20160114physical reads direct path reads

[20160114]physical reads和direct path reads.txt


--log file sync单次8354毫秒.


Segments by Physical Reads

    Total Physical Reads: 5,752,157
    Captured Segments account for 94.1% of Total

Owner        Tablespace Name    Object Name        Subobject Name   Obj. Type   Physical Reads        %Total
PHARMACY     TSP_PHARMACY       DRUG_DISPENSE_REC                   TABLE            4,233,164        73.59
OUTPBILL     TSP_OUTPBILL       INVOICE_INFO                        TABLE              763,679        13.28
OUTPBILL     TSP_OUTPBILL       OUTP_BILL_ITEMS                     TABLE              371,704         6.46
OUTPDOCT     TSP_OUTPADM        OUTP_PRESC                          TABLE               18,007         0.31
INPBILL      TSP_INPBILL        INP_BILL_DETAIL                     TABLE                8,609         0.15

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Segments by Direct Physical Reads

    Total Direct Physical Reads: 5,599,810
    Captured Segments account for 95.8% of Total

Owner        Tablespace Name    Object Name        Subobject Name   Obj. Type   Direct Reads        %Total
PHARMACY     TSP_PHARMACY       DRUG_DISPENSE_REC                   TABLE          4,231,626        75.57
OUTPBILL     TSP_OUTPBILL       INVOICE_INFO                        TABLE            763,584        13.64
OUTPBILL     TSP_OUTPBILL       OUTP_BILL_ITEMS                     TABLE            371,366        6.63

Direct Physical Reads =4,231,626
Physical Reads = 4,233,164
-- 4233164-4231626=1538 ,真正的物理读仅仅1538.

两者基本相等.我认为Direct Physical Reads算作Physical Reads的一部分.还是测试看看.

SCOTT@book> @ &r/ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SYS@book> @ &r/hide  _small_table_threshold
old  10:  and lower(a.ksppinm) like lower('%&1%')
new  10:  and lower(a.ksppinm) like lower('%_small_table_threshold%')

NAME                     DESCRIPTION                                          DEFAULT_VALUE SESSION_VALUE SYSTEM_VALUE
------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------
_small_table_threshold   lower threshold level of table size for direct reads TRUE          872           872

$ cat sess.sql
set verify off
column name format a40
SELECT b.NAME, a.statistic#, a.VALUE,a.sid
  FROM v$mystat a, v$statname b
WHERE lower(b.NAME) in ('consistent gets direct','physical reads direct','table scans (direct read)',
'cleanouts only - consistent read gets',
'session logical reads',
'physical reads',
'redo size'
) AND a.statistic# = b.statistic#  order by name ;


SCOTT@book> @ &r/sess

NAME                                     STATISTIC#      VALUE        SID
---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
cleanouts only - consistent read gets           328          0        232
consistent gets direct                           92          0        232
physical reads                                   94          0        232
physical reads direct                            97          0        232
redo size                                       194        772        232
session logical reads                            14         46        232
table scans (direct read)                       413          0        232

7 rows selected.

SCOTT@book> select /*+full(a) */ count(*) from sh.sales a;

SCOTT@book> @ &r/sess
NAME                                     STATISTIC#      VALUE        SID
---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
cleanouts only - consistent read gets           328          0        232
consistent gets direct                           92       1619        232
physical reads                                   94       1619        232
physical reads direct                            97       1619        232
redo size                                       194        772        232
session logical reads                            14       1681        232
table scans (direct read)                       413         16        232
7 rows selected.

--可以发现physical reads direct,physical reads 接近.说明physical reads direct是直接路径读的一部分.

SCOTT@book>  exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot();

--执行 select /*+full(a) */ count(*) from sh.sales a; 多次..

SCOTT@book> exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot();
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Segments by Logical Reads                  DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> Total Logical Reads:          89,525
-> Captured Segments account for   98.8% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.       Logical       
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type         Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q4_2001 TABLE        5,712    6.38
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1999 TABLE        5,152    5.75
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_1999 TABLE        5,152    5.75
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_2001 TABLE        5,152    5.75
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2000 TABLE        5,056    5.65

Segments by Physical Reads                  DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> Total Physical Reads:          74,514
-> Captured Segments account for  100.0% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.      Physical       
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type         Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q4_2001 TABLE        5,704    7.65
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_2001 TABLE        5,244    7.04
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1999 TABLE        5,106    6.85
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_1999 TABLE        5,060    6.79
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2000 TABLE        5,014    6.73

Segments by Physical Read Requests          DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> Total Physical Read Requests:             776
-> Captured Segments account for   97.4% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.     Phys Read       
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type      Requests  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1998 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1999 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2000 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2001 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q2_1998 TABLE           46    5.93

Segments by UnOptimized Reads               DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> Total UnOptimized Read Requests:             776
-> Captured Segments account for   97.4% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.   UnOptimized       
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type         Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1998 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1999 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2000 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2001 TABLE           46    5.93
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q2_1998 TABLE           46    5.93

Segments by Optimized Reads                 DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837

                  No data exists for this section of the report.

Segments by Direct Physical Reads           DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> Total Direct Physical Reads:          74,476
-> Captured Segments account for  100.0% of Total

           Tablespace                      Subobject  Obj.        Direct       
Owner         Name    Object Name            Name     Type         Reads  %Total
---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q4_2001 TABLE        5,704    7.66
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_2001 TABLE        5,244    7.04
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_1999 TABLE        5,106    6.86
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q3_1999 TABLE        5,060    6.79
SH         EXAMPLE    SALES                ES_Q1_2000 TABLE        5,014    6.73

--可以发现Direct Physical Reads算做Physical Reads的一部分,Physical Reads算作Logical Reads的一部分.

File IO Stats

    ordered by Tablespace, File

Tablespace Filename                          Reads  Av Rds/s  Av Rd(ms) Av Blks/Rd 1-bk Rds/s Av 1-bk Rd(ms) Writes Writes avg/s Buffer Waits Av Buf Wt(ms)
EXAMPLE    /mnt/ramdisk/book/example01.dbf   736          16  0.00      101.19             0                     0            0             0 0.00
SYSAUX     /mnt/ramdisk/book/sysaux01.dbf     30           1  0.00        1.00             1           0.00      3            0             0 0.00
SYSTEM     /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf     15           0  0.00        1.00             0           0.00      0            0             0 0.00

--我的测试次数不是太多,可以发现file Io  STAT 的读 仅仅 736 .Tablespace IO Stats也出现类似的情况,这样非常具有迷惑性,感觉
--读很少,实际上系统存在大量的直接路径读,如果仔细看IOStat by Function/Filetype summary就可以发现:

IOStat by Function summary                  DB/Inst: BOOK/book  Snaps: 836-837
-> 'Data' columns suffixed with M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1024
    other columns suffixed with K,M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1000
-> ordered by (Data Read + Write) desc

                Reads:   Reqs   Data    Writes:  Reqs   Data    Waits:    Avg 
Function Name   Data    per sec per sec Data    per sec per sec Count    Tm(ms)
--------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Direct Reads       582M    16.0 12.638M      0M     0.0      0M     736     0.0
LGWR                 0M     0.0      0M      2M     0.6   .043M      56     0.0
Others               2M     3.3   .043M      0M     0.7      0M     183     0.0
Buffer Cache Re      0M     0.8      0M      0M     0.0      0M      37     0.0
Direct Writes        0M     0.0      0M      0M     0.1      0M       3     0.0
TOTAL:             584M    20.1 12.681M      2M     1.3   .043M    1015     0.0





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