java jdbcrdd_重写JdbcRDD支持Sql命名参数和分区

packageyay.jdbc.rdd;;;importjava.math.BigDecimal;;import java.sql.*;importjava.sql.Date;import java.util.*;/*** This class wraps around a {@linkPreparedStatement} and allows the programmer to set parameters by name instead

* of by index. This eliminates any confusion as to which parameter index represents what. This also means that

* rearranging the SQL statement or adding a parameter doesn't involve renumbering your indices.

* Code such as this:



* Connection conn = getConnection();

* String sql = "select * from my_table where name=? or address=?";

* PreparedStatement p = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

* p.setString(1, "bob");

* p.setString(2, "123");

* ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery();



* Can be replaced with:



* Connection conn = getConnection();

* String sql = "select * from my_table where name=:name or address=:address";

* NamedParameterStatement p = new NamedParameterStatement(conn, sql);

* p.setString("name", "bob");

* p.setString("address", "123");

* ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery();



public class NamedParameterStatement extendsPreparedStatementWrapper

{private static final HashMap>> nameIndexCache = new HashMap>>();private static final HashMap parsedSqlCache = new HashMap();private finalString parsedSql;private final Map>nameIndexMap;/*** Creates a NamedParameterStatement. Wraps a call to

* c.{@linkConnection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String) prepareStatement}.


*@paramconn the database connection

*@paramsql the parameterized sql

*@throwsSQLException if the statement could not be created*/

public NamedParameterStatement(Connection conn, String sql,int resultSetType,int resultSetConcurrency) throwsSQLException






nameIndexMap= new HashMap>();

parsedSql=parseNamedSql(sql, nameIndexMap);

nameIndexCache.put(sql, nameIndexMap);

parsedSqlCache.put(sql, parsedSql);



}/*** Returns the indexes for a parameter.


*@paramname parameter name

*@returnparameter indexes

*@throwsIllegalArgumentException if the parameter does not exist*/

private ListgetIndexes(String name)


List indexes =nameIndexMap.get(name);if (indexes == null)

{throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter not found: " +name);


}/*** Parses a sql with named parameters. The parameter-index mappings

* are put into the map, and the parsed sql is returned.


*@paramsql sql with named parameters

*@returnthe parsed sql*/

private static String parseNamedSql(String sql, Map>nameIndexMap)

{//I was originally using regular expressions, but they didn't work well for ignoring//parameter-like strings inside quotes.

int length =sql.length();

StringBuffer parsedSql= newStringBuffer(length);boolean inSingleQuote = false;boolean inDoubleQuote = false;int index = 1;for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

{char c =sql.charAt(i);if(inSingleQuote)

{if (c == '\'')


inSingleQuote= false;


}else if(inDoubleQuote)

{if (c == '"')


inDoubleQuote= false;


}else{if (c == '\'')


inSingleQuote= true;

}else if (c == '"')


inDoubleQuote= true;

}else if (c == ':' && i + 1 < length && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(sql.charAt(i + 1)))

{int j = i + 2;while (j < length &&Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(sql.charAt(j)))




String name= sql.substring(i + 1, j);

c= '?'; //replace the parameter with a question mark

i += name.length(); //skip past the end if the parameter

List indexList =nameIndexMap.get(name);if (indexList == null)


indexList= new LinkedList();

nameIndexMap.put(name, indexList);








}public void setArray(String name, Array value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setArray(index, value);


}public void setAsciiStream(String name, InputStream value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setAsciiStream(index, value);


}public void setAsciiStream(String name, InputStream value, int length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setAsciiStream(index, value, length);


}public void setBigDecimal(String name, BigDecimal value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBigDecimal(index, value);


}public void setBinaryStream(String name, InputStream value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBinaryStream(index, value);


}public void setBinaryStream(String name, InputStream value, int length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBinaryStream(index, value, length);


}public void setBinaryStream(String name, InputStream value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBinaryStream(index, value, length);


}public void setBlob(String name, Blob value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBlob(index, value);


}public void setBlob(String name, InputStream value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBlob(index, value);


}public void setBlob(String name, InputStream value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBlob(index, value, length);


}public void setBoolean(String name, boolean value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBoolean(index, value);


}public void setByte(String name, byte value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setByte(index, value);


}public void setBytes(String name, byte[] value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setBytes(index, value);


}public void setCharacterStream(String name, Reader value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setCharacterStream(index, value);


}public void setCharacterStream(String name, Reader value, int length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setCharacterStream(index, value, length);


}public void setCharacterStream(String name, Reader value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setCharacterStream(index, value, length);


}public void setClob(String name, Clob value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setClob(index, value);


}public void setClob(String name, Reader value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setClob(index, value);


}public void setClob(String name, Reader value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setClob(index, value, length);


}public void setDate(String name, Date value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setDate(index, value);


}public void setDate(String name, Date value, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setDate(index, value, cal);


}public void setDouble(String name, double value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setDouble(index, value);


}public void setFloat(String name, float value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setFloat(index, value);


}public void setInt(String name, int value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setInt(index, value);


}public void setLong(String name, long value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setLong(index, value);


}public void setNCharacterStream(String name, Reader value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNCharacterStream(index, value);


}public void setNCharacterStream(String name, Reader value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNCharacterStream(index, value, length);


}public void setNClob(String name, NClob value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNClob(index, value);


}public void setNClob(String name, Reader value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNClob(index, value);


}public void setNClob(String name, Reader value, long length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNClob(index, value, length);


}public void setNString(String name, String value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNString(index, value);


}public void setNull(String name, int sqlType) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setNull(index, sqlType);


}public void setObject(String name, Object value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setObject(index, value);


}public void setObject(String name, Object value, int targetSqlType) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setObject(index, value, targetSqlType);


}public void setObject(String name, Object value, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setObject(index, value, targetSqlType, scaleOrLength);


}public void setRef(String name, Ref value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setRef(index, value);


}public void setRowId(String name, RowId value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setRowId(index, value);


}public void setShort(String name, short value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setShort(index, value);


}public void setSQLXML(String name, SQLXML value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setSQLXML(index, value);


}public void setString(String name, String value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setString(index, value);


}public void setTime(String name, Time value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setTime(index, value);


}public void setTime(String name, Time value, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setTime(index, value, cal);


}public void setTimestamp(String name, Timestamp value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setTimestamp(index, value);


}public void setTimestamp(String name, Timestamp value, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setTimestamp(index, value, cal);



@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public void setUnicodeStream(String name, InputStream value, int length) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setUnicodeStream(index, value, length);


}public void setURL(String name, URL value) throwsSQLException

{for(Integer index : getIndexes(name))


ps.setURL(index, value);




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