
                select * from logs where date='20170211';
                select * from logs where date='20170211';
        -》创建分区表:PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)
        create table emp_part(
        empno int,
        ename string,
        job string,
        mgr int,
        hiredate string,
        sal double,
        comm double,
        deptno int
        partitioned by (date string)
        row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
        load data local inpath '/opt/datas/emp.txt' into table emp_part partition (date='20170211');
        load data local inpath '/opt/datas/emp.txt' into table emp_part partition (date='20170212');

        select * from emp_part where date='20170212';
        create table emp_part_2(
        empno int,
        ename string,
        job string,
        mgr int,
        hiredate string,
        sal double,
        comm double,
        deptno int
        partitioned by (date string,hour string)
        row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
        load data local inpath '/opt/datas/emp.txt' into table emp_part_2 partition (date='20170211',hour='00');
            load data local inpath 'linux_filepath' into table tablename;
            load data local inpath '/opt/modules/hive-0.13.1-bin/student.txt' into table tmp2_table;
            load data  inpath 'hdfs_filepath' into table tablename;
            load data local inpath '/opt/modules/hive-0.13.1-bin/student.txt' overwrite into table tmp2_table;
            create table tmp2_table2 as select * from tmp2_table;
            create tabletmp2_table3(col_comment……) location 'hdfs_filepath';
            insert into|overwrite table tbname select *……
            create table tmp2_table4(
            num string ,
            name string
            row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
            stored as textfile;
            insert into table tmp2_table4 select * from tmp2_table;
            insert overwrite [local] directory 'path' select *……
                insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/tmp2_table' select * from tmp2_table2;
                insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/tmp2_table' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' select * from tmp2_table2;
                insert overwrite directory '/tmp2_table' select * from tmp2_table2;
                insert overwrite directory '/tmp2_table' row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' select * from tmp2_table2;
        -》通过hive -e 或者 -f 执行hive的语句,将数据执行的结果进行重定向保存即可
        -》export table tmp2_table to '/export';
        -》import table tmp2_table5 from '/export';
                select empno,ename,deptno from emp where deptno='30';
                select * from  emp limit 3;
                select distinct deptno from emp;
        -》between and,> <、is null ,is not null,in,not in
                select * from emp where empno>7500;
                select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;
                select * from emp where comm is not null;
            -》select count(1) cnt from emp;
            -》select max(sal) max_sal from emp;
            -》select avg(sal) max_sal from emp;
        -》group by ,having
                select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
                select deptno,avg(sal) avg from emp group by deptno having avg >2000;
            -》等值join(inner join):两边都有的值进行join
                select a.empno,a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname from emp a inner join dept b on a.deptno=b.deptno;
            -》left join:以左表的值为基准
                select a.empno,a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname from emp a left join dept b on a.deptno=b.deptno;
            -》right join:以右表的值为基准
                select a.empno,a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname from emp a right join dept b on a.deptno=b.deptno;
            -》full join:以两张表中所有的值为基准
                select a.empno,a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname from emp a full join dept b on a.deptno=b.deptno;
        In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
          set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
        In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
          set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
        In order to set a constant number of reducers:
          set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
        -》order by:对某一列进行全局排序
            select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp order by sal desc;
            insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/order' select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp order by sal desc;
        -》sort by:对每个reduce进行内部排序,如果只有一个reduce,等同于order by
            set mapreduce.job.reduces=2
            insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/sort' select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp sort by sal desc;
        -》distribute by:对数据按照某个字段进行分区,交给不同的reduce进行处理
                            一般与sortby连用,必须放在sort by前面
            insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/distribute' select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp distribute by empno sort by sal desc;
        -》cluster by:当我们的distribute by与sort by使用的是同一个字段时,可用cluster by
            insert overwrite local directory '/opt/datas/distribute' select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp cluster by sal desc;
        -》格式:f_name() over (partition by col order by col)
                select empno,ename,deptno,sal from emp order by sal desc;
                select empno,ename,deptno,sal,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by deptno order by sal desc) as number from emp;
                select empno,ename,deptno,sal,max(sal) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc) as max_sal from emp;
                    value2: 偏移量
                    select empno,ename,deptno,sal,lead(sal,1,0) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc)  from emp;
                    value2: 偏移量
                    select empno,ename,deptno,sal,lag(sal,1,0) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc)  from emp;
        -》user define function:用户自定义函数
            -》UDTF: 一进多出
            31/Aug/2015:00:04:37 +0800    -》        2015-08-31 00:04:37
                add jar /opt/datas/dateudf.jar;
                create temporary function dateudf as 'com.hpsk.bigdata.hive.udf.DateFormat';
                select dateudf('31/Aug/2015:00:04:37 +0800') date from emp;

    -》hive shell
            -》启动在后台运行:bin/hiveserver2 &
            -》bin/beeline -h
                       -u <database url>               the JDBC URL to connect to
                       -n <username>                   the username to connect as
                       -p <password>                   the password to connect as
                    bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://bigdata-training01.hpsk.com:10000 -n hpsk -p hpsk
                    !connect jdbc:hive2://bigdata-training01.hpsk.com:10000
    -》fetch task
            Some select queries can be converted to single FETCH task minimizing latency.
            Currently the query should be single sourced not having any subquery and should not have
            any aggregations or distincts (which incurs RS), lateral views and joins.
            1. minimal : SELECT STAR, FILTER on partition columns, LIMIT only
            2. more    : SELECT, FILTER, LIMIT only (TABLESAMPLE, virtual columns)
        -》BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE: 该记录在文件块中的偏移量
        -》ROW__OFFSET__INSIDE__BLOCK: 行的偏移量,默认不启用
          <description>The mode in which the Hive operations are being performed.
             In strict mode, some risky queries are not allowed to run. They include:
               Cartesian Product.
               No partition being picked up for a query.
               Comparing bigints and strings.
               Comparing bigints and doubles.
               Orderby without limit.
            -》使用order by时,如果不用limit,也不允许运行





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