The retrospective material for final English exam(unit_1 identify)

unit_1 identify

Getting prepared - academic exploration 1

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. trait(n. [C] (fml.) a particular quality in sb.'s character (某人性格中的)特性,品质)
      • Though an almost universal human trait, crying is something of a mystery to science. 尽管“哭”是一项几乎普遍的人类特征,但从科学的角度来说,“哭”仍然是一个谜。
    • Identity traits can be ascribed, achieved or chosen.
    • 一个人的身份特征是可以被赋予的、努力获取的或主动选择的.
    1. ascribe(释义**~ sth. to sb. / sth.** phr. v.

      • 1 to believe that sth. or sb. has a particular quality 认为······是······的特点
      • 2 to claim that sth. is caused by a particular person, situation, etc. 把······归因于)
      • Those who were involved in the local cultural heritage activities ascribed value and significance to their own actions and beliefs._ 那些参与当地文化遗产活动的人认为自己的行为和信仰具有价值和意义。
      • There is a troubling phenomenon that some high-achieving individuals ascribe their accomplishments to luck rather than individual skill and merit._ 一个令人不安的现象是,一些高成就的人把他们的成就归因于运气,而不是个人的技能和优点。
    • Identity traits can be ascribed, achieved or chosen. An ascribed trait is one that you are born with; examples include your ethnicity, your birthplace, and being the child and possibly the sibling of certain people.
    • 一个人的身份特征是可以被赋予的、努力获取的或主动选择的。被赋予的是你与生俱来的特征,例如你的种族、出生地,以及某人的孩子或手足。
    1. sibling(释义 n._ [C] (fml.) a brother or sister 兄弟;姊妹)
      • There can be intense competition among siblings for the attention and recogniton of their parents._ 兄弟姐妹之间为了获得父母的关注和认可可能会有激烈的竞争。
    • An ascribed trait is one that you are born with; examples include your ethnicity, your birthplace, and being the child and possibly the sibling of certain people.
    • 被赋予的是你与生俱来的特征,例如你的种族、出生地,以及某人的孩子或手足。
    1. affiliation(释义n._ [C, U] the connection or involvement that sb. or sth. has with a political, religious, etc. organization (与政治、宗教等组织的)联系,从属关系)
      • The attractiveness of a group is reinforced when its group members offer more fun, security, love or affiliation. 当一个群体的成员能够带来更多的乐趣、安全感、关爱或归属感时,这个群体的吸引力也会得到增强。
    • An identity such as a club membership or affiliation with a political party is chosen
    • 俱乐部会员或政党成员的身份则是你所选择的。
    1. multilingual(释义adj._ using, speaking, or written in several different languages 使用多种语言的;以多种语言表达的)
      • Multilingual people are keen observers of the world around them, and are more skilled at interpreting the social environment._ 会说多种语言的人善于观察周围世界,更善于解读社会环境。
    • Is speaking your native language, for example, ascribed (because you were born into the family and country where that language was spoken), achieved (because you studied the language and became more proficient), or even chosen (if you grew up in a multilingual country, but preferred one language over another)?
    • 举个例子,你的母语是被赋予的特征(理由是你出生在讲这种语言的家庭和国家),还是你所获取的特征(理由是你通过学习,更加精通这门语言),抑或是你所选择的特征(设想你在一个多语言的国家长大,而你更倾向于使用其中的一种语言)?
    1. stubborn(释义adj._ determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable 固执的,顽固的,执拗的)
      • A new medical study says that being stubborn is actually one of the personality traits that help people live longer._ 一项新的医学研究表明,固执实际上是一种有助于延长寿命的性格特质。
    • Although traits can be positive (intelligent; loyal) or negative (stubborn; criminal), people are more affected by how similar or different their traits are compared to those of other people.
    • 身份特征可以是正面的(如聪明、忠诚),也可以是负面的(如固执、犯罪),但对人们影响更大的是他们与别人身份特征的异同。
    1. rivalry(释义n._ [C, U] (pl. rivalries) a situation in which two or more people, teams, or companies are competing for sth., esp. over a long period of time, and the feeling of competition over them (尤指长期的)竞争,竞赛,较量)
      • A strong sense of collective identity can prevent the rivalry of separate groups deteriorating into serious conflict._ 强烈的集体认同感可以防止不同群体之间的竞争恶化为严重的冲突。
    • A friendly rivalry between two sports teams isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when rivalries are taken too far or tensions arise over differences about larger social issues, the consequences can be more serious.
    • 两个球队之间的友好竞争不一定是件坏事,但是,如果对抗过于激烈,或者在更大的社会问题上出现分歧、导致紧张,后果可能会更加严重。
    1. foster(释义vt._ to help a skill, feeling, idea, etc. develop over a period of time 促进,培养,助长)
      • A number of voluntary initiatives seek to foster a sense of belonging to the society on the part of young people._ 许多志愿活动力求培养青年人的社会归属感。
    • The challenge, then, for both leaders and all of us in society is to foster the positive effects of group membership while avoiding the negative ones.
    • ** 因此,对于置身社会之中的领导者和我们每个人,大家所面临的挑战是促进群体成员身份发挥积极作用,与此同时,避免其消极影响。**
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. She said exactly what she thought, without thinking about the consequence/ consequences.
    2. In general, shyness is a personality trait that is partly biological and partly environmental.
    3. International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ multilingual staff members.
    4. I can only ascribe the uncommon behavior of the strangers I meet to my being a foreigner.
    5. I have categorized my social media contacts into family, close friends, and work colleagues.
    6. The city hopes historic districts will foster a sense of community, which can be lacking in young and fast-growing places.
    7. Laughing at the same joke would help us to show affiliation with others, and this may be why it is especially infectious.
    8. Once you graduate from school, you will start to feel fierce rivalry/ rivalries as you compete for a good job.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. Although sustained sibling rivalry can result in behavioral problems and issues with relationship-building later in life, milder forms have been shown to have a beneficial impact on development in childhood.虽然持续的手足之争可能会导致孩子在以后的生活中出现行为问题和关系构建方面的问题,但温和的竞争已被证明有利于儿童的发展。
    2. Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their existing beliefs or hypotheses. 确认偏误是指人们倾向于偏好能证实自己已有信念或假设的信息。
    3. We all have the potential for stubborn tendencies, but in people with a strong fear of change, stubbornness can become a dominant pattern. 我们都可能有固执的倾向,但在那些强烈害怕改变的人身上,固执可能成为一种主导模式。
    4. The view of self in a profession consists of beliefs, values, motives, and experiences, which are used to define and guide individual growth and practice.职业中的自我观由信念、价值观、动机和经历构成,它们被用来定义和指导个人成长和实践。

Getting prepared - academic exploration 2

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. correlation (n. [C, U] a connection between two ideas, facts, etc., esp. when one may be the cause of the other 相互关系;关联;因果关系)
      • This research was designed to examine the correlation among personality traits, conflict resolution styles and relationship quality between married couples.本研究旨在考查已婚夫妻的性格特征、冲突解决方式和夫妻关系质量之间的关联性。
    • And what they found was unexpected: namely, no correlation at all between the participants’ scores on personality tests when they were 14 years old and the same tests when they were 77 years old.
      • 他们的发现出人意料:参与者在14岁时的性格测试得分与77岁时参加同一测试的得分之间完全没有关联性。
    1. tempt (vt. to make sb. want to have or do sth., even though they know they really should not 诱惑,引诱,诱使)
      • Food-related signals, such as a fast-food sign or TV commercial, often have the power to tempt people even when they aren’t hungry.与食物相关的信号,比如快餐店招牌或者电视广告,往往能诱惑人,即便是在人们不饿的时候。
    • If you didn’t like the person at that time, you might be tempted to refuse the connection.
    • 如果多年前你不喜欢这个人,现在你很可能会拒绝这种联系。
    1. co-worker (n. [C] sb. who works with you and has a similar position 同事,同僚)
      • It often feels like you spend more time at work than at home, and a friendly co-worker can make your work life more enjoyable. 你时常会觉得自己在工作上花的时间要比在家里的长,而一个友好的同事能让你的职场生活更愉快。
    • Personality forms a large part of a worker’s suitability for a job, both in dealing with co-workers and in dealing with clients.
    • 无论是与同事相处还是跟客户打交道,性格都是员工是否适合一份工作的重要影响因素。
    1. procrastinate (vi. (fml.) to delay doing sth. that you ought to do, usu. because you do not want to do it 耽搁,拖延)
      • In a 2010 study, researchers found that more than 70% of the interviewees procrastinate, with about 20% consistently doing it all the time._ 在一项2010年的研究中,研究人员发现超过70%的受访者会拖延,且大约20%的受访者持续不断地拖延。
    • If you’re the sort of person who says things like “I have a quick temper” or “My problem is I can’t help procrastinating” or “I’ve always been too sensitive, and I blame myself whenever something goes wrong,” it should be good news to know that these personality traits are not ones you have to keep.
    • 有的人会说“我脾气急”,“我的问题是忍不住拖延”,又或者“我总是太敏感,事情出错的时候我会责怪自己”,如果你是这样的人,那么得知这些性格特征并非不可改变,应该是个好消息。
    1. self-esteem (n. [U] the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected 自尊(心))
      • Self-esteem can influence life in various ways, from academic and professional successes to relationships and mental health.自尊心能够影响生活中的方方面面,从学术和事业上的成就到人际关系,还有心理健康。
    • Although some therapists do good work helping patients accept themselves as they are, to build self-esteem, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to eliminate negative personality traits than to learn to accept them?
    • 虽然一些心理医生能够卓有成效地帮助患者接受自己原本的样子,以帮助他们建立自尊;但是,消除负面性格特征难道不比学会接受它们更为有益吗?
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. The survey was distributed to over 1000 people, but unfortunately, only about half of the participants completed it correctly.
    2. Is there any correlation between gender and personality traits.
    3. When I don’t understand something even after the teacher has explained it twice, I feel frustrated.
    4. This psychology journal has an interesting article about a very comprehensive study carried out on a group of 500 volunteers.
    5. The applicant was rated very high in technical skills, but rather low in social skills.
    6. The results of my research suggest that identity is important in all cultures in the world.
    7. Fast-food chains will tempt you with more efficient takeout options.
    8. Sharing family photos in the workplace helps co-workers become and remain connected.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. The scope of the study was broad: it took into account such variables as age, gender, hours per week spent online, and years of online use.
      1. 这项研究的范围很广:诸如年龄、性别、每周上网时间和网龄等变量均被考虑在内。
    2. I was surprised by the outcome of the study, which suggested that the majority of people exaggerated information about themselves, held information back, and in some cases, even posted information that wasn’t true.
      1. 研究结果显示大多数人都会夸大与自己相关的信息,隐瞒信息,在一些情况下甚至会发布不实信息,这一结果让我感到惊讶。
    3. People may procrastinate when they are confused by the complexity of a task or when they’re overly distracted or fatigued.
      1. 当人们对复杂的任务感到困惑时,注意力不集中或太过疲劳时,人们可能会拖延。
    4. Each person’s experience is different, but over the course of the lifespan, self-esteem seems to rise and fall in predictable, systematic ways.
      1. 虽然每个人的经历不同,但在人的一生中,自尊心似乎以可预测的、系统性的方式起伏。




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