java spark yarn_Java代码使用Spark on Yarn 方式提交任务到带Kerberos认证的Hadoop集群

本文介绍了如何在Java中使用SparkLauncher API提交任务到Kerberos认证的Hadoop集群。当尝试访问无权限的HDFS时,发现需要使用Kerberos认证。虽然SparkSubmit命令行支持`--keytab`和`--principal`参数,但在Java API中未直接提供。通过查看SparkLauncher源码,找到`addSparkArg`方法,可以添加自定义参数,最终通过添加`--keytab`和`--principal`参数成功完成Kerberos认证。

项目中遇到Spark Yarn方式提交到Hadoop集群,访问集群HDFS时发现使用的当前用户,没有访问权限,经过排查后发现Hadoop集群是带Kerberos认证的集群,需要像hadoop一样使用Kerberos的认证用户登陆,然后查相关资料傻脸了,没有相关的内容,查了半天也只查到了在服务器上使用Spark-Submit命令提交时 加入参数 --keytab  /Kerberos/user.keytab \  --principal user ,但是我使用的java api的 SparkLauncer(),发现API里面没有setKeyTab与setPrincipal方法,然后就卡住了。后面想着去看看SparkLauncer的源码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more

* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with

* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.

* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0

* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with

* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at




* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

* limitations under the License.


package org.apache.spark.launcher;




import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import static org.apache.spark.launcher.CommandBuilderUtils.*;


* Launcher for Spark applications.


* Use this class to start Spark applications programmatically. The class uses a builder pattern

* to allow clients to configure the Spark application and launch it as a child process.



public class SparkLauncher extends AbstractLauncher {

/** The Spark master. */

public static final String SPARK_MASTER = "spark.master";

/** The Spark deploy mode. */

public static final String DEPLOY_MODE = "spark.submit.deployMode";

/** Configuration key for the driver memory. */

public static final String DRIVER_MEMORY = "spark.driver.memory";

/** Configuration key for the driver class path. */

public static final String DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH = "spark.driver.extraClassPath";

/** Configuration key for the driver VM options. */

public static final String DRIVER_EXTRA_JAVA_OPTIONS = "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions";

/** Configuration key for the driver native library path. */

public static final String DRIVER_EXTRA_LIBRARY_PATH = "spark.driver.extraLibraryPath";

/** Configuration key for the executor memory. */

public static final String EXECUTOR_MEMORY = "spark.executor.memory";

/** Configuration key for the executor class path. */

public static final String EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH = "spark.executor.extraClassPath";

/** Configuration key for the executor VM options. */

public static final String EXECUTOR_EXTRA_JAVA_OPTIONS = "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions";

/** Configuration key for the executor native library path. */

public static final String EXECUTOR_EXTRA_LIBRARY_PATH = "spark.executor.extraLibraryPath";

/** Configuration key for the number of executor CPU cores. */

public static final String EXECUTOR_CORES = "spark.executor.cores";

static final String PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON = "spark.pyspark.driver.python";

static final String PYSPARK_PYTHON = "spark.pyspark.python";

static final String SPARKR_R_SHELL = "";

/** Logger name to use when launching a child process. */

public static final String CHILD_PROCESS_LOGGER_NAME = "spark.launcher.childProcLoggerName";


* A special value for the resource that tells Spark to not try to process the app resource as a

* file. This is useful when the class being executed is added to the application using other

* means - for example, by adding jars using the package download feature.


public static final String NO_RESOURCE = "spark-internal";


* Maximum time (in ms) to wait for a child process to connect back to the launcher server

* when using @link{#start()}.


public static final String CHILD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "spark.launcher.childConectionTimeout";

/** Used internally to create unique logger names. */

private static final AtomicInteger COUNTER = new AtomicInteger();

/** Factory for creating OutputRedirector threads. **/

static final ThreadFactory REDIRECTOR_FACTORY = new NamedThreadFactory("launcher-proc-%d");

static final Map launcherConfig = new HashMap<>();


* Set a configuration value for the launcher library. These config values do not affect the

* launched application, but rather the behavior of the launcher library itself when managing

* applications.


* @since 1.6.0

* @param name Config name.

* @param value Config value.


public static void setConfig(String name, String value) {

launcherConfig.put(name, value);


// Visible for testing.

File workingDir;

boolean redirectErrorStream;

ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorStream;

ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputStream;

public SparkLauncher() {




* Creates a launcher that will set the given environment variables in the child.


* @param env Environment variables to set.


public SparkLauncher(Map env) {

if (env != null) {





* Set a custom JAVA_HOME for launching the Spark application.


* @param javaHome Path to the JAVA_HOME to use.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher setJavaHome(String javaHome) {

checkNotNull(javaHome, "javaHome");

builder.javaHome = javaHome;

return this;



* Set a custom Spark installation location for the application.


* @param sparkHome Path to the Spark installation to use.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher setSparkHome(String sparkHome) {

checkNotNull(sparkHome, "sparkHome");

builder.childEnv.put(ENV_SPARK_HOME, sparkHome);

return this;



* Sets the working directory of spark-submit.


* @param dir The directory to set as spark-submit's working directory.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher directory(File dir) {

workingDir = dir;

return this;



* Specifies that stderr in spark-submit should be redirected to stdout.


* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectError() {

redirectErrorStream = true;

return this;



* Redirects error output to the specified Redirect.


* @param to The method of redirection.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to) {

errorStream = to;

return this;



* Redirects standard output to the specified Redirect.


* @param to The method of redirection.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to) {

outputStream = to;

return this;



* Redirects error output to the specified File.


* @param errFile The file to which stderr is written.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectError(File errFile) {

errorStream =;

return this;



* Redirects error output to the specified File.


* @param outFile The file to which stdout is written.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectOutput(File outFile) {

outputStream =;

return this;



* Sets all output to be logged and redirected to a logger with the specified name.


* @param loggerName The name of the logger to log stdout and stderr.

* @return This launcher.


public SparkLauncher redirectToLog(String loggerName) {


return this;


// The following methods just delegate to the parent class, but they are needed to keep

// binary compatibility with previous versions of this class.


public SparkLauncher setPropertiesFile(String path) {

return super.setPropertiesFile(path);



public SparkLauncher setConf(String key, String value) {

return super.setConf(key, value);



public SparkLauncher setAppName(String appName) {

return super.setAppName(appName);



public SparkLauncher setMaster(String master) {

return super.setMaster(master);



public SparkLauncher setDeployMode(String mode) {

return super.setDeployMode(mode);



public SparkLauncher setAppResource(String resource) {

return super.setAppResource(resource);



public SparkLauncher setMainClass(String mainClass) {

return super.setMainClass(mainClass);



public SparkLauncher addSparkArg(String arg) {

return super.addSparkArg(arg);



public SparkLauncher addSparkArg(String name, String value) {

return super.addSparkArg(name, value);



public SparkLauncher addAppArgs(String... args) {

return super.addAppArgs(args);



public SparkLauncher addJar(String jar) {

return super.addJar(jar);



public SparkLauncher addFile(String file) {

return super.addFile(file);



public SparkLauncher addPyFile(String file) {

return super.addPyFile(file);



public SparkLauncher setVerbose(boolean verbose) {

return super.setVerbose(verbose);



* Launches a sub-process that will start the configured Spark application.


* The {@link #startApplication(SparkAppHandle.Listener...)} method is preferred when launching

* Spark, since it provides better control of the child application.


* @return A process handle for the Spark app.


public Process launch() throws IOException {

ProcessBuilder pb = createBuilder();

boolean outputToLog = outputStream == null;

boolean errorToLog = !redirectErrorStream && errorStream == null;

String loggerName = getLoggerName();

if (loggerName != null && outputToLog && errorToLog) {



Process childProc = pb.start();

if (loggerName != null) {

InputStream logStream = outputToLog ? childProc.getInputStream() : childProc.getErrorStream();

new OutputRedirector(logStream, loggerName, REDIRECTOR_FACTORY);


return childProc;



* Starts a Spark application.



* Applications launched by this launcher run as child processes. The child's stdout and stderr

* are merged and written to a logger (see java.util.logging) only if redirection

* has not otherwise been configured on this SparkLauncher. The logger's name can be

* defined by setting {@link #CHILD_PROCESS_LOGGER_NAME} in the app's configuration. If that

* option is not set, the code will try to derive a name from the application's name or main

* class / script file. If those cannot be determined, an internal, unique name will be used.

* In all cases, the logger name will start with "", to fit more

* easily into the configuration of commonly-used logging systems.


* @since 1.6.0

* @see AbstractLauncher#startApplication(SparkAppHandle.Listener...)

* @param listeners Listeners to add to the handle before the app is launched.

* @return A handle for the launched application.



public SparkAppHandle startApplication(SparkAppHandle.Listener... listeners) throws IOException {

LauncherServer server = LauncherServer.getOrCreateServer();

ChildProcAppHandle handle = new ChildProcAppHandle(server);

for (SparkAppHandle.Listener l : listeners) {



String secret = server.registerHandle(handle);

String loggerName = getLoggerName();

ProcessBuilder pb = createBuilder();

boolean outputToLog = outputStream == null;

boolean errorToLog = !redirectErrorStream && errorStream == null;

// Only setup stderr + stdout to logger redirection if user has not otherwise configured output

// redirection.

if (loggerName == null && (outputToLog || errorToLog)) {

String appName;

if (builder.appName != null) {

appName = builder.appName;

} else if (builder.mainClass != null) {

int dot = builder.mainClass.lastIndexOf(".");

if (dot >= 0 && dot < builder.mainClass.length() - 1) {

appName = builder.mainClass.substring(dot + 1, builder.mainClass.length());

} else {

appName = builder.mainClass;


} else if (builder.appResource != null) {

appName = new File(builder.appResource).getName();

} else {

appName = String.valueOf(COUNTER.incrementAndGet());


String loggerPrefix = getClass().getPackage().getName();

loggerName = String.format("", loggerPrefix, appName);


if (outputToLog && errorToLog) {



pb.environment().put(LauncherProtocol.ENV_LAUNCHER_PORT, String.valueOf(server.getPort()));

pb.environment().put(LauncherProtocol.ENV_LAUNCHER_SECRET, secret);

try {

Process child = pb.start();

InputStream logStream = null;

if (loggerName != null) {

logStream = outputToLog ? child.getInputStream() : child.getErrorStream();


handle.setChildProc(child, loggerName, logStream);

} catch (IOException ioe) {


throw ioe;


return handle;


private ProcessBuilder createBuilder() throws IOException {

List cmd = new ArrayList<>();



// Since the child process is a batch script, let's quote things so that special characters are

// preserved, otherwise the batch interpreter will mess up the arguments. Batch scripts are

// weird.

if (isWindows()) {

List winCmd = new ArrayList<>();

for (String arg : cmd) {



cmd = winCmd;


ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()]));

for (Map.Entry e : builder.childEnv.entrySet()) {

pb.environment().put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());


if (workingDir != null) {;


// Only one of redirectError and redirectError(...) can be specified.

// Similarly, if redirectToLog is specified, no other redirections should be specified.

checkState(!redirectErrorStream || errorStream == null,

"Cannot specify both redirectError() and redirectError(...) ");

checkState(getLoggerName() == null ||

((!redirectErrorStream && errorStream == null) || outputStream == null),

"Cannot used redirectToLog() in conjunction with other redirection methods.");

if (redirectErrorStream) {



if (errorStream != null) {



if (outputStream != null) {



return pb;



SparkLauncher self() {

return this;


// Visible for testing.

String findSparkSubmit() {

String script = isWindows() ? "spark-submit.cmd" : "spark-submit";

return join(File.separator, builder.getSparkHome(), "bin", script);


private String getLoggerName() throws IOException {

return builder.getEffectiveConfig().get(CHILD_PROCESS_LOGGER_NAME);



突然发现有个addSparkArg(String name, String value)的方法,眼前一亮感觉有希望,继续跟踪代码发现父类AbstractLauncher实现


* Adds an argument with a value to the Spark invocation. If the argument name corresponds to

* a known argument, the code validates that the argument actually expects a value, and throws

* an exception otherwise.


* It is safe to add arguments modified by other methods in this class (such as

* {@link #setMaster(String)} - the last invocation will be the one to take effect.


* Use this method with caution. It is possible to create an invalid Spark command by passing

* unknown arguments to this method, since those are allowed for forward compatibility.


* @since 1.5.0

* @param name Name of argument to add.

* @param value Value of the argument.

* @return This launcher.


public T addSparkArg(String name, String value) {

SparkSubmitOptionParser validator = new ArgumentValidator(true);

if (validator.MASTER.equals(name)) {


} else if (validator.PROPERTIES_FILE.equals(name)) {


} else if (validator.CONF.equals(name)) {

String[] vals = value.split("=", 2);

setConf(vals[0], vals[1]);

} else if (validator.CLASS.equals(name)) {


} else if (validator.JARS.equals(name)) {


for (String jar : value.split(",")) {



} else if (validator.FILES.equals(name)) {


for (String file : value.split(",")) {



} else if (validator.PY_FILES.equals(name)) {


for (String file : value.split(",")) {



} else {

validator.parse(Arrays.asList(name, value));




return self();


参数放入了 final SparkSubmitCommandBuilder builder, 到这一步基本可以确定这个方法是可以使用的,


SparkAppHandle handle = new SparkLauncher().setSparkHome("/**/spark-2.2.0")




.addSparkArg("keytab", "/**/user.keytab") //此value为kerberos根据用户生成的公钥

.addSparkArg("principal ", "user")//此value为生成公钥时 使用的用户名


修改后,发现有问题 而且全乱套了,后面经过一系列跟源码,才发现又是一个比较二的问题,漏了前面的--符号,想当然的认为可以省略,后面发现API完全没给补上,修改后

SparkAppHandle handle = new SparkLauncher().setSparkHome("/**/spark-2.2.0")




.addSparkArg("--keytab", "/**/user.keytab") //此value为kerberos根据用户生成的公钥

.addSparkArg("--principal ", "user")//此value为生成公钥时 使用的用户名







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