java网络流量测量工具_Net-glimps: 网络流量可视化的一个小工具

Net-glimpse是一款基于Java和JavaScript的网络流量可视化工具,提供对Ethernet和Internet流量的概览。它由两部分组成:1)网络流量可视化;2)通过WebSockets实时流式传输网络接口数据。该工具适用于Linux/Unix(包括Mac OS X)和Windows,依赖于Java 8、Pcap4J、Play Framework 2.5、Akka、p5.js和toxiclibs等技术。要运行Net-glimpse,需要现代浏览器支持WebSockets和WebGL,并根据操作系统安装相应库。


I wanted to have a little tool that can gives me a quick overview on what's going in my network, displaying it in the browser. Tools like tcpdump or Wireshark are great but don't give you this 'glimpse'.

net-glimpse has two parts: 1) Visualization of network traffic (Ethernet and/or Internet), and 2) Streaming of header data from your network interfaces via WebSockets.

Have a look at this video .


Used technologies

Java, JavaScript

Pcap4J ( ) to access network interfaces

Play Framework 2.5 and sbt

Akka to distribute network interface data to multiple WebSockets

Graphics with p5js and physics with toxiclibs

How to run

net-glimpse works on Linux/Unix (including Mac OS X ) and Windows .


net-glimpse needs Java 8 to run.

For the visualizations you need a modern browser (one that supports WebSockets and WebGL).

On Windows it is necessary to install Npcap ( ) OR WinPcap ( ). On Linux/Unix libpcap is needed.

Unzip and change into the unzipped folder

On Linux or Unix to access network interfaces you have to start the net-glimpse either as root or give Java special capabilities, e.g. with sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java (but exchange the path to your Java installation). On Windows you will be ask after starting net-glimpse's batch file if you want to grant access to the network interfaces.

On Unix it might be necessary to make the run script executable: chmod u+x ./bin/net-glimpse

Run on Linux or Unix in the terminal ./bin/net-glimpse - on Windows double-click the ./bin/net-glimpse.bat

You can specify IP and port with the parameters -Dhttp.address and -Dhttp.port . By default localhost and 9000 is used. E.g. ./bin/net-glimpse -Dhttp.address= -Dhttp.port=8080 binds net-glimpse to IP and port 8080 .

If net-glimps does not want to start have a look in its installation folder whether you find a file RUNNING_PID. Delete it and start again.

Try in a browser, e.g. with http://localhost:9000/?nif=myNetworkInterface (instead of myNetworkInterface use the name of the network interface you want to intercept)

net-glimps prints out potential network interface names (NIF) in it's log. You can copy-paste one from there. This is especially handy on Windows where they have names like, e.g. \Device\NPF_{998BB72F-3468-413E-813C-7E3A2E7B591B} which would lead to the URL http://localhost:9000/?nif=\Device\NPF_{998BB72F-3468-413E-813C-7E3A2E7B591B} .

The resulting webpage shows a list of raw packet header data in JSON format.


If you are done with net-glimpse you can stop it with Ctrl+C .

Visualization of network traffic

Endpoints are:





E.g. http://localhost:9000/glimpse?nif=wlp3s0 shows a visualization of the Ethernet layer and the Internet layer of the network interface wlp3s0 .


You can open multiple pages of the same or different network interface(s) at the same time.

Visualization Details

You can press 'p' to pause the drawing at any time

Nodes represent MAC or IP addresses

Node colors are determined by the MAC or IP address

Nodes blink when a new packet is sent

Edges represent sent packets

The arrow shows the direction of the sent packet

The edges get thicker the more packets are sent

The EtherType (in the Ethernet visualization) is annotated at the edge (scroll down - under the graphic is a glossary)

In the Internet visualization if it is a TCP or UDP packet and the port is one of the well known or registered ones (port 0 to 49151) the port is annotated at the edge. The most common port numbers are exchanged with their names, eg. port 22 is exchanged with SSH (scroll down - under the graphic is a glossary).

If it's the Internet and not a TCP or UDP packet then the protocol name is annotated at the edge.

Edges of unknown EtherTypes or Internet packets are black/gray by default (but you can add new types in the config)

Nodes and edges get removed after a while if no packets are sent (default is 10 s)

In fullscreen mode the whole screen is used for the graph(s) - otherwise they have a squared canvas


Many parameters of the visualizations (e.g. colors, node size, node repulsion, cleaning interval) can be changed in ./config/glimpse.conf . Have a look - they have comments.


Streaming of header data from your network interfaces via WebSockets

If you just want to get the header data without the visualization you have to open a WebSocket with the URL /netdata and the network interface you want to intercept has to be specified in the query string with the parameter 'nif'.

E.g. in JavaScript (browser) to get traffic from the network interface wlp3s0 one could write

var socket = new WebSocket(ws://myhost/netdata/?nif=wlp3s0);

or more generally with secure WebSockets and assuming net-glimpse runs on the same host as your JavaScript is served.

var socket = new WebSocket(

((window.location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + + "/netdata/?nif=wlp3s0");

The streamed packet header data are in JSON format.

It is possible to stream different network interfaces in parallel .

It is also possible to stream the same network interface to multiple destinations .

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