function [sig,locatoms]= atoms(N,coord,display);% ATOMS Linear combination of elementary Gaussian atoms.%[SIG,LOCATOMS] = ATOMS(N,COORD,DISPLAY) %generates a signal consisting in a linear combination of elementary%gaussian wave packets. The locations of the time-frequency centers % of the different atoms are either fixed by the input parameter COORD %or successively defined by clicking with the mouse (if NARGIN==1). % %N : number of points of the signal%COORD : matrix of time-frequency centers, of the form% [t1,f1,T1,A1;...;tM,fM,TM,AM]. (ti,fi) are the % time-frequency coordinates of atom i, Ti is its time % duration and Ai its amplitude. Frequencies f1..fM should % be normalized (between 0 and 0.5). % If nargin==1, the location of the atoms will be defined% by clicking with the mouse, with the help of a menu. The % default value for Ti is N/4.% DISPLAY display switch. if DISPLAY=1 a figure is displayed,% otherwise nothing is displayed. default value is 1%SIG : output signal.%LOCATOMS : matrix of time-frequency coordinates and durations of the% atoms. %%Example : % sig=atoms(128);% sig=atoms(128,[32,0.3,32,1;56,0.15,48,1.22;102,0.41,20,0.7]); % sig=atoms(128,[32,0.3,32,1;56,0.15,48,1.22;102,0.41,20,0.7],0); %P. Flandrin, May 1995 - O. Lemoine, February 1996.%F. Auger - O. Lemoine, June 1996.% E. Chassande-Mottin, F. Auger, May 1998.%Copyright (c) 1996 by CNRS (France).%%------------------- CONFIDENTIAL PROGRAM -------------------- %This program can not be used without the authorization of its%author(s). For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to % if ( nargin < 1 ), error ( 'At least one parameter required' ) ;endcomp=computer; % so as to know the running computerMatlabVersion=version; MatlabVersion=str2num(MatlabVersion(1));%if MatlabVersion% error('Unfortunately, this version does not run on matlab 4.');%end;if (narginsig=(1+j)*zeros(N,1);t=linspace(0,2*pi,100); locatoms=[];Natoms=0; choice=1;T=N/4; A=1;if (display==1), clf; set(gcf,'Resize','On','NextPlot','Add'); axsig = axes('Units','normal','Visible','on','Box','On',... 'position', [0.10 0.65 0.80 0.25],... 'XLim', [1 N], 'XGrid','on', ... 'YLim', [-1 1],'YGrid','on'); axtfr = axes('Units','normal','Visible','on','Box','On',... 'position', [0.10 0.12 0.80 0.45],... 'XLim',[1 N], 'XGrid','on',... 'YLim',[0 0.5],'YGrid','on'); axes(axtfr); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Normalized frequency'); hold onend;if (nargin==1), fprintf(' Default value for the time-duration : %f\n',T); fprintf(' Default value for the amplitude : %f\n',A); while choice~=5, MaxSig=max(abs(real(sig))); axes(axsig); plot(1:N, real(sig),'g'); if MaxSig==0.0, set(axsig,'XLim',[1 N], 'XGrid','on', 'YLim', [-1 1], 'YGrid','on'); else set(axsig,'XLim',[1 N], 'XGrid','on', 'YLim', [-MaxSig MaxSig],'YGrid','on'); end; title([int2str(Natoms),' Gaussian atom(s)']) choice=menu('ATOMS MENU',... 'Add a gaussian atom',... 'Delete the last atom',... 'Change the time-duration',... 'Change the amplitude',... 'Stop'); if choice==1, axes(axtfr); [t0,f0]=ginput(1); % add a gaussian atom t0=round(max(min(t0,N),1)); f0=max(min(f0,0.5),0.0); locatoms=[locatoms; t0 f0 T A]; axes(axtfr); plot(t0,f0,'x'); plot((t0+j*f0)+(0.5*T*cos(t)+j*(2/(T*pi))*sin(t))) sig=sig + A*amgauss(N,t0,T) .* fmconst(N,f0,t0); Natoms=Natoms+1; elseif (choice==2 & Natoms>=1), % delete last atom t0=locatoms(Natoms,1); f0=locatoms(Natoms,2); Told =locatoms(Natoms,3); Aold =locatoms(Natoms,4); axes(axtfr); AxtfrChildren=get(gca,'Children'); delete(AxtfrChildren(1:2)); if (Natoms==1) Natoms=0; locatoms=[]; sig=(1+j)*zeros(N,1); else sig=sig - Aold*amgauss(N,t0,Told) .* fmconst(N,f0,t0); Natoms=Natoms-1; locatoms=locatoms(1:Natoms,:); end; elseif choice==3, fprintf(' Old time duration : %f\n', T); Told=T; T=input(' New time duration : '); if isempty(T), T=Told; end; elseif choice==4, fprintf(' Old amplitude : %f\n', A); Aold=A; A=input(' New amplitude : '); if isempty(A), A=Aold; end; end end;elseif (nargin>=2), [Natoms,ccoord]=size(coord); if (ccoord~=4), error('Bad dimension for COORD'); end; for k=1:Natoms, t0=round(max(min(coord(k,1),N),1)); f0=max(min(coord(k,2),0.5),0.0); T=coord(k,3); A=coord(k,4); if t0~=coord(k,1), disp('Warning : ti should be between 1 and N'); elseif f0~=coord(k,2), disp('Warning : fi should be between 0 and 0.5'); elseif T error('T must be positive'); elseif A error('A must be positive'); else sig=sig+A*amgauss(N,t0,T) .* fmconst(N,f0,t0); if (display==1), axes(axtfr); plot(t0,f0,'x'); plot((t0+j*f0)+(0.5*T*cos(t)+j*(2/(T*pi))*sin(t))) end; end end locatoms=coord;endif (display==1), hold off MinSig=min(real(sig)); MaxSig=max(real(sig)); axes(axsig); plot(1:N, real(sig),'g'); if MaxSig==0.0, set(axsig,'XLim',[1 N], 'XGrid','on', 'YLim', [-1 1], 'YGrid','on'); else set(axsig,'XLim',[1 N], 'XGrid','on', 'YLim', [-MaxSig MaxSig],'YGrid','on'); end; title([int2str(Natoms),' Gaussian atom(s)'])end;
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