linux rtai qt,RTLinux versus RTAI

By Ismael Ripoll (2002).

License: OPL.

In this document I have tried to put

together the most relevant (in my opinion) characteristics of

RTLinux and RTAI. I did my best, but I know there may be errors...

this document do not intend to be the last word on this issue.

Two approaches to real-time Linux

There are two different approaches to provide real-time performance

with Linux:

Improving the Linux kernel preemption.

Adding a new software layer beneath Linux kernel with full

control of interrupts and processor key features.

There are two working groups on each approach:

TimeSys and Linux kernel preemption

project (supported by MontaVista) took the first approach,

both groups are working in parallel to produce a similar


The second approach is supported by RTLinux and RTAI.

A detailed analysis of the pros and cons of the two alternatives

can be found in the paper Comparing

two approaches to real-time Linux by Tim Bird.

How Real-Time performance is achieved in both, RTLinux and


The answer to this question can be found in the RTAI programming Guide:

"The real-time Linux scheduler treats the Linux

operating system kernel as the idle task. Linux only executes when

there are no real time tasks to run, and the real time kernel is

inactive. The Linux task can never block interrupts or prevent

itself from being preempted. The mechanism that makes this possible

is the software emulation of interrupt control


There are some intrinsic real-time features that are achieved by

just executing real-time tasks in kernel space:

Real-Time tasks (threads) are executed inside kernel memory

space, which prevents threads to be swapped-out and also also the

number of TLB misses is reduced.

Threads are executed in processor supervisor mode (i.e. ring

level 0 in i386 arch), have full access to the underlying


Since the RTOS and the application are linked together in a

"single" execution space, system call mechanism is implemented by

mean of a simple function call (not using a software interrupt

which produces higher overhead).


RTLinux is released under two different licenses:

Open RTLinux Patent License . This license allow you to use

RTLinux without fee in two situations:

By software licensed under the GPL; or

By software that executes within an Open RTLinux Execution

Environment - whether that software is licensed under the GPL or


where "Open RTLinux Execution Environment" means: A computer

hardware system where the interrupt control hardware of processors

and system boards is under the direct control of unmodified

Open RTLinux Software in binary form.

Any modification of the code covered by the Open RTLinux

License must by GPL 2 (fully GPL 2, i.e. the code can not be

closed). It must be open and be available on the web. Since it is

NOT LGPL it is not legal to link with non-GPL code.


License: FSM Labs require you to buy a commercial license if you

want to impose proprietary restrictions on the use of your

productsQT Library done by TrollTech. The main idea of these licenses

is that you can do whatever you want, but if you make money (money

change hands, between you and your customer) then you have to buy a


FSM Labs has patented (U.S. Patent No. 5,995,745) the process of

capturing the interrupts and provide a virtualized hardware to

Linux so that RTLinux can take full control of the machine to

provide hard real-time response. It is a software patent which is

not applicable to Europe, it is only valid in USA.


Mostly LGPL 2. Which means that: users can modify the code (Like any

GPL program) but also it is possible to use proprietary modules

that can be linked or used in conjunction with RTAI code.

The RTAI core is GPL since that work came from RTLinux original

code. The situation of the RTAI license is not clear. It is even

possible (where software patents are enforced, no in EU) that you

have to buy a license from FSM Labs to use RTAI.


From the academic point of view, RTLinux and RTAI are the same,

you can use and modify the code as you like.

The RTAI team tries to allow proprietary development for zero


(by using LGPL license) while RTLinux do not.

RTAI license (LGPL) seems to be not too legal, in the sense that

RTAI is based on GPL code and it is not possible to change the

license without the permission of all the code copyright holders.

In other words, derived work of GPL code can not be released under

a different license.

[Note]The use of the word "seems" in the previous

paragraph, is seen as a way to spread FUD. It is not my intention,

but I'm not a lawyer and it is difficult to give a more detailed

interpretation of the reality.


Mail-list: Active, posted questions got answered.

Main back-company: FSMLabs (



Mail-List: Active, posted questions got answered.

Supporting-companies: DENX Software Engineering (, Pengutronix ( and Sysgo

Realtime Solutions (


Implemented as a POSIX 1003.13 "minimal realtime

operating system". The internal design was driven by the POSIX



RTAI supports it's own API derived from the

RTLinux V1 API. The new features (message queues, mailboxes, etc)

do not follow a coherent API and are incompatible between them. The

same feature is implemented in several ways with different systems


RTAI maintains compatibility with the V1 RTLinux API.

There is a POSIX module which provides POSIX 1003.1c. (PThreads)

and 1003.1b (Pqueues).


i386, PPC, ARM.


i386, MIPS, PPC, ARM, m68k-nommu.


Development stalled at version "3.1" (May-2001).

There are known bugs.

Linux kernel supported: 2.2.19, 2.4.4 (unofficially

2.4.18, no SMP support).


Actively developed. Linux kernel supported:



Current Linux kernel is 2.4.18 (06-03-2003).


Source-level debugging using GDB (DDD), with SMP support. From

within the same target machine (no cross debugging required)

Tracer. It can trace kernel and application events.

POSIX trace.


kgdb: Source-level

debugging from a host linked by a serial line.

Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT). It is a

full-featured tracing system for the Linux kernel. It includes both

the kernel components required for tracing and the user-level tools

required to view the traces.


Dynamic memory

By default, memory must be reserved before the real time thread

has started. No dynamic memory allocation (malloc and

free functions) are available.

Shared memory


MBUFF module (mbuff_alloc, mbuff_free)



Dynamic memory

Support for dynamic memory allocation (rt_malloc,

rt_free). This functions do not have a hard real time

behavior. (Non-POSIX)

Shared memory (RTAILinux)

MBUFF module (mbuff_alloc, mbuff_free)


SHMEM module (rtai_malloc, rtai_free,

rtai_kmalloc, rtai_kfree). Shmem is the RTAI

version, developed by Paolo Mantagazza, which operates in much the

same way but is dependent upon RTAI (Non-POSIX)



UNIX PIPE's like communication mechanism that can be used to

communicate real-time process between them and also with normal

Linux user processes. (non-POSIX)


Jerry Epplin IPC implementation (rt_mq_open, rt_mq_send, etc. )

(obsoleted) (Non-POSIX).



UNIX PIPE's like communication mechanism. Same than in RTLinux.


Also provides a mechanism to create fifos by name.


RTAI provides mailboxes. Messages are ordered in FIFO order.

Different size messages of are allowed. Multiple senders and

receivers can read and write messages to the same mailbox. There

are several sending an receiving functions that provides a lot of

flexibility: blocking, non-blocking, timed and whole/partial


Message queues

Provides four different (incompatible) intertask messages


Message queues compatible with POSIX 1003.b queues. The

functionality is provided by the POSIX compatibility module.

Small (4 bytes) synchronous messages. Messages can be priority

ordered (determined by the compile time option MSG_PRIORD). Also

there are timed sending and receiving primitives.

Extended intertask messaging. Allows to use intertask messages

of any size.

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) do the same thing that

synchronous messages but the tasks are coupled awaiting a reply

from the receiver. RPCs operate like complementary, send and

receive message pairs. (Non-POSIX).


RTAI has extended its API to allow remote (other host)

procedure call RPC. New API functions has been added with the

following syntax: replace the first two letters of the function

name (for example: given the rt_mbx_send(), the new function

RT_mbx_send() has been added); and the new function has two new

parameters: node and port. This feature do not comply with any

communication standard.


Too many incompatible, redundant and non standard features is

not desirable. A RTOS should provide a simple API.



POSIX thread mutex variables. Provides PRIORITY_PROTECT

protocol to deal with the priority inversion problem.

Condition variables

POSIX conditional variables.


POSIX semaphores.



POSIX thread mutex variables. Provides PRIORITY_INHERIT

protocol to cope with the priority inversion problem.

Conditional variables

POSIX conditional variables.


POSIX semaphores.

RTAI semaphores (rtf_sem_init, rtf_sem_wait,

...). The underling mechanism used to implement this semaphores is

the FIFO's blocking features.


User space real-time signals. Hardware interrupts

and timed signals can be handled at user space signal handlers. It

is not possible to call any Linux system calls nor RTLinux services

from these handlers.

New features in the commercial distribution.


Well developed and tested. Caller

LXRT. Same API than in kernel-space real-time,

except the POSIX threads API.

There are three different implementations:

LXRT services (Soft-hard real time in user space)

Soft-hard real time in user space API

rt_task_init rt_sem_init

rt_mbx_init rt_get_adr

rt_register rt_get_name

rt_drg_on_adr rt_drg_on_name


LXRT is a module that allows to use RTAI services in user space.

It is implemented by using RTAI process (being executed in the

kernel space) for every LXRT process to perform the actual function

call. Every time a LXRT process calls a RTAI API function, the

parameters are copied to the RTAI peer process which is the one

that to the real job.

It is possible to use any Linux System calls from a LXRT

process, as well RTAI services.

LXRT user space tasks can interact with kernel space RTAI tasks

by using the same API (share memory, send messages, use semaphores,


Extended LXRT (Hard-hard real time in user space)

Extended hard-hard user space API

rt_make hard_real_time


This is an extension to the original LXRT facility. By calling the

function rt_make hard_real_time(), a LXRT process gets

even higher "priority". The process is scheduled by the Linux

kernel but from a bottom-half (a bottom-half is an internal

Linux kernel utility user to run interrupt services).

From: RTAI Programming

Guide 1.0, page 139 (See references):

"The call to rt_make_hard_real_time allows to take a normal process

out from the Linux running queue by calling schedule() after having

queued the task to a bottom handler. When the bh runs, the task is

scheduled as a hard real time module by lxrt_schedule(), and Linux

will not know of it, while having it still in its process


These kind of processes should not call any Linux System call

that can lead to a task switch, otherwise a deadlock may



Mini RTAI functions

rt_task_init rt_task_delete

rt_insert_tasklet rt_remove_tasklet


rt_timer_init rt_remove_timer

rt_set_timer_priority rt_set_timer_period

rt_set_timer_handler rt_set_timer_data

This module provides a way to execute functions in a similar way

the Linux Kernel 2.4 tasklets are executed. These taskslets

are of two kinds: normal and timed (timer).

They can be used to implement Programmable Logic Controllers

(PLC), and other simple real time sub-systems.

Blocking system calls (Linux or RTAI) should not be called from


Currently, (RTAI 24.1.9) Mini_RTAI_LXRT and LXRT processes can

not be jointly used.


There are two main reasons to run real-time applications in user


A task crash due to a programming bug do not affect the system

stability. The crashing task is terminated, but the system remains

safe. Which yields to faster development.

It is easier than inserting modules into the kernel. The

real-time application is coded and started-up like a normal UNIX


By using POSIX API, it is possible to use the same API both in

user and kernel space. Therefore, it is worthless to "port" (bring

RTAI or RTLinux API) to user space process. In fact, using Xavier

Leroy PThreads [Xavi]

it is possible to implement soft RT applications in user space.

Also, the new preemptible kernel reduces system latency, so it is

possible to have soft real time in normal Linux user processed.

By using user space processes all the advantages of running

inside the kernel space are lost: more TLB misses and heavy system

call mechanism.

In a recent discussion in the Linux-kernel mailing list, Linus

Torvalds talked about user space real-time (see


With RTLinux, you have to split the app up into the "hard realtime"

part (which ends up being in kernel space) and the "rest".

Which is, in my opinion, the only sane way to handle hard realtime.

No confusion about priority inversions, no crap. Clear borders

between what is "has to happen _now_" and "this can do with the

regular soft realtime".





RT-Lab: Real-Time Linux

Experiment Interface System.


Octave, MatLab

& Simulink interface: generate code for RTAI

from Simulink Workshop.

Watchdog module: the highest priority periodic task that takes

protects the systems against tasks errors. Available policies:


Resynchronize the task's frame.


Stretch the period of the offending task.

Slip the offending task by forcibly suspending it for a

percentage of its period.

Suspend the offending task.

Kill the offending task and remove all trace of it.

System information through proc interface.

Scripting language bindings: PERL.

Xenomai: a

project is to help creating emulators of traditional RTOS APIs that

ease the migration from these systems to a GNU/Linux-based

real-time environment. The following API's are available

pSOS+ emulator (complete)

VRTXsa emulator (complete)

VxWorks emulator (complete)

uITRON implementation (underway)




Comedi: linux control and

measurement device interface.


The following table summarizes the differences. Features that

are almost the same in both systems are not included:




i386, PPC, ARM

i386, MIPS, PPC, ARM, m68k-nommu


GPL - Commercial







dynamic and shared


GDB, Event tracer

Cross GDB, LTT



FIFO's, Named FIFO's, Mailboxes, messages,

PQueues, net_rpc

User space Real Time

Signal handlers

LXRT soft, LXRT hard, Mini LXRT



Octave, proc, Watchdog, Scripting,


The term "non-free" is preferred to "commercial" in this

sentence (See FSF recommendations Commercial)

The term "for zero prize" is preferred to "for free" in this

sentence (See FSF recommendations For


The term "imposing proprietary restrictions" is preferred to

"sell" in this sentence (See FSF recommendations Sell


This research was supported by the

IST 2001-35102 OCERA


Please note: This document has been reproduced by with permission of the author.





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