488 0.40 0.352000 0.32 0.256000 0.42 0.381024 0.352800 0.296352 0.44 0.410432 0.387200 0.340736 0.46 0.440128 0.423200 0.389344 0.48 0.470016 0.460800 0.442368 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.529984 0.539200 0.557632 0.54 0.559872 0.576800 0.610656 0.56 0.589568 0.612800 0.659264 0.58 0.618976 0.647200 0.703648 0.60 0.648000 0.68 0.744000 0.62 0.676544 0.711200 0.780512 0.64 0.704512 0.740800 0.813376 0.66 0.731808 0.768800 0.842784 0.68 0.758336 0.795200 0.868928 0.70 0.784000 0.82 0.892000 0.72 0.808704 0.843200 0.912192 0.74 0.832352 0.864800 0.929696 0.76 0.854848 0.884800 0.944704 0.78 0.876096 0.903200 0.957408 0.80 0.896000 0.92 0.968000 0.82 0.914464 0.935200 0.976672 0.84 0.931392 0.948800 0.983616 0.86 0.946688 0.960800 0.989024 0.88 0.960256 0.971200 0.993088 0.90 0.972000 0.98 0.996000 0.92 0.981824 0.987200 0.997952 0.94 0.989632 0.992800 0.999136 0.96 0.995328 0.996800 0.999744 0.98 0.998816 0.999200 0.999968 1 1 1 1
double GY_SharpMotionAddTail(double timeRatio, double pathLength = 100000.0)
timeRatio *= 2.0;
double pathRatio = pathLength / 10000.0;
pathRatio = std::max(1.0, pathRatio);
double ratio = 0.1 / pathRatio;
double distanceRatio = timeRatio;
//s = a*t*t*t/8 前一半 a = 8*s/t*t*t
double ac = 8 * 0.5 / (0.5*0.5*0.5);
if (timeRatio < 0.5)
distanceRatio = ac*timeRatio*timeRatio*timeRatio / 8.0;
//distanceRatio *= (1.0 - ratio);
else if(timeRatio < 1.0)
double ftp = 1.0 - timeRatio;
ftp *= 0.8;//0~0.4
ftp += 0.1;//0.1~0.5
distanceRatio = ac*ftp*ftp*ftp / 8.0;//0~x~0.5 x=0.1*0.1*0.1*a/8.0 x=0.004 //0.004~0.5
distanceRatio = 1 - distanceRatio;//0.5~0.996
distanceRatio -= 0.5;//0~0.496
distanceRatio *= (0.5 - ratio) / 0.496;//0~0.5-ratio
distanceRatio = 0.5 + distanceRatio;//0.5~1-ratio
else if (timeRatio <= 2)
timeRatio = 2.0 - timeRatio;
distanceRatio = 1 - ratio*timeRatio*timeRatio;
return distanceRatio;