I am using simple threading modules to do concurrent jobs. Now I would like to take advantages of concurrent futures modules. Can some put me a example of using a queue with concurrent library?
I am getting TypeError: 'Queue' object is not iterable
I dont know how to iterate queues
code snippet:
def run(item):
return True
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 100) as executor:
furtureIteams = { executor.submit(run, item): item for item in list(queue)}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(furtureIteams):
f = furtureIteams[future]
I would suggest something like this:
def run(queue):
item = queue.get()
return True
workerThreadsToStart = 10
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 100) as executor:
furtureIteams = { executor.submit(run, queue): index for intex in range(workerThreadsToStart)}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(furtureIteams):
f = furtureIteams[future]
The problem you will run in is that a queue is thought to be endless and as a medium to decouple the threads that put something into the queue and threads that get items out of the queue.
you have a finite number of items or
you compute all items at once
and afterwards process them in parallel, a queue makes no sense.
A ThreadPoolExecutor makes a queue obsolete in these cases.
I had a look at the ThreadPoolExecutor source:
def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): # line 94
self._work_queue.put(w) # line 102
A Queue is used inside.