
Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway, best exemplified by the ubiquitous Internet. Already, millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem and an address on the `Net', in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost anyone who pays a phone bill. In fact, since the computer connections are made via the phone line, the Internet can be envisaged as a network of visual telephone links. It remains to seen in which direction the Information Superhighway is headed, but many believeit is the educational hope of the future.

The World Wide Web, an enormous collection of Internet addresses or sites, all of which can be accessed for information, has been mainly responsible for the increase in interest in the Internet in the 1990s. Before the World Wide Web, the `Net' was comparable to an integrated collection of computerized typewriters, but the introduction of the `Web' in 1990 allowed not only text links to be made but also graphs, images and even video.

A Web site consists of a `home page', the first screen of a particular site on the computer to which you are connected, from where access can be had to other subject related `pages'(or screens) at the site and on thousands of other computers all over the world. This is achieved by a process called `hypertext'. By clicking with a mouse device on various parts of the screen, a person connected to the `Net' can go traveling, or surfing' through a of the screen, a person connected to the `Net' can go traveling, or `surfing' through a web of pages to locate whatever information is required.

Anyone can set up a site; promoting your club, your institution, your company's products or simply yourself, is what the Web and the Internet is all about. And what is more, information on the Internet is not owned or controlled by any one organization. It is, perhaps, true to say that no one and therefore everyone owns the `Net'. Because of the relative freedom of access to information, the Internet has often been criticised by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. This perception has proved to be largely false however, and the vast majority of users both young and old get connected with the Internet for the dual purposes for which it was intended - discovery and delight.


1.Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.

2.Using the Internet costs the owner of a telephone extra money.

3.Internet computer connections are made by using telephone lines.

4.The World Wide Web is a network of computerised typewriters.

5.According to the author, the Information Superhighway may be the future hope of education.

6.The process called`hypertext'requires the use of a mouse device.

7.The Internet was created in the 1990s.

8.The `home page'is the first screen of a `Web'site on the `Net'.

9.The media has often criticised the Internet because it is dangerous.

10. The latest technological revolution will change the way humans communicate.


Python网络爬虫与推荐算法新闻推荐平台:网络爬虫:通过Python实现新浪新闻的爬取,可爬取新闻页面上的标题、文本、图片、视频链接(保留排版) 推荐算法:权重衰减+标签推荐+区域推荐+热点推荐.zip项目工程资源经过严格测试可直接运行成功且功能正常的情况才上传,可轻松复刻,拿到资料包后可轻松复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会及时为您解惑,提供帮助。 【资源内容】:包含完整源码+工程文件+说明(如有)等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可轻松复现,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的。 【提供帮助】:有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会及时解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 下载后请首先打开README文件(如有),项目工程可直接复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用。




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