Did you still publicize the efficacy of skin whitening or care?
Did you have think about why the cosmetic corporation need a spokesmen? Why some exercises of spokesmen got success and some of them lost? Brand's tag, design of store and packaging, where is the masterstroke? The point to answer these question is ,do you only care safety and function, or you can catch the key of the success.
What is cosmetic industry's inbeing?
We will take the Korean famous corporation MISSHA as example.

MISSHA is one brand of a Korean corporation, Able C&C. From build a website to sale in 2000 to retail sales in 2002.Gradually MISSHA has become an ideal brand in female consumers consider to buy.
Since founded in 2002, MISSHA sales rose in a straight line. In 2003,the previous year increased by four million U.S. dollars to 14 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 250%.In 2004,the company got a 1.18 hundred million dollars lever, an increase of 743%,this growth rate much higher than the Asian markets 8% average growth rate.
The world saleroom of Skin care market has beyond 1600 hundred million dollars; Chinese market ranked second in Asia got a 25% growth in three years. On another hand, Loreal, the leader of skin care market, its global share is only 15%.There is an ample room for development.
Why a rising Korean company MISSHA got a septuple increase in the dog-eat-dog market?
What the MISSHA had done? It successfully grasp the nature of the industry top: "Brand Resonance".
Brand Resonance and spokesmen, what the relationship is between them?
The top of Nature of the industry
Let’s talk about other things, Perhaps we can find the answer from them.
There are some natures rules.We called them Natures of the industry, include three aspects:
The first bank of Nature of the industry: Safety
The second bank of Nature of the industry: Function of produces
The third bank of Nature of the industry: Brand Resonance
And spokesmen is a very important part of Brand Resonance.
From the IMC theory's point of view, what the spokesmen represent is not the company or the product, but the consumers of the targeted market.
With the development of the spokesmen, whose future may be devaluated or yield a negative impact overnight, the company may be limited to expand.
Then, how a burgeoning company in this industry can do?
to be continued