Exps on March 24th


Would you like to ... ?
I'd love to. With pleasure.(长辈上司) All right.(朋友)
I'd love to, but I'm tight up(脱不开身) / but I have no time / but I'm busy now.
Come on. Sorry I really can't. What a pity. Maybe next time.
Which do you want, tea or coffee? Jasmine tea, please. I prefer tee. All the same to me.


Do you care for sth. ?
I like sth. 喜欢
I like sth. a lot. 很喜欢
I love sth. 特别喜欢
I dislike sth. 不喜欢
I hate sth. 特别不喜欢


Excuse me, I'd like to make a complaint.
I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint.


我不想出去,宁愿呆在家里。I'd rather stay at home, instead of going out.
如果可以的话,我想同贵公司的总裁谈话。If it's convenient, I'd rather have a talk with the president of the company.
可以打搅一下吗。Sorry to disturbing you. Sorry to bother you. 
如果可以的话,请您将您的帽子摘下来。I'd appreciate it if you could take off your hat.
请各位在演出期间关闭各位的手机。I'd appreciate it if you could turn off your mobilephone during the show.
对不起,不过我想这儿不能吸烟。Sorry, I don't think smoking is allowed here. That's OK, thanks.
对不起打扰一下,请问附近有邮局吗?Excure me. I'm sorry to bother you. Could you possibly tell me if there is a post office nearby?
你不来点冰淇淋么?抱歉不用了,我在节食。Wouldn't you like some ice cream? Sorry, I'd rather not. I'm on a diet.


A:Would you like me to help you move that desk?
B:No, thanks. I can do it myself.
A:Oh,come on!Let me give you a hand. There's no sense in your moving it yourself if I'm here to help.
B:It's very kind of you. But...
A:Look! I insist! You're not moving that desk by yourself.
B:Well,okay. But I really don't want to trouble you.
A:No trouble at all! Honestly! I'd love to help.

A:Excuse me. Could you help me for a minute?
B:Sure. What is it?
A:Could you tell me how to transfer a call?
B:Sure. Press the red button.  Then dial another office and hang up.
A:I see. First, I press the red button. Then, I dial the other office and hang up. Right?
A:Thank you.

A:Can I help you?
B:Yes,I'd like a steak.
A:How would you like it?
A:Okay. And would you prefer a baked potato or rice with that?
B:I'd like a baked patato.
A:Anything to drink?
B:And then just a cup of coffee.
A:Okay. That's a medium raresteak with a baked potato and a cup of coffee.

A:Can I help you take out the garbage?
B:No. That's okay. I can do it myself.
A:Please. Let me help you.
B:All right, if you don't mind.
A:No,not at all.
B:Thank you so much.


A: Hello, Paul. Do you feel better(你好些了吗)?
B: Oh, not too bad.
A: I bring you some chocolates.
B: Oh ... um... the doctor said I couldn't eat anything sweet.
A: Oh, sorry, I didn't think of that(我没想到).
B: It doesn't matter. You didn't know.


Tim:Tony has just brought us some refreshments.
Tony:Yes, there is plenty for everyone. Are you hungry?
David:We are always hungry.
Tony:Let's see. . . you take cream in your coffe,Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Just sugar. Thank you.
Tony:What would you like, Tim?
Tim: Black coffee will be fine and one of those sandwiches. They look good!
Tony:What about you,Allen? You like hot chocolate or a glass of milk?
Allen:I'd like chocolate and one of those ice cream bars.
David:A Tab for me. I can drink milk at home. And some cookies would be fine. Thanks.
Tony:David, do you want some pizzas?
David:No,thanks. We just had lunch.
Tony:Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Thank you,no. This is just good.


A: Hello, John! Come in.
B: Thank you. I've brought your book back, Mary.
A: Oh, thank you. Just put it on the table, will you?
B: Look, Mary, I'm sorry.
A: Oh?
B: Yes, I spilt some coffee on it, I'm afraid. I'm really sorry. It was terribly careless of me.
A: Oh my gosh! You seem to have spilt a whole pot of coffee on it. Oh well, these things happen.
B: I'll get you another copy.
A: Oh, no...
B: But it does matter.
A: No, no, forget it. It's not important. I've read it anyway.
B: Well, if you are sure ...
A: Of course I am. Now let me get you some tea.






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