马婕 2014MBA专硕考试 报刊选读 3 禽流感考验政府的透明度(转)


Bird flu cases test government transparency


According to China's health authorities, two Shanghai men have died from H7N9 bird flu and one woman from Anhui Province and another four from Jiangsu Province have also been confirmed to beinfected with the disease. As this year is the 10th anniversary of the SARS epidemic, people'sattention and vigilance are concentrated on this lesser-known type of bird flu. The public health crisis of a decade ago became a turning point in many aspects, such as China's disease control and government information disclosure mechanism. China has learned a lesson from the great losses it suffered from that crisis.



case  病例,案例

transfer sb. to another position                                               调动

~ the luggage to another car                                            转移

transmit disease/signal   --------------------------transmission               传播,传送

transact business over phone   ------------------------------------transaction          交易

Transport the goods---------------------------------------------------transportation   交通

Transform the house into an office/our daily life   改变

Transplant the kidney from one twin to another

Transparent transaction 透明的交易----transparency 透明度

Author  作者,创造者

authority 1 当局,官方

This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections...


2 权威,威信

He had no natural authority and no capacity for imposing his will on others.


conform (to) to the demand of society                                         符合

~ to the interest of students                                          迎合

confirm the news/ guess/ suspicion                                      确证,证实

affirm one's loyalty to one's country                                           断言

reform the society                                                         改革

~ the criminal           

Resist the infectious/contagious disease   Bird flu/swine flu/SARS/super-virus

抵制传染性疾病  禽流感、猪流感、超级病毒

Close ----disclose 揭露,公开 n  disclosure

Neither side would disclose the details of transaction.双方都不肯公开交易细节

The company disclosed that he would retire in June. 公司透露他将在六月退休

Defense mechanism  防御机制

It would have been unbelievable 10 years ago for the government to take the initiative to publish the facts about the epidemic. The government tried to hide the true extent of the SARSoutbreak until the situation could not have been worse. After the outbreak, local governments began reforms on information disclosure and the central government introduced Open Government Information Regulations. Such achievements have been made with great difficulties.



Take the initiative  主动,采取行动,倡导

Eg You take the initiative to go to act as a teacher passing on knowledge.


Epidemic 流行病,传播很快  The bird flu epidemic is sweeping through China.

Break out 爆发----outbreak n 爆发

Set out 出发,启程-----outset 开端

Look out -----outlook 前景

Come out 说出,讲出 ----outcome  结果

Information disclosure 信息披露

But reforms on governmental information disclosure are far from complete. In the past decade, China suffered from various losses due to a lack of transparency of information and witnessedmany crises. The Internet has played a larger role in promoting information disclosure. The government has acknowledged the public's right to know, but meanwhile, it is still in a passiveposition in making information public. The past model in which reforms are undertaken from top to bottom has come to an end. China's future reforms need efforts from all walks of life. Looking back, we can see the government came under public scrutiny for being opaque. The public's criticism of the government has pushed a transparent system forward.



Far from  远远不是,远非,差得远,完全不

Magritte is far from unique. Magritte 完全不是个独特的人。

It is far from a smooth process. 这一过程远非一帆风顺。

Vary 因.而不同  Peoples views vary from person to person 人们的观点各不相同。

Various 各种各样的----- a variety of

Eg People change their mind for a variety of reasons. 人们因为各种原因改变想法

Be due to 由于 Due to his carelessness, he failed the exam。由于粗心,考试没有通过。

Lackn/vt  缺乏,缺少Despite his lack of experience, he got the job as a manager.


Witness 目击者,见证eg Anyone who witness the attack can call the police

Evidence 证据

Promote 1 推动,促进You don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economy.


2 Promote sales 促销

3 Promote 升职 We pursue a master’s degree in order to get a quick promotion and a pay rise


Acknowledge1 承认 He is acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper.


2 致谢-----acknowledgement 鸣谢,致谢

He acknowledged the applause with a small bow.他微微鞠躬表示感谢

Passive 被动的active 主动的

Positive 积极的  negative 消极的

Come to a halt 停止  come to an end 结束

Critic 评论家 

Criticize 批评,指责 Don’t criticize the performance of the athletes and the coaches.


Criticism 批评,Her impoliteness attracted a great deal of criticism

Critical 批判的

Eg  His attitude towards the policy adopted by the American government is critical.

2 危险的  危急的eg Ten of the injured are said to be critical.十名伤者情况危急

3 关键的 The incident happened at a critical point of the campaign.

Under scrutiny 受到审查

Eg More than a dozen banks and brokerage firms remain under scrutiny.


But we shouldn't say the current government is not doing its job. Public opinion presses the government, and that's how democracy emerges. Improvements by the country can hardlycatch up with the demands of the public, despite the country's efforts. Whether China can achieve harmonyin terms of its politics depends on what consensus society reaches on the quality ofinteraction between the government and the public. While the government has the determination for reforms, the public's calls are much louder. China can hardly achieve a universal consensus nowadays, but it should be able to see achievements in its reforms and ensure national unity.



Currentn 趋势,水流,电流 The Mexican Current 墨西哥暖流

      Adj 目前的 最近的  current fashion 流行时尚

Press----pressure  under great pressure 处于压力下

Democracyn 民主   democratic 民主的

Eg My father always believed in freedom and democracy.


Emerge 出现,浮现,兴起  emerging economies 新兴经济体

Vietnam has emerged as the world's third-biggest rice exporter...越南已跃居世界第三大稻米出口国。

Harmony 和谐---harmonious adj 和谐的

Human beings should live in harmony with the nature.人类和自然和谐相处

Consensus 共识consent n/vi 同意

Universe 宇宙----universal  普遍的 全体的,通用的

Love is a universal topic in our life.





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