[笔记迁移][Spark][8] Spark源码——内核架构1


  • Application
  • spark-submit
  • Driver
  • SparkContext
  • Master
  • Worker
  • Executor
  • Job
  • DAGScheduler
  • TaskScheduler
  • ShuffleMap Task
  • Result Task


(1)窄依赖: 一个RDD,对它的“父”RDD, 只有简单的一对一依赖关系。 即RDD的每个partition,仅仅依赖于“父”RDD中的一个partition。
(2)宽依赖: 一个RDD,对它的“父”RDD, 是一对多/多对多依赖关系。 即RDD的每个partition,依赖于“父”RDD中的多个partition(每一个“父”RDD中的partition的数据,都可能传输一部分到下一个RDD的每个partition中)。


   [1] standalone模式,基于Spark的Master-Worker集群
   [2] 基于yarn-cluster模式
   [3] 基于yarn-client模式


   [1] yarn-client只用于测试。因为Driver进程固定运行在本地,负责调度Application,会与yarn集群产生超大量的网络通信,从而导致网卡流量激增。好处在于,直接执行时,在本地可以看到所有log。
   [2] yarn-cluster用于生产环境。因为Driver运行在NodeManager,不存在流量激增的问题。用集群中的随机节点代替本地固定节点运行ApplicationMaster进行调度。缺点在于调试不方便,本地用spark-submit提交后看不到log,只能通过yarn-application-logs {APPLICATION_ID} 命令查看。
   [3] 要使用yarn模式,需要在conf/spark-env.sh中,export HADOOP_HONE=… …

4. SparkContext


      case SPARK_REGEX(sparkUrl) =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl (sc )
        val masterUrls = sparkUrl.split( ",").map("spark://" + _)
        val backend = new StandaloneSchedulerBackend (scheduler , sc , masterUrls )
        scheduler.initialize (backend)     //TaskScheduler创建完成
        ( backend, scheduler)

//TaskSchedulerImpl 源码注释
 * Schedules tasks for multiple types of clusters by acting through a SchedulerBackend.
 * It can also work with a local setup by using a `LocalSchedulerBackend` and setting
 * isLocal to true. It handles common logic, like determining a scheduling order across jobs, waking
 * up to launch speculative tasks(推测任务), etc.
 * Clients should first call initialize() and start(), then submit task sets through the
 * runTasks method.

  def initialize(backend: SchedulerBackend) {
    this. backend = backend
    schedulableBuilder = {
      schedulingMode match {
        case SchedulingMode. FIFO =>
          new FIFOSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
        case SchedulingMode. FAIR =>
          new FairSchedulableBuilder(rootPool, conf)
        case _ =>
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported $SCHEDULER_MODE_PROPERTY: " +
          s "$schedulingMode ")

  override def start () {
    backend.start()    //关键在于调用backend的start()

    if (! isLocal && conf.getBoolean("spark.speculation" , false)) {
      logInfo("Starting speculative execution thread" )
      speculationScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay( new Runnable {
        override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryOrStopSparkContext(sc) {
//描述了当前执行的自定义应用 Appication ※非常重要
private[spark] caseclass ApplicationDescription(
    name: String,
    maxCores: Option[Int],  //shell脚本对应的num-executors*executor-cores
    memoryPerExecutorMB: Int,  //shell脚本的executor-memory
    command: Command,
    appUiUrl: String,
    eventLogDir: Option[URI] = None,
    // short name of compression codec used when writing event logs, if any (e.g. lzf)
    eventLogCodec: Option[ String] = None ,
    coresPerExecutor: Option[Int] = None,
    // number of executors this application wants to start with,
    // only used if dynamic allocation is enabled
    initialExecutorLimit: Option[Int] = None,
    user: String = System. getProperty("user.name" , "<unknown>" )) {

  override def toString : String = "ApplicationDescription(" + name + ")"
 * Interface allowing applications to speak with a Spark standalone cluster manager.
 * Takes a master URL, an app description, and a listener for cluster events, and calls
 * back the listener when various events occur.
 * @param masterUrls Each url should look like spark://host:port.
private[spark] class StandaloneAppClient(
    rpcEnv: RpcEnv,
    masterUrls: Array[ String],
    appDescription: ApplicationDescription,
    listener: StandaloneAppClientListener,
    conf: SparkConf)
  extends Logging

     * Register with all masters asynchronously. It will call `registerWithMaster` every
     * Once we connect to a master successfully, all scheduling work and Futures will be cancelled.
     * nthRetry means this is the nth attempt to register with master.
    private def registerWithMaster (nthRetry : Int) {
      registerMasterFutures. set( tryRegisterAllMasters())
      registrationRetryTimer. set(registrationRetryThread.schedule( new Runnable {
        override def run(): Unit = {
          if (registered.get) {
            registerMasterFutures.get.foreach(_.cancel( true))
          } else if (nthRetry >= REGISTRATION_RETRIES) {
            markDead( "All masters are unresponsive! Giving up." )
          } else {
            registerMasterFutures.get.foreach(_.cancel( true))
            registerWithMaster(nthRetry + 1)


     *  Register with all masters asynchronously and returns an array `Future`s for cancellation.
    private def tryRegisterAllMasters (): Array[JFuture[_]] = {
      for ( masterAddress <- masterRpcAddresses) yield {
        registerMasterThreadPool.submit( new Runnable {
          override def run(): Unit = try {
            if (registered.get) { 
            logInfo( "Connecting to master " + masterAddress.toSparkURL + "..." )
            val masterRef = rpcEnv.setupEndpointRef(masterAddress, Master.ENDPOINT_NAME)
            masterRef.send(RegisterApplication(appDescription, self))
          } catch {
            case ie: InterruptedException => // Cancelled
            case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(s"Failed to connect to master $masterAddress", e)
 * The high-level scheduling layer that implements stage-oriented scheduling. It computes a DAG(有向无环图) of
 * stages for each job, keeps track of which RDDs and stage outputs are materialized(写入磁盘/内存), and finds a
 * minimal schedule to run the job. It then submits stages as TaskSets to an underlying
 * TaskScheduler implementation that runs them on the cluster. A TaskSet contains fully independent
 * tasks that can run right away based on the data that's already on the cluster (e.g. map output
 * files from previous stages), though it may fail if this data becomes unavailable.
 * Spark stages are created by breaking the RDD graph at shuffle boundaries. RDD operations with
 * "narrow" dependencies, like map() and filter(), are pipelined together into one set of tasks
 * in each stage, but operations with shuffle dependencies require multiple stages (one to write a
 * set of map output files, and another to read those files after a barrier). In the end, every
 * stage will have only shuffle dependencies on other stages, and may compute multiple operations
 * inside it. The actual pipelining of these operations happens in the RDD.compute() functions of
 * various RDDs
 * In addition to coming up with a DAG of stages, the DAGScheduler also determines the preferred
 * locations to run each task on, based on the current cache status, and passes these to the
 * low-level TaskScheduler. Furthermore, it handles failures due to shuffle output files being
 * lost, in which case old stages may need to be resubmitted. Failures *within* a stage that are
 * not caused by shuffle file loss are handled by the TaskScheduler, which will retry each task
 * a small number of times before cancelling the whole stage.
 * When looking through this code, there are several key concepts:
 *  - Jobs (represented by [[ActiveJob]]) are the top-level work items submitted to the scheduler.
 *    For example, when the user calls an action, like count(), a job will be submitted through
 *    submitJob. Each Job may require the execution of multiple stages to build intermediate data.
 *  - Stages ([[Stage]]) are sets of tasks that compute intermediate results in jobs, where each
 *    task computes the same function on partitions of the same RDD. Stages are separated at shuffle
 *    boundaries, which introduce a barrier (where we must wait for the previous stage to finish to
 *    fetch outputs). There are two types of stages: [[ResultStage]], for the final stage that
 *    executes an action, and [[ShuffleMapStage]], which writes map output files for a shuffle.
 *    Stages are often shared across multiple jobs, if these jobs reuse the same RDDs.
 *  - Tasks are individual units of work, each sent to one machine.
 *  - Cache tracking: the DAGScheduler figures out which RDDs are cached to avoid recomputing them
 *    and likewise remembers which shuffle map stages have already produced output files to avoid
 *    redoing the map side of a shuffle.
 *  - Preferred locations: the DAGScheduler also computes where to run each task in a stage based
 *    on the preferred locations of its underlying RDDs, or the location of cached or shuffle data.
 *  - Cleanup: all data structures are cleared when the running jobs that depend on them finish,
 *    to prevent memory leaks in a long-running application.
 * To recover from failures, the same stage might need to run multiple times, which are called
 * "attempts". If the TaskScheduler reports that a task failed because a map output file from a
 * previous stage was lost, the DAGScheduler resubmits that lost stage. This is detected through a
 * CompletionEvent with FetchFailed, or an ExecutorLost event. The DAGScheduler will wait a small
 * amount of time to see whether other nodes or tasks fail, then resubmit TaskSets for any lost
 * stage(s) that compute the missing tasks. As part of this process, we might also have to create
 * Stage objects for old (finished) stages where we previously cleaned up the Stage object. Since
 * tasks from the old attempt of a stage could still be running, care must be taken to map any
 * events received in the correct Stage object.
 * Here's a checklist to use when making or reviewing changes to this class:
 *  - All data structures should be cleared when the jobs involving them end to avoid indefinite
 *    accumulation of state in long-running programs.
 *  - When adding a new data structure, update `DAGSchedulerSuite.assertDataStructuresEmpty` to
 *    include the new structure. This will help to catch memory leaks.
private[spark] class DAGScheduler(
    private[scheduler] val sc : SparkContext,
    private[scheduler] val taskScheduler : TaskScheduler ,
    listenerBus: LiveListenerBus,
    mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTrackerMaster,
    blockManagerMaster: BlockManagerMaster,
    env: SparkEnv,
    clock: Clock = new SystemClock ())
  extends Logging

private[spark] class SparkUI private (
    val store: AppStatusStore,
    val sc: Option[SparkContext],
    val conf: SparkConf,
    securityManager: SecurityManager,
    var appName: String,
    val basePath: String,
    val startTime: Long,
    val appSparkVersion: String)
  extends WebUI(securityManager, securityManager.getSSLOptions( "ui"), SparkUI.getUIPort(conf),
    conf, basePath, "SparkUI")
  with Logging
  with UIRoot


private[spark] object SparkUI {
  val DEFAULT_PORT = 4040
  val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "org/apache/spark/ui/static"
  val DEFAULT_POOL_NAME = "default"

5. Master

    Spark Master主备切换可以基于两种机制:一种基于文件系统如HDFS(需要手动激活StandbyMaster以切换),一种基于ZooKeeper(可实现自动切换Master)。

private[deploy] class Master(
    override val rpcEnv : RpcEnv,
    address: RpcAddress,
    webUiPort: Int,
    val securityMgr: SecurityManager,
    val conf: SparkConf)
  extends ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint with Logging with LeaderElectable
//总结清理机制:1. 从内存缓存结构中移除;2.从相关的组件内存缓存中移除;3.从持久化存储移除  
private def completeRecovery() {
    // Ensure "only-once" recovery semantics using a short synchronization period.
    if (state != RecoveryState.RECOVERING) { return }
    state = RecoveryState.COMPLETING_RECOVERY

    // Kill off any workers and apps that didn't respond to us.
    workers.filter(_.state == WorkerState.UNKNOWN). foreach(
      removeWorker(_, "Not responding for recovery"))
    apps.filter(_.state == ApplicationState.UNKNOWN). foreach(finishApplication)

    // Update the state of recovered apps to RUNNING
    apps.filter(_.state == ApplicationState.WAITING). foreach(_.state = ApplicationState.RUNNING)

    // Reschedule drivers which were not claimed by any workers
    drivers.filter(_.worker.isEmpty). foreach { d =>
      logWarning(s "Driver ${d.id} was not found after master recovery" )
      if (d.desc.supervise) {
        logWarning(s "Re-launching ${d.id}" )
      } else {
        removeDriver(d.id, DriverState.ERROR, None)
        logWarning(s "Did not re-launch ${d.id} because it was not supervised" )

    state = RecoveryState.ALIVE
    logInfo("Recovery complete - resuming operations!" )

  private def removeWorker (worker : WorkerInfo, msg: String) {
    logInfo("Removing worker " + worker .id + " on " + worker .host + ":" + worker.port )
    worker.setState(WorkerState.DEAD )
    idToWorker -= worker.id   //内存缓存HashMap
    addressToWorker -= worker.endpoint.address

    for ( exec <- worker. executors.values ) {
      logInfo("Telling app of lost executor: " + exec .id )
      exec.application. driver. send(ExecutorUpdated(
        exec.id, ExecutorState.LOST, Some( "worker lost"), None, workerLost = true))
      exec.state = ExecutorState.LOST
      exec.application. removeExecutor(exec)
    for ( driver <- worker. drivers. values) {
      if (driver.desc.supervise) {
        logInfo(s"Re-launching $ {driver .id }" )
        relaunchDriver(driver )
      } else {
        logInfo(s"Not re-launching $ {driver .id } because it was not supervised" )
        removeDriver(driver .id , DriverState. ERROR, None)
    logInfo(s"Telling app of lost worker: " + worker .id )
    apps.filterNot(completedApps.contains(_)). foreach { app =>
      app.driver.send(WorkerRemoved(worker.id, worker.host, msg))

private[spark] class WorkerInfo(
    val id: String,
    val host: String,
    val port: Int,
    val cores: Int,
    val memory: Int,
    val endpoint: RpcEndpointRef,
    val webUiAddress: String)
  extends Serializable

  private def relaunchDriver (driver : DriverInfo) {
    // We must setup a new driver with a new driver id here, because the original driver may
    // be still running. Consider this scenario: a worker is network partitioned with master,
    // the master then relaunches driver driverID1 with a driver id driverID2, then the worker
    // reconnects to master. From this point on, if driverID2 is equal to driverID1, then master
    // can not distinguish the statusUpdate of the original driver and the newly relaunched one,
    // for example, when DriverStateChanged(driverID1, KILLED) arrives at master, master will
    // remove driverID1, so the newly relaunched driver disappears too. See SPARK-19900 for details.
    removeDriver( driver. id, DriverState.RELAUNCHING, None)
    val newDriver = createDriver(driver .desc )
    waitingDrivers += newDriver  //ArrayBuffer


private def removeDriver (
      driverId: String,
      finalState: DriverState,
      exception: Option[ Exception]) {
    drivers.find(d => d.id == driverId) match {
      case Some(driver ) =>
        logInfo(s"Removing driver: $ driverId")
        drivers -= driver
        if (completedDrivers.size >= RETAINED_DRIVERS) {
          val toRemove = math.max (RETAINED_DRIVERS / 10 , 1 )
        completedDrivers += driver
        driver.state = finalState
        driver.exception = exception
        driver.worker.foreach(w => w.removeDriver(driver))
      case None =>
        logWarning(s"Asked to remove unknown driver: $ driverId")

  private def finishApplication (app : ApplicationInfo) {
    removeApplication( app, ApplicationState.FINISHED)

  def removeApplication( app: ApplicationInfo, state: ApplicationState.Value) {
    if (apps.contains(app)) {
      logInfo("Removing app " + app .id )
      apps -= app
      idToApp -= app.id
      endpointToApp -= app.driver
      addressToApp -= app.driver.address

      if (completedApps.size >= RETAINED_APPLICATIONS) {
        val toRemove = math.max (RETAINED_APPLICATIONS / 10 , 1 )
        completedApps.take(toRemove). foreach { a =>
      completedApps += app // Remember it in our history
      waitingApps -= app

      for ( exec <- app. executors.values ) {
      if (state != ApplicationState.FINISHED) {
        app. driver. send(ApplicationRemoved(state.toString))

      // Tell all workers that the application has finished, so they can clean up any app state.
      workers.foreach { w =>
        w. endpoint.send(ApplicationFinished(app.id))


    case RegisterApplication(description , driver ) =>
      // TODO Prevent repeated registrations from some driver
      if (state == RecoveryState.STANDBY) {
        // ignore, don't send response
      } else {
        logInfo("Registering app " + description .name )
        val app = createApplication (description , driver )
        registerApplication(app )
        logInfo("Registered app " + description .name + " with ID " + app .id )
        driver. send(RegisteredApplication(app.id, self))

  private def createApplication (desc : ApplicationDescription, driver: RpcEndpointRef):
      ApplicationInfo = {
    val now = System. currentTimeMillis()
    val date = new Date( now)
    val appId = newApplicationId( date)
    new ApplicationInfo(now , appId , desc , date , driver , defaultCores)

  private def registerApplication (app : ApplicationInfo): Unit = {
    val appAddress = app. driver. address
    if (addressToApp.contains(appAddress)) {
      logInfo("Attempted to re-register application at same address: " + appAddress)

    apps += app  //apps - HashSet
    idToApp(app.id) = app
    endpointToApp(app.driver) = app
    addressToApp(appAddress) = app
    waitingApps += app  //waitingApps - ArrayBuffer


 case DriverStateChanged(driverId , state , exception ) =>
      state match {
        case DriverState. ERROR | DriverState.FINISHED | DriverState.KILLED | DriverState.FAILED =>
          removeDriver(driverId , state , exception )
        case _ =>
          throw new Exception(s"Received unexpected state update for driver $driverId: $state ")

  private def removeDriver (
      driverId: String,
      finalState: DriverState,
      exception: Option[ Exception]) {
    drivers.find(d => d.id == driverId) match {
      case Some(driver ) =>
        logInfo(s"Removing driver: $ driverId")
        drivers -= driver
        if (completedDrivers.size >= RETAINED_DRIVERS) {
          val toRemove = math.max (RETAINED_DRIVERS / 10 , 1 )
        completedDrivers += driver
        driver.state = finalState
        driver.exception = exception
        driver.worker.foreach(w => w.removeDriver(driver))
      case None =>
        logWarning(s"Asked to remove unknown driver: $ driverId")
    case ExecutorStateChanged(appId , execId , state , message , exitStatus ) =>
      val execOption = idToApp.get(appId). flatMap(app => app.executors.get(execId))
      execOption match {
        case Some (exec ) =>
          val appInfo = idToApp(appId)
          val oldState = exec.state
          exec.state = state

          if (state == ExecutorState .RUNNING ) {
            assert( oldState == ExecutorState.LAUNCHING,
              s"executor $ execId state transfer from $oldState to RUNNING is illegal")
            appInfo. resetRetryCount()

          exec.application.driver.send(ExecutorUpdated( execId, state, message, exitStatus, false ))

          if (ExecutorState .isFinished (state )) {
            // Remove this executor from the worker and app
            logInfo(s"Removing executor ${ exec.fullId} because it is $state ")
            // If an application has already finished, preserve its
            // state to display its information properly on the UI
            if (!appInfo .isFinished ) {
              appInfo. removeExecutor(exec)
            exec.worker.removeExecutor( exec)

            val normalExit = exitStatus == Some(0)
            // Only retry certain number of times 10 so we don't go into an infinite loop.
            // Important note: this code path is not exercised by tests, so be very careful when
            // changing this `if` condition.
            if (!normalExit
                && appInfo .incrementRetryCount () >= MAX_EXECUTOR_RETRIES
                && MAX_EXECUTOR_RETRIES >= 0 ) { // < 0 disables this application-killing path
              val execs = appInfo .executors .values
              if (!execs .exists (_.state == ExecutorState.RUNNING)) {
                logError(s"Application ${ appInfo. desc. name} with ID ${appInfo .id } failed " +
                  s "${ appInfo. retryCount} times; removing it" )
                removeApplication(appInfo , ApplicationState. FAILED)
        case None =>
          logWarning(s"Got status update for unknown executor $appId/$ execId")


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