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Throughout the implementation of a user program is under the control of OS . A user will be his problem to be solved with a particular programming language written a program after the program Lian Tong Shu Rudao requests executed it within the computer, OS   required the implementation of control of the user program until the end. The implementation of the OS   control user has the following main elements: transferred to the appropriate compiler, will use a programming language's source code compiled into the computer executable object program, distribution, storage and other resources within the program into memory and start, according to the requirements specified by the user deal with events arising in the implementation, and consult with the operator contact the handling of the incident.

System equipment and information resources are operating according to user needs a certain strategy to the allocation and scheduling. OS   memory management unit would be responsible for the memory allocated to the memory of the procedures required to implement it, the program execution after the end of the memory cell to recover it for reuse. For the provision of virtual storage computer systems, OS   and hardware have to do with the paging work, according to the procedure required distribution page, the page will be transferred in the implementation and out of memory and recall page, etc..

Processor management, or processor scheduling, resource management is OS   is another important function. In a program to allow simultaneous multi-channel system, OS   the strategy will be based on a certain processor alternately assigned to the system ready to run the program. A waiting process to run only after access to the processor to run. A program if the experience in running an event, such as temporary external device can not start to run down, or an external event occurred, etc., the operating system should handle the corresponding event, then the processor re-allocation.

OS   function is to determine the human-computer interaction computer system "friendly" of an important factor. Mainly rely on human-computer interaction function can be input and output of the external device and appropriate software to complete. The equipment used for human-computer interaction main keyboard and display, mouse, various pattern recognition equipment. With these devices provide the appropriate operating system software is part of human-computer interaction function. HCI part of the main role is to control the operation of the equipment and understanding and implementing human-computer interaction through a variety of related equipment, orders came and requirements. Early human-computer interaction facilities keyboard display. Operator through the keyboard into the command, the operating system immediately after receiving the order through the implementation of the results display. Into the command may have different ways, but the explanation of each command is clear, only. With the development of computer technology, operational command more and more features are growing. With the recognition, such as voice recognition, character recognition input devices such as the development of operator and computer similar to the restricted natural language or natural language to interact on this level is possible. In addition, human-computer interaction through the graphics are also attracting people to study. These may be called intelligent human-computer interaction human-computer interaction. Research in this area is active.

OS   is the management of computer systems including all hardware and software resources data resources; control program running; to improve the human-machine interface; provide support for other applications, so that the computer system to maximize all resources role to provide users with convenient, efficient, friendly service interface.

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The most frequently used English words in computing and their translations (in no particular order) are: 1. Algorithm - 算法 2. Application - 应用程序 3. Archive - 存档文件 4. Backup - 备份 5. Binary - 二进制 6. Cache - 缓存 7. Clipboard - 剪切板 8. Compiler - 编译器 9. Debugging - 调试 10. Desktop - 桌面 11. Directory - 目录 12. Encryption - 加密 13. Firewall - 防火墙 14. Floppy disk - 软盘 15. Gif - 动态图像格式 16. Hardware - 硬件 17. Icon - 图标 18. Input - 输入 19. Interface - 接口 20. Internet - 互联网 21. Keyboard - 键盘 22. LAN - 局域网 23. Macro - 宏 24. Mainframe - 大型机 25. Memory - 内存 26. Modem - 调制解调器 27. Monitor - 显示器 28. Mouse - 鼠标 29. Network - 网络 30. Operating system - 操作系统 31. Output - 输出 32. Password - 密码 33. Peripheral - 外设 34. Printer - 打印机 35. Program - 程序 36. Protocol - 协议 37. Queue - 队列 38. Resolution - 分辨率 39. Scanner - 扫描仪 40. Screen - 屏幕 41. Software - 软件 42. Spreadsheet - 电子表格 43. Storage - 存储 44. System - 系统 45. Terminal - 终端 46. Text editor - 文本编辑器 47. Token - 令牌 48. URL - 统一资源定位符 49. UserName - 用户名 50. Utility - 工具 51. Video card - 显卡 52. Virtual memory - 虚拟内存 53. Virus - 病毒 54. Web - 网络 55. Wireless - 无线 56. Website - 网站 57. XML - 可扩展标记语言 58. Queue - 队列 59. Router - 路由器 60. Server - 服务器 61. Client - 客户端 62. CPU - 中央处理器 63. Database - 数据库 64. Ethernet - 以太网 65. FTP - 文件传输协议 66. GUI - 图形用户界面 67. HTML - 超文本标记语言 68. ISP - 互联网服务提供商 69. MP3 - 压缩型音乐文件格式 70. POP - 邮局协议 71. RAID - 磁盘阵列 72. TCP/IP - 传输控制协议/因特网协议 73. USB - 通用串行总线 74. VGA - 视频图像阵列 75. WAN - 广域网 76. WYSIWYG - 所见即所得 77. Bluetooth - 蓝牙 78. DNS - 域名系统 79. Firewall - 防火墙 80. HTML5 - 超文本标记语言第五版 81. IMAP - Internet邮件访问协议 82. Java - Java编程语言 83. Linux - Linux操作系统 84. MPEG - 动态图像压缩标准 85. PHP - 超文本预处理器 86. RSS - 资源描述框架 87. SQL - 结构化查询语言 88. UNIX - 类Unix操作系统 89. VPN - 虚拟专用网络 90. Wi-Fi - 无线局域网 91. WLAN - 无线局域网 92. XML - 可扩展标记语言 93. AJAX - 异步JavaScript和XML 94. HTTPS - 带安全套接字的超文本传输协议 95. JSON - JavaScript对象表示 96. SEO - 搜索引擎优化 97. VoIP - 语音通过互联网传输协议 98. WebGL - Web图形库 99. XML Sitemap - XML网站地图 100. Yammer - 企业社交网络平台 注意:该列表并非按照单词使用频率排序。


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