
Exercise 9.1: Matrix operations


           Calculate A + A, AA^T, A^TA and AB. Write a function that computes A(B -tI) for any t.




A + A = [[-0.59334828  0.8884575  -1.36523816 ... -2.02030659  0.19453275
 [-2.81791186 -2.88267176 -1.03896815 ...  0.50513996  1.49173622
 [ 1.81893223 -0.97778773 -0.24765626 ... -0.14222241  1.10786192
 [ 2.58180949  0.43558676  0.72247307 ... -1.4871005   0.04631172
 [ 1.5098593  -1.27361792  2.5884521  ...  1.89708659  0.98811815
 [-7.64837192 -0.14700114 -1.58280627 ...  2.32408483  2.58086481
A * A^T = [[470.44338692  42.29280712  17.10223612 ...  18.91100284  15.67769139
 [ 42.29280712 475.70038961 -11.58347091 ... -15.97459961  16.07904308
  -11.8156372 ]
 [ 17.10223612 -11.58347091 471.39535028 ...  -3.54325763 -22.74446501
 [ 18.91100284 -15.97459961  -3.54325763 ... 458.76332228  23.34234596
 [ 15.67769139  16.07904308 -22.74446501 ...  23.34234596 472.47156727
 [ 40.75185721 -11.8156372    5.16384204 ...  -1.45594504 -13.31998639
A^T * A = [[232.80738856   7.95941402  15.37981253 ... -14.05881828 -20.71737172
 [  7.95941402 186.35319519  20.66773885 ...   3.39549772 -10.86798494
   10.8023167 ]
 [ 15.37981253  20.66773885 200.55277055 ...  -8.24671455 -23.38532638
 [-14.05881828   3.39549772  -8.24671455 ... 204.24581984 -15.25325464
 [-20.71737172 -10.86798494 -23.38532638 ... -15.25325464 191.8058579
 [-13.49575832  10.8023167    3.60540781 ...  -0.83971902  -4.18234635
A * B = [[-104.11890528 -127.50165662  -74.0060889  ...  -73.41391463
   -27.45200506  -97.81103017]
 [  17.43003568  132.62518782   92.59608437 ...   57.63015635
   123.20641659   30.82112076]
 [ 173.68506942  176.05025446  117.74589784 ...  189.7801047
   127.43363064  118.65265685]
 [-190.80779557  -75.98950803  -15.5155604  ... -179.06148314
  -154.89361858  -84.96796462]
 [  -3.34434955 -124.00123772  -45.13904847 ... -135.10616698
   -87.78819411  -75.75593386]
 [ -15.47863655  -33.75863698   59.53654699 ...  106.40775681
    57.62160209  -60.303528  ]]
Please enter t: 
A * (B - tI) = [[-103.22888286 -128.83434287  -71.95823165 ...  -70.38345474
   -27.74380419 -100.98483839]
 [  21.65690347  136.94919546   94.1545366  ...   56.8724464
   120.96881226   31.32014411]
 [ 170.95667108  177.51693606  118.11738223 ...  189.99343831
   125.77183776  125.18406616]
 [-194.6805098   -76.64288816  -16.59927001 ... -176.83083239
  -154.96308616  -84.07232023]
 [  -5.6091385  -122.09081083  -49.02172662 ... -137.95179686
   -89.27037133  -76.18639703]
 [  -4.00607867  -33.53813526   61.9107564  ...  102.92162957
    53.75030488  -57.20694939]]


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

A = np.mat(np.random.randn(200, 500))
B = np.mat(toeplitz([np.random.randint(0,10) for i in range(500)]))

print("A + A = ",end="")
print(A + A)

print("A * A^T = ",end="")
print(A * (A.T))

print("A^T * A = ",end="")
print(A.T * A)

print("A * B = ",end="")
print(A * B)

t = (float)(input("Please enter t: \n"))
C = B
for i in range(500):
    C[i, i] = C[i , i] - t
print("A * (B - tI) = ",end="")
print(A * C)

Exercise 9.2: Solving a linear system


           Generate a vector b with m entries and solve Bx = b.




b = [[3]
x = [ 1.15838139e+00]
 [ 1.15685576e+00]


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

# A = np.mat(np.random.randn(200, 500))
B = np.mat(toeplitz([np.random.randint(0,10) for i in range(500)]))
b = np.mat(np.random.randint(10, size=(500, 1)))

print("b = ",end="")

print("x = ",end="")
print(B.I * b)

Exercise 9.3: Norms


           Compute the Frobenius norm of A:||A||F and the innity norm of B. Also nd the largest and smallest singular values of B.




the Frobenius norm of A: 316.4697694002661
the infinity norm of A: 268.4652239616853
Max singular values: 2165.778668032877
Min singular values: -158.09589104357846


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

A = np.mat(np.random.randn(200, 500))
B = np.mat(toeplitz([np.random.randint(0,10) for i in range(500)]))

print("the Frobenius norm of A: ",end="")
sum = 0
for i in range(200):
    for j in range(500):
        sum += A[i, j] ** 2

print("the infinity norm of A: ",end="")
max = 0
for i in range(200):
    sum = 0
    for j in range(300):
        sum += np.fabs(A[i, j])
    if sum > max:
        max = sum

x = np.linalg.eigvals(B)
max = 0
min = 0
for i in range(500):
    if x[i] > max:
        max = x[i]
    if x[i] < min:
        min = x[i]
print("Max singular values: ", end="")
print("Min singular values: ", end="")

Exercise 9.4: Power iteration


           Generate a matrix Z, n * n, with Gaussian entries, and use the power iteration to nd the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of Z. How many iterations are needed till convergence? Optional: use the time.clock() method to compare computation time when varying n.




the largest eigenvalue of Z: iterations needed: 192
largest eigenvalue: [[15.25915122]]
corresponding eigenvector: [[-0.09026188]
 [ 0.12826422]
 [ 0.15051927]
 [ 0.43330653]
 [ 0.10297349]
 [ 0.22702661]
 [ 0.45739333]]


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz

Z = np.mat(np.random.randn(200, 200))
# B = np.mat(toeplitz([np.random.randint(0,10) for i in range(500)]))

print("the largest eigenvalue of Z: ",end="")
t = 0
tmp = 0
maxi = 0
last = maxi + 1
y = np.mat(np.ones(200))
y = y.T
x = y

while np.fabs(maxi - last) > 0.00001:
    last = maxi
    x = Z * y
    tmp = max(x)
    y = x / y
    t = t + 1

print("iterations needed: ", end="")
print("largest eigenvalue: ", end="")
print("corresponding eigenvector: ", end="")

Exercise 9.5: Singular values


           Generate an n*n matrix, denoted by C, where each entry is 1 with probability p and 0 otherwise. Use the linear algebra library of Scipy to compute the singular values of C. What can you say about the relationship between n, p and the largest singular value?




n = 10
 p = 0.1
 result = (1+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.2
 result = (1+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (3.0056441200294044+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.4
 result = (4.384673955948278+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.5
 result = (5.221011084230081+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (5.276175173542105+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (7.440423491970307+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.8
 result = (7.757232980358522+0j)
n = 10
 p = 0.9
 result = (9.533492200247167+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.1
 result = (2.0049144518608095+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.2
 result = (3.6124443794089585+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (6.611297165762469+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.4
 result = (7.570977403284739+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.5
 result = (9.546442350332846+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (11.947833697011028+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (13.819637287221628+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.8
 result = (16.516489712286493+0j)
n = 20
 p = 0.9
 result = (18.109965025315887+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.1
 result = (3.6440981108469317+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.2
 result = (5.673336100367789+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (8.40759472207094+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.4
 result = (12.899568557880066+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.5
 result = (15.085403174055337+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (18.320594577899147+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (20.898662730299506+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.8
 result = (24.256599019315715+0j)
n = 30
 p = 0.9
 result = (27.326856598773734+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.1
 result = (3.9918360026793613+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.2
 result = (7.615524926774821+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (13.079821998812237+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.4
 result = (15.572456966973137+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.5
 result = (19.68051998962197+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (23.860768371299418+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (27.34178318446844+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.8
 result = (31.738692544160273+0j)
n = 40
 p = 0.9
 result = (36.16824365272423+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.1
 result = (4.885068211737687+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.2
 result = (9.64360321244893+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (14.800216443708042+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.4
 result = (19.252331979323433+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.5
 result = (24.872098680785097+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (30.08332613992508+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (34.638601651856476+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.8
 result = (40.143339289496666+0j)
n = 50
 p = 0.9
 result = (44.44618792604578+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.1
 result = (6.215823037834183+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.2
 result = (12.190633425036994+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (18.545991505965045+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.4
 result = (24.24301895782981+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.5
 result = (30.737320462868677+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (35.69411460253234+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (41.261086359269335+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.8
 result = (47.470966053100526+0j)
n = 60
 p = 0.9
 result = (54.26054719954475+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.1
 result = (6.81037153802264+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.2
 result = (14.528085100057709+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (20.6319396220105+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.4
 result = (27.268429875418498+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.5
 result = (34.432537650547026+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (42.39183261540491+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (48.72193105694764+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.8
 result = (56.285041347268844+0j)
n = 70
 p = 0.9
 result = (62.97676309730214+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.1
 result = (8.202670465891142+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.2
 result = (15.621062102724345+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (24.50114963179705+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.4
 result = (32.0718561408664+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.5
 result = (39.7540179658928+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (47.29314443925617+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (55.203575907625876+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.8
 result = (63.80445862239928+0j)
n = 80
 p = 0.9
 result = (72.11563908528714+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.1
 result = (8.718519737561946+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.2
 result = (18.47622678914926+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (27.34468015309816+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.4
 result = (35.65166940947665+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.5
 result = (45.81694041516667+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (53.93267926888739+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (63.19974021972269+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.8
 result = (72.1576820709366+0j)
n = 90
 p = 0.9
 result = (80.89275079611768+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.1
 result = (10.071819882840305+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.2
 result = (20.31166667459846+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.30000000000000004
 result = (29.644030021455738+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.4
 result = (39.80697528380786+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.5
 result = (49.79353805067437+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.6000000000000001
 result = (59.37254798023554+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.7000000000000001
 result = (69.38277234053848+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.8
 result = (79.97792865290907+0j)
n = 100
 p = 0.9
 result = (89.78564146546881+0j)


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from scipy.linalg import eigvals

def deal(n, p):
    Z = []
    for i in range(n):
        newLine = []
        for j in range(n):
            if np.random.random() <= p:
    x = eigvals(np.mat(Z))
    return max(x)

for n in [10*(i + 1) for i in range(10)]:
    for p in [0.1*(i + 1) for i in range(9)]:
        print("n = ",end="")
        print(" p = ", end="")
        print(" result = ", end="")
        print(deal(n, p))

Exercise 9.6: Nearest neighbor


           Write a function that takes a value z and an array A and nds the element in A that is closest to z. The function should return the closest value, not index.
            Hint: Use the built-in functionality of Numpy rather than writing code to nd this value manually. In particular, use brackets and argmin.




A is [[ 0.42254129 -0.87117165  0.42894451 ... -0.63444994 -1.43767193
 [ 1.28752472 -0.26346702 -0.29326016 ...  1.07772979  0.71711088
 [ 0.49012752 -0.90246077  0.74779149 ...  0.07699471  0.06608078
   1.0728209 ]
 [ 2.25830666  1.45357656 -1.72138887 ...  0.06410362  0.14600388
 [ 0.10719701 -0.85852098  0.35197164 ...  2.41304663 -0.48824605
 [ 0.50518307  0.19371635  0.12307002 ... -0.29543703 -0.54018174
z is 0.965436
nearest neighbor is 0.422541


import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
from scipy.linalg import eigvals

A = np.random.randn(200, 200)
z = np.random.random()

min = 1000
num = 0
for i in range(200):
    for j in range(200):
      if np.fabs(A[i, j] - z) < min:
          min = np.fabs(i - j)
          num = A[i, j]
print("A is ", end="")
print("z is %f" % z)
print("nearest neighbor is %f" % num)

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