最近因为项目测试,开始使用Amazon Web Service(简称AWS)。AWS最近推出了一年免费使用的套餐:

Free Tier*

As part of, new AWS customers can get started with Amazon EC2 for free. Upon sign-up, new AWS customers receive the following EC2 services each month for one year:

  • 750 hours of EC2 running Linux/Unix Micro instance usage

  • 750 hours of Elastic Load Balancing plus 15 GB data processing

  • 10 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) plus 1 million IOs and 1 GB snapshot storage

  • 15 GB of bandwidth out aggregated across all AWS services

  • 1 GB of Regional Data Transfer


  1. 提供的Linux Instance Usage是Micro类型,否则会产生费用。

  2. Amazon Elastic Block Storage(简称EBS)为10G,Ubuntu的官方AMI中EBS为15G,若使用这个,则会产生费用。
