java wifi定位原理_基于wifi的室内定位方法深度分析.doc




Indoor localization method based on the WiFi signal

学 院(系): 软件学院

专 业: 软件工程

学 生 姓 名: 谢文松

学 号: 201192063

指 导 教 师: 金乃高

评 阅 教 师:

完 成 日 期:


Dalian University of Technology

摘 要



Indoor localization method based on the WiFi signal


Nowadays, people live in an era of mobile Internet, mobile phone has increasingly become the indispensable tool in People's Daily life. The rapid development of smartphones, tablets and so on but also promote the people's demand for mobile location information. With the development of wireless location technology in recent years, indoor positioning technology is becoming a hot spot of attention.Many indoor localization techniques that rely on RF signals from wireless Access Points have been proposed in the last decade. In recent years, research on crowdsourced (also known as “Organic”) Wi-Fi fingerprint positioning systems has been attracting much attention. This participatory approach introduces new challenges that no previously proposed techniques have taken into account. This paper proposes an efficient localization method addressing three major technical issues posed in crowdsourcing based systems. Our novel solution facilitates 1) extracting accurate fingerprint values from short RSS measurement times 2) calibration-free positioning across different devices and 3) maintaining a sing

室内定位算法,有助于研究者认清研究方向,给定位算法一个准确的描述,是很好的参考教材。the possibility for the user to be notified by visible and Waveformof Distance audible warnings using buzzer and led ar to Very close to al 1903 Tme「 samples Fig 4 Distance measurement using the RSSi signal The system is used to determine the distance between Fig. 2. Tag4M Data Acquisition System tags and 2, 3, 4 or more APs. The tag scans after the aps ⅣV. EXPERIMENTS and sends the rssi values for each ap to the ap which is associated The system presented above can be used for objects or In order to read the corresponding rSsi values of all people localization in an indoor enviro found access points, a""operation is implemented at Let's suppose a building where several objects are Tag4M level. The time to scan is smaller than few distributed all over milliseconds, because the tag doesnt associate with the all For a better understanding of the system, it is showed an APs. These values are sent to a pC where the localization experiment where the objects are placed only at one floor. algorithm is implemented in LabVIFW20 10 (see Fig. 5) Each of these objects has attached a tag. The devices are Table I presents a scan operation result. In this case used to determine the location of the objects in the four APs(which are placed in the floor building)named building and the distance between tags and APs. To Hawk, Helicopter, Tag4M and WitagServer are detected measure the distance, the RSSI is processed. This method The corresponding rSSi values(in dBm) measured by the is not very accurate and is strong depended to the Tag4M are reported for every AP environment, but is very easy to implement with the TABLE 1. A SEQUENCE OF RESULTS FOR THE SCANOPERATION The Fig 3 presents the experiment environment for one EXFCUTED ON THE TAG4M DEVICE oor where the colored circles represents the APs and the rectangles represents the objects intended to be located This floor is divided in six rooms separated by walls




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