matlab graphics版本太低,matlab版本问题

Version 7.6, part of R2008a, offers a broad range of

improvements in the following areas, including a major update to

object-oriented programming capabilities.

Language and Programming

Major enhancements to object-oriented programming capabilities

allowing easier development and maintenance of large applications

and data structures. Many new features, including:

New classdef keyword enabling you to

define properties, methods, and events in a class definition


New handle class with reference behavior, aiding the creation

of data structures such as linked lists

Events and listeners allowing the monitoring of object property

changes and actions

JIT/Accelerator support providing significantly improved object

performance over previous releases

Several enhancements to the development environment to support

developing and using classes including improved support for objects

in the variable editor and M-lint warnings specific to classes

Ability to manage namespace by placing classes and functions in


New clearvars function for clearing

or keeping specified variables

New onCleanup function to specify

any cleanup tasks that need to be performed by MATLAB when a

function completes

Development Environment

Ability to customize and rearrange the MATLAB Desktop and

Editor toolbars

Expanded code-folding support in the Editor, providing the

ability to collapse cells and language constructs (including

for, if,

switch, and more)

Enhanced inspection of structures and objects with the Variable

Editor, previously known as the Array Editor

File comparison tool expanded to allow comparison of

directories, MAT-files and binary files

Several enhancements to automatic M-file publishing, including

support for functions and the ability to define configurations on a

per-file basis

M-Lint code checker support for Embedded MATLAB™ features


Ability to insert custom FFTW and LAPACK libraries

New algorithms for ldl, logm, and funm based on

recent numerical methods Research

Graphics and GUI Building

Ability to link plots to workspace variables, synchronizing

displays of changing data

Support for "brushing" (interactively selecting) data in plots

for analysis and manipulation

Brushed variables in one plot also will highlight in other

plots linked to the same workspace data

New control uitable, accessible from

GUIDE, enabling the display and editing of tabular information in

graphical user interfaces

File I/O and External Interfacing

MEX support for Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008, OpenWATCOM 1.7,

and Intel® FORTRAN 10.1 software

mmreader multimedia reader expanded

to support QuickTime video on the Apple® Macintosh® platform

(previously released on Microsoft® Windows® platforms)

Performance and Large Data Set Handling

New memory function providing memory

information such as largest block available, providing diagnostics

of memory problems on Windows platforms

JIT/Accelerator support enhanced to statements executed at the

MATLAB command line and in cell mode in the editor, providing

improved performance in these environments

Automatic multithreaded computation providing improved

performance of supported functions on computers with multiple


Significant speed improvement in multiplication of sparse


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Version 7.5

Released: 01 Sep 2007

Version 7.5, part of Release 2007b, includes the following


Performance and Large Data Set Handling

MATLAB arrays no longer limited to 231 (~2

x109) elements, allowing many numeric and low-level file

I/O functions to support real double arrays greater than 16 GB on

64-bit platforms

New function maxNumCompThreads

enabling use of get and set for the maximum number of computational


Upgraded Linear Algebra Package library (LAPACK 3.1) on all

platforms, plus upgraded optimized Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram

libraries (BLAS) on AMD processors (AMCL 3.6)

Development Environment

Code folding in the Editor, allowing easier viewing and

navigation of large MATLAB files with many functions

Ability to run functions directly from the Editor by

configuring a set of arguments for an M-file

Quick access to function help from the command line or in the


Language and Programming

New MException class and new

try-catch syntax, allowing more robust catching and handling of



Sparse matrix support added to the ldl function and backslash operator (\), allowing

factorization and solving of real symmetric sparse matrices

New quadgk function, allowing

numerical integration using Gauss-Kronrod quadrature and supporting

integration over infinite limits

New bvp5c function for solving

boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, more

efficient for small error tolerances

File I/O and External Interfacing

New mmreader multimedia reader

object on Windows platforms supporting formats such as AVI, MPEG,

and WMV, and additional codecs

Graphics and GUI Building

Toolbar editor in GUIDE to interactively design toolbars for

graphical user interfaces

Embedded MATLAB™

Note Generating compiled MEX-files from

Embedded MATLAB™ functions requires Simulink® or Fixed-Point

Toolbox. Generating C code requires Simulink and Real-Time

Workshop®, and generating HDL code requires Simulink and Simulink®

HDL Coder. Embedded MATLAB is also supported by Stateflow® and


Support for algorithms that span multiple M-files, improving

algorithm reuse and maintenance

Support for calling external C functions

Data type override, facilitating fixed-point design and

enabling a single source for fixed- and floating-point code


Expanded Embedded MATLAB runtime library with 13 new functions,

including fixed-point bitwise operators such as bitsliceget, bitconcat,

and bitandreduce

Version 7.4

Released: 01 Mar 2007

Version 7.4, part of Release 2007a, includes the following


Development Environment

Enhanced delimiter matching in the Editor includes language

constructs such as for, if, and switch

Ability to automatically fix a subset of M-Lint warning

messages in the Editor

Desktop tool management enhancements on Windows and Linux

platforms, including the ability to maximize and hide tools

Support for undo and redo in the Array Editor for instant

correction of interactive operations

Ability to publish M-code functions when not evaluating


Ability to open MATLAB files from the Windows Explorer into an

already running MATLAB

Help browser search results now include demos

Language and Programming

New inputParser class, making it

easier to parse and validate M-file function input arguments

New assert function that throws an

error if a condition is not true, enabling built-in testing of


New verLessThan function that checks

the version of MATLAB, making it easier to write code that runs

across multiple releases

Numbered arguments to formatted string functions (e.g.,

sprintf), avoiding the need for

parameter reordering in applications such as translation


New bsxfun function, enabling

simpler coding and improved performance for binary operations

requiring singleton expansion

New ilu function for performing

incomplete LU factorization to be used as a preconditioner for

sparse iterative methods

File I/O and External Interfacing

New CollectOutput option for the

textscan function to automatically

collect values of the same data type into a single array

Ability to programmatically connect to an instance of a COM

Automation server, to create an Automation server using a custom

interface, and to take full advantage of event interfaces

Performance and Large Data Set Handling

Multithreaded computation support for many linear algebra and

element-wise numeric operations, allowing performance improvement

on multicore and multiprocessor systems

Upgraded versions of optimized Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram

(BLAS) libraries on all platforms

Improved performance of the Windows XP 64-bit platform

64-bit MATLAB support for Solaris, allowing the handling of

much larger data sets

Version 7.3

Released: 01 Sep 2006

Version 7.3, part of Release 2006b, includes the following


Development Environment

M-Lint code checker improvements, including ability to disable

classes of warnings, support in Simulink Embedded MATLAB Editor,

support for MATLAB Compiler messages, and display of messages in


New file comparison tool for easier assessment of differences

between any two M-files

Enhancements to debugging functions, including an option to

save breakpoints that can be restored in a future session

Improved inspection of workspace variables with new statistical

columns in the Workspace Browser and the ability to view time

series objects in the Array Editor

M-code generation from Import Wizard, for programmatic access

to interactively imported files

New look and feel on Linux and Solaris platforms

Help browser support for exact-phrase and wildcard



New ldl function for full

factorization and solving for Hermitian matrices

New permutation vector option for lu, luinc, and

ldl functions

Upper and lower triangular factor options for chol and ldl for improved

performance and memory efficiency


Interactive page layout and print preview allowing

customization of plots and page position before printing

Support for mouse scroll wheel in figure Zoom Tool

File I/O

New functions giving access to more than 200 routines in the

HDF5 C API library, supporting reading and writing of complex data

types, HDF5 data subsetting capabilities, and other HDF5


Large Data Set Handling and Performance

Elimination of temporary memory copies when calling M-file

functions and some built-in functions in-place (i.e., x =

myfunction(x)) for easier handling of large data sets and improve


Ability to read and write MAT-files greater than 2 GB on 64-bit

platforms via new switches to the save function

Ability to view larger arrays in Array Editor

Full JIT/Accelerator support for 64-bit platforms, allowing

faster code execution

Version 7.2

Released: 01 Mar 2006

Version 7.2, part of Release 2006a, includes existing feature

enhancements and the following new features:

Platform Support

Support for Windows XP 64-bit edition, enabling Windows users

to handle much larger data sets

Development Environment

Integration of the M-Lint code analyzer with the MATLAB Editor,

providing continuous code checking and recommendations for

improving performance and maintainability

New editing features in the MATLAB Editor, including the

ability to perform tab completion with function names and to

navigate back to previous points in an M-file


New regular expression features, including evaluation of MATLAB

expressions to perform dynamic matching or replacing of text


New ddesd function, enabling you to

solve initial value problems for delay differential equations with

variable delays

Upgraded optimized Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram (BLAS)

libraries for Intel processors on Windows and Linux platforms (MKL

8.0.1) and AMD processors on Linux platforms (ACML 2.7)

Improved performance of sparse Cholesky factorization and

mldivide (\), etree, and symbfact

functions with use of CHOLMOD 1.0 routines.

Version 7.1

Released: 01 Sep 2005

Version 7.1, part of Release 14 with Service Pack 3, includes

new time series analysis tools, enhanced Macintosh platform support

and several new programming features.

New Time Series Analysis Tools

New time series object enabling convenient representation,

analysis, and visualization of data that varies as a function of

time, such as simulation, test, or measurement data

New graphical user interface, tstool, enabling interactive visualization, editing,

and analysis of time series data

Enhanced Macintosh support

Significantly increased speed of scalar and for loop operations, with JIT/Accelerator technology

support on the Macintosh platform

New plotting interface for interactively creating and editing

plots without entering M-code accessible from the figure window


Support for docking and tiling of figures in the desktop

New Programming Features

New split screen mode in the editor/debugger, providing two

views of the same text file, for comparing or working on different

parts of the file simultaneously

New function structfun, enabling you

to apply any function to all fields of a scalar structure, and

arrayfun, enabling you to apply any

function to all elements of an array,

including structures

New function swapbytes, enabling you

to change the byte ordering of numerical values, and typecast, enabling you to convert data types without

changing the underlying data

Version 7.0.4

Released: 07 Mar 2005

Version 7.0.4 focuses on increased stability and reliability by

providing a number of bug fixes to version 7.0, a major new release

of MATLAB. Version 7.0.4 also includes a number of enhancements to

existing functionality plus the following new features:

New memory mapping function to map a data file on disk into the

memory of MATLAB, allowing fast random access of large binary


New functions to compress and uncompress files in gzip and tar


Optimized Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram (BLAS) libraries

(supplied by processor vendors) for 64-bit Linux and Mac platforms,

enabling faster execution of basic linear algebra operations

For additional details on MATLAB version 7.0.4, part of

MathWorks Release 14 with Service Pack 2, see the Release Notes.

Version 7.0.1

Released: 22 Sep 2004

Version 7.0.1 includes a number of bugs fixes to version 7.0,

which was a major new release of MATLAB with many new features. See

below for details.

This release also provides a 64-bit version of MATLAB for Linux

platforms based on AMD64 and Intel EM64T processors.

Version 7

Released: 02 Jun 2004

MATLAB 7 includes major new programming and code efficiency

features, such as integer and single-precision arithmetic, nested

and anonymous functions, conditional breakpoints, cell execution in

the Editor, and M-Lint code checking. It also includes major new

plotting and visualization features such as interactive plot

creation tools with M-code generation. New features include:

Development Environment

Redesigned desktop, providing easier management of multiple

documents, docked figures, the ability to save custom layouts, and

shortcuts to commonly used commands

Enhanced Array Editor and Workspace Browser for easier viewing,

editing, and graphing of your variables

Directory Reports, letting you scan your M-files for

efficiency, dependencies, and code coverage

M-Lint Code Checker that recommends code modifications to

maximize performance and maintainability

Ability to execute individual sections of M-code in the


Automatic publishing of your M-code to an HTML, Word, or LaTex



Ability to create nested functions, providing an easier way to

define and call customized functions

Anonymous functions for defining single-line functions at the

command line or in scripts

Ability to call function handles using standard calling syntax

rather than feval

Conditional break points, letting you stop when any expression

is true

Block comment markers to comment-out an entire section of


Version 6.5.1

Released: 22 Sep 2003





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